Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2560: Cloud snow and Li Wu disease

Six hours before the war, in one of the four major families, the Yun family was closest to the outer world of the empire, the "Ziyunjie".

In the past one or two months, more than a dozen main fleets of the Yun family and its vassal families have gathered here to strengthen armor and firepower, equipped with a new "flying light and magic super tactical chain system", and exercise the corresponding tactics of the large corps joint operations. .

There are also a large number of special materials refining, the "sun slingshot" that can absorb the energy of the stellar storm and transform into the driving force of the Xinghai hopping, and also arrived in this vast world with super giant stars.

The sun slingshot is like a hexagonal metal panel with a slight curvature. All the hexagons are stitched together like a hive, and it becomes a huge metal pot. The original silver-white metal pot absorbs a lot of violent solar energy. They have turned into red blood like red blood.

It seems that a single sun slingshot has been stretched to the limit, and only a loose hand can release a powerful force that is enough to tear the space.

More than a dozen main fleets have long been ready to go, they are neatly arranged like silvery colored pieces, symmetrical up and down, condensed into a delicate and gorgeous cube in the vast expanse of the sky.

Not to mention the contradictions between the various families and the undercurrent of the external warlord forces, at least these main fleets of the Yun family are sincerely trying to lay down this battle, and the wind and the cloud will destroy the "renovation of the rebels."

This kind of determination turns into a series of photoelectric and spiritual waves, which are transmitted rapidly between the starships, so that the silver-colored cubes are all in a colorful color.

At the heart of this mixed fleet, four King Kong-class super arsenal ships finally arrived at the jumping point.

No matter whether the internal combat units are castrated because of their inherent insufficiency, just from the magnificent appearance, these four super arsenal ships do not bear the name of "King Kong", just like four slowly moving starry sky battles, with densely covered guns. Tubes and layers of turrets are also equipped with drones and combat cymbal launchers. The scalp is numb, the blood is boiling, and the heartbeat is either accelerated to the limit or completely stopped.

The visual effects of the four King Kongs are even more striking than the flagship of the most elite super-class fleets of the four major families. The words “doomsday, destruction, suffocation” are simply not enough to describe their majesty and embarrassment.

Until now, there are still numerous maintenance ships and integrated supply ships around the four King Kong-class super arsenal ships, for the final reinforcement and replenishment, to transport various resources to the above - the King Kong-class super arsenal ships are like four black holes. For more than a month, it has swallowed up countless ammunition, fuel, battle cockroaches and advanced drones, and still can't fill its belly.

"Long live! Long live! Long live the King Kong!"

The advent of the King Kong class has deeply shocked all officers and soldiers, especially those from the vassal family, who have never seen the style of King Kong.

Until now, when I saw four asteroids rolling over, I realized that the "imperial super-ship of the empire" is not a boastful statement. The pressure to destroy the earth is unmatched by any starship.

All the surface of the starships flashed a magnificent radiance, forming a colorful slogan, expressing their awe and four eager aspirations and convictions for victory.

Even in these fleets, there are many "traitors" who are concealed in their own minds. When they see such a huge ship, they have renewed their suspicions in their hearts - just by the weak power of the Wanshang Business Alliance, they can really overcome such a mountainous " King Kong"?

Yunxuefeng is based on his flagship, one of the four King Kong grades, on the "Avalanche" bridge, through the 360-degree wraparound virtual light curtain to review the troops, can not help but give birth to the chest Passionate, I really want to go to the sky and shout, pull the sword and sing.

As a fleet commander, it is worth it to have such a moment in life!

Yunxuefeng is an aristocrat who is almost perfect in all aspects.

He is nearly two meters tall, tall and powerful, handsome and handsome, but also the best of the best, from childhood to the best of his peers, no matter what the fight or competition, no one can stop in front of him.

In the empire counterattack, most of the nobles were timid, huddled in the rear, and waited to steal the fruits of victory. Yun Xuefeng was not ashamed of these people, and his fleet was forced to move forward. "Invasion like the wind" is the name of the big name.

Some people called him and Lei Chenghu "the expeditionary army", and some even said that Lei Chenghu is old, a tiger with no teeth. The empire of the next hundred years must be the world of his snow and snow.

Yunxuefeng is not stupid. Naturally, I know that these touts have a lot of water, but his heart is always eager to compete with Lei Chenghu.

Although there is no chance now, but when he has set foot on the Seven Seas market, he will be able to collide with Lei Chenghu’s thundering fleet.

At that time, everyone will know that the so-called "cloud and tiger" is better than anyone else.


When the four King Kong-class super arsenal ships were divided into two groups and each entered their own fleet center, Yunxuefeng received a communication request from a distant world. The name of the other party made his mouth tilt and his face was bright.

"Reporting Xue Shuai, the subordinate fleet and the loyalty to the National Army have been ready to launch the first wave of jumps!"

Yongchun Hou Li's figure appeared on the communication light curtain, revealing the color of perseverance, Shen Shen, "After the jump, the subordinate fleet and the loyalty of the National Salvation Army must gather at the fastest speed, entangled in the hands and feet of the enemy. Get time for the 'King Kong Fleet' assembly!"


Yunxuefeng sighed and said, "I didn't expect that there are loyal people like Yongchun Hou in the four big families. If there are more loyal ministers like you, how can the situation be so gorgeous? You are despite Rest assured, as long as this battle is a complete victory, no matter how much you lose, the coach doubles to you!"

"Yes, the subordinates must do everything they can to serve the country, and Xue Shuai’s righteousness and trust!"

Li Wuji was grateful for the zero-track. "I didn't expect Xue Shuai to give such a high command authority in the 'Flying Light and Magic Super Tactical Chain', so that more than 90% of the starships can belong to the subordinate system and command. This is really ,It is really……"

"Hey, more than 90% of the starships in our combined fleet belong to the warlords and the head snakes at the ends of the first mouse. These people, you don’t take guns against their heads, they will never move forward. Half step."

Yunxuefeng is sullen and sullen. "Since you are so loyal to the coach, the combat strength of your fleet is so good. Of course, I have to let go of some of the command to you. After jumping to the Seven Seas, I will gather these guys." Scattered soldiers and brave, and forced them to fight for death - whoever wants to steal sex, wants to retain strength, you do not use your hands, and all military methods are engaged!"

"Yes, yes, there is Xue Shuai's words, even if all the warlords in the subordinate and peripheral world turn their faces, they will not hesitate!"

Li Wuqi started, quite resolutely said, and then the turn of the front, and some embarrassment, "But the general warlord forces say that their subordinates have the confidence to control and drive them, if it is the cloud home's own starship, or even Li The Song family and the starship of the East family? This, Xue Shuai should also know that they will not put this small 'third-class wait' in their eyes, even if they have a tactical chain. With higher command authority, they may not obey the command of the subordinates."


Cloud snow wind frowns slightly, not pleasing to the eye. "Now everyone knows that you are a handsome man, who dares not obey your orders? Your fleet is so strong, are those naval guns vegetarian?"

"If you say this, but the other party is really unruly, don't listen to the command, I can't just hit the gun!"

Li has no worries and laughs. "The subordinates are eager to annihilate the 'renovation of the rebels'. In all likelihood, they will pay a heavy loss. No matter whether Li, Song or Oriental, there are a lot of people who want to keep. Strength, Xue Shuai think, can they obey my command?"

Yun Xuefeng coughed awkwardly: "So, how are you waiting?"

"There is no other meaning under the subordinates. Even if it is really necessary to use force to force these fearful guys to obey orders, they will do the same."

Li Wuxue said, "But the disregard of the family's opinions, the flag stands clearly on the side of Xue Shuai, and the status in the family is already very embarrassing. If there is any misunderstanding and conflict with the friendly forces, it will be more difficult to get along with the same family in the future, and even some people will The name of '跋扈', to rule the sin of the subordinates, there is nothing to say under the subordinates.

"So, the subordinates are thinking, is it possible to ask Xue Shuai to give a secret order and cover the mark of the soul, to prove that the actions of the subordinates and the armoured fleet on the battlefield are all inspired by Xue Shuai.

"Then, when the genus gathers the squadrons, if you encounter the four family's own starships, as long as they show them the secrets of Xue Shuai, they will surely convince Xue Shuai's prestige and obey the orders of the subordinates. ""


Yunxuefeng knocked on his fingers for a long time, and then looked at the ambitions and sincere faces. He certainly knows what the other party is trying to do. He just wants to take the opportunity to recruit and expand the strength. Many of the stragglers are "temporarily" gathered and finished. After this, don't think about putting it back.

However, Li Wuji is now his loyal dog. The war is imminent. If the meat bones are not fed two, it is too much to say.

Expanding the strength will expand the strength, let Li Wu disease expand its strength, it is better than let the Song family hate ghosts to expand their strength.

Thinking of this, Yunxuefeng waved a big hand. "Well, I gave you two secret orders in the name of my own name and the 'Million Joint Fleet Commander'. When I waited on the chaotic battlefield, whoever saw two secret orders, dare Do not obey your orders, kill them!"

"Thank you for snow handsome!"

Li Wuji’s eyes blinked red for a moment, and his voice was a little choked. “Snow handsome has such trust and support for his subordinates. Even if he is under the bones and liver and brain, he can’t repay Snow Shuai’s case...”

He told the words that White had told him in the past few months, and he did not move it to Yunxuefeng.

"Haha, hahahaha!"

Yunxuefeng did not think about life in the septic tank. Naturally, I don’t know how many rancid venoms contained in the words of Li Wuji. He looked up and laughed: "Well, let go of all your concerns and do everything you can to kill it. After the victory, your destiny will become completely different from the past!"


Li Wuji lowered his head deeply and prevented the other party from seeing the maliciousness flowing out of his eyes. The voice was very cold. "The subordinates firmly believe this."

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