Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2583: Propaganda and real people gap

"This is a bit too...what about whimsy?"

Li Yao did not consider this possibility, but after careful consideration, he felt that the probability was not great. "First of all, it is technically difficult to do it. - Karan Star was only a very small resource. The planet, deep in the ground, contains a large number of highly polymerized super minerals, which can instantly detonate and make the shock wave sweep the entire star field. Such a special resource planet, looking at the world of three thousand, is quite rare.

"The celestial star is a very stable habitable planet in its prime, its geological structure is very stable. In addition to the rock in the crust and mantle, most of the matter is solid or liquid iron-nickel alloy, even if it is hidden. With a large number of veins, it is also difficult to trigger a devastating big bang.

"In the past, the Emperor and the Blood God started a war in the bottom of the celestial star. At best, it caused the division and movement of the plate. It is possible to destroy dozens of hundreds of cities, but the whole planet burst completely and engulf the adjacent orbit. All the fleets? How is it possible! Where does such huge energy come from?

"Second, the top four family members and the commander of the Royal Fleet are not the pig's head three. Wu Yingqi used to play in Karan Star, but in every textbook and countless entertainment works of the empire. Presented, everyone is familiar, and even countless people want to copy.

"I guess now, Wu Yingqi's existence has gradually been known to people, and will others not be able to defend his skills?

"In any case, I am the commander of the four major family of the Royal Fleet. I will not rush to attack the Tianji Star. I will first clear all the revolutionary forces in the extreme heavens who dare to swim in the stars, get through the Star Tunnel, and then adjust. A large number of cannon fossils, let the cannon fossils attack the surface of the planet, relying on the sea tactics to slowly crush the past, I sent a small part of the force to carry out the air fire attack, Wu Yingqi really want to play self-destruction, then self-explosion, except for the loss Outside of some of the cannon fodder, he can't think of anything!

"Third, the most important thing is that the strategic value of the celestial star is completely different from that of the former Karan. The most powerful power that Wu Yingqi can rely on is the ancestral martial arts martial arts, and the ancestral martial arts. If he really has a way to put the celestial star Become a big bomb, play with the same tricks, do you want to reimburse your sons and grandchildren, the Imperial Army, the Deep Sea Fleet, and the Senate Reform Committee, and even destroy their only base camp?

"This kind of 'conversion' is too ridiculous. You must know that even if the four major families lose all the royal fleets, there are still a lot of second- and third-rate fleets. Their self-governing territories are still intact, but Wu Yingqi is gone. The Imperial Capital, without the Royal Forest Army and the Deep Sea Fleet, he has nothing. Is he going to pin all his hopes on Lei Chenghu’s thundering fleet? No, I don’t believe that Wu Yingqi’s people will never Your own destiny is pinned on the hands of others!"

"Your analysis makes a lot of sense. It seems that this trap is very different from Karan's self-destruction. Wu Yingqi's deep excavation in the depths of the celestial star should be more than the 'star-rated super spar bomb'. Insidious, more terrible existence."

The **** demons have been indulging for a long time, and their hands are spread out. "However, no matter what the Wu Yingqi smashes in the depths of the celestial stars, it is the same for us - the star-rated super spar bombs, and so on. Weird, can radiate the entire world of the 'star-star magic weapon', we can't stop it.

"Jin Yuyan is right. We are trapped in the chaotic quagmire of the Seven Seas Stars. The power of the Wanshang Commercial League, the power of the arsonist combined fleet, the power of the Thunder Fleet and the four major families. The strength of the combined fleet, the four forces are entangled, and you can separate them by your 'King of the Winds, Vultures Li Yao'?

"I can't get the support of the fleet, single-handedly, how can I stop Wu Yingqi? Don't say anything that I don't know if I don't know how to sneak into the emperor, play the dream of a dagger tactic, let's not say how strict the defense of Wu Yingqi is in the imperial capital. Even if people remove all the defenses and even send their coordinates to you, the Malaysian Golden Knife sits on the throne waiting for you to kill, and then let you have one hand and one foot. Then, have you killed him? ”

"What is this, don't be so long-spirited, and kill yourself!"

Li Yao brows her head and locks her chin, muttering. "The flaws must be flawed. The whole thing can't be so seamless. Otherwise, I won't feel uncomfortable. Where is the problem? Yes, I really can't figure out something!"

Scarlet Mind: "What?"

Li Yao pulled his finger and said: "Look, we all agree that Wu Yingqi has done so many things in the big market in the Seven Seas, in order to eliminate the hidden danger of the Wanshang Business Alliance in advance, so as not to expose his identity, Wanjie Business Alliance and him. Centrifugal is not controlled by him, right?"

The **** demons nodded: "Yes."

Li Yao continued: "And we all agree that Wu Yingqi has set up an earth-shattering trap in the emperor, waiting for the four major family's emperor fleet to drill inside. At least in Wu Yingqi's cognition, this trap is enough. The emperors of the four major families will be wiped out and completely destroyed!"

The **** demons nodded again: "Yes, what's the problem?"

"No, these two things are fine, but the next thing is a big problem."

Li Yaodao, "If Wu Yingqi's plan is perfect, then the four major family alliance fleets in the Seven Seas Stars will be destroyed, and the four major family empire fleets in the Imperial City will be wiped out, losing all the living forces in one breath, four. It is true that the big family may collapse instantly.

"But don't you think that Lei Chenghu's thundering fleet is too early?

"Or, Wu Yingqi has made the Wanshang Business League too bad, and the strength has weakened too much!"

The **** demons glimpsed a little: "... eh?"

"You see, for Wu Yingqi and Lei Chenghu, if you want to minimize your losses, you should follow the principle of 'sitting on the mountain and fighting the tiger'. Let the Wanshang Business Alliance and the four major families join the fleet. The more powerful the better, the best of the two sides will be the first to break the blood, the two lose, the thundering fleet will jump out to clean up the mess, in order to maximize the battle, minimize the damage."

Li Yaodao, "From the perspective of Wu Yingqi's penetration into the seven-sea star field, he is fully capable of doing this. He does not have to play so absolutely, so that the Wanshang Business Alliance has collapsed so badly!

"Now, the Wanshang Business Alliance has been overwhelmed by the four major family federations. It relies on the thundering fleet to support the scene. Even if the victory is finally achieved, the thundering fleet will certainly be beaten to death. Why bother?

"I don't believe that Wu Yingqi will be eager for success and make such a low-level mistake. He obviously can control all the fruits of victory by controlling the destruction intensity of the big market in the Seven Seas and let Lei Chenghu support it in the next few days!"

"It is this problem, I am puzzled, what do you think?"

The **** demons have been pondering for a long time, and their expressions have become more ruthless and sinister.

"Maybe, Wu Yingqi just doesn't want Lei Chenghu to win easily?"

The **** demon is cold and cold. "He wants to consume the power of Lei Chenghu to the greatest extent. What he wants is not the loss of the Wanjie Business Alliance and the four major family federations, but the Wanjie Business Alliance, the four major family federations, and the thunder. The fleet's 'three losses are all hurt!'"

"What do you mean?"

Li Yao was shocked. "You mean, Wu Yingqi does not trust Lei Chenghu at all, just as he has never trusted Jin Yuyan?"

"Is this not taken for granted?"

The **** demon sneer, "How can a person like the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi really trust another person besides himself, even if he is a relative or a son, I am afraid that he will not trust, let alone Lei Chenghu.

"He wants to be the 'Emperor of the Ancients,' who will succumb to the palm of his hand, regardless of the four major elections, or Jin Yuyan, or Lei Chenghu, or anything else with certain strength and appeal. Can threaten his existence, he will not believe, or sooner or later, always have to eradicate one by one."

"But Lei Chenghu is different. Lei Chenghu is a ‘real cultivator’ and he is his fanatic admirer!”

Li Yaodao, "We have talked with Lei Chenghu so many times. I deeply know his firm belief in Xiuxian Avenue and his respect for Wu Yingqi. It is no exaggeration to say that Lei Chenghu is always willing to break the bones for the Black Star Emperor. The liver and brain are painted, is Wu Yingqi unable to accommodate such a loyal and loyal loyal minister?

"Returning 10,000 steps, even if it really can't be tolerated, at least it should be used for a good time. There is no reason to ‘slaughter heroes’ so early!”

"Wrong, I suddenly felt that perhaps we have always misunderstood Lei Chenghu's worship of Wu Yingqi."

Bloody Mind, "Think carefully, Wu Yingqi is an ancient man a thousand years ago. Lei Chenghu had never touched Wu Xianqi's deity before. The Wu Yingqi he knew was only an empire's textbook, propaganda materials, and video games. The extremely distorted information in historical books, combined with a false image.

"What he admires is the radiance and perfection of the altar. The ancestor of the immortal cultivator is the psychological projection of his own inner moral standard. It is a fake, non-existent person, and walks down the altar, the real Will the living Wu Yingqi be like this, can it really stand the worship of Lei Chenghu?"

Li Yao slammed his hair: "I didn't understand, what do you mean?"

"I don't understand? Then I will give you the simplest example."

The Scarlet Devil explained, "Assume that in the Starry Federation a few decades ago, there was a comprehension of a young man who was extremely fanatical and extremely admired the 'Three Realms, Vultures and Li Yao'. It is the greatest of the life of the Federal Father. The heroes come to worship, and even according to the various propaganda materials, the perfect Father's standard to strictly demand themselves.

"In the minds of this youngster, the 'Three Realms, the Father of the Confederacy, the Bald Li Yao', should be a perfect person, a person who is out of the low-level interest, a man who is both talented and not lacking in the heart of the house, is also very rich. Personality charm and especially handsome and handsome, is a wise, persevering, intelligent, far-sighted, invincible, unpredictable, in short, a saint like a **** - yes, Jin Xinyue came out at that time A lot of promotional materials, just describe you.

"Assume that the youngster is really convinced of this, but one day, he saw the real you, hey, such a ... the so-called 'father of the country', what do you think the young man's next mental journey will be?

"Whether he will continue to fantasize about this... despicable and shameless, extremely fussy, and fleeing when he is not moving, the "French Father" who has been beaten by the enemy as a pig three, or the inner shackles and expectations have completely collapsed, the outlook on life, The world view and values ​​are completely subversive, and the whole world is considered to be false and lie. It is disappointing to you and the federation. Even because of love and hate, in a rage, turn away from the road of comprehension?"

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