Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2561: 99% sacrifice!

Three hours before the war.

In addition to the "Ziyunjie" controlled by the cloud family, in the many military towns controlled by the other three families and the jumping points of the outer world of the empire, a fleet has completed the final assembly, including the "sun slingshot" and the like. Various types of four-dimensional space hopping devices are all blooming.

Three hours later, hundreds of thousands of starships from hundreds of thousands of worlds jumped into the small seven-sea star field and drowned there.

The battle of the Seven Seas, at the touch of a hair, the whole piece of Xinghai is filled with the smell of smoke, but in the center of the vortex, the emperor, but it shows the tranquility in the eyes of the storm.

Extremely heavenly, the celestial star, the depths of the emperor's underground.

The underground relics that Li Yao and Long Yangjun explored a few months ago have expanded the excavation dozens of times and finally revealed a pyramid-like ancient building.

This crystal-clear pyramid, the surface seems to be wrapped in a confusing and distorted field of force, so that it can bloom in a magnificent color all the time, filling every inch of the ground, if you turn the darkness in the depths of the earth into colorful The ocean is diverse.

Just by revealing the volume of the rock formations, it is like a palace without a big name. Every oblique side of the pyramid is at least four or five kilometers long, and the volume still buried in the ground is still unknown.

It is incredible that the ancient buildings of such a large scale can not see half of the gaps on the surface, as if they were not built with a piece of rock, but they are awesome!

Around the pyramid, there are countless mysterious and ridiculously written characters. Each text is like a labyrinth of cubes. It contains information that is 100 times more abundant than human civilization. Under the brilliance, all the words are suspended in the air. Medium, gently rotate.

This scene in the depths of the earth is like a strange dream, completely beyond the real world.

At this moment, there are countless imperial soldiers belonging to the reformists, and construction continues around the pyramid. There is also a small team of researchers who come in and out of the pyramid.

Suddenly, the three-dimensional array suspended around the pyramid exudes a faint shackle. An imperial soldier screams and leaps high, holding his head and making a heartbreaking shackle.

In the snoring, his cranium made a "beep" sound, and even the crystal helmet could not stop the distortion of the skull, and his head became bigger and bigger, releasing the volcanic eruption.


When the brain swelled twice as long as the smashed helmet was blasted, the soldier finally went crazy and attacked the companions around him.

Companions seem to be accustomed to such mutations. Everyone's eyelids are fired without squatting. Hundreds of crystal magnetic guns and Xuanguang guns are fired at the same time. The mad soldier is shot in riddled holes, even the brain is in the wave. "After a burst, it burst completely.


The body fell like a mud on the ground, and immediately the psionics came forward to clean up the mess.

The rest of the soldiers flashed a fanatical flame, and did not put this little episode in their hearts and continued their homework.

The imperial emperor Li Linghai maintained a form of white hair like a waterfall, floating in the top of the underground space, condescending, watching all this coldly.

"It’s crazy again."

She said indifferently, the voice does not have a little emotional color.

"For the rise of the new empire, for the sake of the future of human civilization, such sacrifice is necessary."

Deep in the brain, the sound of the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi stunned.

"even if--"

Li Linghai has been silent for a long time, and finally can't help but again. "Even if you want to sacrifice the extreme heavens, the celestial stars, the entire emperor, is this sacrifice necessary?"

"of course."

Wu Yingqi said faintly, "The birth of the new empire is a miracle of the phoenix's nirvana. The old world is not completely destroyed. How can a new future come?"

Li Linghai’s words and thoughts were repeated, and the indifferent masks that were carefully carved out on his face were cracked, inadvertently revealing a hint of true emotions.

"Why, still thinking about your son?"

Wu Yingqi immediately grasped her subtle emotional changes, sneer, "The battle of the Seven Seas will start three hours later, let him accompany Li Yao first in the Seven Seas, playing with the four family members to play the childish game, What we should pay more attention to is how human civilization after thousands of years and even hundreds of millions of years, how to unite the ambition, courage and strength of all mankind, to break through this narrow, grievous, depressed little universe, isn't it?"

Li Linghai trembled and couldn't help but nodded: "...Yes, kneel."

"For hundreds of millions of years, countless civilizations have been trapped in this small universe, not only Pangu and Nuwa civilization, but also numerous ancient civilizations that are more powerful than Pangu and Nuwa."

The black star Emperor Wu Yingqi sighed, "But even if it is powerful, what is the use? As long as it can not rush out of this small universe, it is always restricted by the poor resources, can not escape the control of the 'cycle of the rise and fall of civilization', born in splendid , died in silence.

"Our human civilization is still in the growing season just after its birth. Compared with Pangu, Nuwa and even countless ancient civilizations, it is of course quite weak, but just because we have just been born, there is limitless possibilities ahead. From the very beginning, we should not take the old roads of ancient civilizations such as Pangu, Nuwa and so on. Even if there is only one billionth of a chance, we should all courage, not afraid of any sacrifice, and rush out of this **** universe!

"Even if it is ruin, we should also be destroyed in the vast universe, not in this dry well, silently dying!

"This is the biggest reason why I am determined to build a new empire. For such a new empire, for such a human civilization, in order to break through the unprecedented world, to explore the outer domain where Lipangu and Nuwa have not arrived, an imperial capital What is it?

"To tell you the truth, human civilization continues to develop in this way. There is no future. For our most ambitious plan, even if we sacrifice half of all humanity, no, even if we sacrifice nine tenths or even 99%, as long as there are 1% of the strongest people can survive, rush out, and evolve into a new form that is ten million times stronger than it is now, just like the legendary 'devil' form, then, for the whole civilization, it is great Lucky!"

Wu Yingqi's incomparably crazy low-pitched, makes Li Linghai's breathing extremely difficult.

"I understand, sire."

The Queen of the Empire swayed and did not dare to ask again, for fear of being completely lost in the depths of Wu Yingqi’s frantic and deep soul.

She glanced deeply at the pyramid that was flashing under the glare of the demon, and said, "All for human civilization, everything but with the instructions of His Majesty."


The distance went to war, the last five minutes.

In the depths of the Seven Seas Stars and the Seven Seas Market, Jin Yuyan’s remote command center has already opened a three-dimensional light curtain that covers the sky and clouds, presenting the entire seven-sea star hologram to everyone. Li Yao is inside.

On the hologram, the stars are the current positions of the various fleets belonging to the Wanshang Business Alliance, and the coordinates of the semi-fixed Star Wars, including the universe that fills the various channels, on the orbit of each planet. The distribution of mines.

The dense light spots, as if on the starry sky, enveloped a new starry sky.

Even if the Wanshang Business Alliance has done everything that can be done, even if they defeat the assassination plots of the four major families, the interior is united in an unprecedented manner, even if the arrival of "Black Wind King Li Yao" causes the morale to rise to the limit, but the last few before the war. Minutes, suffocating serenity, or squatting their nerves, everyone in the command center is pale, heartbeat speeds, eyes and sweat beads seem to be fixed.


The distance went to war, the last three minutes.

In the Ziyun world, on the "Aquarium Fleet"'s flagship "Avalanche", a three-dimensional light curtain with a huge number of friends was also raised in front of Yunxuefeng, and he projected the fleet of hundreds of thousands of worlds. The sacred shield of the starship swells at the same time, and it has become a sea of ​​countless suns. It is so stabbing that he can't open his eyes.

Yun Xuefeng grinned and slowly pulled out the golden command knife and lifted it high.

Although this is a meaningless symbolic action, Yunxuefeng is willing to do this before each battle. The commanding knife is tightly held in the palm of the hand, allowing him to create a kind of integration with the million-star ship. The feeling of strength.

"All the commanders of the fleet are listening and starting to jump!"

Yunxuefeng will direct the knife to the next one, one word and one word.

For a moment!


Numerous light curtains are like a huge vortex, the picture is blurred and distorted, and a star ship in the picture gradually becomes translucent, and it is continuously elongated, extended and spread!

The stars of the sky were dragged by the "sun slingshot" into a bundle of spiral rays. The light was intertwined, tearing the space and turning into a tunnel leading to a different world. The starships moved slowly toward the "star tunnel". In the past, it was like "falling" into a wormhole that does not exist, and it quickly disappeared.

At the same time, hundreds of thousands of starships staged the "landing, blind jump," and began!


"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

The command center of the Seven Seas Market, the holographic star map immediately showed a reaction, like a pond with a small rain, a circle of black cockroaches constantly emerged and expanded, and began to have only a few small raindrops, but soon became The torrential rain poured, and the entire star field was occupied by fiercely fluctuating cockroaches.

"This, so many cracks in the torn space!"

“It’s omnipresent, all the waterways, all the space, all the planets are surrounded by space fluctuations, how many starships are jumping at the same time!”

"Four big families, are you really ready to fight?"

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