Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2552: Decisive battle, within forty-eight hours!

For a moment, Jin Yuyan’s heart was high and smashed. Between the two, Li Yao was really regarded as an unrelenting cultivator – still the most ferocious and cunning.

He fixed his eye on Guan Yu and discovered that Li Yao’s black robes, which were made up of infinite souls, were broken, broken limbs, broken limbs, and the pattern of intestines wearing rots, such as thousands of squirming. Living worms.

This pattern is alive!

The horrible corpse and the tormented living people are intertwined into a whirlpool of fear, and the soul of Jin Yuyan is deeply sucked in. The general deacon of Wanjie Commercial League can hear countless people screaming in his ear. : "Tragic, miserable, miserable..."

This is really... too abnormal!

Jin Yuyan could not help but shudder.

Although he is a cultivator, in general, he is more willing to be a Sven, a murderous businessman who is not bloody, is not the kind of demon who is happy with killing and abuse, and is deeply involved in these cultivators. The mouse is ashamed.

Jin Yuyan instinctively reacted, stepping back half a step, full of vigilance: "You..."

"Golden Deacon -"

Li Yao continued to squat on the scorpion, fluttering and screaming, horrible to say, half said that he was not right, coughed twice, restored the normal tone, and waved the black fog around, enchanting, The messy sound and light effects were all closed, revealing the original appearance of the guest room window, and then the strange black robe of the body was also smashed down, replaced with loose vests and crotch, and even the channel, "I’m sorry, just now. Practice, some fascinated, didn't scare you?"

Jin Yuyan stunned and watched Li Yao change his face instantly. From the dark and dark demon of the sinister sinister, he suddenly turned into an ordinary young man with a face full of sunshine. He took a long time to say: "What to practice?"

“How to practice the role of the ‘the king of the black wind’!”

Li Yaoli said of course, "Next, I will enter and exit the empire's upper class with the face of the 'King of the Black Wind', and mix it with many people who cultivate the immortals. Of course, we must practice well and try our best to show that there is no flaw.

"So, according to my own understanding, I interpret the character of "King of the Black Wind" from twelve different perspectives. I think that according to his experience and the road to rise, the character of this character should be ambition. Vibrant, unscrupulous, rough and rude, a little treacherous, but faintly inferior.

"In particular, this is a low self-esteem. It is the core of the whole character. After all, he was born with humbleness. It is a coincidence that miracles have risen, and there is no foundation. They are eager to play their own fame in the empire, so they will act recklessly and even madly risk-- Including this super-perverted black robe, he is eager to reveal his symbol of ferocity, tyranny, and tyranny, but it is too late, but it makes him look impetuous and easy to be used.

"How, Laojin, do you think that the character I am shaping is reasonable? Can you fool the past? Oh, I haven’t practiced the fairy, I’m a beginner, a good and a bad one. You criticize it a lot. ""

"You are still learning to learn..."

Jin Yuyan looked at Li Yao’s face of incomparable sincerity and humility, and once again gave birth to an unspeakable sense of powerlessness. He smiled bitterly. “I really don’t understand who you are, vulture Li Yao, what are you? Is the comprehension still a cultivator, the king of the black wind or the special envoy of the government of exile in the Xinghai Republic, is it to innovate the empire or to destroy the empire?

"Maybe, Qi Yuanbao guessed it right, the Black Wind Fleet did not destroy the Firefly, but was swallowed by the Firefly. Although I couldn't think of it, what kind of accident could cause the Black Wind Fleet to be wiped out, but Is the only reasonable explanation!"

"Maybe, but who is swallowing who is different?"

Li Yao spread his hands and lay down on the soft collapse. He opened his legs and smiled. "What is the difference between the self-cultivator, the immortal, the king of the black wind, the special envoy of the Xinghai Republic? Do you want to buy it at your store?" Things, the immortal can be discounted, the comprehension will have to double the price?

"In short, I have proved that I have a strong strength. If I really swallow up the Black Wind Fleet, then the power I control will only be stronger than the Black Wind Fleet, and there will be huge markets and business opportunities in the Star Beach. These things are not deceiving people, right?

"In this case, your cooperation will only bring greater profits, and it will be more secure. It will be profitable for both parties. Why bother to die?"

Jin Yuyan sighed and said: "I think so, so I came alone to talk to you. Otherwise, I have already sent troops to surround this place."

"That will be the most stupid decision you have made in your life."

Li Yao said lightly, "Do you really think that the three or five gods in the district, plus thousands of ugly people, can stop the king? Oh, when the king really wants to leave, the emperor can't stop, the seven sea market I can’t stop it, the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi can’t stop it, and you’re the smug-stricken traffickers, and naturally can’t stop it!”

Perceived the strong killing and domineering of Li Yao’s body, Jin Yuyan lost his mind again.

Unexpectedly, Li Yao finished, and he smiled and smeared his face. "How, old gold, I can do this acting, not bragging with you, I am coming out to walk in the rivers and lakes, the starry sea, by virtue of It’s this face!”

Jin Yuyan has been silent for a long time, taking a deep breath: "Enough, I don't care who you are. In short, we all have a common enemy. No matter what intrigues or intrigues, we will win the Seven Seas. War, then, agree?"

"Very much agree!"

Li Yaodao, "Right to the point, how do you talk to the warlords and the guys in the four major families who are swinging inside, knowing the date when the four family federations started the jump?"

"There is good news and bad news. The good news is that I talked very well with these people. Almost everyone signed a new secret agreement with us and concluded a very strong covenant."

Jin Yuyan paused and explained further. "Although everyone used to have some secrets in the past, most of them did not leave a mark of the soul. The details are not clear. The attitude is quite embarrassing. You can turn your face at any time.

"But this time, I have clarified the wall of the two rats at the two ends. The distribution of interests after the victory, including the development rights of the world and the market share of the wild world, must be seen in this battle.

"With the arrival of the support of the Black Wind Fleet, many people have strengthened their confidence in our army. There are always people who want to put all their chips on our side.

"This kind of thing is a chain reaction like snowballing. As long as someone takes the lead, more and more people will keep up. When more than half of them are firmly on our side, the remaining half will not want to follow. It is.

"In short, most of the warlords, the local snakes and even the middle of the four major families have left a mark of the soul and a large number of military secrets. They are regarded as 'names'. These things are discovered by the top four family members, and the consequences are very serious. Therefore, they It’s ironic and we’re doing it.

"But the intelligence of all people, the bad news has followed - the four major family federations with unprecedented strength have been assembled, and it is expected that the total attack will be launched within forty-eight hours, known as the 'Million Starship United Army', a whole Millions of starships will jump to the seven-sea star field at the same time, and our defense system will be rigorous and will be instantly rushed!"

"Million Starship?"

Li Yao’s nose is "smack!"

Li Yao is also a veteran of the long-running battlefield. Naturally, he knows what the chaos of the Star Wars is all about—it is no different from the ancient wars of tens of thousands of years ago.

In the ancient wars, the imperial courts that were still in the feudal society launched the "Millions of Armies" expedition. How could it be possible with the technical level and organizational capabilities of the time?

In fact, it is said that the "millions of the army", at least 50% of the water, and the remaining 50% of the majority of the people are heavy and heavy, the real soldiers can have more than 10,200,000, even if the soldiers In the middle, it is called elite, can not die, and the white blade is forward, and there are only one or two.

In other words, it is known as the "millions of the army", and among them, three or five thousand can really fight, and all of them are regarded as "skilled in training".

In the Xinghai era, although the technology was unprecedentedly developed, the battlefield and logistics supply lines were expanded and extended to the point where the four major families were in a state of separation. It was impossible to mobilize sufficient resources and strength to support a “million”. The battle of the battleship.

The "millions of warships" and "millions of starships" are far apart.

Li Yao estimates that it is possible to count all the logistics supply ships, barges and even lifeboats, and it is possible to make up for one million starships, but the number of warships will never exceed 200,000.

The vast majority of these two or three hundred thousand warships belong to the warlords and head snakes in the outer world of the empire—that is, the group of people who are eyeing at the moment with the Wanjie Business Alliance.

According to the current situation, this group of people is not going to fight against each other. Even if they are worthy of the four electors, they will never attack the Seven Seas market.

Even in the fleet of the four major families, I am afraid that there are countless captains, staff officers, and even the commanders of the fleets who are hesitant to think about whether or not to build the old man’s head.

Therefore, the situation should not be so severe on the surface, and their winning percentage is still very high.

The same is true of Jin Yuyan’s views.

Despite the contrast of paper strength, Wanjie Commercial League did not even have one-tenth of the four major family coalition forces.

However, the strength of the seven-five family coalition forces belonged to all warlords and local snakes. As long as they gave them enough benefits and let them see the hope of victory, they would always fulfill the secret contract and counterattack.

The true reliance of the four major family coalition forces is the eight "quasi-class" fleets drawn from the family self-governing territories, known as the "eight kings."

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