Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2590: You are not coming, I am coming!

"It sounds very reasonable."

Lei Chenghu said, "So, what kind of way for Yongchunhou to find a way out, what is your condition?"

"Well, it’s refreshing enough. Since the tiger is so fast, the prince doesn’t have to hide it. Let’s see the mountain!”

Li Wuxue said, "I just said that Shuai Shuai, with the strength of Ben, even when the commanders of the four major family coalitions are qualified, this is naturally too exaggerated. However, only the command of the Li family fleet, Ben Hou still has some confidence. ""

"Hou Ye's meaning, as long as the coach promises to be scattered all over the battlefield, all the fleets of the Li family belong to your own, you are willing to abandon the dark cast, stand on this side of the coach?"

Lei Chenghu’s eyes are shining, "Is this what it means?"

"Yes, it's as simple as this. If the tiger is handsome and promises to let me control all the Lijia fleet, I will help you to attack before and after, kill the snow and wind!"

Li Wuxue said, "However, the question is how can I trust Tiger Shuai? Although the tiger is handsome and famous, I am a nobleman of the four family family, and I have offended everyone. A tiger handsome crossed the river to break the bridge, the rabbit died of dog cooking, after destroying the fleet of Yunxuefeng, I smoothly slammed my fleet, I believe no one would say a word for me."

"This is indeed a problem."

Lei Chenghu’s eyes are deep and deep. “So, how is Yongchun’s intention, how can he be willing to believe in this handsome?”

"Does the tiger dare dare to come to my flagship?"

Li Wuzhong suddenly said, "Come to me to discuss the relevant details, let me see the sincerity of Tiger Shuai?"

"Tiger handsome, never!"

Lei Chenghu has not answered yet, and the combat staff has called out. "This is a trap!"

Others glared at Li Wuzhen and did not believe his ghost words.

Lei Chenghu waved his hand and smiled awkwardly: "I am very willing to show my sincerity to Yongchunhou, and even believe in your words, but as the commander of the thundering fleet, my life is no longer my own, but belongs to the whole The fleet and the entire empire! My fleet, my mission, my responsibility, do not allow me to take such risks.

"Don't forget that I had just escaped from God's prison in the near future. If the same mistake is made twice, even if I sin, I will die. If this is the only way for Yongchunhou to come up, I can only refuse it very regrettable. Then we see the real chapter on the battlefield!"


Li Wuzhen thought deeply and gloomy for a long time, said, "If the tiger is really unwilling to come over, then, if it is the past?"


Lei Chenghu gave a slight glimpse, "What do you mean?"

"I personally went to Tiger's flagship 'Iron Stream'."

Li Wuxue said, "The tiger is not afraid to take risks, but I have no choice. The result of taking risks is the same. Therefore, I am willing to go to the Iron Flow and talk face-to-face with Tiger Shuai. I believe that the tiger is handsome. I will never murder me."

"Yongchun Hou is really courageous and courageous."

Lei Chenghu pondered for a long time, and he was suspicious. "Just, is it necessary, even if we really face-to-face communication, what problems can we explain?"

"Of course it is necessary."

Li Wuxue said, "Benhou is now forced to desperate, no one can believe, can only believe in the commitment and honor of Tiger Shuai, but this commitment is to let more people know, the more reliable.

"The tiger is asking for help, it is nothing more than ending the 'Seven Seas Battle' in the shortest time, and gathering as much power as possible under the scepter of Tiger Shuai. For this, you must get the support of most warlords and miscellaneous soldiers. In order to get the support of these people, we must maintain the credit of the "Complete Imperial Soldiers".

"So, if Ben Hou can appear on the flagship of Hu Shuai, and with Hu Shuai, send out a "common statement" to these 90% of the warlords and miscellaneous forces, so that everyone knows that we have reached an agreement. I believe that Tiger Shuai will not break the agreement, right?"

Lei Chenghu was silent, his eyes flashed with tiny stars and he thought about the true purpose of the other party.

"Why, the tiger handsome did not dare to go to the flagship of Ben Hou, but did not even let the daring of the singer to the flagship of the tiger handsome?"

Li Wuji grinned, "If the tiger handsome doubts that Ben is playing tricks, he can rest assured that Ben is willing to take an ultra-small 'hummingbird' class space warfare, to the Iron Stream, the hummingbird-class space wars It can only carry two or three members at a time. Ben only has one driver and does not carry any ammunition. The ammunition warehouse is just our secret meeting room. We will talk in a certain hangar of the Iron Flow, Tiger. Shuai Da can send out a hundred masters, seven or eighty to Taiwan giant soldiers, the whole hangar is surrounded by water, a little wind and grass, I don't even want to leave a hair.

"Of course, Ben Hou and Hu Shuai are not pure combat-type cultivators. Our combat power is probably between the two. If I hold the jade and burn it, I will definitely pose a threat to Tiger Shuai if the tiger is handsome. If the risks don't dare to take risks, I have nothing to say. Just like Tiger Shuai just said, we can see the real chapter under our hands and make a good fight!"

At the end of the day, Li Wuji smashed the silk to the ground, and his voice was so strong that he was full of anger.

Lei Chenghu seems to have been attacked by his suffocation. His eyes are deeply stunned and he has been thinking for a long time. He finally nodded slowly: "Well, when I rushed to the battlefield of Yunxuefeng again, I was waiting on the Iron Flow. Yongchun Hou's big drive!"

"Well, Ben Hou can't wait to see it with his own eyes. The legendary ‘God of War’ is thundering.”

The distorted figure of Li Wuji disappeared into the whirlpool and ended the communication.

However, the data link between the two sides has not been interrupted, but it is further planning for the next rushing and the route of Li Wuji to control the hummingbird-class space shuttle to the Iron Flow.

"Tiger handsome, can't!"

Many combat staff members shouted, "Li Wu is never able to surrender so easily. He must have a conspiracy. Maybe he wants to play the trick of the thief and the thief, and give the Ironflow a surgically accurate strike!"


The captain of the guard who is responsible for guarding Lei Chenghu’s safety also screamed and screamed. “Although Li Wuji is not known for his fighting power, he is young and strong, he is a hundred years younger than Tiger, and he has not suffered too serious damage. It must be that he is taking advantage of the fact that he is in our hangar, in the hummingbird-class space battle shuttle, will hold the tiger handsome, what should I do?"


Lei Chenghu’s face cast on steel casts an expression that everyone can’t see. It’s faint. “The concerns thrown by you are indeed problems, but our situation is not much better than that of Li, and it is also forced to die.

"On the surface, we can kill the Yunxue Wind Fleet in a few rounds, but don't forget to travel around the outer space of the Song Dynasty, Lijia and the Eastern family, especially the front line of the Song family. Commander Song Yushi, that is a hungry wolf who is truly a tyrannical giant, and it is not a cloud-like wind that is so famous.

"Even if you defeat the Yunxuefeng Fleet, you still have to face a dangerous war. You may have to struggle for a few months before you can win. At that time, how much sacrifice will we make, how can we support the Battlefield of the Imperial Army? Even, we can’t catch up with it. The Imperial Battlefield, these are the problems!

"The situation has been so tense. Now I suddenly find out a fierce fleet. The fierceness and sharpness of the other side are in no way inferior to any of the toughest opponents we have ever encountered. If the other party has been holding us away, can we follow the original plan? Simply defeat the cloud snow fleet?

"If you can't catch up with the rest of the three major families before the rescue, completely defeat the Yunxue Wind Fleet, and even be entangled by the cloud snow and the Lifan's fleet, then we will fall into the abyss of eternal annihilation, what 'establish a strong defense force The dream of renovating the empire and igniting the new hope of human civilization must be wiped out!

"Since there is hope that it will be compiled without such a squad, the risk is much more worthwhile. What's more, just didn't you listen to Li Wuji? This handsome naturally won't go to his flagship, but can't even Did you have the courage to greet him to the flagship of this coach? There are so many infants and savvy masters who are driving the giant gods in the hangar. This kind of meeting is not dare. What qualifications do you have, called 'God of War'? !

"In short, I have decided, I don't have to say much, just ask the people in our fleet who have met with Li Wuji, and the masters who are proficient in identifying the souls of the gods, all gather at the flagship, and later check the identity of the other party. .

"Then, continue to focus on the snow and wind, ready for a second burst!"



"Understood, Tiger handsome!"

Lei Chenghu’s military order was out, and the top of the thundering fleet had no more opinions. All the people went on their own.

The speed-slowing thundering fleet, after drawing hundreds of thousands of perfect arc-shaped streamers, suddenly accelerated again, like a flash of spears, shocking the snow and the wind has not yet combed the clear battle, naturally again The people turned over and the smoke was rolling, and the chaos was chaotic.

However, the "Li Wudf Fleet" that should have arrived in time, but there was a small accident in the middle. It seems that the cluster of arsenal ships in the center was too far before the collision and collision with the Aegis ship in front. The rear integrated supply ship was too far away to effectively protect these thin-filled integrated supply ships, and the entire fleet had to slow down and re-adjust.

This adjustment missed the best time for the flashing thunder fleet.

When they finally rushed up with the momentum of “swallowing like a tiger”, the thundering fleet had completed the second impact, and did not give them a chance to bite a bit, and continued to advance at full speed, out of the whirlpool of destruction.

The two fleets, like two icy icebergs, passed by in a dangerous and dangerous distance.

Li Wuji Fleet madly released Jingjing and the universe battle, trying to bite the **** of the thundering fleet, but the two sides only rubbed the faint Mars, and the fleet was detached at full speed, and all the soldiers were removed.

However, in the short-term "friction", there is a hummingbird-class space battle shuttle, carrying a driver and a passenger, heading for the thundering fleet's flagship "Ironian".

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