Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2591: Sure enough, you!

Even from the macroscopic perspective of the universe, the collision of the two fleets is only the intersection of countless light points, but at the microscopic angle of each starship, the impact of the so-called "destroying the dead, the wind and the clouds" is not easy.

Even if the thundering fleet occupied the absolute advantage in the scene, there were also a large number of starships that exploded and even lost all power. There were countless crystal scorpions and space wars scattered in the Xinghai, unable to find their own mothership, and even several giant soldiers. Loss of limbs and power units is urgently required to be towed back to the integrated supply ship with rapid maintenance capability, and they must not be allowed to drift to the depths of the empty Xinghai.

Lei Chenghu’s flagship “Iron Stream” was also not spared.

Lei Chenghu has never been the kind of squat in the middle of the military account, strategizing, let the men to death to the commander, the more sinister and fierce fighting, the more he is the leader - just the more dangerous and Yun Xuefeng's flagship avalanche, come A white-faced joint war.

At the moment, the iron flow number is also scarred. It is full of explosions, poisonous mist, flames and tearing of the shell, and the vacuum area where all the materials are ejected.

However, Lei Chenghu did not pay attention to the flagship war damage situation, completely handled by the damage control team, but with a most elite Marine Corps plus three giant soldiers, to the 16th in the middle of the battleship hangar.

"Tread on the road!"

Hundreds of heavily armed elite sergeants stepped on the steel-like pace, plus dozens of heavy-duty spar chariots and nearly a thousand battle squads, leaving the huge hangar of the 16th.

All the sergeants, battle scorpions and spar chariots have opened the hatch of the honeycomb-type launcher, condensing the ripples of the crystal magnetic gun and the Xuanguang gun. The chainsaw sword and the oscillating knives also slammed and swayed to the limit. .

Even the three giant gods are standing in the sky, like a huge column in the hangar, the sword is squirting, murderous, and a pair of enemies.


Perceived the opening of the airtight door outside, several combat staff called at the same time.

Perhaps I felt that my men were too nervous and lost the face of the thundering fleet. Lei Chenghu’s brows wrinkled slightly, but the corners of his mouth sneered at a sneer that no one could read.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

Several consecutive airtight doors are continuously opened and closed, gradually injecting pressure and fresh air into the enclosed space, allowing the other party to adapt to the artificial gravity field of the Iron Flow, and by the way, scanning the weapons and ammunition carried by the opponent's space shuttle.

I repeatedly scanned it several times to confirm that the other side's space warfare did not carry any weapons and ammunition. At the same time, it only scanned two human life magnetic fields and several Qiankun Rings. The last airtight door was slowly opened.

A conical space warp, less than ten meters in length, like a flower, slides lightly into the fixed track of the 16th hangar, and the three slender tails gather closer to the front, making it more compact – and the mountain stream Compared to the number, this hummingbird-class space warfare is not even a small hummingbird, at best it is a tiny bacteria or virus.

Of course, both bacteria and viruses are fatal.


The other party has not stopped, and all the sergeants and battle squads around him have raised their guns in their hands and shoulders.

Lei Chenghu’s guard captain, who is driving the giant soldiers, has struck a big step and is in front of Lei Chenghu.

"Step aside."

Lei Chenghu knocked on the legs of the pro-guard captain giant warrior, and walked to the front of the hummingbird-class space battle shuttle. His hands were carried, and he said: "Through the fierce fire line, Yongchun Hou really came, your timid and Wu Yong are Amazing, your ability to control the universe's battles is even more impressive.

"On this star's starship, there are just a few of the old people of Yongchunhou. I heard that you are coming to visit you. You must come to see you. You will not blame the old-fashioned friendship."

Said, Lei Chenghu gently coughed, and immediately there were several tiger-backed bears, and the strong-faced strong man came forward.

The first strong man carefully said: "Hou, is it you, the little man Zhao Jutao, I wonder if Hou Ye still remembers the villain?"

Immediately came the voice of the hummingbird-class universe battle: "Zhu Jutao, the deputy gang of the giant shark, is the innocent family of my seventeen brothers? I remember that you have a good hand in the 'Red Wave Knife Law', that year At a banquet of the Astronomical Star, you once and I played a battle with Zhao Yi, and degraded Zhao Yi’s left hand and a tail finger. I also solved my own knife and gave it to you, right?

"Hey, my relationship with the 17th brother-in-law is the best. I thought that when he was ambushed by the sacred people in the Jade Star, I was crying when I fell down. I wanted to find you, the old family, and the front line. The soldiers are in a mess, and there has been no news from you. I thought that you followed the soul to the Xinghai. I did not expect to be the subordinate of Tiger Shuai!"

"Houye still remembers the villain?"

This "Zhao Jutao" nodded to Lei Chenghu and continued, "The villain is flattered!"

Zhao Jutao retired, and the second strong man came forward, and he screamed in a rough voice: "Hou Ye, the little man, the end of the Song Dynasty, thank you for the great grace of Hou Ye, the villain can still live to this day, and joined the thunder. Fleet - all this is given by the worship of Hou, the little man knows how to report, one day can not forget, I heard that the news that Hou Ye came, is to die to die, thank you Hou Ye."

"At the end of the Song Dynasty, is that the ‘one sword has no life’?

In the hummingbird-class space battle shuttle, there was another voice of no sorrow. He smiled. "You used to be too harsh in the old master. It’s just that you’ve lost one in the arena, and you’re going to break it. Unloading eight pieces.

"Winning defeat is the common situation of the military. You have not swindled and sneaked. You have done everything you can. Unfortunately, the skill is not as good as people, and you can blame anyone. This loses, and you will win again in the end. Why bother to take your life?"

"You also know that Ben is the last to see these **** and cruel, five internal organs and sloppy scenes, so I still want to cut your belly in front of the prince's face, Ben Hou looked at the eyes, only to speak to save your life, Just do it, why are you on your heart!"

The "one sword has no life" at the end of the Song Dynasty, also nodded to Lei Chenghu, said that Li Wu did not say anything wrong, that was the case in the past, then loudly, "In short, the villain this life is given by Hou Ye, If the villain is not despicable, he is not qualified to stay with Hou Ye’s work, and the villain will not go to the front line as a big soldier!”

Next, there are a few old people who are savvy and ill, and they are not hesitant to say their origins. Even the trivial things are not omissions and mistakes. Most of the trivial things are not recorded in any information at all. It can be seen that the people in this hummingbird-class universe battle shuttle are indeed unspeakable.

Seeing that Li Wuji really went to the appointment, the commanders at all levels of the Thunder Fleet were relieved a little.

However, Lei Chenghu’s guard captain still dared not care about it. Through the giant soldiers, he made a thunderous low-pitched voice: “Yongchunhou, sorry, for safety and privacy, please ask your priest to come out first, he will shuttle all the way. The fire line must be exhausted and exhausted, let us eat and drink, wait for you to negotiate with Tiger Shuai, and then send him back, never let him lose half of his hair, how?"

There was no sound in the hummingbird-class space battle shuttle, but the weapon ammunition pod in the abdomen slowly opened. A driver with a mediocre appearance and a stiff posture climbed out and opened his hands to indicate that he did not carry any weapons and Ring, facelessly went to Lei Chenghu's guards, immediately surrounded by guards.

His eyes seemed to contain a thick color of resentment, but it flashed past and was not noticed by anyone.

"Not rude, ask the brother to go down and have a rest."

The pro-guard captain Shen Shen, and through the private communication channel to Lei Chenghu Road, "Tiger Shuai, which confirmed that there is only one person left alone, but this battle can not be underestimated, he also took three 乾 戒 戒Is it necessary to check further..."


Lei Chenghu is cold and cold. "He has three squadrons, but we have three squadrons ready to send and a whole army! Everyone is single-handed, and they only go to this level. Is this coach a third-class? Do you have any timidity? You will stay here, don’t spy on the situation inside, wait for the handsome guy to come out and say it!”

Lei Chenghu smashed the robes on his body and walked toward the weapon ammunition pod of the hummingbird-class space shuttle. After drilling in the black cockpit, he also closed the hatch.

This time, no one can see or hear outside, what is happening inside.

Many of the high-level mines, combat staff and the soldiers around Lei Chenghu can only face each other and wait anxiously.

The small cabin of the hummingbird-class space warfare is illuminated by the light curtain into a green and secluded chamber, giving people the feeling of being breathless when they come in.

Lei Chenghu closed the hatch on the belly of the belly. As soon as he looked up, he saw that Li Wuzhen had to open his legs. The Malaysian Golden Knife sat in the driver's seat and stared at him.

"Hushu Shuai, we can finally talk about it without monitoring and interference!"

Li Wuji has a word, the voice is full of strength, and it gives people a mysterious and profound, unpredictable feeling. From the first word, they try to control the rhythm of the negotiation.

"Hey, don't pretend to be a ghost, this handsome knows that you are not Li Wei, just going out to the ‘Yu Shi’ is the real Li Wu.”

Lei Chenghu directly slaps his hair in a blunt manner. "If you really want to talk well, you will put away this yin and yang voice, reveal your true face, and let the coach know what you are!"


"Li Wu disease" can't be prevented, the gas field bursts instantly, and the voice of his own voice is screaming. "Is there any mistakes, such a subtle arrangement, you can see through it at a glance, you guess, Tiger Shuai!"

"It really is you, you will not be mistaken if you turn this strange voice into a gray man."

Lei Chenghu said as he sat down in the passenger seat next to "Li Wuji", faintly said, "What do you call you? Is it a reformist traitor, or the king of the black wind, or the comprehension Li Yao? You In this way, I can’t see the identity of the light, and I dare to single-handedly go to the flagship of this handsome man. I really don’t know how to live and die.

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