Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2577: Crash of confidence

"The big thing is not good, Yao brother!"

Li Jialing was in a hurry and said, "The Wanjie Business League has provoked guilt, Jin Yuyan, he-"


Li Yao turned up and sat up and squinted. "Don't tell me, Jin Yuyan was assassinated again?"

"That didn't."

Li Jialing breathed a sigh of relief and paused. "But it may be worse than being assassinated. In my opinion, he might as well be killed by a shot! Yes, it is all in the core database of the Wanshang Business Alliance. The transaction data has been cleared, shuffled and covered!"


Li Yaoru’s ice cave, his heart is cold and chilly.

The core transaction data of Wanjie Business Alliance is related to the interests of countless immortals. It is the biggest reason why thousands of strong people are willing to fight for Wanjie Commercial Alliance, and even the only reason why Free Star is worth the money.

It is precisely because Free Star can exchange almost all resources and magic weapons through the trading network of Wanshang Business Alliance, so it is recognized by the entire Xiuxian world and is more secure than the legal currency of the Empire.

If the trading network of the Wanshang Business Alliance collapses and all the core transaction data disappears or is messed up, it means the collapse of the free star currency, that is, the collapse of all the cultivators’ confidence in the Wanshang Business Alliance. Who else? Willing to fight for the Wanjie Business Alliance?

Of course, even if all the data collapses, there will always be a recovery in three or five days.

But at this juncture, the four major family federations quickly smashed under the nose of the Wanjie Business Alliance, but they made such a mess, and they were not afraid of the disaster.

It is not necessary for all the cultivators to lose confidence in the Wanjie Business Alliance. As long as two or three percent of the cultivators lose their confidence, a catastrophic chain reaction will trigger.

"How could this be!"

Li Yao’s face is pale and his voice is very strong. “The core transaction data of Wanjie Business Alliance should not be the most secret thing. The seven or eighty-eight defenses are even bigger when I look at it. How can it be easily destroyed?”

"Nobody knows what is going on."

Li Jialing flew quickly. "The first series of big bangs was just a cover-up. It was to divert everyone's attention. When everyone including Jin Yuyan went to search for the main idea of ​​the explosion, the core database of Wanshang Commercial League was inexplicably The person breaks through, and the other party has the highest authority of Jin Yuyan, and has poured in hundreds of the latest types of crystal encephalitis virus, which destroys all the data in a lightning-fast manner, and waits until the crystal brain experts of Wanjie Commercial League discover it. The loss has been irreversible. It is expected to take three to five days, and it will take up to forty-eight hours to recover!

"More, even worse, after the other party cleared the core transaction data of the Wanshang Business Alliance, it also poured in a lot of other information, most of which were all kinds of scandals and transactions at the top of the Wanshang Business Alliance, including Jin Yuyan. Many scandals have made people feel guilty and jealous!"

Weak meat and strong food, natural selection - this is the basic rule that all cultivators follow. The four immortals are the same. The same is true for the cultivators of the Wanshang Commercial League. How many of them are good men and women?

In a short period of 100 years, Jin Yuyan can rise from the nameless generation to the throne of the general deacon of Wanjie Commercial League. He has all kinds of guns and arrows, intrigues, and swearing, talking and farting, secretly licking the knife. Naturally, there is no less work.

As for what is low-buy and high-selling, hoarding, black eating and even using the killer group to completely eliminate the competitors in the mall, this kind of thing is also commonplace, quite a few of them, breaking the double rules of the mall and Xiu Xianjie.

In this kind of thing, all senior deacons, deacons, shareholders, and partners are each other, and they can enter and exit the society with great brilliance. Who has not been exposed to blood? The unwritten rule is that as long as the hand is cleaned up, no evidence is left, and no one is poked out, no one will be the same thing.

After all, the winner is impunity!

However, once it is taken out by people, it is another matter.

Now, not only Jin Yuyan, but also the other four senior deacons, including the evidence of many ordinary deacons, have been made public, and transmitted to all the most weighty shareholders and partners through the intranet of Wanmeng Business Alliance. It is even the warlords, the landlords and the head snakes in the outer world of the empire.

Many people just woke up like a dream, knowing that one day of the month of a certain year, one of their own goods was swallowed by a certain piece of grin that was sitting opposite at the moment, and a pile of sensation shocked the whole world. The big assassination was originally instructed by Jin Yuyan, and Jin Yuyan also used a number of despicable and unscrupulous means to embezzle the interests of many shareholders and partners, and climbed the blood-stained throne step by step.

This time, it is really "a stone provokes a thousand waves", even if the enemy is currently, no one can bear it, and they have pleaded guilty to Jin Yuyan, even some people directly hands up and slammed up.

"It is Wu Yingqin, right, it is Wu Yingqi who remotely controls her brain!"

Li Yao’s face is very ugly, like a poisoned frog, gnashing his teeth. “Wu Yingqin and Jin Yuyan have been husband and wife for a hundred years. The latter’s many unseen activities are carried out through the former. Wu Yingqin Of course, I have a lot of evidence.

"As for Jin Yuyan's use of the highest authority to modify the core database, hey, Wu Yingqin heart can help Jin Yuyan implement the "transition of the soul", naturally can fully scan the brain and spirit of Jin Yuyan, parsing and copying the soul of the brand.

"I don't know her - how long has he planned for the whole bureau? The question is what he wants to do, or the sentence. Now, stinking Jin Yuyan and even messing up the Wanmeng Business Alliance, he has no advantage at all. He It’s not always necessary to burn with the Wanjie Business Alliance, so that the four families are cheaper?"

"Yao Ge, what do you mean?"

Li Jialing said differently, "I don't understand. How can this matter be related to Wu Yingqi? Wu Yingqi should not be ignorant of everything that happened in the Seven Seas Market. If he knew it already, how could it be? Let the big market in the Seven Seas mess up, the more chaotic here, the worse the situation is for him!"

"Yes, I think so."

Li Yao smiled bitterly. "This is the biggest doubt and the key to breaking the game. But I don't want to push it. You tell me, is Jin Yuyan still controlling the situation?"

"The situation on the ground is controlled."

Li Jialing worried and said, "But the situation in the starry battlefield is so bad that it can't be added!"

Li Jialing told Li Yao that Jin Yuyan had been a general deacon for several decades. He still had big votes, confidants, and supporters in the Wanshang Commercial League. Even in the face of such unfavorable situation, he was not chaotic. Fang Yuan, but exerted all the means, released all means, eyelids rudely squandered a lot of interests, won a lot of forgiveness and support, and then punish the people who have fired and ran away, maintain Lived the order on the surface of the Seven Seas market.

The sound of gunfire and explosions they heard, that is, the troops loyal to Jin Yuyan, are suppressing those who smashed the Star Harbor and tried to escape.

However, Jin Yuyan can control the surface order of the Seven Seas market, but it can't control people's hearts and confidence, especially those who are self-respecting. At this moment, they are swinging around the periphery of the Seven Seas, watching the warlords and the hearts of the local snakes.

In the Battle of the Seven Seas, the Wanmeng Business Alliance is a small number of enemies. It is a morale and confidence. It must be like a broken bamboo.

If there is a half-point difference pool in the middle, most of the warlords and head snakes that swing around are not on their side. They are by no means the opponents of the four major family federations.

The troubles that are now raging are not just "half the difference pool," but they will collapse halfway.

The weakness, compromise, and swaying and changing nature of the business class are unmistakable at this moment.

I heard the news of the Wanshang Commercial League, a large number of core transaction data have been tampered with and cleared, many warlords and local snakes instantly turned their faces and did not recognize people, and they tore up all the agreements reached with the Wanjie Business Alliance. The fleet of the World Trade Union launched a fierce battle.

A large number of lazy fleets that wandered around the seven-sea star field also seemed to be infused with exciting pharmacy. They were instantly energetic and moved closer to the overall flagship of Yunxuefeng. They rushed to “give loyalty to Xue Shuai” and strive for the first rush into the Seven Seas. The market, expressing its loyalty to the four major families, by the way, plundered and grabbed a good time.

This kind of thing, as long as someone takes the lead, it is absolutely indispensable to follow, even those who did not intend to tear up the agreement, see others have returned to the four family camps, the victory is increasingly leaning toward the direction of the four families, naturally There is no reason to bury the Wanjie Business Alliance.

"In short, the situation in the starry battlefield is very bad now. In just half a day, the situation has changed dramatically. More and more warlords have re-established themselves in the four family camps. Even if they have not clearly marked the enemy with the Wanjie Business Alliance, they have greatly compressed. The space for the activities of the Wanjie Commercial Alliance **** fleet is equivalent to putting the knife on the neck of the Wanshang Commercial League and can bleed at any time."

Li Jialing reluctantly said, "The whole market of the Seven Seas has been chaotic. We can't find you. Many people say that even the 'King of the Winds' is not good enough. Some people even say that Yao is a fake. The Black Wind King, it is simply that Jin Yuyan’s drums are bluffing. What the ghosts of the Black Wind Fleet, even half of the seesaws, have not seen, this rumor is flying in the sky, and it can’t stop the collapse of confidence!”

"Understanding, Bai Boda?"

Li Yao squinted and was extremely calm. "Is there any information from the white boss, is he exposed?"

"Not yet, the white boss is not good at seeing it. In the first time, he chose to continue to be the "big loyal minister" around Yun Xuefeng, so he has not been exposed yet."

Li Jialing said, "But there are more and more fleets gathered around Yunxuefeng. They are surrounded by white bosses, and they are caught in the embarrassing situation of advancing and retreating. It is also difficult to make a difference. We must know that we originally planned to sit on the mountain. "Double fighting," but now, one of the tigers has not slapped before they lay down first. Do we want us to come forward and ignore the casualties and personally fight the tiger?"

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