Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2575: We are the same kind of people!

Li Yao is trying to squirt a dog's blood on Wu Yingqi's face, telling him to talk like a fart - even the "Jinkou Yuyan, never swearing" such shameless words are said to be exported, I really think that "King of the Black Wind, Vulture Li Yao" is Three-year-old?

Suddenly, my heart suddenly became tight, and I found the problem in an instant. I suddenly came up with a cold sweat from my back and pretended to look like a stunned look. "What is it?" I have already said that the firefly has been destroyed in the fight. In the middle, the Xinghai Republic has disappeared, and where is the country of comprehension!"

"Oh, your reaction is very fast, there is no stuffing."

Wu Yingqi smiled and said, "However, it is useless. You and Yu are well aware. What you are talking about is not the Xinghai Republic, but another Bentham country that does not know the name but is quite powerful.

"You don't have to cover it up, you don't have to wrestle your brain to explain it. It's just a simple reasoning - you have come up with a lot of medals, scepters and gods on the Black Wind Fleet, and you are really black. The king of the wind is correct, but you can conclude that you are indeed a strong self-cultivator, although shameless.

"How can a staunch comprehension be the king of the black wind? There is only one answer. Qi Yuanbao is right. The Black Wind Fleet is indeed defeated by the comprehensible. The black wind monks who are afraid of death are living in the world. I bowed to you and bowed to you.

"The problem is coming. It is impossible to defeat the Black Wind Fleet by the defeat of the government of the Exile in the Xinghai Republic. As a result, isn’t the answer clear? In addition to the Firefly, there is another comprehensive combat power than the Black Wind. The fleet is a stronger comprehension country.

"Vulture Li Yao, what is the name of your motherland? Do you have a few thousand worlds, five, eight, or even ten? And, the sacred people who used to sway the emperor's tomb with Li Linghai. In fact, I did not escape to the Firefly, but fled to this comprehension country, right?

"The Firefly has always floated in the stars, and it is very important to avoid the search and pursuit of the Imperial Starship. How can the sacred people find the Firefly? This is too coincidental? This question is Some doubts, if he is actually a country that flows to a border country, then everything makes sense!"

Li Yao stunned for a long time and laughed.

"I don't know what you are talking about!"

Li Yao shouted, "Your imagination is so rich, and it is better to be an emperor than to write a novel!"

"Hey, do you know what the 'dead duck's mouth is hard'? It's what you look like now, although your breathing, heartbeat, body temperature, blood flow rate and even adrenaline secretion are not abnormal, but you can perceive your spirit. The speed of consumption can be increased by more than 10%. Do you consume so many psionics in the endless end, isn't it to suppress your own physiological parameters in order to show the expression of 'panic?'

Wu Yingqi is floating on the face of Wu Yingqin's heart. The smile on his face is getting more and more intense, and he is getting more and more surprised. He uses a broken hand to gently touch Li Yao. One word and one word, "Now, you have already taken you and you." The country of the comprehension behind them has seized. The approximate coordinates of the Black Wind Fleet are not secrets, and your country obviously does not run like a firefly. You can run it after you have settled the central part of the Xinghai. Personally command the army, expedition to the stars, how can your country resist?"

Li Yao’s heartbeat is like a flood that breaks the dike, and finally can’t stop it and jump wildly.

"Ha ha ha ha, it seems that you finally admitted, vulture Li Yao!"

Wu Yingqi laughed. "What should I call you? Is it the last survivor of Firefly, or the king of the black wind? Or is this special envoy of the country that is not known, but must be very interesting? Carrying a triple identity You, what did Wanli ran to the center of Xinghai? Let's think about it. Yes, after recruiting the Black Wind Fleet and understanding the power of the real human empire in the central Xinghai, all of your comprehensions must be panicked, the six gods have no ownership, and even feel the end of the world. Alright?

"At this time, the war between the Empire and the Holy Alliance is simply your only hope, so you will go to the center of the Xinghai to see if there is any way to balance the Empire and the Holy Alliance, and even let you be small. The small motherland is able to control the source of the fishermen and the profits of the fishermen.

"Don't rush to deny, it's useless to deny. Your credibility has already been zeroed here. You won't believe the half words you said, only believe in your own deduction and judgment.

"Give up the fantasy, a small mouse, in the collision of two star-studded beasts, it is impossible to get to the right and left, the fishermen benefit.

"But if you just want to survive, you can make a big mistake and give you a horse."

"Don't doubt the sincerity of 朕, ​​until you know how vast the universe is, you will not let go of any comprehension, but now, there is a broader world to conquer, there are more ferocious and mysterious enemies. To kill, you must gather all the precious powers of human civilization and find more helpers, including those who do not like them.

"If you really think as you think, and know some secrets about our little universe, then you must know what you mean."

"I don't have to lie to you, although I don't like the self-cultivator, I appreciate you very much, vulture Li Yao, because there is a great commonality between you and you."

Li Yao sneered and sneered: "You and me, have something in common?"

"Yes, although you and I have differences in the way we do things, we are all pure idealists, all for a great idea, for the prosperity of human civilization, and even willing to take the whole life. Dedicated to the great civilization - it is precisely for 10,000 years of work for human civilization, dedicated to 10,000 years, in order to seek more powerful power!"

Wu Yingqi opened his broken arm and said with sincerity, "But, everyone other than us, everyone? Look at this ridiculous war at the Seven Seas Stars! The four family and warlord forces are of course Selfishness, a loose sand, no dignity and courage can be said; but the fleet of the Wanshang Commercial League, is not a despicable villain who can betrayed for a copper plate?

"How far and difficult is the journey of 朕, ​​is it necessary to rule out such a group of self-serving fake sorcerers to explore the universe beyond the universe?

"Oh, the vultures Li Yao, 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 这些 这些 朕 朕 朕 这些 这些 看 看 看 看 看 看 看 看 看 看 ' ' ' ' ' ' The ideal is to rush out of this universe!"


Li Yao's body is folded with a new goosebump. "Who is the same kind of person as you, I have principles, have the bottom line, and are kind and kind, and handsome!"

"Oh, for the sake of ideals, any principle and bottom line can be abandoned! If you hold the ridiculous principle and the bottom line, the ideal is just a castle in the air, a laugh!"

Wu Yingqi suddenly changed his face and his voice was fierce. "If you don't dare to trample on the ideals and trample on all the rules of the world, it means that you are not enough to insist on ideals, and you are not qualified to talk about ideals, especially the ideals of the future of human civilization!"

"Vulture Li Yao, finally asked you again, you and the comprehension country behind you, whether you are willing to stand up to this side, and join hands to fight the world, we will unify this small universe, then humans The **** battle flag of civilization, inserted in the heavens and the world, endless stars!

"Or do you have to be obsessed with it, and you are being crushed by the wheels that are rolling forward?"


Wu Yingqi's body, the black flames soared, and even the skin and flesh and blood of Wu Yingqin's heart were torn apart, like the coal in the raging flame, constantly melting and turning into pure energy.

His imposing manner is arrogant, and it seems that the deity is in the air and appears in front of Li Yao!

Li Yao was blown by Wu Yingqi's arrogance, and his eyes could not be opened.

"Wu Yingqi, your grandfather I-"

Li Yao had a mouth, and he poured it into the mouth, and the gang was like two balloons. It was like there were countless swords in his mouth. He spit for a long time before he spit clean, gnashing his teeth, and smashing the railroad. "I, I think about it for a few days? For such a big thing, you always have to let me consider what it is for ten days and a half, and decide to be cautious, right? Otherwise, I will promise it at this time, and you will not believe it! ”

"Oh, it makes sense, then you will slowly consider it, I am looking forward to your answer."

Wu Yingqi laughed. "I believe that you will not let you down, you are in the capital, waiting for your arrival!"


The remnant of Wu Yingqin’s heart finally could not withstand the remote control of the black star emperor, and was burned into a group of coke by the black spirit.


Li Yaofei blinked quickly and perceived a large number of strong psionic ripples to dissipate quickly. The black flame throne that Wu Yingqi's will condensed was divided and annihilated.

He did not expect Wu Yingqi to be so deceived, even such a shouting word can be smothered?

In the opposite world, I found that the fire did not burn all the bodies of Wu Yingqin’s heart, but it kept the living head, and also swallowed all the frenzied ripples and psionics in the air. A shrill "squeaky" sound, the bigger and bigger, quickly expanded to the original two or three times as large, like a crystal clear crystal ball.

The pair of eyes that swelled several times, such as the abyss, still stared at Li Yao with a smile.

"not good!"

Li Yao’s pupil suddenly shrank, and the skeleton of the body screamed, and every nerve cluster was screaming.

It’s too late, the next 0.1 second, Wu Yingqin’s heart-shaped and inflated head, mixed with the supreme power of the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi’s remains, will explode!

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