Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2571: Unexpected surprise!

Through the three-dimensional holographic star map, even if Li Yao is not good at commanding a layman, he can roughly see the current situation of the enemy and the enemy.

It can be clearly seen that after nearly a day and a half of sweeping and hunting, those invaders who unfortunately jumped into and outside the defensive circle of the Seven Seas Market were all annihilated, captured or "war battle uprisings". After the fierce battle, the strength of the defenders was not How much loss, but greatly expanded.

The intruders also took the opportunity to condense dozens of fleets of varying sizes on the periphery of the star field. The problem is that these fleets are not actively moving closer, still maintaining their own state of affairs, even to the periphery of the star domain. Escape farther.

It seems that they all made up their minds and hoped that others would first come across the hard nails of the Wanmeng Business Alliance, and they would sit on the mountain and watch the tigers.

This gave the Wanshang Business Alliance a chance to break through.

Now, Li Yao has got the exact coordinates of the other's flagship. Several of the most elite hunting ships of the Wanmeng Business Alliance are driving toward the "Avalanche", and the White Boss is also arbitrarily arson. The joint fleet "goes to "support" Yunxuefeng.

As long as it can form a situation of front and rear pinch, even if the snow and snow can gather three to four King Kong-class super arsenal ships, only the sand and sand, the blood-stained stars will end!

"The situation is very beneficial to us. According to the secret spies that we have placed in the other side, the four major families seem to have produced extremely deep contradictions. Now the Song family is blatantly arrogant and the star ship of the East has temporarily withdrawn from the battlefield. Looking at Yunjia’s jokes together, the Yun’s starship received orders from Yunxuefeng, and became more and more eager to use it. Forced to force other starships to advance by force, the two sides even had several small-scale fires. So, even if we really besieged the flagship of Yunxuefeng, the other three main battleships are very likely to die!"

Jin Yuyan is in the shape of color. "As for the warships and the star-studded starships, we have been convinced by the majority of us, and there is no half-competition will, and now it is even more impossible to die for the four families!"

"I can guarantee that as long as we capture or sink the 'Avalanche' of Yunxuefeng, the so-called 'Million Starship Major League' will be completely disintegrated, and then it will be defeated, the smoke will be destroyed, and there will be no power. Stop us from winning a brilliant victory!"

Rationally, Li Yao also thinks so.

He has absolute confidence in his wisdom and the despicableness of the white boss.

But in terms of sensibility, he is quite a bit up in his heart, just like being on a cliff, his feet are on transparent tempered glass, knowing that the glass is hard, but looking at the bottomless abyss below, it will still be a while. The guilty conscience.

Mainly, he has never played such a relaxed and happy victory.

Which victory in the past, is not to hang his head on the waistband of the pants, fight hard to fight, and fight back half a life to change back? It is rare that he also enjoyed the general treatment of the general commander. As long as he stayed in the command room to drink tea and eat snacks, he would be able to enjoy it. Is this a strategy that is better than a thousand miles away? Really cool!

"Should... nothing unexpected?"

Before and after Li Yao, I carefully thought about every link and I couldn’t think of any flaws.

"Look, our hunting fleet has firmly locked in the coordinates of the 'Avalanche' and is entangled with the warning fleet next to the other's flagship!"

Jin Yuyan was excited. "The Song family, the Li family and the Eastern family's fleet still have no reaction. There is no sign of rescue cloud snow. For three hours, I only need them to continue to die for three hours. Enough for the avalanche, there really is a big avalanche!

"Unexpectedly? There are still some accidents! Unless all the four families of the cultivators are discovered by Tianliang, they immediately understand the unity of sincerity and the truth of the country, and they are condensed into an indestructible whole! Then, those peripheral warlords and local snakes suddenly abandoned themselves. In the interests of the Wanjie Business Alliance and the vast number of free Stars in the Dark Net account, we will forget about it and let us attack us. Otherwise, I really can't think of how the accident happened!

"Now, even if the emperor knows the battle here, there is no time to change anything. What about the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi? Even if his heart is not compatible with us, he also needs the Wanshang Business Alliance to win this battle. Otherwise, if the Seven Seas Stars fall and the Wanshang Commercial League collapses, his ambitions and millennial rule will be finished together!"

Li Yaodao: "It seems to be the same. If we look at it, we really won, but..."

Jin Yuyan said: "But what?"

Li Yaodao: "But how has my eyelids been jumping?"

When the voice did not fall, I heard a deafening roar, and they sounded close to them.

Immediately after a turbulent turbulence, the entire command center swayed violently, all the lights flashed wildly, numerous crystal lines and pipes broke, and colorful sparks screamed.

The sirens and screams sound at the same time.

Jin Yuyan's smile has not dissipated, just condensed on his face, like a dry mask.

Li Yao is full of indifference - the heart is as light as the gray, as if long ago used to such a silent fate.

The two men rushed in the direction of the explosion, and quickly figured out that it was not the headquarters building of the Wanshang Commercial League, but the adjacent headquarters building, not far from another 70-story building. .

The explosion occurred in about thirty-story, cutting off the tower-like building. At this moment, the forty layers of the upper part of the building have been tilted, in a harsh metal fatigue and break. Gradually, it fell to the direction of the Wanshang Commercial Union Headquarters Building.

The impact point is expected to be so precise that it can never be an accident. This is an artificially created explosion.

Li Yao cursed in his heart and turned to ask Jin Yuyan, who had a big change in his mind: "What is in that building, your face is so ugly?"

"Qi Yuanbao and Wu Yingqin heart."

Jin Yuyan’s facial muscles are twitching and gnashing his teeth. “This is where the brothers and sisters are locked!”

The voice did not fall, and the second and third explosions occurred one after another.

These two explosions occurred in a relatively remote area from the Wanshang Commercial Union Headquarters Building, but it is also the most prosperous area in the inner area. The towering high-rise buildings and intricate piping systems, as well as tens of millions of people are gathered there!

Three explosions, flaming flames, and overwhelming smoke from the sky, the claws spread out, such as the black fog of life, quickly covering dozens of streets in the inner area.

"I went to Qi Yuanbao and Wu Yingqin, and the general deacon of Jin stayed here to preside over the overall situation!"

Li Yaozhen gnawed his teeth and jumped directly from the heights of the Wanshang Commercial Union Headquarters Building. "Remember, the most important thing now is to stabilize the military. If the warlords and the local snakes on the starry battlefield know the chaos here, everything is Finished!"


After a high degree of modification and upgrade, the latest generation of mysterious war scorpions are covered with wings like a night condensed, and Li Yao rushes into the flames and dense fog with a black lightning.

Under the remote sensing of God, the front of the building, which is twisted like a twist, and will collapse completely, has every detail.

He can clearly see that countless cultivators are screaming out from the building, and they are wearing crystals to escape, but they are inevitably shocked by shock waves, stunned, or burned in the boulder, always left in the collapsed ruins. in.

Fortunately, this building is dedicated to the use of Jin Yuyan to ban the Qi Yuanbao, Wu Yingqin heart and part of the assassination. The nature of guarding the building is the confidant of Jin Yuyan, the tyrannical tyrannical tyrannical, not half ordinary people, but the province I went to Li Yao’s hard work.

The spiritual body of the imperial spirit of the Yuan Yuan Leopard came from Li Yao’s hand. Naturally, Li Yao planted the mark of “little little”. Li Yao’s mind was moving, and a gleaming spiritual body immediately appeared in the field of vision. The building is constantly moving between the forty and fifty layers of the collapse.

"call out!"

Li Yaoru, a black sword, directly fell into the burning building and appeared in front of Qi Yuanbao.

Sure enough, Qi Yuanbao was lying behind two unconscious guards, and he was dragging a clumsy genius and struggling to the window.

"Qi Yuanbao!"

Li Yao’s anger was unstoppable, and he squatted in the heart of Qi Yuanbao’s heart, and his breastplate was deeply sunken. “This king has a good heart to let you go, I didn’t expect you to find a way out!”

"Black, black wind king!"

Qi Yuanbao was turned over by Li Yao, and he rolled over three bones. When he rolled into the corner, he stretched out with his hands and feet. In the face of Li Yaoru’s murderous waves, there was still a bit of a god-level assassin’s prestige, and he screamed again and again. No, not me, I don't know what happened, the building exploded inexplicably, and slowly tilted, and it will collapse! The two guards are not me, I just want to escape!"

Where did Li Yao believe his slang words, and he used the gesture remote control to activate the disciplinary mode of Qi Yuanbao, a spiritual and physical body, and hundreds of arcs suddenly appeared in the depths of the spiritual body. Eight vegetarians, screaming again and again.

This kind of pain directly affecting the soul of the soul is really ten times more powerful than the extreme pain that the biological nerve can feel. It is no wonder that even the "hanging ghost" of the hall is called as bad as killing the pig.

Li Yao snorted, and this time I looked up at the two guards. Look at it, but look at it slightly, but it is a slight glimpse.

He found that both guards were shocked by the shock wave, and it was indeed not stunned by Qi Yuanbao.

As for why Qi Yuanbao was not shocked by the shock wave, it is probably a ghost repair hidden in the spiritual body, the frequency of the soul and the flesh and blood are not the same.

"Isn't that what you did?"

Li Yao was surprised. "Sorry, misunderstanding, this king will help you to withdraw from the 'discipline mode', but first ask, you have not blamed me?"

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