Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2579: Fatal loophole!

Jin Yuyan stared at Li Yao very sadly for a long time and said: "What kind of conspiracy?"

Li Yao took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. He even said: "I don't know if you have seized the implementers of a series of explosions, but no matter how many implementers you have seized, they all point to one person - The mastermind of the whole thing is not others, it is the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi!

"Wu Yingqi uses a certain similar... ultra-long-range ECG induction, remote control command to control your wife, perhaps three or five years or even more than a decade ago has been lurking around you, to your bottom and the Wanshang Business League The internal workings are well known, so he can easily invade the internal network of the Wanshang Business Alliance, tamper with and erase the core data, and pour dirty water on you, well, those are not dirty water, in short, the whole Everything is the game of Wu Yingqi!

"Think about it, why Wu Yingqi wants to do this, first to assassinate you, assassination does not achieve the internal network that invades the Wanmeng Business Alliance, tampering with the data also makes you ruined, does he not know that this will cause Wanmeng Business Alliance Completely chaotic, will the battle of the Seven Seas be defeated?

"No, he must have expected it. This is his purpose. He is going to push the Wanshang Business League to a corner where he must die, forcing you to accept assistance from the outside, from Lei Chenghu's assistance!"

Having said that, Li Yao has been playing with his teeth and his voice is very strong.

Jin Yuyan’s eyes are empty and faceless. I don’t know if Li Yao’s words are heard.

"Please be sure to believe me, General Dean Kim, every word that I swear to the next day is true - I just fought with Wu Yingqi for three hundred rounds and finally severely wounded his soul. He dragged the wreckage and fled, but I suffered a little injury myself, and I was in a coma for a long time. What I saw and heard was first-hand information!"

Li Yao continued to express his heart and soul, "Although Lei Chenghu joined the reformist after you and me, he and the Queen's Highness are only a simple cooperative relationship, but don't forget, he is a ‘real cultivator!’

"I personally rescued Lei Chenghu from the prison of God. I have a good relationship with him. I have communicated with him many times. He has repeatedly expressed to me the dislike of the four electors, and selfishness. The disdain of Lee's 'fake immortal', I hope that the empire can be restored to the era of the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi.

"Understood, Lei Chenghu is a very fanatical 'Wu Yingqi admirer', as long as Wu Yingqi shows his identity, and then promotes his "fair, open, fair and new world of shit", Lei Cheng It is very possible for the tiger to follow him without hesitation!

"In summary, at this time, Wu Yingqi let Lei Chenghu jump to the Seven Seas Star Field, absolutely not good intentions.

"The combat power of the thundering fleet is of course so strong that it is impossible to reverse the whole situation. But if the thundering fleet is really to turn the tide and clean up the mess, all the warship fleets scattered in the Seven Seas will surrender to Lei Chenghu and accept Lei Chenghu. The command, even the **** fleet of the Wanjie Business Alliance, is likely to be taken away by Lei Chenghu, which is equivalent to being swallowed up by the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi.

"In other words, although he won, but the fruit of victory was taken away by Wu Yingqi, Wanmeng Business League is also a dead end.

"Yes, this is their conspiracy. This is the purpose of Wu Yingqi, the general deacon of Jin, think twice, think twice!"

Jin Yuyan listened quietly, still did not say a word, indifferent.

He was silent for a long time. For a long time, Li Yao couldn’t help but slap him in front of him, help him lift his mind, and when he woke up his mind, he was secluded: "Vulture Li Yao, if you think I didn't notice this at all. The embarrassment of the matter, the opening of the door to let the thundering fleet become a system of construction, then you can not help but think of me, the general deacon of the Wanshang Commercial League, think too simple.

"The whole thing is so coincidental - I just had double assassination a few days ago. Today, a big chain explosion occurred. The flame of the explosion has not yet been extinguished. Our internal network has been invaded and the data has been tampered with. The situation on the battlefield is in an instant. reverse.

"And the situation has just reversed. When the millennium is in jeopardy, the thundering fleet will be ready for all support and can jump at any time. You think I am a three-year-old child. Can't you see the problem?"

"But, when you came back all the way, you also saw the scene of the wind and the wind outside, and felt the atmosphere of extreme repression. The hearts of the Wanshang Commercial League have been scattered. How long can I suppress it with violent hardships? Drinking thirst quenches thirst, up to a few days, or even twenty-four hours.

"In the twenty-four hour, I can't turn around the road. If it's a good thing, I will simply pull the sword and forget it!"

"So, you told me that at this time Lei Chenghu sent us support information. In addition to ecstatically agreeing, open the star gate to let him in, what choice?

"Or, 'King of the Black Wind, Vulture Li Yao', can your Black Wind Fleet come in within 24 hours? If the Black Wind Fleet can miraculously appear, I will now give up my life, hold on All the pressure, close the star gate and keep the thundering fleet out!"

"This one……"

Li Yao’s words were silent and speechless.

"Yes, the Black Wind Fleet can't arrive in time. You can't suddenly turn your face in the 'good friends' lurking in the four major family coalitions. If you don't fear to die with hundreds of thousands of starships, then we must rely on the Thunder Fleet. Beyond this 'final hope', how can you keep your eyes open and die?"

Jin Yuyan smiled bitterly. "Even if Lei Chenghu is really a Wu Yingqi person, we have no second way. Now, I only hope for the character of Lei Chenghu and his subtle position.

"After all, Lei Chenghu is also born in the outer world of the empire. It is a relatively special warlord. The construction and maintenance of the Black Wind Fleet, including his brave performance in the 'empire counterattack battle', and the resource support in the secret of the Wanjie Business Alliance. Trading with loot is inseparable.

"I hope that Lei Chenghu can still care about this fragrant friendship and interest, and don't make things too great!"

Li Yao opened his mouth and didn't know what to say.

Three inches of bad tongue, after all, the enemy is not tens of thousands of combat power to the extreme, but also carrying the battleship of countless strong and even giant soldiers!

"And, I think there is a huge loophole in the conspiracy you speculate."

Jin Yuyan looked at Li Yao with a sly look. "If the whole thing is really a conspiracy of Wu Yingqi, he deliberately wants the Wanshang Commercial League and the four major families to lose both sides, and then release the thundering fleet to collect the profits. You don't think the time is a little earlier. A little bit, he should not postpone the chaos in the Seven Seas market for a day or two. When we and Yunxuefeng really kill the situation, when the blood flows into the river, we will launch a plan to let Lei Chenghu clean up the mess?

"More importantly, Lei Chenghu's fleet jumped to the Seven Seas Stars. What did the Emperor do?"

Li Yao once again stunned and couldn't help but want to slap his head. How did he ignore such a critical issue?

In the reform camp, Lei Chenghu’s thundering fleet is the first battleworthy force. Whether it is the Royal Forest Army that is being reorganized and trained by the Emperor, or the **** fleet of the Wanjie Business Alliance, it’s far from the thundering fleet. opponent.

However, when the Wanshang Commercial League and the four major families deduced the "Seven Seas Battle", they did not take into account the factors of the thundering fleet.

This is not because the commanders of both sides have made low-level mistakes at the same time, but in accordance with normal logic, the thundering fleet is never able to leave the zone.

In the Xinghai game between the reformist and the four electorate families, the Seven Seas star field is not the most important battlefield - the emperor is.

The King Kong Fleet, composed of sixteen King Kong-class super arsenal ships, is by no means the true "Imperial Card" of the four major families. The four major families still have the most elite powers in their hands, just to see the timing. The emperor launched a fatal blow.

At this moment, the imperial capital, in addition to the Yulin army, only the squadrons who have just joined the reformists, and the martial arts, even if the black star emperor Wu Yingqi is in the sky, the command and training ability is strong enough to be inhuman, it is impossible to be short. Within a month, the Yulin Army and the Wuhe people will be trained into a hundred war lions.

With the Royal Forest, it is absolutely impossible to stop the emperor fleet of the four major families.

The reason why the four major families have not launched an offensive against the emperor is nothing more than two reasons. One is the contradiction caused by the four major families in order to register the new king. The second is the thundering fleet.

The thundering fleet, like a poisonous blade that saw the blood and sealed the throat, was placed on the neck of Lijia, and it was far away from the emperor’s emperor.

The subtle contradictions between the four families have triggered a chain reaction, which has constrained the other three emperors.

Lei Chenghu is known as the existence of "God of War". Who dares to mobilize the most elite force of the family to attack the Imperial Capital in the case of the war gods?

Even if the Yulin Army is not the opponent of the four major family of the Royal Fleet, it is still possible to entangle them for months or even a year and a half, depending on the defense of the Imperial Wall.

For a year and a half, it was enough for Lei Chenghu to command the thundering fleet and to give the four major families a "big open".

This is the obvious truth. The thundering fleet and the four major family's imperial fleets have been firmly held together and locked up. Therefore, the seven sea stars outside the empire are only one step ahead of the emperor and ignite the war.

But now, the thundering fleet has left their most advantageous position, moving the poisonous blade away from the throat of Lijia, jumping into the seven-sea star field, and plunging into this messy pool.

It’s easy to leave the hinterland, and to jump back and forth, it’s tantamount to idiots and dreams – it’s impossible for Li to open the star gate to the thundering fleet.

In other words, the shackles of the four major family squadrons are all smashed. They don’t have to worry about the threat of the thundering fleet. They can attack the emperor with impunity. The whole situation is the black star of the imperial capital, Wuying. Odd, caused by one hand!

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