Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2553: King Kong Super arsenal!

When Li Yao came to the empire, it was not short. He had a deep understanding of the various types of main battleships on which the empire relied on the Xinghai. He knew that two or three hundred years ago, the imperial military had a short period of "cannon revival". .

Originally, in today's increasingly advanced crystal design and giant warrior maintenance technology, the individual combat capability is getting stronger and stronger, and the warships are increasingly inclined to combine the fire output platform and the integrated supply platform, rather than the leading edge of the blade. .

A hundred and ten masters, wearing the crystals that are armed to the teeth, and entering the enemy starship, may reimburse a star ship that costs billions or even billions, even if it does not destroy the starship of the other side. You can lose up to a hundred of the best players in your own hands - before these masters die, they can always fight off many other people.

Under such a price-performance disadvantage, it is obviously uneconomical to spend a lot of military expenses to build a larger-scale starship. It is better to put resources in the construction of the battlefield and the restoration and imitation of the giant soldiers.

However, the technology of Jingsheng and Giants is developing. The firepower output, the psionic shield and the unmanned operation technology of the starship are also constantly developing. The "cannon giant ship" is always the dream of the military, and finally someone has proposed - When the crystal brain and the spirit net technology develop to the extreme, the battle cockroaches and various forms of drones and remote-controlled cosmic mines can converge into a surging flood, and with a sufficient number of naval guns, all enemies can be destroyed. Including the most powerful crystal scorpion and giant soldiers!

"The giant gods are by no means invincible. As long as there are enough battles and drones, the firepower of the naval guns is enough to form a continuous and inexhaustible fire net, and it will surely defeat the giant soldiers!

"If you can't beat it, then there are not enough battles and turrets. The fire net is not enough. If you can build 100,000 turrets on a starship, what kind of enemy can't be destroyed?"

This was the argument of some artillery giants at the time.

And they are not just talking about it, they have been doing theoretical calculations and tests for decades in the most authoritative military laboratory of the empire, and they have proved their opinions in numerous virtual battlefield tests. Equipped with hundreds of thousands of psionic scorpions and drones, and equipped with at least 10,000 heavy-duty guns, the 'super arsenal ship', indeed playing the ordinary giant soldiers, even if the virtual index of these giant soldiers It is also difficult to break through the 'super arsenal' interception fire network.

The result of this cannot be ignored by the imperial military.

After all, the core cockpit of the giant warrior, the research and development technology of the "Lingfu", is not yet in the hands of the empire, even though they can imitate and piece together the hands and feet of the giant soldiers and the weapon suits, but the "Lingfu" once Explosive, this giant soldier was completely scrapped.

The war between the empire and the sacred sect does not know how long it will last. If it continues for a thousand years, the empire’s giant squadron will die one less, and the sacred ally with a large number of wild heritage will obviously control the empire higher than the empire. Out of the giant warrior maintenance and imitation technology.

If the fight to the end, the empire's giant soldiers are exhausted, and the sacred alliance still has some giant soldiers, it is very embarrassing.

It is precisely because of such concerns and the "perfect performance" of the laboratory virtual warfare that the Imperial Army launched the super arsenal construction plan, and the new super battleship is known as "King Kong"!

The size, space and firepower of the King Kong Super Vault are more than ten times that of the largest arsenal in the past. In fact, it is more like a combination of arsenal ships and integrated supply ships and even Star Wars.

In the original design idea, the military will put a brain into each of the King Kong-class super arsenal ships into at least 30,000 types of turrets, hundreds of the most advanced array of fire control crystal brains, and more than Five hundred thousand battle scorpions and drones made them the "perfect warships, the doomsday warships, the ultimate warships that can end all wars" that designers have boasted to the Senate!

The actual combat power of the King Kong-class super arsenal ship, is there any designer and contractor who is bragging about it, can you hang up the giant soldiers?

This problem is bound to be an unsolved mystery forever.

Perhaps, assuming that these King Kong-class super arsenal ships can really be built according to the highest standards, they can indeed sweep thousands of troops, invincible, explode giant soldiers, and end all wars.

But before that, what it ended first was the finances of the empire.

The entire construction process of the King Kong Super Vault is a very old-fashioned and sad story.

Perhaps the idea of ​​"the firepower is supreme, the drone is invincible" is not wrong, but the designer's idea is too advanced and too ambitious. The designer greatly overestimated the development speed of the imperial brain level and underestimated tens of thousands of seats. The technical difficulty of the turrets in one, or in order to allow the Senate to approve the construction plan of the super warship as soon as possible, from the designer to the empire's largest arms contractors, to the stakeholders inside the Senate, have shown Strong optimism, ignoring "small difficulties" and throwing out a budget that is not cheap, but can withstand biting teeth, and can form combat power in up to twenty years, The guarantee of smashing the iron.

At that time, the Senate agreed to this plan, and the 16 "King Kong-class super arsenal ships" were built in the dock at the same time. This was a whole hundred years.

During the period, the natural disasters and man-made disasters caused by various technical problems were not mentioned. The upgrade of the crystal brain and combat cockroaches technology has repeatedly pushed back the original design. The original plan and budget have long been thrown into the waste of the horns. In the paper basket, the new construction cost was raised one time at a time. By the end, the construction cost of each King Kong-class super arsenal ship was more than 20 times that of the original budget!

Rao is the real human empire, no matter how "the martial arts and soldiers", the Senate is no longer eager for the birth of the super battleship, facing such a budget and the unexpected completion time, will collapse.

"The King Kong Super arsenal is the most powerful doomsday warship ever, but it is on the side of the sacred alliance! It just lie in the dock and destroy the entire empire!"

Many imperial elders screamed at the table.

But apart from roaring, they have nothing to do. There are already astronomical resources invested in this plan. It is not always possible to sell 16 unfinished King Kong-class super arsenal ships as scrapped iron and iron.

What's more, the fertilizer and water are not flowing outside the fields, and the resources of astronomical figures will not disappear out of thin air. It will flow to the hands of large and small stakeholders.

Even if these blowers are blind, the veterans who roar on the table may not have benefited from it in the dark!

In this way, the construction plan of the King Kong Super Vault was turned into a never-ending black hole, and the Imperial Army was dragged down for a whole 100 years. The sacred alliance can sneak into the black wind fleet and occupy the empire. The entire five heavy industry worlds are hardly to say that it has nothing to do with the weakening of this plan. Even after the post-war economic crisis broke out so badly, there is a small credit for the King Kong Super arsenal!

When the war of the Holy Alliance invading the Black Wind Five Realms broke out, the imperial parties finally couldn't stand the endless delay. The relevant contractors seemed to think that many people would have to turn their heads again. Sixteen King Kong Super The arsenal finally entered the service.

However, because the frontline war is in full swing and the budget is seriously lacking, the 16 King Kong-class super arsenal ships have not completed the final construction, which is equivalent to the congenital "premature baby". The designers and arms contractors are eloquent - if this Sixteen super warships can't play the theoretical ultimate combat power. It's not their fault, but the problem of time and money. If you give them thirty or fifty years, and two to three times the funds, the King Kong Super arsenal. Must be able to blow up all the giant soldiers!

Even the designer and the builders are so underrepresented, and the performance of the sixteen premature “premature babies” can be imagined.

On the real battlefield, they completely lost the halo of destroying and destroying everything on the virtual battlefield, but they exposed their awkward and fragile weaknesses, and because the cost was too expensive, the four electoral families were reluctant to let these super arsenals After the ship was put into the most fierce battlefield, after only two of the squadrons were seriously injured, the remaining 14 super arsenal ships fled back to their home port.

The King Kong Super arsenal has completely turned into a joke. After a hundred years, the empire’s “cannon giant shipship” disappeared, and no new super warships were refining. The daily maintenance cost of the 16 “premature King Kong” is astronomy. The figures, even the four major elector families can not afford to eat, how can they drag them into the dock to complete the real construction?

So, a hundred years later, they are still premature infants who can only exert 30% of their combat effectiveness. They are abandoned by the most elite super-class fleets of the four electorate families. Instead, they are assigned to the main fleet of the next level, with them as the core. The "Big King Kong" was created and it was put on the battlefield of the annihilation reformist.

"I know that the evaluation of the King Kong Super arsenal is not very high, but it is caused by a variety of factors. In fact, even unfinished premature babies can only play 30% of the combat power. As long as they are determined to fight, they Still can make any enemy feel sorrowful."

Jin Yuyan smiled bitterly. "The poor performance on the battlefield against the sacred alliance does not mean that they will be merciful to our **** fleet. You have just tried to sneak up so many cultivators, but say one thousand. Road 10,000, these 16 King Kong-class super arsenal ships, is the 'Dinghai Shenzhen' of the four major family coalitions. If they can't beat them completely on the battlefield, no one will easily turn around and trust us.

"So, ‘Black Wind King Li Yao’, how do you plan to change the next trick, where is your so-called “Black Wind Fleet”?”

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