In the exclamation of the Wanshang Commercial League's cultivator, the black cockroach swells more and more, slowly changing from the illusory ripple to the sacred tumor, a series of tumors condensed together, almost covered with a whole piece of holography Star map.

A series of numbers flow like waterfalls, which means that thousands of large-scale objects appear out of thin air, and the number is too large to detect the specific figures.

In the vast expanse of the sea of ​​stars, the roads have been torn apart, darker than the abyss, more muddy than the swamps, irregular gaps in the claws, numerous thin, long, shiny material flows and information flows from them. , gradually condensed into a three-dimensional world.

An Xinghai battleship armed with teeth is like a whale that rises out of the water. The imperial emblem of the ship's head and the four family crests complement each other and shine with brilliance.

The cosmic mines scattered throughout the entire star field responded immediately, and the dynamic array of the whole body shone with magnificent brilliance, spewing out fierce flames and ejecting toward the invaders.

An ultra-large starship warship, in order to complete the process of the Xinghai jump, and get rid of the space wrapped around the body, at least a few minutes to tens of minutes.

During this time, it has almost no defense and high-speed movement ability, and even in the "semi-expanded state" between 3D and 4D, it is very fragile.

A large number of cosmic mines are like a suicide-type spar bomb. They are exploding around the nearest invaders, and suddenly there are countless ray of light, and the storm of destruction swept the entire starship.

The invaders on these starships have not recovered from the dizziness and nausea of ​​the four-dimensional jump, and they are completely torn into pieces by the devastating storm.

The fragments of the bones and the wreckage of the starship are also sprayed in all directions, triggering a chain reaction - as long as there is a fragment of the size of the nail cover, just in the position where another starship jumps over, if they overlap, it may trigger the atomic level. The fusion caused a new explosion to occur.

In this way, a cosmic water mine can often trigger a series of violent explosions, turning the tens of thousands of kilometers of the star field into a sparkling sea of ​​fire. When the flames are annihilated, only a few hot and orange red wrecks are left, and the invaders Nearly melted corpses.

This is not the only trouble that an intruder has encountered.

In order to resist the invasion of the four major family federations, Wanmeng Business Alliance not only installed countless cosmic mines in the entire star field, but also dumped numerous cosmic wastes and even intact goods on all channels - even the least. The goods that are harmless to the eye, humans and animals, once hit by the star ship in the process of jumping in the Xinghai, will also have catastrophic consequences, it is like a small sparrow, it may also cause a shuttle bus flying at super high speed. The same is true of devastating blows.

On the other hand, Wanjie Business Alliance has numerous star-and-sky battlefields near the Seven Seas Market, and the permanent bases transformed by asteroids, including the Qihai Big Market's own synchronized orbit, have fierce firepower.

Many invaders have a bad luck. They jumped directly to the range of the Star Wars Fortress, the Everlasting Base and the Orbital Defense Fire Network.

The defensive side was very calm, and deliberately waited for these starships to reveal a large volume before they violently fired. Thousands of tens of thousands of kilometers of fire snakes danced wildly in the dark sea of ​​stars, and when the other psionic shields were too late to open, In one fell swoop, these starships have become riddled with scrap iron.

Even the planet itself is the most advantageous weapon.

The seven seas have a total of twelve planets. The size and mass of the seven planets are thousands of times more than those of other planets. If the invader's starship unfortunately jumps into the gravitational circle of this huge planet, it often reacts. When they were too late to make it, they were torn into pieces by the huge gravitational tide, or even if the power unit had not been transmitted yet, they were dragged onto this huge planet and squeezed into thin steel plates.

Of course, no matter how ridiculous and dying, no more than the starships that unfortunately jumped around the sun and even inside. These starships that are too close to the stars are all gasified in the first place.

The invasion of the universe, the defense of the fire net, the tidal tears and the direct burning of the stars caused the intruders to lose a full 5% of their troops in the first hour.

For a "blind jump" without a star-gate guidance, it is like the night of the five fingers, the firepower of the beachfront position, the implementation of the "landing landing", 5% is an acceptable loss figure.

The number of intruders is too much, and it is too scattered. It is impossible for the defender's cosmic mines to lock all targets.

Some of the invaders’ starships have been struggling, but most of the starships have taken the opportunity to retreat towards the periphery of the Seven Seas, and countless clusters have been released, turning into anti-jamming and ultra-high-performance Lingnet nodes, massive data. And the information flows between the spirit nets, spreading this shadowless and invisible network to the entire star field. The intruder's tactical chain is connected by lightning between one ship after another, and it is criss-crossed in hundreds of thousands. Thousands of warships form a battle network for data sharing and efficient coordination.

In the beginning, all the invaders' starships were dizzy, not knowing where they were, and where the friendly forces were.

The arsenal ship does not have the ammunition transport of the integrated supply ship. The integrated supply ship does not have the defense of the Aegis ship. The Aegis ship lacks the ability to resist the magnetism, and the magneto-optical ship has no deadly spears and strong shields. Oh, there is no way to fight.

However, with the spread of the "Flying Light and Magic Super Tactical Chain System", each arsenal ship automatically scanned the nearest Aegis ship, integrated supply ship and Psychic magnetic warship, and automatically completed according to the information entered in the database in advance. Matching, composing a temporary combat unit that is most suitable for playing the special features, and automatically setting the best route, so that the arsenal, the Aegis, the magnetic defense ship and the integrated supply ship close together.

In addition, according to the key parameters of the commander's ranks and realms, they are given different powers, and they are assigned the leader of the temporary combat unit, so that these unfamiliar cultivators are in conflict.

In terms of the four major families, it is painstaking to unite hundreds of warlords and local snakes in the world.

Of course, the defending party can't let the attacking party easily complete the assembly.

The comprehensive strength of the defending party is not even 10% of the attacking party. It is the attacking party that has just jumped over. It is a weak point of a loose sand and a separate political situation.

If all the combat units of the attacking party are assembled, and countless combat units are condensed into a tightly-formed fleet, and the attacking formation is formed, the defending party will be finished!

Therefore, in the Wanmeng Business Alliance, the first time they put all the bets and put all the fleets out!

The weakest combat force is basically a semi-armed **** fleet modified by the transport fleet. It is temporarily equipped with a large number of cosmic mines and magneto-magnetic interference magic weapons, which are responsible for searching the attacking party to the gathering tower in the Xinghai.

The Gathering Tower sends strong psionic fluctuations and massive data to all directions at all times, just like the shining stars in the night, which are very easy to find.

Once discovered, immediately do not hesitate to destroy, or put a large number of highly interfering interference sources, cover them with cover and strong interference.

Dispelling a gathering tower, it wiped out the spirit network node of an attacking party. The remote information transmission magic weapon carried on the starship is far from enough to satisfy the "flying" in the vast expanse of the tens of millions of kilometers in diameter. The data transmission needs of the electro-optic magic super tactical chain.

Many of the attacking starships have just been connected to the battle network, and they are automatically matched to the most suitable friendly forces nearby. They are about to move toward the friendly army, but the battle network is cut off at once, and all the information of the friendly forces disappears. Xinghai is vast, they are like a little dust, and they don’t know where they are.

Then, the hunting fleet consisting of the mercenary group and the starship of the killer group will appear unexpectedly near them, forcing them to surrender.

Although the mercenary regiment and the killer's starship are often weaker than the regular army, they have an overwhelming number of advantages in the local battlefield. Each ship is well-equipped and the formation is rigorous. It is not a single-armed offensive starship. withstand.

Even if there are friendly forces nearby, but they don’t know the specific position of the friendly forces. Secondly, whether these “friends” will come to the reinforcements will have to make a big question mark. Third, even if the friendly forces arrive, their starships will definitely be finished. It is.

For the extremely selfish cultivator, how should you react in this situation, do you hesitate?

What's more, the attacking party known as the "Million Starship Coalition Army", 90% of the starships are holding the ends of the first mouse, and they are on the wall. They can swing with the wind at any time and jump between the two camps. Go.

Many commanders on these starships already know the news of the arrival of "Black Wind King Li Yao". They were prepared to see the situation and the battlefield was turned out. Since the luck is not good, the first time is the people of the Wanshang Business Alliance. Surrounded, that can only surrender!

Therefore, the defense party's work of persuasion and disarming went very smoothly, and basically did not encounter too much resistance.

Only when encountering the star ships commanded by the core members of the four major families will a real fierce battle occur, but the number of such starships is not many, and they are quickly overwhelmed by the raging firepower of the defensive side.

As for the most elite **** fleet of the Wanshang Business Alliance, they turned a deaf ear to the battles of these shrimps and crabs, swept over the periphery of the star field, collected and analyzed the information scattered by the attacking party, and searched the attacking party's 16 diamonds. Super arsenal.

When the 16 King Kong-class super arsenal ships are not stable, they will be attacked, and their combat effectiveness will be weakened or even destroyed.

Once the sixteen King Kong-class super arsenal ships have completely got rid of the chaos and got enough support from friendly forces to condense into eight powerful fleets, the defense team is now making more efforts and it is futile!

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