Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2570: Victory is justice!

Looking at the white boss's face with grievances and flattering mixes, and mixed with a look of indignation, Yunxuefeng is really a bit unpredictable.

He walked back and forth for a long time, and when he spoke, he asked a nonsense: "What do you say are true?"

"It’s true, snow handsome!"

White boss has no choice but to scream, "I have eaten a bear and a leopard, and dare to deceive Xue Shuai a half sentence? If it is not too much for Hu Shanhou, he will first attack the subordinate ship." How dare to kill a third-class empire, and what is the benefit of doing this to the subordinates? Is it not afraid of the revenge of the Song family after the incident?

"If the subordinates dare to deceive Xue Shuai in this matter, it is equivalent to offending the Song family and the Yun family at the same time. Is it a vast expanse of the Xinghai, and a half-inch position of the subordinates? Xue Shuai Mingjian, Ming Jian!"


The snow and snow are not moving, and the look is sullen. "But Song Yushi does not say this. There is a handful of Song Changlie’s men who have escaped. Their arguments are contrary to yours. They say that you are the first to start, to fire and Song Changlie. fleet!"

"Of course they say that, is it true that they have to smash a large number of starships to escape, and they will die?"

The white boss really wants to cut open his chest and throw out all the internal organs to see Yunxuefeng. "Snow handsome, now everyone has no hard evidence, but please take the common sense, the people who belong to the lower and Song Changlie, whoever compares Is it reasonable? Is it really that I have lost my heart and madness, and I have no fire and an empire, and I have finished my life? This is totally unreasonable!"

Cloud Snow has been indulging for a long time, but it is still unclear. It is quite distracting: "The handsome man knows that these Songjia Xiu Xian have always used to be arrogant, especially this tiger mountain Hou Song Changlie, the name of the unruly I have no one to know, no one knows, and I don’t believe that you dare to provoke him.

"But it’s a big thing. After all, it’s an empire’s third-class shackles, or death in the hands of the 'Friends’. Song Yushi has to give him a confession, otherwise it’s very likely to shake the heart and make millions of stars. The major league of ships, which fell apart in an instant, so..."

"Snow handsome, the subordinate is a rough person who doesn't know the rules. If you think about it, if you say it, you can't be surprised."

The white boss swallowed his mouth, as if he was determined, with a hard-pitched tone, bluntly said, "In fact, the four major family coalitions attacked the seven-sea star field. On the surface, they are sincere cooperation, but in fact they are all ghosts. Especially the people of the Song family, from the beginning did not think about letting Xue Shuai comfortable to win this battle.

"If the snow is as strong as a broken bamboo, and it will be defeated and defeated, the sounds of Xue Shuai and Yun Jia will skyrocket ten times. How can the Song family compete with the Yun family in the battle for the throne?

"So, the Song family will definitely find ways to deal with Xue Shuai, find various excuses to attack Xue Shuai, and create various troubles for Xue Shuai.

"The conflict between the subordinates and Song Changlie is an excellent excuse, but even if there is no such thing, they can still find other excuses!

"Millions of starships are mixed together, is it not easy to have some friction? It is even suspected that Song Changlie was ordered by Song Yushi to deliberately create friction, but the last thing was out of control, and he set himself on fire.

"In short, the Song family is now provoked to make a living, and it is all about pushing it up. It is not to move closer to Xue Shuai. It does not obey the command of Xue Shuai. Right? If there is no guessing, then there is not a few battleships from the Song family. Well, all the Song family star ships have escaped far and are self-contained?"

The more excited the white boss is, the less gloomy face of the snow and snow.


The dark clouds on the face of Yunxuefeng finally burst and screamed.

White Boss was awkward across the light curtain. It seemed that he realized that he was too arrogant and pleaded guilty: "It’s rude, Xue Shuai forgives sins, and his loyalty to Xue Shuai, the sun and the moon can be Ah! The meaning of the subordinates is that the Song family members are unreliable anyway. Only the Yun family’s own shackles, as well as the fleet of Yongchunhou and the loyalty to save the national army, are the secrets that Xue Shuai can absolutely trust. Power, Xue Shuai, please see, this is the power that the subordinates and Yongchun Hou gathered in the past day."

The white boss sent most of the starship data that had recently gathered under his command to the past. The dense number and the name of the ship covered the entire light curtain, and it continued to increase.

Of course, most of the battleships of the "Firefighter Joint Fleet" were hidden inside.

"so much!"

Yunxuefeng was taken aback and turned to be happy.

"There was not so much, but after we sank the ‘Tiger’s,’ the Hushan Hou’s starships naturally turned to us.”

Bai Lao Avenue, "Snow Shuai Mingjian, if we don't do it at the time, at least 90% of the starships here will be taken away by Hushanhou, enriching the power of the Song family. We have the remaining 10% of the starships. What else? Seeing Xue Shuai in the face? Under the circumstance, the power of the Song family in the final battlefield is far greater than the power of the Yun family. Besides those of us who are loyal and loyal, who still recognizes Xue Shuai as the 'master coach'? ?"

"This one……"

When Yun Xuefeng thought of Song Yushi’s arrogance, a nameless anger burned from the bottom of the foot to the Tianling cover.

The current enemy is still fighting, and the Song family is too much this time!

"Snow handsome, there is still a sentence under the subordinate, I don't know if I don't want to talk about it." In fact, there is a truth. Whether in the world of star pirates or the world of cultivators, it is an irrefutable truth. "Victory is justice."

The white boss examined his words and handed it to the heart of Yunxuefeng. "In the current situation, the friction between you and Song Yushi has already been put on the bright side. If this battle is defeated, or if it is beaten with mud and water, the casualties will be heavy, no matter how you are. Explain to Song Yushi that even if he cut his head and gave Song Yushi a kick, Song will not be satisfied, and he will continue to pursue Xue Shuai’s responsibility.

"After all, this dirty and smelly head is worth a few dollars. Is it true that Song Yushi and the Song family are really rare? The real goal of the people is not the subordinate, but the snow handsome, the cloud family!

"So, how can Xue Shuai reconcile and retreat in order to make Song Yushi and even the entire Song family satisfied? Is it necessary to let the Song family support the emperor to resolve the impact of this incident? At this cost, Xue Shuai can eat and lose. Do you pay, does the cloud family have to pay for it?

"Inversely, if Xue Shuai can be clean and neat, and win the battle to win this battle, who can take this small thing to attack Xue Shuai? Hushan Hou Song Changlie is retreating, being slaughtered by Xue Shuai, self-defeating, great on the spot. Encourage morale, so I won a brilliant victory. If this is the case, then it will become the Song family in the passive situation. It is the turn of Song Yushi to explain why they are so timid and retreating. Coward!"


The snow and the wind's eyes became so deep that it seemed to be a swamp with venom. It was an instant decision, but it was a wave of interrupting the words of the white boss. "How to do it, this handsome man has his own ideas, it is not your turn to gesticulate!" ”

"Yes, yes, the concern is chaos, it is too much."

Bai Boss bowed his head deeply. "Snow handsome has no choices. He has long been aware of the chaotic battles. He has the grasp of winning, and he can swear allegiance, and obey the command of Xue Shuai. Pig brain, come to solve the problem of Xue Shuai?"

"This handsome has not found out before, your Bai Xingjian turned out to be such a talent, it seems that in just a few years, risen in the **** star thief circle, there are indeed some real things, just let you be A commander of the 'loyalty to save the country' is really wronged by you!"

Yunxuefeng looked at Bai’s boss deeply and said, “Where are you, how long can you meet with the ‘Avalanche’?”

Say, Yun Xuefeng sent his coordinates to the past.

The white boss’s eyes sparkled with deep light. “If everything goes well, you can get to Xue Shuai’s side in up to 12 hours, but...”

Yunxuefeng raised his eyebrows high: "But what?"

"However, my subordinates would like to know that if they encounter four star-class starships along the way, especially the starships that are being shackled by the Song family and are escaping to the periphery of the horoscope, what should they do?"

Bai Lao Avenue, "Do you want to bring them together... if they also fiercely resist Hushanhou?"

The snow and snow have been silent for a long time, like being covered by an invisible shadow.

"Crap, of course, they will bring them together. Do they jump to the seven-sea star field, is it to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger?"

Clouds and snow are cold and cold, "As for fierce resistance, hey, you can do it, in your words, victory is justice!"


"Find the coordinates of Yunxuefeng!"

Not long after the dialogue between Yunxuefeng and Bailao, the inner area of ​​the Seven Seas Market, the command center of the Wanjie Commercial Alliance **** fleet broke out with a cheer.

The holographic map of the entire command center is covered with dense red and blue spots, which are the starship icons that have been scanned and both sides.

A lot of red and blue light spots are entangled in each other, and they are constantly shining with short light, which means that these star ships are smashing in full swing.

Touching these spots with the gods can also receive a series of astronomical information, which is real-time dynamic data on the battlefield.

In the past, Li Yao used to be the sharp knife. He rushed to the front line of the Xinghai battlefield. He only observed the changes in the war from a very narrow perspective, but he rarely stayed comfortably in the command center. From a global perspective, he was condescending. Insight into the entire battlefield, for a while, some leisurely uncomfortable.

However, he also knows that this time it is really "decisively better than a thousand miles away". White boss has torn a huge gap in the four major family federations, and transmitted the exact coordinates of the enemy's flagship. It simply means that This battle is ten!

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