Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2582: In the same way?

In the millennial war against the covenant alliance, the real human empire also faced the problem of a large number of imperial citizens being captured and brainwashed by the sacred alliance. It also captured many sacred people and the former imperial citizens who had been brainwashed by the sacred alliance.

In order to restore these brainwashed imperial citizens to normal, and to explore the mystery of the "three major principles", the empire has also carried out various unscrupulous studies on the brains of the sacred people, and obtained many precious brain maps, and A deeper understanding of brainwashing techniques.

The so-called "brainwashing" seems to be mysterious and inconceivable. In fact, it is just an upgraded version of the psychological intervention, such as psychological suggestion, deep hypnosis and so on.

All human self-knowledge and even free will come from feedback on the material world, even in a certain conditional way, branded in brain cells, those unshakable thoughts and even indestructible hearts are derived from The spark of the deep brain cells is not unchangeable.

As long as you can identify the corresponding areas in the brain, and make some minor changes to the brain cells, resulting in a pathological permanent change, it is possible to completely change a person's thoughts.

In medicine, there are many examples of brain changes, resections, or implantation of certain parts of the brain tissue that make a big difference in character and beyond recognition.

Even some people have encountered accidents, the brain is severely traumatized, and while losing some of the memory, they have mastered the skills that they never mastered.

These examples, although not really brainwashing, are similar in principle.

As for the lack of brain tissue, only the ghosts of the ghosts, it is easier to interfere and tamper with them - without the protection of the spiritual body, the ghost repair in the natural environment, it is very easy to split the three souls and seven scorpions, thoroughly Lost yourself, even mixed with other people's brain waves, become non-human and non-ghost.

In short, technically speaking, "brainwashing" is not a fantasy, but the cohesion of the essence of medicine, hypnotism, meditation and other fields. It is objective.

Including the spiritual attack that Li Yao is good at, creating an extremely horrible illusion in the depths of the enemy's brain, so that the enemy is immersed in great fear and can't extricate themselves - is this not a brainwashing?

If the enemy's spirit is weaker, the illusion will even be regarded as true, and eternal life will sink into it forever, and it will not be able to escape.

After Li Yao came to the real human empire, he also obtained a scan of the brain slices of many sacred people through the channels of Li Linghai and Xiao Ming and Wen Wen.

He compared these images with the scans of the Pangu and Nuwa brains found in the Xingyao Federation. It was very surprising to find that whether the sacred people or the Pangu or the female Yi people occurred in certain parts of the brain. Very similar variation!

People of less than two meters in height, as well as the head of the snake body, the heights of the Pangu civilization ranging from seven to eight meters to several tens of meters, from the appearance of the natural difference, very different.

But their brains are unexpectedly similar, but the size and volume are different. The structure of the cerebral cortex, sulcus circuit and even brain cells are basically the same.

If there is any difference, it is that the human brain is more refined than the thirteen races of the Pangu civilization. It is like taking the advantage of thirteen carbon-based life brains and condensing them together in a skillful way. Smaller brain capacity, lower energy consumption, and more powerful thinking and cultivation potential, can also adapt to the cruel planets that can not survive the numerous environments and even the ancient civilization.

After comparing the tens of thousands of brain scans, Li Yao found that there was a human-made distortion in a certain area, no matter where the sacred people or the Pangu people were deep.

The reason why it is said to be "man-made" is that the depths of the brains of ordinary people and female Yi people are rarely changed.

Li Yao judged that this distorted area should be the brand of "the best way to do - the three main principles".

Although human beings are the tools of Pangu civilization, they are a kind of high-level life with high intelligence and advanced thinking ability. They are born with freedom. In order to let humanity obey their orders, Pangu civilization naturally gives birth to human beings from birth. The brain and even the gene chain are branded, allowing humans to accept brainwashing for many years, in order to make Pangu civilization a god.

Among them, the brain seal is the most sturdy, directly from the brain cells, the human dignity, pride and unwillingness are all locked up.

On the other hand, the three fundamental principles and the best way are not exactly the same. The former is just the law that human beings must follow, but the latter pays attention to ruthlessness, peace and peace, and compresses individual ambitions and resource needs. To the utmost, it is the first rule that humans and Pangu civilizations must follow.

Before the brainwashing of human beings, Pangu civilization carried out brainwashing on its own 13 carbon-based life, sealed its own emotions and desires, and also left a deep imprint on similar areas deep in the brain. .

Now, the **** demons tell Li Yao that the black star emperor Wu Yingqi’s “spirit of the gods” just sent out some sort of “virus” secret ripple, which is in the same area of ​​Li Yao’s brain domain. Destroy and tamper with.

"So, Wu Yingqi is very likely to have a brainwashing technique similar to that of the sacred people - from the era of the wilderness, the brainwashing technique of Pangu civilization?"

Li Yao was immersed in contemplation, and he remembered the dialogue between him and Long Yangjun when he was in the depths of the celestial star.

At that time, Long Yangjun told Li Yao that Wu Yingqi had a very deep relationship with the sacred alliance. Even the two sides are the two sides of a coin, or Wu Yingqi and other ambitious people, want to use brainwashing technology. To control 99% of humans, so that the vast majority of the weak will always become the strong ants and slaves. I did not expect that the final situation will be out of control. Instead, it "activated" people's absolute loyalty to Pangu civilization, and created the covenant of the covenant alliance. .

At the beginning of Li Yaoyi, there were still some doubts about the letter. This is really so shocking.

But now it seems that Long Yangjun’s prophecy is very likely to be correct. It is really impossible for Wu Yingqi and the Covenant Alliance to be unclear – at least, they all have the same terrible brainwashing techniques that can deprive humanity of the most precious freedom. will!

"We need to calm down now and think about what Wu Yingqi wants to do."

Li Yao gently glared at the temple, saying, "And to sort out the whole thing and see through the real purpose of this chop, we must first rule out our unexpected factors - because Wu Yingqi did not think we would be inexplicable when launching the plan. Popped up.

"If we don't show up, Jin Yuyan should be assassinated by the Red Lady, Qi Yuanbao and Wu Yingqin before the war. Then the big market in the Seven Seas is in chaos. The Wanmeng Business Alliance is in a state of defeat and is destined to withstand the four major family federations. Invasion.

"In this case, Lei Chenghu's thundering fleet daringly jumped over to turn the tide, it would be logical - everyone would think that this is the reformist forced to helpless, no choice!

"And the reinforcements of the thundering fleet will lead to the extreme emptiness of the imperial defense line. The Royal Forest and the Deep Sea Fleet can't resist the four major families' fleets. This is just taking off the clothes and tempting the four families to take the initiative to attack the emperor. same!

"The most subtle thing is that the whole operation, such as the antelope hanging corners, can be found without traces. I can't see the shadow of Wu Yingqi's manipulation behind the scenes - all the black pots are backed by Qi Yuanbao and Wu Yingqin's two sisters!

"But we have appeared.

"We not only rescued Jin Yuyan, but also brought the news of 'The King of the Black Wind'," and even fabricated a "black wind fleet" that was so ugly, so that the morale of the Wanshang Business Alliance was greatly enhanced. Power can defeat the four major family federations.

"As a result, the thundering fleet lost the reason for 'forced helplessness and must support'.

"While the thundering fleet does not leave the hinterland of the four families, the four major family's imperial fleets will not be able to attack the imperial capital with impunity. This seems to be something that Wu Yingqi is extremely reluctant to see. All he does not hesitate to show up. Even the sacrifice of Wu Yingqin's very important card must be destroyed in the big market of the Seven Seas, and the confidence in the Wanmeng Business Alliance will be reinvigorated.

"Although doing so, reluctantly gave the excuses of the thundering fleet to support, but it was too abrupt, too embarrassing, too many coincidences, not as secret and smooth as the original plan.

"Wu Yingqi's purpose of assassination of Jin Yuyan is very well understood. He is very clear that Jin Yuyan and his Taoist heart can never be compatible. The two sides will tear their skins sooner or later, and the soldiers will meet each other. It is better to start with a strong hand. Before he found his true identity, he killed his opponent and led the Wanshang Commercial League and the four major families to lose both sides. They destroyed these **** businessmen and **** free star coins to facilitate their future rule.

"But he is impatient to seduce the four major family's imperial fleet to attack the imperial capital, it is incredible - what is his layout in the imperial capital, confident that he can destroy the emperors of the four major families in one fell swoop?"

Li Yao also remembered the huge hollow that Wu Yingqi excavated in the depths of the celestial star.

Wu Yingqi just took control of the emperor not long after, and it was too late to compile and train all the fleets. He started a lot of manpower, spent countless resources, and dig holes under the ground. Is this hole, that is, he is confident that he can destroy the four major family fleets? Secret weapon?

"Remember the history of Wu Yingqi's family history. His first reputation was to be the defender of the border, detonating the Karanxing where his command was located, and by the way, annihilating the squad's invasion fleet."

Bloody Devil, "Will, this time Wu Yingqi wants to do the same, even playing a hundred times more fiercely - he wants to use the whole emperor as a bait to attract the enemy's most elite emperor fleet to land in the Tianji Star, and then, The celestial stars are carrying the tens of billions of people above, with all the enemies, all detonated!"

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