Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2554: Little Lion's Dissatisfaction

"What exactly is the chief deacon of Kim, I will only rant the illusion of it?"

Li Yao said with a smile. "You know that I am just blowing the air. The Black Wind Fleet cannot appear out of thin air. Even if the Black Wind Fleet really can't catch up, I still have other ways to solve these 16 ships. King Kong-class super arsenal ships - Of course, I can only cause their confusion at most, disrupt their formation, briefly ignoring their fire control system and tactical chain system, the real main attack mission, naturally handed over to your fleet. ”

Jin Yuyan’s eyes are full of brilliance and excitement: “As long as it can cause short-term chaos and embarrassment of the enemy’s core fleet, it’s enough, just, are you really sure?”

"If you are sure, you must see how much the Chief Executive of Gold has trusted me."

Li Yaodao, "I want to play the biggest role of my people, there is a precondition - the general deacon of Jin must assign me a door to the stars, completely mastered by me!"

Jin Yuyan stunned, his brow was locked and he had been thinking for a long time.

Anyone with a little military common sense knows what a starry door means in such a decisive battle.

The seven seas, where the Wanshang Business Alliance is located, the coordinates and route maps are not secrets, and the four family federation fleets can easily jump over.

But they do not control the starry sky of the Seven Seas.

In the absence of Stargate guidance, forcing a "black" jump, all starships will be evenly distributed in the vast sea of ​​stars with a diameter of more than 5 billion kilometers.

The diameter is 5 billion kilometers, what is the volume? Not to mention that the four major family federations boast of "Million Starships", even if the number is ten times more, randomly scattered in such a space, is still a drop in the ocean, not worth mentioning.

When they just jumped over, all the formations, formations and even the command of the four major families of the combined fleet will disappear. Each starship is an island. They have to swim around the seven seas for a long time to regroup. Find your own team, condense into a solid battle array, and then rush into the core living area of ​​the Seven Seas Star Field by means of conventional power navigation, that is, where the Seven Seas Market is located.

Obviously, when the attacking party is not stable, it will control its own formation and the well-trained fleet will launch an attack, not let the attacking party complete the assembly, and even break the enemy's main battleship and the integrated supply ship. It is the only triumphant **** fleet of the Wanshang Commercial Alliance as a weak defender.

In the past, numerous Star Wars, including the Battle of the Black Wind Fleet and the Starry Federation, the key to winning and losing often depends on this.

If the attacking party gathers the battlefield in time to form an effective command, then the defending party will only have one dead end.

On the other hand, if the defender can prevail and the attacker is always suppressed and torn in the state of "a loose sand", the balance of the victory will be tilted toward the defender.

Li Yao’s request to control a star gate means that he can freely send the most accurate jumping coordinates to a mysterious fleet outside the Seven Seas, so that the fleet can be tuned, commanded effectively, and jumped into seven starfish. area.

If the fleet is hostile, it will almost prejudice the demise of the Wanshang Business Alliance.

It is no wonder that Jin Yuyan will be so cautious and entangled.

"Now, I am not suitable for such a big judgment."

Jin Yuyan clearly did not move, but the whole body appeared a white mist of transpiration, like a state of high-intensity exercise, the whole person was old at the speed visible to the naked eye, he gently licked his forehead Sighed, "My native body was reimbursed. This body is a martial artist. Her brain can't carry my soul. It takes a long time to carry out the calculations and calculations. It’s time to get out of the way and let the more suitable people manage the Wanmeng Business Alliance.”

Li Yao is not anxious, waiting quietly for the answer of Jin Yuyan.

Jin Yuyan looked up at him, and he stopped talking and hesitated for a long time. "If I ask you, what other cards do you have, you will definitely not tell the truth, right?"

"Yes, I won't tell you, at least not now."

Li Yaodao, "Because this will make my people fall into unnecessary danger."

Jin Yuyan has been silent for a long time.

His body gradually withered, his head sparkling, emitting an abnormal luster, as if the brain had become a wicked monster, swallowing all the blood.

"it is good!"

After thinking for five minutes, Jin Yuyan took a big shot of the thigh and made a decision. "You will get a door to the sky, enough for the whole elite ace fleet to jump into our hinterland, just hope that you will come out." The trick can be worthy of my trust, 'Black Wind King Li Yao'!"

After Jin Yuyan finished, Huo Ran got up and walked outside.

Li Yao’s request, like the exhaustion of all his physical and mental strength, made him even have no strength to continue to perfuse Li Yao, and he was anxious to go back to recharge his batteries.

Jin Yuyan just left the building, Li Jialing turned in from the next room.

"The general deacon of the Wanshang Commercial League does not seem to be very powerful."

Li Jialing thought about it, "I feel that this guy was first led by Qi Yuanbao. They are now led by Yao Ge, and you are holding the nose. There is no such thing as a peerless strongman. It is better to be seen because it is imprisoned. Is it in the body of a warrior?"

"Being locked into an unsuitable body, hindering the exertion of computing power, is naturally one side, but to a greater extent, he is pretending, be careful, this guy is not that simple."

Li Yao faintly said, "He is a businessman, not a politician, a commander and a leader. Politicians can be mean, the commander can be murderous, the leader can be treacherous and ruthless, but if a businessman leaves the public with a mean and shameless bluff. The impression, how to do business? Of course, only those who seem to be the most honest, honest, and even clumsy can become the best businessman."

Li Jialing gave a slight glimpse: "Is that the case?"

"Of course."

Li Yao smiled. "You just saw his worried bitter face. He didn't move. He frowned, smiled and sighed. It seemed that we were really playing with us in the applause. We didn't look like we didn't have a way. Like the marketplace in the market, the small trader who 'clears the big deal and sells tears and sells it's like to sell things to others, is he losing his bleeding, and losing the feeling of jumping off the building?

"But, if someone really believes in his ‘throwing and tearing big smashing big sale’, buy something back with the price of 30% off and eight buckles. Who is the loser, who is cheap?”

"It seems to be."

Li Jialing touched the short black hair on his head. "Although this guy seems to be unpredictable, arbitrary, and even willing to act as a supporting role, but his purpose, but not all of them have been reached!"

"Not so, do you know who I first met before this guy came here?"

Li Yaodao, "Jin Yuyan went to see the red lady, promised to specialize in her, and she did not swear at the Red Lady."

“Is Jin Yuyan so generous?”

Li Jialing was shocked. "He wants to conquer the red lady again. It is also a ace of the gods." If you can use this method to complete the game, it is a good deal."

"Hey, if Jin Yuyan just wants to conquer the Red Lady again, then you think he is simple."

Li Yaodao, "The meaning of the lines between the Jinyu words and the words, is actually to use the red lady to directly catch the top line of the four major electors."


Li Jialing said, "This is too exaggerated. I am completely confused. The battle between Wanjie Commercial League and the four major families will begin. Half a day ago, Jin Yuyan was killed at the door of the 'bulk commodity trading market'. Hundreds of assassin's flags from the four families, now want to find the top four families? This, what exactly does he want to do? I don't want to sell everyone? There is absolutely no reason!"

"That is of course impossible. Even if he really wants to talk directly with the top of the four major families through the Red Lady, it must be after the battle of the Seven Seas. Perhaps he has his own plans for the new empire after the war? For example, between the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi, the four major electors, and the king of the black wind, find a balance, what is the source of the matter, in the end, if the businessman is not willing to rush to kill, and kill one more person, Is there a potential customer missing!"

Li Yaodao, "Now, you should understand why I don't want to tell Jin Yuyan what we really have. I told you that this is to remind you not to think about Jin Yuyan, and to cooperate with such people, but Always keep your eyes open, just take a nap and he will dare to sell your ass!"

"Hey, Jin Yuyan is so treacherous, but he is also a bad guy. - His dialogue with the Red Lady should be the highest secret, but it is still not the ear of Yao Ge, so you know it so soon."

Li Jialing pouted, sour and slick, "Speaking of it, or Yaoge is the most powerful!"

"Hey, how do I feel that your tone is wrong, seems to be dissatisfied with me?"

Li Yao looked at Li Jialing and suddenly realized that "I understand, are you blaming the brother for taking you as a bait, letting you drill the ventilation ducts and discovering them, and I ran to the Wanshang Commercial Union Headquarters Building." Out of the limelight? Oops, this one, this is also for young people like you, a chance to learn and exercise, I hope you grow up fast, become talented soon!"

"I am not a three-year-old child, who cares about this kind of thing!"

Li Jialing’s dissatisfaction was all written on his face, and he glared at Li Yao with great sorrow. “I only have one question – why is Yao Ge you are the king of the black wind, so I am a younger brother. Is the last one known?"

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