Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2586: Launch, aim at the most violent place of artillery!

Li Yao was almost tens of millions of kilometers away, and was smothered by the white boss's spit. He wiped his face, quite a bit of self-satisfaction, and smiled and said: "Oh, I know my request. It’s a bit too much. If you switch to the second starship commander, I will never ask such a shameless request, but who are you, you are the white boss, or the enhanced version of the stern heart and soul reinforcement, super White boss!

"Really, my vulture Li Yao did not admire others in this life. The most admired and even worshipped starship commander is you. White boss, I have used you as an idol more than 100 years ago. Not enough, but you can definitely do it! You have to squat in the four-dimensional, five-dimensional, six-eight-eight-dimensional universe, kill the four-dimensional demon, five-dimensional tyrant, the six-dimensional monster's strong, since you can get Destiny, reincarnation, is destined to challenge the limits, create a miracle, a thundering fleet in the district, a small Lei Chenghu, what is it?"

Li Yao finished his breath, folded his hands together, opened his wide-eyed eyes, and looked at the white boss with anticipation.


The white boss was touted by Li Yao and said that he would not come to Taiwan. Shen Shen said, "You have to say this, of course... not without reason."

"It's not without reason. It's all right!"

Li Yao jumped up happily and linked the data between himself and the white boss. He transferred from the super crystal brain of the command center to the wrist crystal brain, and rushed out like a whirlwind. "In short, you can resist the white boss for a while. I rushed to the starry battlefield at the fastest speed!

"Right, the thundering fleet came to support the Wanshang Business Alliance. They should establish a data link between the **** fleet of the Wanshang Commercial Alliance. At least the identity code of the enemy and the identification system should be shared, so as not to accidentally injure the friendly forces.

"You may wish to ask Xiao Ming and Wen Wen. If I let Jin Yuyan open the port of the enemy identification system to them, can they use the **** fleet of the Wanshang Commercial Alliance as a springboard to invade the fleet of Lei Chenghu? Asking them to seize the commanding power of the thundering fleet, as long as you can transmit a lot of information like you, or even identify some of our starships as the 'friends' of the thundering fleet, should it be of great help to you?"

"Hey, hello!"

The white boss continued to scream in the light curtain, but Li Yao had run out of the building in a gust of wind.

Because the communication channel was transferred to the wrist crystal brain, the receiving ability was weakened by a dozen times. The image and sound of both sides became more and more distorted. Even for a few minutes, it was blurred and noisy, and nothing could be seen or heard.

Inside the Seven Seas Market, after all, there is an artificial atmosphere and a large amount of metal materials. The interference is quite serious. Only when Li Yao enters the starry battlefield can the stable communication be resumed.

When Li Yao rushed to the command center of Jin Yuyan, he saw countless beams of light rising from the horizon, like the pillars of the palace, supporting the artificial scorpion of smoke and fire.

There are even countless sergeants who do not take the starship. They only shoot on the starry sky with the jet of the crystal, and after the speed is reached to the limit, the power unit is turned off and the inertia is used to go to the battlefield.

Thousands of troops, thousands of horses, dense and numb, quite a bit desperate, and hundreds of battles.

This is the last reserve team launched by Wanjie Commercial League, ready to fight for it.

Li Yao thought this way, rushed into the command center, and once again saw the golden eyes of the red-eyed.

Jin Yuyan told Li Yao that in the starry battlefield, Lei Chenghu’s "The Imperial Officer Book" played the power of the star-rated magic weapon. 90% of the warship fleet and the miscellaneous army had stopped attacking, remained neutral, and waited for the situation.

The fleet of Yunxuefeng and the fleet of Lei Chenghu, the two huge military groups each with tens of thousands of main battleships, are like two fierce beasts colliding with each other - the result of their collision is very likely Deciding on the position of 90% of the onlookers is to decide the outcome of this war.

As for the starships of Lijia, Songjia and Dongfang, after discovering that the thundering fleet has jumped to the seven-sea star field, it is naturally impossible to make a wall view, but it is eager to rush to the coordinates of Yunxuefeng and Lei Chenghu. Come.

Unfortunately, in the battles of the past few days, they ran too far, and many of the main battleships ran to the edge of the Seven Seas.

Moreover, their fleet is also mixed with a large number of warships, miscellaneous soldiers and miscellaneous miraculous starships. These guys’ fighting will not be so strong. They saw Lei Chenghu appear and throw out “building a powerful national defense army to realize the military’s The declaration of Wu Xun and glory, the war is even more utterly absent, for the orders issued by the four major families, pushing the three resistance four, dragging and pulling, stepping forward three steps backwards, and occasionally deliberately create some accidents, simply anchored .

The cultivators of Lijia, Songjia and Dongfang have no way to take these guys. They can’t fight, they can’t move, and if they are too rude, they will even push them to Lei Chenghu.

Therefore, they can only open these warlord forces and miscellaneous troops, relying on the strength of the four families themselves to regroup and reorganize.

This will waste a lot of time.

The **** fleet and the hunting fleet of the Wanjie Business Alliance are not idle. On the one hand, the intensity of the undisturbed full-range Lingu network interference is strengthened, and the "Flying Light and Magic Super Tactical Chain" of the other side is destroyed by the jade-burning posture, striving to prevent the scattering. On the other hand, the four family-owned star ships on the periphery of the star field were assembled. On the other hand, all the warriors in the reserve team and even the Seven Seas market were plugged in, preventing the fleet of Lijia, Songjia and Dongfang from supporting the cloud. The main force of the snow wind. ,

Of course they are not opponents of the four major families.

But as long as Lei Chenghu can catch up with the "fathers" of Yunxuefeng before the arrival of the four major families, the 90% of the warlords and the miscellaneous soldiers will fall to the reform side and master the situation. Active on the battlefield.

"Listen to me, General Principal Kim -"

Li Yao looked at the blazing red and blue light on the holographic map of the holographic star, and suddenly the flash of light flashed. "No matter what tactics Lei Shenhu played, at least on the surface, he is still the 'Friends' of the Wanshang Commercial League? It is also normal to have several liaison officers in each other. Can you tell Lei Chenghu to send a liaison officer to his flagship?"

"It's hard."

Jin Yuyan shook his head. "In order to destroy the intruder's tactical chain to the greatest extent, we have placed a large number of super-powerless indiscriminate net interference magic weapons throughout the entire starry battlefield, which interfered with our own enemy and interfered with ourselves. Now, the communication between us and Lei Chenghu is very poor, and there is no point in sending a liaison officer.

"And, Lei Chenghu has just made it clear to us that no matter what the problem is, I will wait until he annihilates the main force of Yunxuefeng. I feel that his attitude is very indifferent and even prevent us from being faint.

"It seems that he must know something, or like Wu Yingqi, and does not like our enthusiasm."

"Don't forget, the black wind defense collapsed more than a hundred years ago, and the Black Wind Fleet ransacked the imperial court to escape the resources, which led to the most serious economic crisis in the empire in the past 100 years... This event has a relationship with our Wanmeng Business Alliance. Inextricably linked, if Lei Chenghu knows something inside, he is extremely disgusted and alert to us, not surprising!"

Under the eagerness of Jin Yu’s words, he did not say anything and said some of the truth.

"And, now the Snow and Snow Fleet and the Cloud Snow Fleet have come into contact."

He continued, "The tens of thousands of main battleships on both sides collided with the speed of lightning and lightning, and will definitely create a devastating whirlpool. How do you get close? It is not too strange to send a liaison officer at this time. Yet?"


Li Yao must race against time and have no time to explain. "That will give me one of the fastest starships. I have to rush to the starry battlefield immediately!"

"Do you really want to take risks?"

Jin Yuyan’s eyes are red and staring at Li Yao for a long time. “The fastest starship I have on hand, just carrying the last reserve team to the battlefield, to intercept the support fleet of the other three families, now only some The speedy and incomparable cargo ship, waiting for you to rush to the battlefield, it is estimated that Lei Chenghu and Yunxuefeng have finished playing.

"However, if you are alone, I have a faster way.

"We have a device called the 'tidal slingshot' on the No. 5 Star Harbor in the Seven Seas Market. It is a super-transmission array that can directly eject small-sized substances into the sky, if it is repaired Above the Yuan Ying, the sturdy and unruly practitioners can endure the tears of the tidal force and can also be ejected.

"But the particle size of this super-transport array is quite rough, and it is almost impossible to accurately transfer you to a safe coordinate. It is very likely that you will be sent directly to the center of the most intense battlefield. Is there a problem?"

Li Yao instantly understood the meaning of Jin Yuyan.

The so-called "tidal slingshot" is a transfer magic weapon similar to the "Tianyuan cannon" in Tianyuanjie and the "blood demon eye" in the blood demon world.

This super-large transmission magic weapon is mainly used to realize the medium-range and long-distance transmission across the world. For example, the former Golden Snake wanted to pass the demon army directly to the federal capital through the eyes of the blood demon.

The characteristic of this transmission method is that the farther the transmission distance is, the higher the accuracy is, and the transmission distance is so close that it is difficult to notice the slightest parameter difference in the coordinates.

However, Li Yao did not have a choice.

What's more, he didn't want to be too far from the most fierce battlefield - if he jumped to the battlefield for hundreds of millions of kilometers, in the calm sea of ​​stars, would he still spend a few more days to catch up with Lei Chenghu's flagship?

When he catches up, the daylily is cold!

"Let me launch me quickly -"

Li Yao called, "Align the enemy and the enemy, the most violent place!"

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