Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2587: Seamless and drillable?

Starry battlefield, cloud and tiger, between thunder and wind.

Even if the silent vacuum of the sound wave cannot be transmitted, it must be torn by the roar of the giant cannon and the collision of the starship, tearing out the gap deep into the deepest part of the nine clear yellow springs, causing the tortured evil spirits to scream and cry. .

The sparkling stars are swayed by the psionic waves, dragged into a bundle of spiral rays, and the light is radiated into colorful, extremely gorgeous spots, like an absurd master, using human blood. Life, even the soul of the soul, splashing ink, drawing a horror picture.

A moment ago, it was also mighty and domineering. The main battleships crushed like mountains and rivers often became a fragmented wreck after a group of shining **** of light, and they constantly sprayed matter and fuel, and randomly chaotically in all directions. Oh, it’s like growing up a myriad of tentacles, dancing and dancing a dance of death.

Not to mention the high altitudes on the weekdays, the immortals of the world, in this hot magma, the quagmire of the rapids, and the ants that they despise are no different, just like the dead leaves in the autumn wind, with half, with half When the screams are too late to be sent out, it turns into a negligible dust in the Xinghai, mixed with the wreckage of the starship, and becomes a large piece of cold garbage.

Tearing, towing, disintegrating and cohesive, Li Yao seems to have spent a full hundred years in a second, and like a step to go 10 billion kilometers, which is very sudden in the center of the starry battlefield.

Even after 10,000 four-dimensional jumps, the dizziness and the whirlwind of each jump are still unaccustomed.

In particular, this ultra-short-distance precision jump is like a super-flying shuttle with speed to the limit. It has just started, and it has to brake instantly. It will return the speed to zero. There is no buffer at all, and it will bring the human body and even the soul. It is extremely serious damage.

Li Yao’s internal organs and brains are like rushing back and forth tens of thousands of times in a second.

Even if he is forced to suppress by the psionic power of the gods, he can't suppress the impulse to spit out the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys.

However, ignoring this little sequela of jumping, this is still a successful and lucky jump.

He neither jumped into the core of a certain planet, nor did he jump directly into the main reaction of a starship. Although the probability of these kinds of occurrences is negligible, there are also hundreds of millions of unlucky ones. The chance of one of the points is in the middle.

Li Yao once saw a picture of someone jumping into the starship reaction furnace. It was a terrible one. He would rather be hanged by the black star emperor Wu Yingqi and not willing to fall into that ending.

Li Yao slammed the buffer gel in the spherical protection cabin, launched the scanning and communication magic weapon that filled the spherical protection cabin, and swept his own mind to the limit, scanning the whole scene on the battlefield. And tried to get in touch with Bai Lao.

He must first figure out where he is, and also to find out where the fleet of Lei Chenghu and Yunxuefeng is – the battle of nearly 100,000 starships, the diameter of the battlefield reaches millions of kilometers, and the two sides confront each other. After the round, the radius of a random manoeuvre is hundreds of thousands of kilometers, which can be easily discerned by the naked eye.

The scanning magic weapon feeds back the astronomical information to the light curtain, and floods like Li Yaoyong.

Li Yao's brain almost screams, even using the ears and nostrils as a cooling pipe to smear white smoke, quickly processing intricate data, analyzing the flames and psionic fluctuations of both fleets.

Soon, one by one, a little bit of light appeared on a small three-dimensional light curtain, gradually converge into two oceans of light.

This is the tail flame of a starship detected by Scanning.

Both sides have pushed the speed of the starship to the limit, and the tail flame has reached at least five thousand degrees. It is also mixed with a large amount of special fuel. The source continuously sends super-strong radiation to the outside world. By scanning these radiations, the number of both sides can be roughly determined. And the quality of the starship, and even the initial level of formation and the commander's ability to control.

By the same token, when a starship rushes at full speed and breaks through a certain star field, its continually emanating psionic fluctuations will leave clear traces of radiation behind it.

It's like moving your fingers on a dusty glass window, leaving a clear trace.

These traces are the criteria for judging the movement of the starship and deriving the morale, formation and even combat power of both sides.

The circular protection cabin that Li Yao took can be equipped with more than ten or twenty passengers. But now he is the only one. The rest of the seats are demolished. The most advanced scanning magic weapon of Wanshang Shangmeng is temporarily installed. After ten minutes, I collected a lot of battlefield data, which made him quite clearly outline the two sides' fleets.

At a distance of millions of kilometers, it is natural to see the specific appearance of each battleship of the Thunder Fleet. Each starship is a dust-sized spot.

But all the light spots are neatly arranged together and condensed into a beautiful and exquisite geometry. In the ultra-high-speed movement, the geometry still changes shape, from arc to tip, from triangle to cube, and From the cube to an absolutely precise sphere.

It is like a giant hand with a demon, pulling each starship, making them appear in the most appropriate place, playing the perfect note - the note of death!

Even after tens of thousands of starships have passed, the residual radiation traces are not chaotic, as if they are absolutely parallel.

Such a precise commanding ability can no longer be described by the word "perfect", which is scalp and timid.

Li Yao did not even see such ability in the white boss. After all, the white boss is a star thief. Although there is a memory bonus of Yan Xinjian, the art of commanding is more focused on the sky and the sky, surprisingly winning, and there are few such classic textbooks. The positive confrontation battle.

On the other hand, the cloud snow fleet on the other side actually has more star warships than Lei Chenghu, but the formation is slightly sparse and messy. Although it is also full-speed sprinting, the residual radiation traces are twisted and twisted. group.

This is the gap between the art of command and the will to fight.

The commanding ability of Yunxuefeng was originally far from Lei Chenghu, and his main fleet was also mixed with a large number of warlord units and miscellaneous troops. It relied on the power of several King Kong-class super arsenals to intimidate these stars. The ship is moving forward.

The result of the collision between the two sides can be imagined.

But seeing the two dense oceans of light moving slowly and blending together, for a moment, it seems to be completely integrated into a ball.

But each other reached the speed of the sub-light speed, like the confrontation of the ancient knights, no one can not speed, quickly interspersed and exchanged directions.

In this way, each time in the sea, there are countless spots of light extinguished - the extinction of each spot represents the damage or even complete destruction of a starship.

At this time, it is clear that the two sides command the art and the ability to train troops.

On the side of Lei Chenghu, even if a large number of light spots are extinguished instantly, the remaining light spots are still filled with vacancies at the fastest speed. Through the constant changes and adjustments of the geometry, the dense and impenetrable formation is maintained.

The sphere is still a sphere, and the matrix is ​​still a matrix, but the volume is slightly smaller than just a circle.

On the other hand, the battlefield of Yunxuefeng is as incomplete as being **** by dogs. The dark spots left after the stagnation of large starships are spreading like mold, and even a large number of light spots leave the job, leaving the sea of ​​light, crazy. Escape from the outside - that is the warlord forces and miscellaneous forces that cannot withstand the damage of the war and flee.

As a result, Lei Chenghu completed the assembly in just over half an hour, and made a very beautiful place to turn around and prepare for the sprint again; and Yun Xuefeng is still trying to gather the main force and stop the defeat. Organizations can't afford an effective formation.

Under this situation, he can't even do an orderly retreat, and any signs of retreat will instantly turn into mutual trampling and catastrophic defeat.

Li Yao sighed and even the layman like him could see that Yun Xuefeng had to be defeated.

Yun Xuefeng’s commanding ability may not have been so bad, but he really overestimated his prestige, and underestimated the shamelessness of the warlord forces and the miscellaneous army. The price of swallowing a large number of stragglers is to reduce the rigor and flexibility of the formation, even if The original strong family has been dragged down by these shameless people to exert real combat power.

In Li Yao’s opinion, he is not as good as ever to recruit any warlord forces and miscellaneous troops from the beginning, and to fight for a long battle with the loyal Yunjia Fleet and the thundering fleet, perhaps even longer!

However, the match between the cloud and the tiger is not a matter for Li Yao to consider.

He only cares about how he wants to sneak in and see Lei Chenghu.


There was a rush of noise from the communication channel. With the help of Xiao Ming and Wen Wen’s super anti-interference ability, the data link between him and the “alloy virus number” was finally connected again!

However, the white boss has brought an unexpected news.

Xiao Ming and Wen Wen did pass the port vulnerability of the enemy and the enemy identification system, and used the seven-sea big market as a springboard to invade the tactical chain of the thundering fleet.

But after some searching, they found that Lei Chenghu actually changed a brand new flagship.

Although it is also called "Iron Flow", but this brand-new flagship is after the Innovatives occupied the Imperial Capital, Li Linghai carefully selected from a large number of captured star ships, and after the enhanced modification, they were given to Lei Chenghu. It symbolizes the attention of the reform party to the "God of War" Lei Chenghu.

This new flagship has just entered the battlefield, its internal structure and related parameters are top secret, even Xiao Ming and Wen Wen can not find a useful data.

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