Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2578: Drink and quench your thirst!

Li Yao did not expect that the killings of the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi were so dense and hot, such as the flood, the endless stream, did not give them a chance to breathe, just within half a day of his unconsciousness, the situation There have been earth-shaking changes.

Deeply admired Wu Yingqi's admiration, it is like a deadly venom that invades his brain.

In front of him, it seems that Wu Yingqi is above the throne and points to the mighty image of the entire Xinghai. He can't help but worship Wu Yingqi.

"I bother!"

Li Yao took a sip, and the saliva ran through the illusion of Wu Yingqi.

The illusion collapsed like a glass palace, turning into a fascinating butterfly. Each butterfly has a swirling pattern behind it. The two vortexes are combined to become Wu Yingqi's eyes.

Even if Li Yao closes his eyes, he can't remove thousands of words from Wu Yingqi's eyes.

He can only shoot with lightning, and he has fanned his two slaps in order to repress the awe and worship of Wu Yingqi.


Li Jialing was jumped by Li Yao’s sudden action. Looking at Li Yao’s high-pitched cheeks, the two **** hand prints were exceptionally clear. It is obvious that these two palms are really strong, and the little lions are stunned. “Yao Ge, what are you doing? Even if there is a bad move, there is no need to blame it. We, we can find another way."

"Who said that I blame myself?"

Li Yao kept his nosebleeds and grinned. "I just use special techniques to refresh my mind and fight against Wu Yingqi's domineering. The specific principle is very mysterious and mysterious. I will not explain it for a while. In case I will still be there later. Don't be surprised to continue to slap your face.

"And, immediately take me to find Jin Yuyan, the whole thing is Wu Yingqi's planning, but it will never stop there, he must have a backhand!"

Li Jialing is difficult to set the channel: "How do you know Yao?"

"It's very simple. According to the current situation, if there is no change, the Wanshang Commercial League will be ruined directly!"

Li Yaodao, "I believe this is by no means Wu Yingqi's original intention, at least not Wu Yingqi's sole purpose. The sudden collapse of the Wanjie Business Alliance has no benefit to him - if I am Wu Yingqi, let Wanjie Business Alliance and the four major families It is the greatest interest that both lose and lose the same.

"So, I believe that Wu Yingqi's game will not be so simple. Next, there must be changes. Hey, just that one game, he was slightly better than the one, and then it was our turn to fight back!"

Li Yao and Li Jialing mobilized the crystal scorpion and turned it into two streams of light, flying toward the command center of Jin Yuyan.

Along the way, I saw countless soldiers stationed in the streets and alleys of the Seven Seas Market. Many of the key points have built up barricades. In midair, there are also a large number of battle shuttles, psionics and sergeants on patrols, warnings, and a sigh of relief. The appearance of the enemy.

Between the streets and the streets, it seems that after a fierce street battle, there are a lot of craters, the wreck of the spar and the crystal shovel, and the soldiers dragged a body out of the body, and piled up a pile of flesh and blood, adding more A little bit of chilling atmosphere.

The people who originally lived in the big market of the Seven Seas, and the traders who came to trade in all directions, dared to hide behind the glass windows, revealing a pair of horrified eyes, and staring at the war-torn world outside.

The scene was full of rust, blood and smoke, and Li Yao sighed in his heart.

Although Jin Yuyan temporarily controlled the situation with iron fists, but from the tight scenes of the inner area, the Wanshang Commercial League has lost most of it.

Compared with the four electorate families and the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi, the biggest advantage of the Wanshang Business Alliance is the word "freedom". People can freely travel here and trade freely, at least on the surface without any supervision. As long as you follow the basic rules, you are absolutely free. If you want to come, you want to go and leave, you can do whatever you want.

"Welcome to the most free place in the universe", the light curtain floating around the periphery of the Seven Seas, points out the greatest value of the Wanshang Business Alliance.

Thousands of cultivators have also fought for "freedom."

But now, Jin Yuyan is suffering from unpredictable changes. When he is rushing to go to the hospital, he is stepping on the freedom of the Wanshang Business Alliance. But he uses violence to suppress those traders who are not part of the Wanmeng Business Alliance. Trade, now want to escape to escape the war, what is the qualification of Jin Yuyan to force people not to leave?

This is a typical drinking and quenching thirst.

To play "violence", the ten Wanshang business alliances are not the opponents of the four major electorate families, let alone the black star emperor Wu Yingqi.

If people really want to surrender to violence, why should they surrender to you, not the four major elections or the black star emperor?

At this moment, the Seven Seas Market is like a volcano that has been suppressed by death. Even if Jin Yuyan can temporarily control the situation, it will not take long for the chaos to break out more than a hundred times.

If the battle in the stars still cannot be reversed, Li Yao estimates that within a maximum of two or three days, the seven-sea market will be completely chaotic.


Just as they were about to return to the Wanshang Commercial Union Headquarters Building, the tide of cheers suddenly sounded around. The soldiers who were still heart-wrenching and dejected before the moment seemed to be excited and screaming, and they danced and danced.

"What is this?"

Li Yao glimpsed a little, knowing that there have been unexpected changes, but there is no need to ask these cheering soldiers and go straight into the command center of Jin Yuyan.

The command center was a mess. It seems that it has just experienced a small chaos. The broken crystal brain and the broken crystal line are scattered on the ground. There are also small craters and explosion marks in many places, and even soldiers are making their hands and feet. Wipe the blood.

However, many high-level and military commanders, including Jin Yuyan, are quite good in spirit, and "good" is to the extent of excitement.

They all had eyeball bursts, bloodshot eyes, lips biting, hands tremble involuntarily, and the body was full of anxious flames, and the whole person was having a fever.

Li Yao has seen their expressions and appearances on countless gamblers.

It was those who lost their lives and fell into despair, but they suddenly got an unexpected windfall, once again bet on the table and bet on the gambler.

Jin Yuyan clearly saw Li Yao coming in, but he couldn’t care if he had gone there for a long time, whether he had seized the main idea of ​​the explosion or his wife Wu Yingqin’s heart and so on, and still kept his eyes on it, staring at the holographic star. Domain map.

It is as if the information on the holographic map is more important than the "King of the Black Wind, Vulture Li Yao".

"What is the situation, are these people crazy?"

Li Yaoshun looked at them. On the holographic star map, the blue light spot on behalf of the Wanxiang Commercial Alliance **** fleet is not very good. Most of the blue light spots are surrounded and entangled by red spots that are several times more than themselves. Live, on behalf of the two sides of the fleet is fighting.

What is even more frightening is that in the place away from the blue light spot, a large piece of dense red light spots are condensing, condensing into a glare red light ball, and there are more red light spots in all directions to merge into it, making this red The light ball grows bigger and bigger, and it is so large that it will engulf the entire star field.

This group of red light **** should be the main fleet led by Yunxuefeng.

Judging from the constantly flashing and changing data, Yunxuefeng has gathered several King Kong-class super arsenal ships, and the torrent of destruction is about to take shape!

All the blue spots are basically entangled and towed by the red spots. There is no way to stop him before the Cloud Snow Fleet is completely formed. It can only watch the Cloud Snow Fleet grow bigger and bigger like a deformed tumor.

But Li Yao noticed a very embarrassing thing - not far from the Snow and Snow Fleet, a planet with its back to the battlefield, but a few triangular small spots are rushing, and three The small triangles of the triangle form a new triangle.

This is the sign that the door of the starry sky is slowly opening!

In this crisis, the Wanshang Business Alliance has opened another star gate. Are they guiding people to come, will there be reinforcements?

Even if the Wanshang Business Alliance has a fleet of scattered scattered around the Xinghai, it is so close to the main fleet of Yunxuefeng. Wouldn't it be necessary to come to a fleet to be blasted?

This is a self-seeking road, what are they doing!

Li Yao took two steps to Jin Yuyan and took him to the side. He whispered: "Golden deacon, what happened, why did you open a new star gate, and who is guiding people to jump over? Really there are reinforcements, too close to the main fleet of the enemy! This distance, the reinforcements will soon be discovered, will be discovered and destroyed by Yun Xuefeng!"

Jin Yuyan's eyes turned stiffly and lingered for a long time, only to reveal a non-cry, non-smile, helpless expression, whispered: "No, maybe other reinforcements will be blasted by Yun Xuefeng's King Kong Super arsenal. But this fleet will never be - they are the last hope of our battle to win the Seven Seas!"

Li Yaoyan said with a big eyes: "No, what is the **** fleet of the Wanshang Business Alliance? Is there such a sharp **** fleet? Who is the reinforcements?"

"It is not the **** fleet of the Wanshang Business Alliance, but the Hou Leicheng Tiger of Liaohai."

Jin Yuyan’s look is dignified. “Lei Chenghu’s thundering fleet has personally supported us!”


In Li Yao’s brain, a thunderstorm blew, and every brain cell shines brightly, Wu Yingqi, Li Linghai, Lei Chenghu, the real cultivator, the loyal cultivator, and the loyalty to the black star emperor. Many clues and fragments were mixed together, as if they were suddenly open, but they were lost in an instant. Before they even figured out the whole situation, they subconsciously cried. "No, you can't let Lei Chenghu's fleet jump over and hung up the Star Gate. This is a conspiracy!"


Today's National Day, the celebration of the day, and hope that everyone growing on this land, including the old dearest readers brothers and sisters, everyone is getting better and better!

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