Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2589: Hou's auxiliary

Lei Chenghu once again put on the neural interactive helmet, and the war chess that is condensed by his superb computing power is presented on the three-dimensional light curtain.

It can be clearly seen that if the speed and tactical intentions of the forces of Lei Chenghu, Yunxuefeng and Mystery Fleet do not change, then the fleet of Lei Chenghu will first collide with the fleet of Yunxuefeng – regardless of the snow and snow How weak the command is, how confusing the fleet is, at least in terms of quantity, is still a daunting star of the sea.

The thundering fleet punctures from such a star-studded tide, and its formation will be greatly affected. Countless starships will be entangled by the enemy. Some of them will be destroyed instantaneously, and some other starships will be busy dealing with Yunxuefeng Group. The giant soldiers, it is impossible to maintain the perfect battle now, seamless.

At this time, the mysterious fleet that jumped out of the Turk will hit the thundering fleet that is in the most chaotic state and harvest the biggest results.

"Do you see it? This is the intention of the other commander."

Lei Chenghu coldly said, "He wants to stop the assembly after our second rush. If the timing is clever and the tactics are used properly, it is really possible to completely dispel the thundering fleet and not build up again."

After listening to Lei Chenghu’s call, many of the combat staff members suddenly realized that they immediately gave birth to a feeling of lingering chills.

The commander of the mysterious fleet is so terrible that the thundering fleet and the Yunxuefeng Group, the most powerful forces in the two star battlefields, have been counted!

If it is not the Tiger Shuai’s timely see-through, is it really possible for the thundering fleet to overturn in the gutter?

"Hushu Shuai, what do we do now?"

A combatant officer wiped his forehead and sweated and asked, "First turn to deal with this mysterious fleet?"

"Without turning, continue to sprint toward Yunxuefeng Group, just slow down the speed by 20% and disrupt the rhythm of the other party. - Paying such a big price to break up the snow and snow, if you give him time, let him regroup, It’s a pity!”

Lei Chenghu gently tapped the neural interaction helmet and said, "And the timing of this mysterious fleet jumping a little earlier, or, in terms of its commander's ability, if he really wants to perform The tactics just mentioned should be able to hide themselves for a longer time until the last moment to bombard the ultimate psionic power and output the maximum power, which we found.

"So, he deliberately jumped out so early, was we inspected?

"Is this kind of demonstration, show us its power, or stagnate us, don't let us attack Yunxuefeng Group, or even... pass some kind of information?"

"Send message?"

The operational staff of the Thunder Fleet team looked at each other and did not understand the meaning of the commander.

Although I don’t know the origin of the mysterious fleet, the other party’s horror must be the elite, emperor and **** supporters of the four families. They and the thundering fleet are endless, what information can be passed on?

But then, the scene that made all the combat staff stunned again – the Iron Flow actually received a secret communication request from the mysterious fleet!


Ten thousand tactical staff members can't figure out, "Tiger handsome, be careful of the other's trap!"

"Even if there is a trap, it can't be opened in the communication channel."

Lei Chenghu smiled slightly and gestured to his subordinates. "Open up the communication with the other party. The coach should look at this, this fleet that is enough to arouse the highest fighting of the coach, what is the sacred!"

If there is no military display of the mysterious fleet, perhaps Lei Chenghu will not care about such a small fleet.

However, since the opponent’s edge has been exposed to such an extent, Lei Chenghu, who has “does to unite all the soldiers of the entire empire and unite into a powerful national defense army”, cannot be ignored.


The well-disturbed Lingbo presents a whirlpool of crazy dancing on the light curtain. The vortex is swallowed and blended, and gradually clears up, but it forms a face that everyone can stark and can't believe.

Lei Chenghu, who even collapsed before the star did not change color, was gently "hmm", his eyebrows erected high, indicating his own surprise: "Yongchunhou... Li Wuji?"

Yes, on behalf of the mysterious fleet to the thundering fleet, stinking a face, as if the heart is not willing to stand in front of Lei Chenghu, it is Li Wuji, Li Houye!

"Tiger handsome!"

Li no squinted his eyes, rubbed his mouth with silk, and grabbed his own twitching mouth. "I didn't expect that we would meet in this way."

"This handsome did not expect that Yongchun Hou turned out to be such a hidden master, and the fleet of his men was modulated to such an elite level, which is the secret weapon of the four electorate families!"

Lei Chenghu’s eyes sparkled with unfathomable light. After carefully observing the situation of Li Wu’s body, the alloy virus bridge was indifferent. “You are such a handsome talent, but it’s just a third-class wait. The four big families really don’t use people. Ah, according to the ability that you have just presented, it is a hundred times stronger than the unspeakable generation of Yunxuefeng. Even if you control the entire joint fleet, you will be more than enough."

"Hu Shuai does not need to provoke the relationship between Ben Hou and Xue Shuai, or if you really want to provoke, red mouth white teeth are useless, real money is enough!"

Li Wuji’s eyes became two slits, and he made up his mind. "Hua Shuai, Ben only wants to know, "Where is the Imperial Officer's Book" sent to all the fleets on the Starry Battlefield, whether it covers the four major families? Fleet? If we are willing to accept the control and control of Tiger Shuai, can we get the corresponding treatment and status, including what you said, 'the glory of the Imperial soldiers?'"

As soon as this statement came out, many of the operational staff on the Iron Flow had a lot of arguments. What do you mean by listening to this tone, and even if you have no symptoms?

Yongchun Hou Li has no disease. In the four family camps, it was originally a small and insignificant role.

Even if he heard that he had surrendered the 28 most fierce star-studded groups outside the empire, he also conquered one of the largest free markets in the Wanshang Business Alliance, the "blue sky market", and still did not perform in the fight against the channel. Vulgar, but it has not been put in the eyes of many of the cultivators of the Lei Chenghu Group. He thought that he and Yun Xuefeng are all "famous" touted in the aristocracy circle. In fact, there is no real embroidered embroidery. Pillows only.

When I saw it today, I realized that he was extraordinary, but did not expect even such a rare talent to betray the four family camps?

Is this really going to be a dark cast or a conspiracy trap?

"This coach has never been a second. He wants to fight this **** civil war. As long as he can end the civil war with the fastest speed and the lowest price, and build a strong and united defense army, the coach can compromise any condition. It can be talked to anyone - this is the consistent attitude that the coach has never concealed."

Lei Chenghu’s hands and shoulders, one word and one meal, smashed the railroad. “Even if the coach is not ashamed of the decay and degeneration of the four elites, the vast majority of the officers and men of the four major families’ fleets are innocent and even The high stack is forced to be the deepest, the coach is not willing to meet with any of you, and even more willing to cover your blood with your hands, so Yongchun Hou will abandon the dark cast, the coach is of course welcome to the extreme, just "all the imperial officers and soldiers Every word in the book, the handsome man will be honored with life!


"Yongchunhou has just compiled 28 star-studded groups, captured the blue sky market, and shined in the subsequent channel blockade. It is a rising star in the four family camps, and it still controls one under the hand. With such a sharp fleet, it is said that the troops are strong and strong, and the future is bright. How can you choose to defect from the family when such a situation is still unclear? You have no confidence in your own fleet, so you are not afraid of the thunder of the four families. ?"

"The tiger handsome does not know, this hou has already, has no way to go."

Li Wuwei smiled and said, "Mu Xiu Yu Lin, the wind will destroy it. The previous stage of Ben Hou’s sharpness has already aroused the shackles, dissatisfaction and even hatred of countless people, and we have just experienced a series of changes, the overall strength. Falling to the end of the four major families, and unable to protect my little third class, even the loyalty of the National Salvation Army, which I have compiled with all the hardships, is very likely to be taken away by others.

"In order to protect myself, I have to gain further development space. I have to rely on the commander of this battle, Yunxuefeng. With the support of Yunxuefeng, I have received a lot of resources to supplement it.

"But the support of Yunxuefeng is not without cost. He regards my fleet as the 'supervisor' of this battle, and asks me to patrol the battlefield and kill the unruly people who disobey him in the four major families. I went to the forefront to be a wicked person, and I sinned those big nobles who were intricate.

"I have no way to go, I can only obey the arrangement of Yunxuefeng, act as his butcher's knife, drive away countless starships belonging to the other three families, and join his battlefield. In the meantime, there will be fierce conflicts with many nobles, even Killed 'Hushanhou' Song Changlie, and all the people who can be offended and not offended are offended all over again!

"Huai Shuai understands it. For me, there is only one road ahead, that is, I hope that Yunxuefeng can win a total victory, and simply win the game and win the battle. As a result, the sound of Yunxuefeng is in full swing. I may still rely on his shelter to save my life.

"I didn't expect Tiger Shuai to suddenly appear, and Yunxuefeng is a grass bag that is strong and hard to beat. It is only a round that is defeated by Tiger Shuai. It is only a matter of time before the whole market collapses.

"I and Yunxuefeng are the grasshoppers on a rope. When he is finished, I will die. Even if the other three can take his handsome flag, defeat the thundering fleet, win the war, and what else do I have?" benefit?

"In addition to the Yun family, now is the strongest strength of the Song family. Song Yushi, the frontline commander of the Song family in the Seven Seas Star Field, is a veteran with rich experience, high-spirited and prestigious, who is the most qualified to become the commander. .

"If the snow and snow war died or disappeared or even surrendered, the handsome flag must fall into the hands of Song Yushi, but I just killed Song Yushi's sect, Song Changlie, how the new commander will treat me, I can't imagine it.

"So, I don't want to find a new way for myself and my brothers before the cloud snow wind has fully collapsed. Is it really cleansing the neck and waiting to die?"

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