Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2574: Black Emperor and Black King!

The other person's eyes are like two huge whirlpools. The flames from the explosions around them can't pick up the whistle of the waves. The whole body is surrounded by a black arrogance. It feels like a tentacle and continually rushes toward Li Yao. Anyway, it plays a black wind than Li Yao. The style of the king is even more embarrassing and evil.

"Hey, hey!"

Wu Yingqin’s heart and mouth sounded strangely, as if the internal organs had turned into a mass of magma, supporting this dry body and stimulating the last vitality.

Looking at the other party's ethereal and evil expression, Li Yao suddenly gave birth to a strange intuition - she is not Wu Yingqin heart!

It’s as if Jin Yuyan replaced the body with “Shifting the Soul”. At this moment, he crouched in the depths of Wu Yingqin’s mind and mind, and the body that manipulated her incompleteness was not her own, but another mysterious and powerful. There are even some... familiar souls.

Li Yao is thinking hard, "Wu Yingqin heart" is under the manipulation of the crystal line, slowly extending the bare wrist, open and close, and forcefully applaud.

If her two palms are still there, it will make a huge applause.

However, her two palms have all been bald, and even the bones are exposed, and naturally there is no sound.

She did not care, still with a stiff smile, controlling two fleshy arms, doing the "applause" action.

Silent applause spreads in the burning darkness, making this scene even more creepy.

"You are not Wu Yingqin heart!"

In the face of such a strange picture, even Li Yao was a little unsettled, and all the gods were alert, and he gritted his teeth. "Who are you?"


The other party drummed for a long time, and did not answer his question positively, but it was sharp and thin, like a crow-like voice. "Vulture Li Yao, your speech at the Wanshang Commercial Union Headquarters Building is really wonderful, it will be a ghost." The bluffs, the skills of pulling the tiger's flag, and the skills of the outer world of the empire are all deceived by you. If you look at it, you really want to applaud and cheer you on the spot. How many years have you been? Haven't you seen such a despicable self-cultivator? If the Xinghai Republic had more than two comprehensions like you, the hegemony would not be so easy!"


Li Yao thought about electricity, suddenly licking his mouth and posing a bitter face.

Looking closely at the black flames that Wu Yingqin’s heart rushed out of the body, it was surely swaying and swaying into a throne on her head.

A very domineering and fierce figure, like a black dragon with claws and claws, the shadows lie on it.

"Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi!"

Li Yao can't believe his eyes. "It's you, how is it possible, you are not staying in the emperor to rectify the Guards, how come -"

"This is the mystery and power of the realm of distraction, perhaps you will never be able to comprehend."

Wu Yingqin's heart - Wu Yingqi coldly said, "The **** of the gods naturally stays in the body of Li Linghai. In the emperor's presiding over the overall situation, it is divided into a soul, crouching in the body of Wu Yingqin, hiding in the side of Jin Yuyan, at any time. Control the situation in the seven seas.

"What are the important things about Wanshang Commercial League and Free Star Coin? Do you think that you really let go of Jin Yuyan?"

Li Yao responded. Wu Yingqi should have hijacked the body of Wu Yingqin in a way similar to "remote manipulation."

No wonder Wu Yingqin’s fighting power has become so strong, even without any physical damage, even if the hands and feet are broken and exploding.

Because she was originally Wu Yingqi's embarrassment, she simply lost her will, even if this body is completely destroyed, it is estimated that Wu Yingqi is too much.

No, Li Yao estimates that Wu Yingqi does not need to "hijack". As long as he shows his identity to Wu Yingqin, Wu Yingqin must be loyal to him, and he will not hesitate to go through the fire, let alone serve as a carrier of the district.

As for the connection of such a polycrystalline wire to the body of Wu Yingqin, it should be the soul of Wu Yingqi, transmitted through the spiritual network covering hundreds of thousands of worlds, and using the "wired transmission" method to inspire such a strong flame. Ripple?

Li Yao was once beaten by Wu Yingqi, his face was swollen, and his fart was rushing. He almost reimbursed most of his life. No, he used to beat Wu Yingqi to his face, so he never dreamed of Wu Yingqi’s soul ripple characteristics. He can be sure that such a strong and strong, purple flames, the arrogance of the ninety-five, is not something that others can imitate.

However, if Wu Yingqi has always controlled Wu Yingqin's heart and knows all the plans of Jin Yuyan and Qi Yuanbao, it does not make sense!

Why did Wu Yingqi indulge and even Qi Yuanbao to assassinate Jin Yuyan?

Wu Yingqi could not have expected the appearance of Li Yao and Li Jialing, and if there was no Li Yao, Jin Yuyan should have been assassinated. At this moment, the big market of the Seven Seas is a mess, and it cannot absorb the confidence of many warlords and local snakes in the outer world of the Empire. It will definitely be defeated in the "Battle of the Seven Seas".

In this way, Wu Yingqi hopes that Wanmeng Business Alliance will defeat this shackle and even be completely eliminated by the four major families.

There is no reason. No matter how Wu Yingqi does not like Wanxiang Business Alliance and Free Star Co., he and Wanjie Business Alliance are both grasshoppers on the rope. The reformists operate in many fields and rely on free stars. Acting as "lubricating oil", the Imperial Capital and the Seven Seas Stars are dead and cold, one is destroyed, and the other is destined to escape.

Therefore, what Wu Yingqi is playing, Li Yaozhen wants to wear the Tianling cover and can't understand.

“Do you think your brain is very messy? The chaos is right!”

Wu Yingqi smiled. "After going through this messy war, don't you understand? The real universe and the empire are so chaotic!

“Everyone is self-interested. Everyone just wants to think for themselves. Everyone wants to save their strength and blame others for the fire. The four big families are so, until now, what’s the 'Million Star Alliance?' It took nearly two days to jump to the Seven Seas Stars. They still couldn't pick up a loose sand and struggled in the mud.

"And the Wanshang Business Alliance is still not intriguing, and it is intriguing. Everyone is calculating their own small profits. No one is really willing to sacrifice for the 'ideas' and the 'avenues'.

"Whether it is the leader of the Wanshang Business League or the four major family federations, facing such a bunch of pigs, stupid, dog-like greed, wolf-like and rabbit-like, I am afraid I will feel a headache, lament that I can do nothing. ?

"And the embarrassment of the past, it is necessary to control countless forces such as the four major families and the Wanshang Commercial League, to fight the entire chaotic Xinghai!

"Vulture Li Yao, you tell me, in the face of such a chaotic Xinghai, how to do it without a little iron, how to do it without killing people and blood flowing into the river!"

Until now, Li Yao still did not know the true purpose of Wu Yingqi. His eyes turned around and secretly sent a message to Li Jialing. An interview revealed: "'Our enemies are not each other, but the whole piece of vast Xinghai', so If the former empire’s prime minister, Oriental Hope, once said it, I still don’t understand what it’s like. What do you want to see in your hand? It seems that you have a winning grasp, even if there is no Wanmeng Business League. Can you solve the four big families easily?"

"Do you know, vulture Li Yao, you have a very bad habit, that is, when your mind is turning, the eyeballs are too active!"

Wu Yingqi said faintly, "When you start to call it "Your Majesty" and "You", the little abacus in your heart is playing faster and faster.

"Put up your little tricks that can't be used on the table. It's useless. You have already disturbed all the psionic fluctuations within a radius of a kilometer. You don't want to send half of the information. You can't see the loyalty to the empire. Why are you rushing to go to the 'King of the Black Wind'?

"As for the four major families, hey, I haven’t put them in the eye since the beginning. What I want to do is not only to eliminate the four big families, but also to completely eliminate the soil that has caused the four families to breed. Corrupt officials, filial piety, and interest groups are all smashed, re-creating a day, a bright future, an open, fair, and just, all the cultivators have a lofty ideal, a new empire willing to break the bones of human civilization! Only such a new empire Only have enough strength to sail and sail, to open up ... a broader universe!"

Wu Yingqi manipulated the residual limbs of Wu Yingqin's heart, dancing wildly with his hands and feet, and constantly spraying blood, like a red fireworks.

"Let's come here, aren't you the biggest corrupt officials, emperors, and interest groups? You are not a good guy, you have a good head, and those people are just like the ones." !"

Li Yao squinted at the goose bumps on his body, took a sip, and was deeply attracted by a word spoken by Wu Yingqi. He subconsciously said, "Sail sailing and open up a broader universe. What do you mean?"


Wu Yingqi was keenly aware of Li Yao’s shock and slightly stunned. “I didn’t expect you to know about the foreign domain, but it’s getting more and more curious about your ‘the king of the black wind’.”

"You, what are you talking about?"

Li Yao only felt that one heavy and heavy black mist shrouded the top of his head, and he was so fast that he could not breathe. "What is the 'outside domain' you said?"

"Want to know everything, then come to the side of you with all your heart and soul. When you realize how vast the universe is, how small and dangerous human civilization is, you will discover that the self-cultivator and the cultivator How ridiculous the differences are."

Wu Yingqi extended Li Xue's wrist to Li Yao. It seems to be sincere. "The last time I promised in the capital, it is still effective. The vulture Li Yao, together with the comprehension country behind you, stands on this side. Everything you do is not awkward!"

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