Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2559: Ten hours before the war!

Li Yao’s eyes suddenly shone and couldn’t help but smile: “It’s the idea of ​​playing these 16 King Kong Super arsenal ships. To be honest, when I first heard about the 'King Kong level’, I was very excited. These are highly automated, and can even collect the wreckage automatically in battle, refining the new psionics and the super arsenal of the drone. It is the best carrier of Xiao Ming, Wen Wen and Quan Wang. The King Kong class can be owned by us, it is simply invincible!"

"To be honest, I don't really like these big, stupid, expensive and difficult to maintain things. With the same resources of building 16 diamonds, I can build three or five powerful rapid response fleets. The latter's application range and combat effectiveness are definitely several times higher than the former!"

The white man’s mouth was awkward and quite disdainful. “In the end, the 16 King Kong-class super arsenal ships are just some of the four family members. In order to defraud the funds, show off the force, deter the ordinary people and the bottom cultivators. The political significance of the project is far greater than the military significance. With the current development level of the empire and the spiritual network, it is not ready to accept the 'future battleship' with such high degree of automation.

"However, there is one thing you are right about, Xiao Ming, Wen Wen and Boxing. Their computational logic is very different from that of ordinary human beings. They can squeeze the potential of the crystal brain to the limit, and the utilization rate of the spiritual network has reached 100%. If they control the sixteen King Kong class, it is much more powerful than controlling the idiots of the four families!"

"So -"

Li Yaoqiang reluctantly said, "Xiao Ming and Wen Wen, can invade the ‘Flight and Light Magic Super Tactical Chain’, and then sneak into the 16 King Kong-level master crystal brains to capture them?”

"It's not working now, it's too difficult, Dad!"

The voices of Xiao Ming and Wen Wen came from outside the main picture. Then, on the two small light curtains next to them, the cute faces of the two little guys were revealed. Xiao Ming snorted. "Although we are information life, we can Freedom in the spiritual network, but our interference in the virtual world also has limits, to follow the law of energy conservation, material balance! Others do not say, the master of the sixteen King Kong-class super arsenal ships, each The platform is so big as a tall building. How can we compete with it with our small head?"

"Yes, and the four families have set up different protection measures for their King Kong-class super arsenal ships, which means that we have to break through four completely different firewalls to control the 16 arsenal ships. It's really tough!"

Wen Wen also said in a succinct manner, "The difficulty is equivalent to a dad punching a planet, father is material life, the planet is also the objective existence of the material world, but lacks sufficient energy and energy. You still can't change the material as you like, right?"

The two little guys explained this, Li Yao suddenly understood.

“So, we need someone to help and create a great opportunity.”

Xiao Ming and Wen Wen have the same voice. "For example, the first to capture the flagship of Yunxuefeng, which has the highest command authority, let us thoroughly understand the command level and command transmission mode of the "Feidian Light Magic Super Tactical Chain" system, and then pass the cloud snow flagship. The main control of the crystal brain, increase our computing power, and strive to connect more starships on the battlefield, the main control crystal brain, gather 10,000 units, 50,000 units or even 100,000 units of master crystal brain computing power, with this A 'big army' initiated the 'invasion' to the remaining King Kong-class super arsenal ships, and the chance of success was greatly improved!"

"According to my observations on the morale and internal contradictions of the four major family federations, as long as the four King Kong-class super arsenal ships controlled by Yunxuefeng are blown up, even Yun Xuefeng himself is captured. This seemingly overwhelming, magnificent 'Millions of Allied Forces' will collapse."

Bai Lao Avenue, "And if we can explode or conquer seven to eight King Kong-class super arsenal ships, then neither the warlord forces nor the middle and lower level cultivators within the four major families will not hesitate!"

"I believe that the battlefield at that time will be extremely chaotic. All the starships will be like a headless fly, and who can maintain the formation, maintain the system, and first restore and expand their tactical chain, Adding more and more starships to their tactical command system, who is the biggest winner!"

Li Yao smiled and said: "That must be us!"

"hope so."

Bai Lao Avenue, "At least for now, everything has gone very smoothly and I can't see any power that can stop us."

This made Li Yao squint and thought for a long time, saying: "You have received the latest news from the four major families, and in the last one or two months, we have actively developed in the outer world of the empire, but The black star Emperor Wu Yingqi is too calm."

"No, Wu Yingqi should still be busy digesting and absorbing the resources of the entire imperial capital. After all, it is the heart of the former empire. The intricate forces and astronomical resources are not integrated in three or five months."

Bai Lao Avenue, "Moreover, even if Wu Yingqi wants to make a difference, he also lacks sufficient strength and space - the 'Big King Kong' is by no means the most elite super-class fleet of the four major families. Why did they just send them to fight the Battle of the Seven Seas? Just because those super-class fleets are staring at the emperor!

"Only, there is also a very elite 'Thundering Fleet' that is deeply embedded in the hinterland of the four families, and the position of the expeditionary force in the new Guangfu area is unclear, and there are even signs of fading to Lei Chenghu. The advent of either party may cause unpredictable drastic changes, so the super-class fleet of the four major families will not dare to act rashly.

"In short, Wu Yingqi has been completely locked up. Besides, he also needs the Wanshang Business Alliance to win the battle of the Seven Seas. So, even if he knows what happened here, how can he interfere?"

"I don't know why, I am still a little worried."

Li Yao gently tapped his knees. If he thought, "In short, Xiao Ming and Wen Wen are better off to extract some of the computing power. They will cover up the star gates that will be open to you. If you can pretend to be you." Remotely invaded the star gate, and even let no one find that you are jumping through this star gate, then it is best!"

The white man’s eyes flashed in the eye: “What do you mean, you still don’t want to expose our relationship with you?”

"Yes, since I have confessed to the identity of the 'King of the Winds,' a lot of things about me have been put on the surface, and the Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi has a way to know."

Li Yaodao, "You are my last card. He should not know now that the loyalty of the National Salvation Army is the arsonist joint fleet, and he does not know the relationship between this fleet and me.

"This card can be opened as soon as possible. It is best to fight to the last moment. The four big families still think that you are a loyal loyalty to the National Salvation Army. It is perfect."

"You are giving me a problem."

White boss laughed, "However, it is very interesting and worth challenging!"

"Then let's get started. Later I will send the coordinates and navigation parameters of the Star Gate to your flagship, and close the defense system on the Stargate side. The small star and Wenwen remotely take over the star gate, so as to avoid Jin Yuyan. What kind of tricks do people play."

Li Yao also laughed. "I can't wait to see your ‘exciting performance’ again, Bai Boda!”

The two ended the conversation in a smirk, smirk and evil laughter.

When Li Yao turned around, he found that Li Jialing was watching him with some confusion.

"You are a self-cultivator, laughing like this... ‘oh, oh’?”

Li Jialing asked very seriously.

Li Yaofei blinked quickly and had nothing to say.

"Forget it, I suddenly feel that it is like a savvy person like Yao, although it is more difficult to laugh, but..."

Li Jialing also laughed. "I still hope that people like you, the more in the universe, the better!"


There is a ten-hour battle.

In the Wanmeng Business Alliance, we also grasped the precise time of warfare through various channels. It is known that in just half a day, the entire seven-sea star field will become a sea of ​​destruction that is even hotter than magma.

But this did not ruin the war of all the trade union warriors and the reformists, but their morale soared to the limit.

Hundreds of millions of cosmic mines have been spread out over the world, filling every space in every channel and even the seven sea stars.

These latest models of cosmic mines have the property of automatically searching for enemies and absorbing them, especially for the perception of space defects.

This means that when the four-family united fleet's million-star ship jumped over and did not completely get rid of the four-dimensional distortion state, it could be hit by a myriad of cosmic mines.

If you are lucky, even dozens of relatively cheap cosmic mines will instantly reimburse one of the most expensive main battleships, and set off a space storm that will destroy the land and destroy all the nearby starships. In the gap between 3D and 4D space.

In addition to the cosmic mines, the **** fleets and mercenary groups have also traveled to the outskirts of the Seven Seas. Their mission is to find the main battleships that have been placed after the enemy has jumped, and to smash each other. Before the foothold is not stable, before the effective command and combat formation has been formed, completely eliminate each other!

Hundreds of fleets of the world are jumping at the same time. There are always time points, just like the one million army and landing at the same time. The whole jumping process is expected to last for one to three days. As a result, the Wanshang Business Alliance Have the opportunity to form a partial strength advantage, to play more and less!

Mercenaries, star thieves and killers naturally have no loyalty at all, but Wanmeng Business League has generously produced countless free stars, bonds and shares, creating a sturdy, golden loyalty.

Compared with the short checks issued by the four major families, the credit of Free Star is still very hard. In terms of money, everyone is willing to fight!

At the edge of the Seven Seas star field, a sealed star gate that has not been activated for a long time is also gradually spread out like a flower bud, sending out an intricate stream of information to the depths of the Xinghai and in the distant direction.

In the Wanmeng Business Alliance, all war preparations have been prepared!

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