Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2572: Suddenly!

Qi Yuanbao has already twitched and squirted the big mouth fuel. The ghost cried and said: "No, don't blame the black wind king, it's all my own..."

"You have this understanding, and prove that your awareness is improving quickly!"

Li Yao’s seven-handed and eight-footed Qi Yuanbao’s genital body returned to normal mode, slamming his head and slamming the steel skull and bones. “To be honest, is it that you are doing it all right? Or have you concealed anything, does Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi give you other secret instructions?"

"No, it's not me, it's not me!"

Qi Yuanbao grievously cried out two lines of lubricating fluid, called Shu Road. "I really don't know anything. I have already explained everything in the big market of the Seven Seas. The Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi did not give us any other secret instructions. ——He just let us find ways to empty the gold, but it is not a last resort. Try not to hurt Jin Yuyan’s life. Even if you really want to solve Jin Yuyan, you have to wait until the victory of the Seven Seas.

"It’s my own greed, I’m eager to make it. If Wu Yingqi gave us other secret instructions, I have a million courage and I don’t dare to start at this time!”

"It seems to be."

Li Yao indulged for a moment, and felt that the wisdom of Qi Yuanbao was not like the black hand behind the scenes. The key is that this guy jumped out too early, screaming at the beginning, not in line with the image of the dark conspirators, the real conspiracy Home, shouldn't be low-key from beginning to end, even if it always appears in the eyes of everyone, is it always ignored by everyone?

Li Yao’s heart was tight, and suddenly he thought of a person. “Your sister, Wu Yingqin?”

"I, I don't know."

Qi Yuan Leopard looked blank. "I was separated from her by house. We have no possibility of communicating with each other. I don't know where she is."

"Ask you again, this question is very important, you must answer me honestly!"

Li Yao’s voice is very strong. “The whole thing, the whole plan to assassinate Jin Yuyan with ‘Shifting Dafa’ is exactly what you thought of first, or did your sister first think of it?”

"This one……"

The Qi Yuan Leopard has been lingering for a long time, and the spirit of the spirit has shed an uncertain ripple. "I also said it is not good."

Li Yao hurriedly said: "What is ‘you can’t say it badly’, who can’t say it first?”

"The plan I completed should be proposed first, but the technical feasibility is that my sister first said it, which inspired my ambition."

Qi Yuanbao said, "Wu Yingqin was originally a very powerful meditator. In the way of spiritual cultivation, even mastered countless strange, even the unheard of Famen, she was excited to tell me one day, she was moving The breakthrough of the practice of the Soul Dafa has made it possible to exchange the souls of two people without any damage and without revealing traces. Even the strong people above the Yuan Ying period can exchange their bodies. When I feel in my heart, I came up with that. idea."

"and many more--"

Li Yao squinted his eyes and instantly caught the key point. "You call it the hanged ghost, the most secretive ace of the empire in the outer world of the empire, so you can cultivate a powerful method of spiritual worship, but Wu Yingqin’s heart has been treated for the past 100 years. At the side of Wanjie Business League and Jin Yuyan, there are talents in the shopping mall. Why can she master more spiritual practice methods than you, are you not the same source?"

"This, I don't know."

Qi Yuanbao reluctantly said, "Although my sister and I both got the family heritage, but when we were both old and young, we were all killed. Only after we both escaped, we lost for decades, until each other had a small After the achievement, I met again. During this period, what happened to her, what kind of person was worshipped, what kind of supernatural powers were cultivated, and even what relics and caves were gone, naturally I would not tell me all.

"Everyone is a cultivator, even if the secret between the brothers and sisters is normal, I have a lot of magical power at the bottom of the box, and did not tell her!"

Li Yao’s face became very ugly: “In this case, she has cultivated a new ‘transitioning Dafa’. Why should I rush to tell you?”

Qi Yuanbao said, "Yes, now think about it, this is a bit strange. Usually, our two brothers and sisters are each cultivating their own, even if cultivation has become a tyrannical supernatural power, they rarely tell each other. Sometimes, when you encounter a problem, or you need someone to protect the law, you will find the other person to communicate.

"I, I didn't think so much at the time, I thought she was too excited and told me inadvertently..."

Li Yao gritted his teeth and said one word: "So, if there is no breakthrough in Wu Yingqin's heart on the 'transition of the soul,' your ambition will not break out. The assassination of Jin Yuyan is impossible to launch. In other words, the whole piece Although the mastermind on the bright side is you, the actual messenger is actually her, including you, and she is pushed by her with a subtle psychological hint."

Qi Yuan Leopard lingered for a long time, said: "This, think about it now, maybe?"

Li Yao angered: "Then you don't say it early!"

Qi Yuanbao said with a sad face: "I didn't realize this myself, let alone say it in the morning, will the Black Wind King believe me? Will you think that I am shirking responsibility to Wu Yingqin's mind and excusing myself? Then, I will even more despise me, hate me, torture me, abuse me, abuse me?"

Li Yao was a slogan, taking a deep breath and letting go of the house arrest for the search for Wu Yingqin.

In order to locate these important figures, in addition to leaving a mark on Qi Yuanbao’s spiritual body, he also placed a tracking collar on the neck of Wu Yingqin’s heart, releasing a special out every minute. The ripples of the frequency, within a few kilometers of the circle, Li Yao’s mind should be able to scan.

But now, Li Yao’s scan of God’s mind is empty and nothing is gained.

This is impossible. Li Yao’s tracking collar is very strong, and it was just full of psionics yesterday. Even if Wu Yingqin’s heart was blown up by a broken bone or a collapsed building into a patties, there is no reason to track the collar.

The only possibility is that Wu Yingqin ran with the tracking collar. At the moment of the explosion, he killed all the guards around him and went away.

Li Yao once again cursed a meal in his heart, he was really a pig's head three, and he suffered so many losses and not long-term memory - such as Qi Yuanbao, who jumped to the bright face at the beginning to play with his claws, is definitely a ghost, a small Hey, Wu Yingqin’s heart is so low-key, it’s important to take care of it!

"I believe you once, if you are found by the king that you are lying, this king is not to tear your three souls and seven scorpions, and you can't tear them apart!"

Li Yaozhen lived in the neck of Qi Yuanbao, took a sigh, took him to the air, and then flew up a foot, took the guy out of the window, and flew to the mid-100 meters high, and blocked it. This guy's spiritual body, let him wow to the ground and fall.

Anyway, this is a ghost repair, and the spiritual body is thick enough to be thick and fleshy, and it is impossible to fall, and at most, it can only eat a little bit of bitterness.

This is the way to get him to escape the burning building as soon as possible.

Immediately afterwards, Li Yao stepped on the ground and smashed the ground directly. He fell all the way down to the three-story floor and plunged into the house of Wu Yingqin's house arrest.

Sure enough, the corridors and the rooms were empty, except for the seven or eight guarded bodies, nothing, Wu Yingqin disappeared.

Li Yao squatted on the knees and inspected the bodies of these guards, but the more they found it, the more they felt terrified.

These guards are not shocked by the shock wave generated by the explosion, nor are they being crushed by the floor. Instead, they are used by heavy methods to smash the brain and blast the brain, so that the souls are smashed and broken.

Everyone's brain trembled like a balloon filled with water, and even a smashed soul did not stay, and Da Luo Jinxian could not save.

Two guards summoned the crystals in time to wear them, including the head with the strongest helmet protection, still can not escape.

From the remaining on the helmet, into the wood three points, the incomparably clear punches, the attackers did not even wear the crystals, just bare-handed, they killed the scorpion-shaped big man who was wearing the crystal.

Li Yao used his fist to compare it. The punch marks on the helmet were several times smaller than his fists. It was obviously a woman's fist.

It is Wu Yingqin.

Li Yao’s heart sank into the bottomless abyss.

All the information says that Wu Yingqin is a pure meditator, between the management and research-type cultivators, and there is not too much combat power.

Jin Yuyan also told Li Yao that he had never seen his wife's hands for a hundred years. Wu Yingqin used his brain instead of his fist.

Including Li Yao himself, before the house arrest, also conducted a comprehensive inspection of Wu Yingqin's heart, did not find out that she had a slight abnormality.

If she said that she was attacked by the meditator's unique spirit, hypnotizing these guards, letting them kill each other and returning to the end, Li Yao can understand.

But with his own fist, a fist punches so many guards to kill, the power even runs through the two crystals, the crystal scorpion as a paper shell, this, how is this possible?

Li Yao indulged for a moment, suddenly thought of something, the entire face almost turned into black charcoal, hurriedly flew to the other side of the corridor to investigate.

Before he broke into the room, he found another body in the corridor, the body of a woman.

This is a woman with tall cheekbones, huge eyes and long arms and knees.

She died unsuccessfully, and the already coagulated eyes were full of doubts and fears, and her mouth was wide open, seeming to make an incredible cry.

But her chest was deeply sunken and she could almost see the spine.

There is also a small hole in the forehead that runs through the back of the head. The brain tissue inside is burned out by the flames.

She is the same as Qi Yuanbao, one of the "Four Great Deaths", the leader of the Bloody Killer Group, one of the strongest snipers of the Empire, the Red Lady.

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