Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2581: God of War!

Li Yao’s fingers are deeply embedded in the nest-like unkempt hair, and the eye sockets are deep. “Give me half a day, I will be able to understand the whole thing and find the flaws of the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi – he must have The flaws, because he was not prepared to be exposed so soon, he was forced by the 'Silver Fox' Li Jiande, forced to launch in advance, and he did not predict that I will be in the Seven Seas market to save you, in other words, The plan he is implementing now is an alternative to the 'alternate plan'. In this case, it is seamless, without any flaws, unless it is a god!"

Jin Yuyan sighed and said: "Please, but you see the holographic star map - the thundering fleet actively sent a message to the main fleet of Yunxuefeng, and the two sides will soon be ready to fight."

Li Yao was shocked and slammed back, staring at the red and blue light on the holographic map of the holographic star map for a long time. Without a word, he quickly left the command center.

He wrapped his body around the chill, and rushed back to his "Black King Palace."

There is a state-of-the-art communication facility that allows him to contact White Boss at any time and share most of the real-time data of the "Firer's Joint Fleet", allowing him to monitor the starry battlefield from a clearer and more in-depth perspective.

In the quiet and quiet communication room, the small room is reflected by the fluorescence emitted by dozens of three-dimensional light curtains. If it is outside the reality, it is a distorted and illusory mystery.

Li Yaopan sat in the middle of many light curtains, letting the waterfall-like flow of information flow from his face and body.

He seems to have returned to the old days of being alone in the blood demon world, trying to figure out the moment of the golden heart.

His soul is like being on the surface of the icy lake. He listens quietly to the ice layer, and the cold water is like a magma.

Time passed by, and the situation in the starry battlefield changed, and it was dazzling and dazzling.

Lei Chenghu is really a man who bears the name of "God of War". In the command of the fleet and the murder of Xinghai, he is better than the white boss. The thundering fleet that he controls is really like a thousand. A wave of thunder and lightning - a wave of life and anger!

As soon as the thundering fleet jumped to the seven-sea star field, it was caught off guard by the snow.

Perhaps Lei Chenghu is very calmly aware that the formation of a large fleet of squadrons cannot be concealed for too long. It simply exposes a few psionic volatility, but disguise itself as an ordinary franchise. The fleet, rushing to the reinforcements.

Next to the couch, letting others sleep, Yunxuefeng immediately dispatched a sub-fleet including a King Kong-class super arsenal after it was detected that it was not far from itself. Go to annihilation.

It should be said that Yunxuefeng’s decision-making is quite satisfactory, and no mistakes have been made. For a reinforcement unit that is not too large, a sub-fleet of a King Kong-class super arsenal commander is annihilated, which is enough in any case. It is.

Unfortunately, Yun Xuefeng encountered Lei Chenghu.

The match between the cloud and the tiger has no suspense from the beginning.

In the next three hours, Lei Chenghu let everyone in this piece of Xinghai know what is the art of command, what is the firepower synergy of the guns, what is the fear of death, dare to fight with the King Kong super arsenal The soul of the imperial army that is connected to the war.

It also made the officers and crew of the arrogant King Kong super arsenal ships know why they had a "doomsday warship" and their fleets still could not be called "super-class" and "upper brand".

Hundreds of speedy and fast-speed attack ships, if hundreds of streams of light surround the King Kong-class super arsenal, like a fierce wolf around a clumsy buffalo, no matter how many deadly fireworks fired by the King Kong Super arsenal. The danger and the fast attack ship passed by, and wasted countless psionics and ammunition.

When the super arsenal finally hit several fast attack ships, under the cover of the latter, there were several giant soldiers belonging to the thundering fleet invading the body of King Kong.

At this time, the arsenal, the Aegis, and the magnetic interference ship that escorted this King Kong-class super arsenal were divided, surrounded and swallowed by other starships.

When the King Kong-class super arsenal slashes huge wounds like canyons from the inside to the outside, and the inexhaustible material and flames spurt, its destruction is inevitable.

Lei Chenghu declared the arrival of himself with the destruction of a King Kong-class super arsenal. He also set off an uproar in the camp between the enemy and the enemy.

The defensive side is like an injection of a high-efficiency cardiotonic agent, and the morale of falling to the bottom of the valley instantly rises to the limit.

The will to fight, the attacking party is not easy to condense, and it collapses in an instant, just like the fragmented King Kong super arsenal, which turns into a fleeting fireworks that disappears without a trace.

The most terrible thing is not the fierce fighting power of Lei Chenghu, but his great influence and lofty prestige.

Lei Chenghu has been in the Imperial Army for nearly two hundred years. From the early years in the outer world of the empire, he annihilated the Star Thieves and concluded many world covenants. Later, he destroyed his family and led his hometown soldiers to the front line to force the sacred army; In the wartime, the leader of the battle, and the defeat of the gangs and the squadrons, and the smashing of the third war zone, can be described as outstanding, outstanding and unrecognizable, is also a standard model of the immortal, in line with the moral standards of all cultivators.

Even his enemies can hate him and even want to kill him, but he has to admire his character, and even call him "the last immortal of the empire."

Such a "God of War" entered the battlefield, and the psychological blow to the offensive side was far greater than the destruction of a King Kong-class super arsenal.

As Jin Yuyan said, Lei Chenghu himself is regarded as a very special empire peripheral world warlord, and the warlords and the local snakes who account for more than 90% of the attacking party are of the same kind and have a common language.

In the past two hundred years, Lei Chenghu has fought side by side with these warlords and even saved their lives on the most dangerous battlefields. In the recent empire counterattack, Lei Chenghu also ruled many warlords. The troops smothered blood and expanded the territory for the empire.

Even now, the thundering fleet is mixed with many immortals from the outer world of the empire. Everyone is a brother of the same world. How can you fight this?

There was no warlord in the outer world of the empire, and it was eaten to attack the fleet of the "God of War" Lei Chenghu.

Even as long as Lei Chenghu coughs a little, there are countless young grassroots officers who are eager to worship him, and he is willing to rely on him to let him drive!

This is not good news for the four family-cultivators such as Yunxuefeng.

Similarly, it is not good news for Li Yao and other practitioners.

If the situation develops like this, even if it wins the "Battle of the Seven Seas", the biggest winner will only be Lei Chenghu and Wu Yingqi behind him. Li Yao wants to achieve the "strength balance" inside the immortal, which is simply an idiotic dream. .

Even the white boss is crazy to send a message to Li Yao.

"Which situation, why is there a sudden outbreak of chaos inside the Seven Seas Market? Why does Lei Chenghu’s fleet suddenly jump to the Seven Seas?

"Damn, the strength of the thundering fleet is so strong. It is really a super strong soldier who has been baptized in two hundred years. The strongest deep-sea fleet in the Imperial Expeditionary Force has forcibly eaten a King Kong-class super arsenal ship so quickly!

"Our arsonist combined fleet has just been condensed for less than three months. Even with super-intelligent assistance, it may not be the opponent of the thundering fleet.

"Hey, hello, Li Yao, who we are helping now, if we continue to pretend to be ‘loyalty’, standing on the side of Yunxuefeng, we will soon collide with the thundering fleet!

"The snow and snow are going crazy. Really, this guy is not right in my eyes. I guess he will lose a few sub-fleets and push us out to fend off the thundering fleet!"

"What should I do? Is it now turning my face, smashing the clouds in the back, and then standing on the side of Lei Chenghu? But which side of Lei Chenghu is it, he is the cultivator of the Red Gold, the most deadly That kind!

"If you are not careful, we will become the common enemy of Yunxuefeng and Lei Chenghu. This, this joke can be opened!"

Li Yao sent the past message to Bai Bo: "Give me an hour, I will give you the answer. Before that... I will stick to it again, Bai Boda, I believe in you, you will do it!"

"啪", Li Yao simply cut off the communication with the white boss, letting himself continue to analyze and deduct in an extremely cool thinking whirlpool.

In the fluorescence of green oil, only one blood condensed himself, sitting across from him, holding his gang in his hands, and meditating with him, just like a mirror in front of him.

"Wu Yingqi's mental assault is so powerful that it is different from all the deep hypnosis, psychological cues and shocks we have seen in the past."

The **** demon slowly said, "I carefully analyzed the brand that he implanted into the depths of our souls through the explosion of the soul, and found that it involves the modification of the bottom of the soul. It is a very sophisticated brainwashing technique, rarely In the magical power of mankind, I saw similar technology."

“Is rarely seen in the magic of ‘humans’?”

Li Yao sharply grasped the key point, "Is that, have you seen it?"

“It’s hard to say whether it’s the same, but we did scan the pictures of the Pangu people’s brains and saw similar changes in the scan images of the sacred people’s brains.”

The **** demons are somewhat uncertain.

In the "Kunlun Secrets" discovered by the Xingyao Federation, Li Yaozhen killed a living Pangu. Later, the excavation team also found many highly corrupted and withered Pangu and Nuwa corpses.

Including the ancient sacred world of the night ice, the Nuwa Battleship and the Pangu Palace, there are a large number of well-preserved "fresh corpses".

The slicing and scanning of the well-preserved brains with micron-scale accuracy has obtained very valuable experimental data, which is of great help to the study of the spirits of many ethnic groups in Pangu civilization.

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