Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2576: Brain branding

The brain of Wu Yingqin’s heart seems to expand hundreds of thousands of times in an instant, dragging Li Yao into another world.

The intricate crystal pipelines and the raging broken walls of the surrounding disappeared, leaving only a dark, faint star, slowly rotating around Li Yao.

However, Li Yao fixed his eyes and looked at the shining stars, but they all turned into the deep and intense eyes of the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi, staring at him intently.

Ten thousand eight thousand Wu Yingqi's eyes, staring at Li Yao together, in the depths of Li Yao's spirit, stirred up an uproar.

Ten thousand and eight thousand eyes, like the eternal light of tens of thousands of degrees of high temperature, to be immortal, can not defy and can not erase the information, branded to the deepest soul of Li Yao.

"Long live your Majesty, long live the real human empire, long live human civilization!"

Li Yao seems to hear the depths of his brain, and there are countless people screaming wildly.

He was involved in the torrent, and he couldn’t help himself. I didn’t know how long it had been with the waves. Gradually, the screams of the screams were clear and unified, and all became – his voice!

Li Yao heard that he was screaming and steadfastly arrogant: "Long live the Black Star Emperor! Long live the Black Star Emperor! Long live the Black Star Emperor!"

He chilled coldly, and the brain hole leading to the earth at the deepest point of the soul opened again, releasing a thousand arcs, and suddenly smashed the horrible and strange illusion.

Thousands of long lived sounds came to an abrupt end. In the stars of the sky, the eyes of 108,000 Wu Yingqi were closed, and the depths of the endless darkness surged into a purple wave. The wave actually turned out to be thousands of pieces. The purple flame is composed of the claws of the claws.

The huge waves of the real dragon swept across, and collided with the soul of Li Yao, causing a violent, deafening loud noise.


Li Yao felt that every pillar in his palace of the soul was shaking. "Hey," a blood spurt, fell to the deepest part of the crystal maze, and instantly passed out, no one knows.

He didn't know how long he had been groping in the dark.

The powerful spirit of the **** series has also kept the last point clear, and has perceived the information that countless Wu Yingqi poured into his brain.

He seems to see the destroying fleet that covers the sky. Under the command of Wu Yingqi, he headed for the Star Alliance, and in just one and a half years, he completely leveled the Starry Federation.

He seems to see himself and countless federal comprehensions kneeling at the foot of Wu Yingqi, worshipping the ancestor of the immortal, and shouting "Long live the Black Star Emperor" from the heart.

He seems to see that under Wu Yingqi's rule, a brand new, fairer and brighter immortal country was born, and also defeated the sacred alliance, unifying the entire Pangu universe, and then moving beyond the black wall. The endless stars marched.

After hundreds of millions of years, when human civilization is really prosperous and spreads in every corner of the multiverse, people at that time will not mind the little "means" of the Black Star Emperor long and long ago.

"Only the Black Star Emperor can save human civilization. Only the Black Star Emperor can lead us out of the tens of millions of years, the fate of countless civilizations being trapped in it, to surpass Pangu and Nuwa civilization, and thousands of Taikoo civilizations. The only thing, 'Eternal Civilization'!"

Li Yao is not clear. This sentence is whether Wu Yingqi is whispering in the depths of his brain, or is he thinking from the heart himself.

Li Yao was awakened by this terrible thought, three feet high, smashing into a fragmented ceiling and falling into the sump between the broken walls.

"I, I am..."

Li Yao groped for the whole body, and there was nothing to hurt on his body. It was the brain that hurt so badly, and there was a faint feeling of numbness, as if the head had become two or three times the size.

Well, he reached out and touched it. It wasn't "like". He was really swollen and swollen. He was bleeding, his lips and ears were full of dry blood. His head swayed slightly, and he immediately turned around and couldn't sit still.

This is a symptom of severe craniocerebral injury, at least severe concussion plus intracranial hemorrhage, but relying on the strong cross-body of the gods series to support it, there is no cockroach or even a vegetative person.

The soul of the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi shocked, and sacrificed the brain of Wu Yingqin, the super-meditator, to increase the amplitude, and turned it into this earth-shattering “suicide-style spiritual explosion”, which is powerful and cannot be calculated.

Thanks to Li Yao's spirit is equally arrogant, it is barely able to withstand the suicide shock of Wu Yingqi, and it will be turned into an idiot with a high probability, even causing more terrible consequences.

Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi, it is really unfathomable, can not be defeated!

Only the peerless powers such as Wu Yingqi are qualified to lead all the self-cultivators and cultivators and all human beings, unite the federation, the empire and the sacred alliance, condense all the strong men of the Pangu universe, and rush out to help human civilization find a way out. .

It’s easy to be defeated by the younger generations, and it’s easy to be defeated by the younger generations. Wu Yingqi is worse than the self-interested fake monks of the Big Four, and the “no mechanical” of the Holy League. People are much better?

In fact, in all fairness, Wu Yingqi and Bai Bo, it is hard to say who is worse. Since you can cooperate with Bai boss, why can't you cooperate with your Majesty?

and many more--

Li Yao suddenly opened his eyes and fanned his own slap in the face.


The crisp slap sounds from the depths of the darkness.

"What the **** is I thinking about, how can I really give birth to the idea of ​​surrendering to the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi?"

Li Yao felt incredible. He was very certain. Before the coma, it was more accurate that he was absolutely, absolutely, absolutely never wanted to compromise with Wu Yingqi before the impact of Wu Yingqi’s suicide-like soul explosion. Not to mention thoroughly. Surrender to the other party.

He even thought about temporarily cooperating with Lei Chenghu as a "real cultivator", but Wu Yingqi is never on the list of cooperation.

Because Li Yao faintly feels that Wu Yingqi is too dangerous, it is beyond the "real cultivator", the danger that cannot be described.

But now, his soul is really shaken, unable to contain the idea of ​​compromising Wu Yingqi, bowing his head and even surrendering.

This is not his intention, but he can't eliminate it at once. The idea is like a thousand-degree high-temperature soldering iron, which is imprinted on his cerebral cortex, even through the cerebral cortex. Into his soul!

"What the hell, why do I suddenly give birth to the idea of ​​bowing to Wu Yingqi? Is his personality so strong, I am convinced by him, unconsciously?"

Li Yao’s bones are stunned and he is squinting with his hair. “It’s impossible to make a joke. It must be that his ‘thumbs of self-destruction’ is weird. I’ve actually implanted such a terrible idea in my mind!”

Li Yao took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down and face up to this idea deeply imprinted in the depths of the soul.

With his powerful spirit and firm mind, he can analyze the whole thing rationally and calmly, and objectively conclude that he will never bow to Wu Yingqi.

However, he still could not stop the idea of ​​some instinct and deeply feared the Black Star Emperor.

It seems that little spiders and non-toxic cauliflower snakes do not harm humans, but many people still have no reason to fear spiders and cauliflower snakes.

Li Yao adjusted his interest for ten minutes, and gradually calmed down, and the deep fear of Wu Yingqi was removed and obliterated.

But he still perceives that the ugly "brand" still remains in his own soul, not completely removed overnight.

As a result, there is a flaw in the Tao. If you do not completely eliminate the brand, you must face up with Wu Yingqi, and it will inevitably be hindered.

"Is this purely pure purple flame, the legendary ‘those of the ninety-five lord’s domineering’, or is it another more overbearing and weird supernatural power?”

Li Yao can't help but think that even the strongest people above him who are above the gods are almost in the middle of the move. If it is a weaker refining, building a foundation, and a knot, it must be completely controlled by the brand, can't extricate itself?

"Wu Yingqi and I grind for a long time, and I was still preparing for such a 'trick'. Fortunately, I have practiced Yaoge, and if I change to an ordinary strong, will it be controlled by this thought, crying and crying Surrender to Wu Yingqi's feet?

"The secret ‘implantation thought’ is simply the most terrible brainwashing method. Is Wu Yingqi’s series of illogical actions related to this?”

Li Yao wiped the blood from the lips and the inside and outside of the ear canal. After thinking hard for a long time in the dark, I still couldn’t guess what Wu Yingqi wanted to do.

I want to contact Li Jialing and Jin Yuyan, only to find that my wrist crystal brain and crystal enamel are disturbed, surrounded by an extremely chaotic sea of ​​psionic power, no information can be transmitted - think, but also Wu Yingqi manipulates Wu Yingqin The consequences of the heart's self-destructive brain.

Fortunately, his body did not cause serious problems. He used both hands and feet to resist the headache and climbed up and down. When he was about to climb to the surface of the asteroid, he finally heard Li Jialing’s anxious shouting.

"Yao Ge, Yao Ge, where are you!"

Li Yao drove the crystal, jumped up, and fell to the ground and gasped: "Here!"

"Yao Ge -"

Li Jialing rushed up and rushed up, full of anxiety and concern. "Where have you been, you will not be able to contact you for most of the day, and why your soul ripples are so scattered, like you have just been hit hard, what happened? thing!"

"Is it all for a long time?"

Li Yao gave a slight glimpse, but he did not expect that the self-perception was only an instant coma, but at least it took several hours.

Listening to the ear, but hearing the sounds around the wrong, there are explosions and gunshots, large riots and fires, and frowning. "Where is the situation outside, why is the inner area of ​​the Wanshang Commercial League, it sounds like a mess?"

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