Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2588: The flaw between the moments!

"What kind of ghosts does Lei Chenghu do, what flagship change at the crucial moment!"

Li Yao scratched his head and couldn't do anything. .

Lei Chenghu’s original flagship iron flow number is not a new battleship with many new technologies, but a classic model that has been in service for nearly a hundred years. Its internal structure is not too secret, even the arsonists’ combined fleet There are several similar warships of the same type or lower level, and Li Yao knows his structure well.

He originally wanted to use his own understanding of this type of starship, and he did not know how to sneak into the Iron Flow, and then applied his skills, Xuanzhi and Xuan’s climbing pipe technology, and climbed directly into the bathroom of Lei Chenghu’s private lounge. It is best to let Lei Chenghu jump down when he is in the middle of the toilet. He will be able to make a great shock to Lei Chenghu’s heart, and make the other side’s will like steel. Gap.

I did not expect Lei Chenghu to temporarily replace a flagship, or a brand new model without any information.

I believe that after Wu Yingqi took control of the Imperial Capital, using the ancient tombs of the Emperor and the deep magical techniques and magic weapons of the Imperial Palace, the new warships after the intensive transformation can inspire Lei Chenghu’s interest in this “God of War”.

Such a warship, how strict the internal defense is, needless to say, it is not Li Yao, without knowing it, can invade without head flies.

Moreover, Li Yao used his **** to know that since Wu Yingqi did not trust Lei Chenghu, he would give Lei Chenghu this "gift", which must contain hidden feelings, perhaps secretly set up countless sensors and monitoring magic weapons, can secretly Collect all the data that Lei Chenghu dispatched, and monitor and monitor Lei Chenghu’s every move.

If Li Yao rushed to find Lei Chenghu and the two started negotiations, the content of the negotiations is likely to be automatically sent to the Imperial Capital.

Once Wu Yingqi discovered that Li Yao and Lei Chenghu had joined forces, he would definitely make corresponding changes to this situation.

This is not what Li Yao is willing to see.

"This is bad."

Li Yao looked straight at the dense spots on the three-dimensional light curtain. These spots seemed to be turned into small pieces of insects, and they went deep into his head and drilled his head. "Sneak sneak seems unlikely. And there is a great chance that it will be discovered by Wu Yingqi. So, is there a way to get liaison between Zhengda Guangming and Lei Chenghu, but it will not arouse Wu Yingqi’s suspicion?"

"Hey, hello"

In the communication channel, the voice of the white boss came again. "We are going to the rear of the thundering fleet, but Lei Chenghu's formation is very strict, and the flank and the rear are impeccable. If it is necessary to collide with him, it is very difficult for me. Guarantee not to 'fake the show really do', do you have a spectrum?"

"Yes, there is a spectrum!"

When I heard the voice of the white boss, Li Yao’s flash of light flashed. “I suddenly gave birth to a wonderful idea, but I needed a good friend to give up my life and be brave and fearless.”


The flagship of the thundering fleet, the new "Ironian", such as the gray palace-like bridge.

Lei Chenghu's hands were carried, and Zhuo Li stood in the middle of the 360-degree wrap-around three-dimensional light curtain, letting the starlight and the more powerful artillery than the starlight swallow him.

A large snake-like cable was towed from the super crystal brain and connected to a special helmet. The helmet was fastened to the head of the "God of War", constantly interacting with the flood, the tide surged. Battlefield data and various information.


Several super crystal brains connected with Lei Chenghu's brain are in an overloaded state, and the cooling unit emits dull noise, as if it can't withstand the computing power of Lei Chenghu as a starburst.

Finally, when a sublime big fleet formation is about to be completed, a super crystal brain can't stand it, and it makes a "beep" explosion, and the blue smoke and the visible light of the naked eye completely collapse.

Lei Chenghu snorted, and a "wave" sounded in the depths of the right eyeball. It seemed as if the whole eyeball had split into two halves, and the red blood and tears flowed out.

He was expressionless, blinked, and wiped the red liquid from the corner of his eye with a cold steel left hand and took off the nerve interaction helmet.

"Fast, Tiger Shuai is hurt!"

All the officers and men of the thundering fleet know that Lei Chenghu is not afraid of death. He will burn the spirit to the limit of combat style. There is an elite medical team waiting for him. When he sees the blood of Lei Chenghu, he has half a face. Immediately before the treatment, while doing deep scan, repair and heat dissipation to Lei Chenghu's brain, he injected various high-energy nutrients and medical agents into his body.

Lei Chenghu’s eyes were slightly stunned, while enjoying the service of the medical team, he listened to the staff report and reported the damage of both the enemy and the enemy.

His own battle damage did not make the nerve-like iron-like veteran a little touch, even if the staff told him cautiously that he had a grandson in the recent confrontation... disappeared, his eyelids did not lift up half. Next, just faintly said: "Know it."

In the past fierce battles of more than a hundred years, he has sacrificed too many relatives and friends on the battlefield against the killing machines of the sacred alliance. Even he has countless lives hanging on his own line and escaped.

Losing the news of a grandson, there is no way to touch the nerves of his special materials, at least on the battlefield, he has cultivated to a more calm and indifferent degree than the killing machinery of the sacred alliance. Perhaps this is how he can defeat the holy again and again. The biggest reason for the alliance.

At this moment, he is more interested in Yunxuefeng than a grandson in the district.

When he got the same conclusion from both the real-time data and the staff report, the two channels finally got a sigh or sneer: "The cloud snow is over, unless he runs now, then they will collide with each other three to four. Round, his fleet must fall apart!"

Naturally, all the senior officers of the Iron Flow Bridge Group know that it is absolutely impossible to turn around and escape. If the four major family leaders Yun Xuefeng escapes, it is equal to the victory of the reformist in advance. .

Even if Yun Xuefeng would die and die, it would be better to escape the battlefield than to fall.

However, whether there is any courage to "sweet the country for the country", Yun Xuefeng has to make a big question mark.

Seeing such a situation, on the bridge of the Iron Flow, the atmosphere is relaxed, and all the officers are gearing up. They can’t wait to attack the chaotic battle that has not yet been assembled by Yunxuefeng, and fight for a round. "One of the expeditionary forces' double eyes" was smashed.

At this moment, the harsh alarm sounded, and the left side of the 360-degree wrap-around stereoscopic light curtain flashed a large piece of dense light, like a black viper that jumped from the darkness. Open your eyes, or the demon that suddenly appeared from the void, popping out the minions!

It’s not the number that triggers the alarm, but the strict formation that they are far above the main fleet of Yunxuefeng, and the ability to control the ultra-high-speed sprint, including their previous melting in the stars. The ability to hide the potential.

Just like a beast can smell the smell of a beast, the serpent can perceive the presence of a viper, and these iron-and-blood veterans who have survived countless battles on the Iron Rail Bridge instantly realize that they have met the cloud. Snow winds are more terrible opponents of the aristocracy, and have the same qualities as their opponents!

"This, what is this fleet? In the camp of Yunxuefeng, there is still such a terrible power hidden. Is it because the intelligence is wrong, and a certain fleet of the four major families participated in this battle?"

"The other party has always adjusted the starship's output power to the lowest level, mixed in a piece of starship wreckage and gravel star belt, relying on the shackles of various radiation to cover themselves, sneaking around to us, and in order to Let us not detect their existence, they did not open the psionic shield when crossing the most dangerous area of ​​the gravel star! If it is just a starship, there are hundreds of stars. The ship is like this, it’s incredible, it’s incredible!”

"When jumping out of the battlefield wreckage and the gravel star belt, the other party can never maintain a perfect formation. However, the other party is pushing the output power to the limit and launching the full-speed sprint, completing the formation and adjustment of the attack formation! The emperor, only the four major family of commanders can do this!"

"Are you sure that the four major family's ace commanders can do it? Why do I feel that this moment the ability to condense thousands of main battleships into a slashing sword, even the four major family's ace commanders are not Have such a wild, so ferocious, so fierce..."

"However, what are they doing, obviously coming to the forefront, but the road ahead seems to be set wrong, and it does not directly hit us, but it is thrown at the empty star between us and the Yunxuefeng Fleet. Isn't it an waste of the hard work of hiding it?"

The thundering fleet was so knowledgeable, and the combat staff who had fought in battles all talked about it. They were puzzled and deeply shocked by this fleet that suddenly emerged.

"No, you are wrong. This is not what the 'offensive line is set wrong', but rather a savvy and sharp tactical choice."

Lei Chenghu pushed the doctor away, and Huo Ran got up, letting the blood flow like a note, but it was a hunger and thirst. "Our army's formation is strict, impeccable, and there is a certain distance from the other side. There is time to adjust the formation and calmly deal with it. .

"The number of starships of the other side is relatively small. How can we sprint over such a long distance? It is the end of a strong battle. Even if it can cause a certain blow to our army, it will inevitably damage the soldiers, and the casualties will be heavy, and the power of fighting again will be lost.

"But the direction in which the other party is moving forward is exactly where our army will collide with the Yunxuefeng Fleet again. The other party is waiting for an opportunity to wait for the moment when our army and the Yunxuefeng Fleet are once again staggered. The formation is extremely chaotic. flaw!"--

Today, Mid-Autumn Festival, I just had dinner with my family, so the update was late.

Well, although it’s late, I have to say something to everyone. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, although the novel is good-looking, it’s more important to reunite with the family. Let’s enjoy life, dear brothers and sisters ^_^!

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