Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2592: Unpredictable!

"I have always been so daring. Otherwise, I wouldn't take the initiative to ask for help. I will die forever, and I will die forever. I am not afraid of death. I risk the death of death and rush to the prison of God to save the tiger!"

Li Yao found a semi-solidified blue gel wrapped in a film from his arms. His hands were chopped and spread evenly on his face. Together with the rhythm of muscles and bones, he recovered his original appearance and looked at it with some scorn. Lei Chenghu, while reminding the other side of his own life-saving grace, did not explain, "When is the tiger handsome, I see that I am not savvy... I will not swindle me?"

"Hey, this coach has never bothered to use the tricks to deceive. From the very beginning, I know that the opposite side of the light curtain is not fierce, or that there is a more terrible black hand behind Li Wuji."

Lei Chenghu disdain, "What is Li Duo's goods, this handsome is clear, how can he modulate such a terrible fleet? What's more, with the standard of the four major electors of Li Wuji, selfish, greedy I am afraid of the character of death, I think that my life is more important than the whole universe. How can I go to the meeting alone and be alone? If he has the courage to kill the flagship of the coach, he will cut his head and give it to him. !

"If Li Wuzhen really appears on the flagship of this coach, there is only one explanation - he was used to hold his throat with a knife, and he used a gun to hold the back of his head, which forced him to come over, so just now, his eyes were so resentful. I am afraid to give you this daring madman to bury, I am right?"

"Hu Shuai is really observing, and my plan has so many flaws."

Li Yao coughed a few times and curiously said, "However, even if Li Wu is not the main master, Hu Shuai said by saying "I am really me", just like seeing through the true face of my disguise."

"Your identity is not difficult to guess."

Lei Chenghu continued to faintly said, "What you said in the identity of the King of the Black Wind, in the big market of the Seven Seas, said those words, has already spread throughout the seven seas, I do not believe that you will have no after Action, don't want to play any tricks.

"Plus the Queen's Highness telling me your true identity, and my assessment of your behavioral pattern, you are ready to implement the 'dagger tactics', the chances of sneaking into me are great - just I did not expect, you will use this In a way, Zhengda sneaked in."

"It turned out to be the case, but what is it, Tiger Shuai, I have to declare a little - I am the 'King of the Black Wind' and the despicable and shameless one hundred years ago, and fled the country, but also smashed the court, it hurts The 'King of the Winds' that led your hometown soldiers to the front line to wipe the **** is not the same thing. In fact, you have the imperial court’s predecessor, the King of the Black Wind, who has been beaten by me. Explode the dog's head, kill it to the slag, don't thank me, this is what I should do!"

Li Yaoton had a meal and said again, "When it comes back, Tiger Shuai is also a hero and a tiger, knowing that it is me, even guessing that I will implement a dagger tactic, even dare to enter my universe, I am not afraid. I suddenly shot and stopped you? You know, if I am so close, I don’t want to say that there are three giant soldiers outside, even if there are three hundred giant soldiers, they can’t stop it!”

"Do you know?"

Lei Chenghu smiled and said, "Every word that the handsome man said in the "Company of the Imperial Soldiers" is true, and every sentence that Li Wuji said is also true, as long as the civil war can be ended as soon as possible, retain more The power of many empires to fight against the sacred alliance to create a new future of human civilization, the handsome and anyone can talk about what conditions can be traded.

"A long time ago, this handsome man told you that compared to those despicable and shameless 'fake immortals', this handsome is still more like a self-cultivator. Since this handsome man can not talk about this kind of 'fake immortal', you can talk about it. And, with your true self-cultivator, what else can you talk about?

"I am very curious. You haven't had a big move in the past thousand years. When the empire is so stormy, what kind of turnaround can you bring? What's more, you just said it yourself, this man's life. It’s all you got out of God’s prison. As an Imperial soldier, is it not useful to see your courage to save your life?”

"Tiger Shuai is so reasonable, that would be great!"

Li Yao Chang Shu breathed a sigh of relief. "I knew this, I will change the way of a more straightforward approach and talk with the tiger. I don't have to hide my head and make so many tricks!"

"Then just open the door, you are such a real comprehension, come to me, what is this immortal cultivation?"

Lei Chenghu’s voice gradually became cold and hard, like a shell that had just been taken out of the low-temperature ammunition depot. “There seems to be no room for reconciliation between us. At least I will not compromise on Xiuxian Avenue. of."

Li Yao blinked and said: "I just came to desperately and gambled on a game!"

Lei Chenghu frowned: "What are you gambling?"

Li Yaoxuan nailed the railway: "Gambling Tiger Shuai is a true cultivator. It is an uncompromising fundamentalist cultivator. I bet everything you do. It is for the sake of empire, for human civilization, not for those outside." The same, just the empire of the empire, human civilization and Xiuxian Avenue, in fact, is selfish, for personal gain can trample on all roads.

"I want to bet you see that the future of human civilization is more important than anything, even - it is more important than the most admired black star emperor Wu Yingqi!"

Lei Chenghu was silent for a moment, and there was a dark light in his eyes. He said: "You really know the true identity of your Majesty. I am more and more appreciative of you, the comprehension Li Yao.

"Since everyone knows the existence of His Majesty, you should be more heart--you know, I can never betray my Majesty!"

"That may not be."

Li Yao stared at Lei Chenghu and said in a word, "If you are a pure, real, selfless self-cultivator, everything you do is for the benefit of the real human empire and humanity. The future of civilization, then, when the actions of the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi are detrimental to the interests of the empire and will destroy the future of human civilization, you should not hesitate to stand up against him!

"In the final analysis, you are wholeheartedly loyal and willing to contribute everything. It is an empire, a human civilization, not a specific emperor. Even if this emperor is a black star, I don't understand it. I understand your heart, right? ?"

Lei Chenghu has been stunned for a long time, and he laughed awkwardly: "Do you really have such a sharp-eyed person? Your majesty is certainly not equal to the empire, not to the human civilization, but looking at the central Xinghai today, who else is better than Is it qualified to represent the empire and human civilization? I don’t swear to be loyal to the loyalty, is it loyal to the four unsuccessful electors, or the Wanshang Business League, which are full of smoky, shameless black market traders, or to loyalty to you? Comprehension is not enough to make a mistake?"

"Wu Shuai is willing to be loyal to all, or no one is loyal, but a self-contained one - these are not my turn to worry, I just want to kindly remind Hu Shuai, Wu Yingqi has a problem!"

Li Yao took a deep breath and even shot like a cannon. "Is it true that Tiger Shuai doesn't feel that it is not appropriate to jump to the Seven Seas Stars? Jumping so early will make you involved in the Wanmeng Business Alliance and the four major family federations. Double vortex, waiting for you to spend a few months to level all the enemies, and you will also lose money, and the casualties are heavy!

"I believe that this time is Wu Yingqi's order, so he does not trust you at all, that is, he wants to use the 'Seven Seas Battle' to achieve the effect of 'three losses and hurts', let the thundering fleet, the Wanjie Commercial League and the four major families unite. The fleet was so badly wounded that they all weakened to the limit and could no longer compete with him. Of course, they could not withstand the attack of the Holy League.

"And, the thundering fleet was originally a knife on the throat of the four families. It rushed out of the four family's hinterland and jumped to the seven seas of the empire's edge. Although it was able to win the local battlefield, it also made the emperor empty. Wide open, the four major family of the Royal Fleet will definitely seize this opportunity to attack the Emperor!

"This kind of low-level mistakes, even my layman can see that it is not appropriate. I don't believe that military experts like Hu Shuai will not see it. So, have you ever asked you about this '陛下', what are you going to take? To resist the four major families of the Royal Fleet? Is it a group of tens of thousands of years without a knife and gun, or a deep-sea fleet that is not large, or has it just surrendered to him soon?

"No, it's impossible. Wu Yingqi's military power on the paper definitely can't resist the turn of the four major family's royal fleets, so he must have secret weapons, very sharp, enough to destroy the secret weapon of the land, and this Once the secret weapon is launched, it will even cause irreparable damage to the entire emperor, the entire extreme heaven and the celestial star!

"Tiger Shuai, you admire, admire and surrender to the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi. It is his first loyal minister of the day. I ask if he told you the secret of this secret weapon and let you prepare. Come and come, we might as well bet a gamble, if he really tells you the existence of a secret weapon, I can also cut off my head for you!"

Lei Chenghu’s face gradually covered with a layer of iron-blue light. Shen Sheng said: “Li Yao, if you come to me, just want to use such awkward rhetoric to provoke distraction, then you don’t have to waste each other’s time. The so-called 'Heart is unpredictable', the master of his own victory, the person who is a minister, as long as he forgets to die, to be brave and forward, how can you guess the thoughts and plans of the king? Even if it is not a king, just The general commander, is there no "military secret" in the world of your comprehension?"

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