Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2580: Thunder, can't stop!

"The thundering fleet is more powerful, but the number is too small. It is easy to defeat the four family federations. It is not a matter of time to completely destroy and even devour them."

Jin Yuyan analyzed very calmly. "You must know that Yunxuefeng is handsome, but the 'Million Starship Big Alliance'. Even if Yunxuefeng is a pig, he has one million heads that can breathe and fly in a vacuum. How long does it take for Lei Chenghu to catch them and kill them?

"And, according to your statement, what Lei Chenghu has to do is not only to defeat and engulf the Yunxue Wind Fleet, but also to take control of the fleet of warlords outside the Empire, and even the **** fleet of our Wanmeng Business Alliance. This is the water mill. Work, no way to rush to seek success, before and after, give Lei Chenghu a month, can you completely control the seven seas?"

Li Yao is silent.

He also experienced the battles of the Black Wind Fleet and the Starry Federation, knowing that in the vast expanse of the sea of ​​stars, it is easy to defeat, but it is difficult to get to heaven.

The thundering fleet suddenly appeared, and the lightning strikes, and it is naturally invincible. No one can compete.

But as time went by, this snowy knives seemed to sink into the quagmire, not so easy to pull out.

Jin Yuyan said that for a month, Li Yao felt that he had greatly overestimated the ability of the thundering fleet.

As Jin Yuyan said, even if everyone in the Wanjie Business League and the four major family federations are pigs, as long as they have the ability to breathe in the vacuum and full of stars, Lei Chenghu does not have two or three. In the month, don't even think about getting the Seven Seas Stars in your pocket.

In other words, when Lei Chenghu’s fleet jumped over, it was entangled in the four families of the ghosts and the Wanmeng Business Alliance, losing the ability to move freely.

Losing the containment of the thundering fleet, the emperor is the empty door, as long as the top commander of the four major family fleet is not stupid and embarrassing, will never let go of this "Tianci opportunity"!

"The emperor and the seven seas, what is light, what is heavy, I believe I do not have to say."

Jin Yuyan continued to be cold and cold. "If I am the highest commander of the four major family fleets, I found that the thundering fleet has disappeared. If I rush to support the Seven Seas, I will not be stupid with the **** of the thundering fleet. Also ran into the chaotic big mud pool of the Seven Seas Star Field to fight the war of consumption.

"I will certainly seize the fleeting fighters and temporarily let go of the contradiction with the rest of the family. At the same time, everyone will dispatch the imperial fleet, directly into the emperor, and smash the revolutionary nest. What will be the spirits, the moon and the 'homes?' The renegade of the Innovation Committee has been arrested and eliminated!

"If the 'Renaissance Committee of the Senate' is completely annihilated, the emperor will fall into the control of the four major families, and it will not be worthy of the catastrophe of the reformists. At that time, even if the reformists won the "seven sea battles", they will not win. Used, everyone will fall to the side of the four major families, even the expeditionary army will not stand behind Lei Chenghu, finished, everything is finished.

"Vulture Li Yao, if you are the highest commander of the four major family fleets, do you think the analysis I just made makes sense?"

Li Yao thought for a long time, and said: "It makes sense. The thundering fleet is the key to preventing the four major families from attacking the imperial capital. Now, the thundering fleet actively pulls away from the hinterland of the four families and rushes to the edge of the empire to entangle and change to me. It is the highest commander of the four major family empire fleets, and will certainly not hesitate to attack the emperor!"

"So, even if Wu Yingqi has integrated all the power of the Emperor, is it possible to withstand the Royal Fleet of the four families by virtue of those tender forests that are tender to the water?"

Jin Yuyan also asked, "Or, can Wu Yingqi get another strong support like the thundering fleet from other places?"


Li Yao closed his eyes and sighed. "Even if Wu Yingqi, it is impossible to make a stone into gold. In just a few months, the lining army that has not played hard for hundreds of years will be mobilized into an invincible soldier.

"As for other reinforcements, I am afraid there are only expeditionary forces.

"But the expeditionary army has not expressed its clear support for the reformists. Obviously, it is still watching the wind. Wu Yingqi has committed such a serious low-level mistake. They are even less likely to suddenly help him out at this festival. Behind the knife, even if you give Lei Chenghu this 'God of War' face.

"Moreover, even if the expeditionary army is really helping the emperor, the four major family's emperor fleets may not be afraid that these emperor fleets are the capital of the four major families, from commanders to middle-level officers and even the bottom soldiers. Composed of the most loyal core children in their respective families, from the resources spent on daily cultivation to the configuration of warships, all of them are several times larger than the ordinary fleet, and the King Kong fleet that is even commanded by Yun Xuefeng is far behind.

"A lot of people say that the officers and men of these emperor fleets are more expensive than their crystals of the same weight. They are truly arrogant and arrogant. They are the biggest reliance of the four major families to dominate the empire, even if The thundering fleet or other expeditionary fleets meet in a narrow way, and the hard-edged aristocrats can never betray the main family and retreat.

"Even if the two sides are in a state of arrogance, the most intense collision occurs, and the deer is dead, but it is still unknown!"

"and so"

Jin Yuyan smiled. "You said that the whole thing is Wu Yingqi's arrangement. What is his ultimate goal? Give up all defenses and take the initiative to lure the four elite family's most elite royal fleet into his heart?"

"From a tactical point of view, the emergence of the thundering fleet may indeed reverse the situation of the Battle of the Seven Seas, but strategically speaking, it is stupid to do so, unless forced to a desperate situation, it is a last resort, otherwise no Supreme Commander can make This kind of decision!"


In Li Yao’s mind, the whirlpool of fog is getting bigger and bigger. He seems to be lost alone in the confusing fog. How can he struggle to find a way out, he can only mutter, “I have to think about it, I have to think carefully. miss you."

"Then ask the Black Wind King to think slowly, anyway, we have time."

Jin Yuyan smiled bitterly. "The thundering fleet has jumped over and the system has been invested in the starry battlefield. No matter how stupid this strategy is, or how many conspiracy and traps are there, at least tactically, our army has pulled back. Part of the advantage, it will not die for a while!"

Jin Yuyan’s voice did not fall, and there was an explosion of cheers in the command center.

Li Yao was blown up by the cheers, I don’t know whether to be angry or desperate: "Golden deacon, how can you!"

"Again, I have no choice."

Jin Yuyan’s face showed a bit of weakness and whispered. “The Wanmeng Business Alliance is not alone. There are so many scandals about me in the intranet that my control is seriously weakened. Many senior deacons also Some major shareholders have already had great opinions on me.

"Moreover, I am only the commercial and political leader of the Wanshang Business Alliance, but it is not the highest commander of the **** fleet, not a military leader. What is the military thing, where is it that I am surpassed and commanded indiscriminately?

"The reinforcement of the thundering fleet is a decision in the military field. The news is that I received it with several senior deacons and several commanders of the **** fleet. Others are cheering. How can I stop it? Is there any reason to stop it?

"And, the news that the thundering fleet is about to emerge, such as lightning, has spread all over the big market in the Seven Seas. Even the soldiers who have died in the starry battlefield know that the reinforcements are coming. They will regard the thundering fleet as the last hope. Living in this life-saving straw, can only courage and ten times the enemies of their own, and barely maintain the stability of the battle.

"If you tell the soldiers now that the reinforcements are gone, the thundering fleet can't come. You guess what the consequences will be? It's better to surrender directly to the four families!"

Li Yao was speechless again, chilling, and like Jin Yuyan, sinking into the inability of the ice cave.

"Black wind king Li Yao, maybe you are right, the whole thing is a conspiracy or a trap, but..."

Jin Yuyan’s smile is extremely bitter and difficult. “But the strength and calculation of the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi is far beyond our imagination. He seems to firmly grasp every detail, and every step pushes us to nothing. The desperate choice made us have to dance at his rhythm.

"Don't say that you came back so late, the door of the starry sky has slowly opened. All the soldiers and businessmen know that the news that the thundering fleet is coming to the whole army will not be recovered. Even if you come back half a day in advance, the whole thing will be said." Give it to me, and I have no reservations, 100% believe in every word of you, but we still have no choice, still have to let the thunder fleet come in, isn't it?

"A thousand words, the current situation has completely separated from our expectations and control. We are powerless and can only wait and see."

"Who said that?"

Li Yao slammed his fists and gnashed his teeth. "Wu Yingqi must have a very insane conspiracy, involving the seven seas and the emperor. We must expose his plot anyway, stop him, kill him!"

"How to stop?"

Jin Yuyan spread his hands and said, "Look at the light spots on the holographic map of the hologram. Lei Chenghu's fleet has already jumped into the system and will launch a surprise attack on the total flagship of Yunxuefeng. No matter who wins or loses, this is the case. It is impossible for the war to be won within three or five days. At the same time, the emperor fleet of the four major families should be murderously rushing toward the emperor. No matter what conspiracy Wu Yingqi has, it should be launched soon. ?

"And you, 'King of the Black Wind, Vulture Li Yao', you are still waiting for the outside of the Empire to worry, even if you get a starship now, jump back to the Imperial Capital, once again sneak into the celestial star, how can you You can kill the Royal Family of the four major families in the starry battlefield, and you can still get close to Wu Yingqi without knowing it. In the single-handed battle, kill the Black Star Emperor?"

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