Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2594: Millions of arrows are sent!

Lei Chenghu closed his eyes and leaned his head against the depression of the seat, sinking into deep and distressed thinking.

"even if--"

He pondered for a long time, cautiously, "Even if we really want to figure out what is happening in the emperor, or even prevent the actions of our Majesty, it is technically difficult to do.

"First of all, it is impossible for me to quell the chaos of the Seven Seas Stars with my thundering fleet and your small fleet. The chaotic whirlpool here will not restore calm, and we will not be able to adjust enough to interfere with the Battle of the Imperial Capital.

"Even if we have a way to stop our actions, we still have to face the four major family fleets and the enormous military pressure of the main covenant fleet of the Covenant League - that is not something we can resist.

"So, I still insist on the conclusion just now. At this moment, only the Majesty can save the empire and human civilization. What is the use of our rash actions, besides being self-defeating?"

"No, the tiger is wrong. We have teamed up with each other. It is absolutely possible to defeat the main force of the four major families' joint fleets, including Yunxuefeng and Song Yushi in three days, and upgraded them in ten days. The tactical chain is more efficient and more resistant to interference, and all the battleships scattered in the Seven Seas are unified!"

Li Yao hesitated for a moment, still biting his teeth and desperately throwing it. "I don't know how to look at the tiger. Our strength is far more than what you see. There are still several submarines still crouching in the dark, and we still have it. The crystal brain and the spirit net technology above the imperial level of the empire can instantly condense a piece of loose sand into indestructible steel!

"As long as we can temporarily lay down our differences and join forces, we can definitely dig a big pit. With Yunxuefeng and Song Yushi, all the frontline commanders of the four major families will sneak in and take their starships to make you The embryonic form of the so-called 'defence army'.

"Look at my sincere eyes, believe me, Tiger handsome!"

Li Yao and Lei Chenghu’s eyes violently collided in a small space.

It was like the slamming of two starship guns, which blew out the alternating arc and magnetic field of the Thunder.

Both sides are not prepared to open their eyes and build an indestructible bridge.

"When I first saw you, I faintly gave birth to a strange feeling. I always felt that you were incompatible with the world around you. It was definitely not a general cultivator."

Lei Chenghu sighed. "At that time, I really regarded you as a dark warrior raised by the Queen's Highness. I thought that you were outside the normal cultivation of the immortal world for too long, and you have such a unique temperament.

"But at that time, I absolutely couldn't think of you as a self-cultivator who has disappeared for a thousand years. I don't even think that you have such a powerful force today after the millennium.

"Tell me, the comprehension Li Yao, why should you cooperate with me, are you not afraid to expose all your cards, and will you be killed by me? You seem to be doing something... stupid!"

"Yes, our self-cultivation is like this. Occasionally, there are some stupid things. No way, all the 'smart people' are all going into the circle of the immortals. What the world they are doing is what you see, and you can see it. ”

Li Yaodao, "So I think, as an individual human being, perhaps occasionally it is necessary to make a little stupid, as a whole human civilization, can we have a better future?

"I don't deny the difference between myself and Tiger Shuai. We are indeed enemies. The roads of each other will collide sooner or later - but not necessarily now.

"There are many kinds of enemies, major, minor, dangerous, despicable, tradeable, undead... and secondary enemies, first deal with the main enemy, or join hands with less dangerous enemies, first deal with The most dangerous enemy - isn't that normal?

"At least, although they are different from each other, I think there is still much in common between myself and Tiger."


Lei Chenghu couldn't help but ask, "What is the difference between us?"

"We are all like the same personality, stubborn and unyielding, bright and upright, and never bother to play with the shameless conspiracy."

Li Yaodao, "The most important thing is that we are all separated from one's own **** and low-level fun. We have noble sentiments and strong personality charm. We are full of the world and look at the universe. We are fighting for the future of human civilization, for the stability and unity of this Xinghai. And fight!

"In short, our goals are the same, but the means to achieve the goals are completely different. Although I can't agree with the means of Tiger Shuai, I have come to this step myself, and I have made some decisions... I am very likely to make a big mistake. So, I can also understand the ideas and actions of Tiger Shuai.

"In a word, I and Tiger Shuai are the heroes and heroes. Everyone is so sympathetic. It’s a pity that they don’t agree with Jinlan. How can they cooperate well?"

"is it?"

Lei Chenghu reveals an indescribable expression. Perhaps during his two hundred years of his career, he has never met Li Yao... a special enemy or ally, so that he has somehow not know how to deal with it.

"No doubt, just!"

Li Yao waved his hand, smashed the iron, and slammed the ground. "In short, I have already said everything I have to say. Where to go, let the tiger handsome choose!"

"There are only two roads in front of Tiger Shuai. Or, you will sway out of this space battle shuttle, and then order your men to shoot me into a horse cell. I promise not to dodge or resist, even the Qiankun ring is not activated. I am willing to gamble and lose!

"Either, after the tigers go out, they temporarily put down their contradictions and join forces with the fleet of our comprehension. We will first settle the seven seas, and then go to the emperor to create a brand new empire!

"If Tiger Shuai needs to be considered, then go out and think carefully. I am not advising you to betray the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi now. I just beg you to give the new empire a chance to give peace a chance and a chance for the future of human civilization!"

Li Yao said, he really took all the shackles on his fingers and threw them down on the ground. He looked at Lei Chenghu with sincerity and earnestness.

Lei Chenghu’s deep eyes flashed for a long time. Finally, he sighed and made a move.

Li Yao’s tight fists, the throat knot rolling up and down, the forehead oozing cold sweat, but never stopped Lei Chenghu’s movement.

At the angle he couldn't see, Lei Chenghu's eyes sparkled with a strange light, and for a long time, he left the universe without saying a word.

"Tiger handsome!"

A group of combat staff and fraternal members all came together. Seeing his look dignified but without any damage, they all breathed a sigh of relief and asked one after another. "How, is Li Wuji willing to drop?"

Lei Chenghu was silent, and after a few steps, he couldn’t help but look back at the hummingbird-level universe.

Through the fully enclosed alloy casing, he still can perceive Li Yao's hot eyes – like the supernova explosion, the gaze can not be seen directly.

The self-cultivator is really an enemy he has never seen before, and he can’t understand it!

"I won't."

Lei Chenghu said, "The million arrows are all together, kill him!"


Just as the empire edged, the flames of the Seven Seas Stars invaded into the raging fire, the vast stars of the Imperial Central, the extreme heavens, and the outer stars of the celestial stars also swayed black ripples like an endless abyss.

Corrugated and condensed, the solid three-dimensional space was quickly shredded, and the two spaces separated by one hundred and eighty light years were blended together.

A large amount of material traversed this tunnel of nearly zero length, and after a short period of vertigo, it once again burst into the ruin of the earth.

In just three days, there were more than a dozen fleets belonging to the four electoral families to complete the crossing, including the four major emperors of the four major families that dominated Xinghai.

The Battle of the Imperial Capital officially kicked off.

This is a battle that is completely within the expectations of all parties.

Almost at the moment when the thundering fleet mysteriously disappeared into the hinterland of the four families, the four family leaders consistently made the decision to send troops to the capital and to launch a strategic battle with the reformists.

The warplanes are fleeting. In the face of the glory and eagerness of "recapture the emperor", the four families show a high degree of solidarity and amazing efficiency. The four royal fleets and more than a dozen main fleets are assembled at a speed of time. Nothing has ever caused the chaos of the "Million Starship Major League". Even when the situation of the Emperor is not fully detected, there are a lot of new loyal warships jumping over the family.

In the beginning, the Battle of the Emperor was almost a replica of the Battle of the Seven Seas.

The emperor fleet of the four major families does not master the gates of the sky and the sky of the heavenly stars, so there is no way to jump in groups and jump in unison. When the Xinghai jump is completed, each starship is randomly distributed. In the vast expanse of galaxies, it is like a dandelion scattered with the wind.

The loyalty to the emperor's Guardian Army and the loyalists of the Deep Sea Fleet, such as the mad dog injected with the stimulant, attacked and raided the invaders scattered throughout the entire Xinghai, fighting to prevent the intruders from assembling, and in just a few days, they staged A scene of **** and cruel and sorrowful songs of Xinghai.

However, with the four emperor fleets as the core and the aristocratic coalitions with more than a dozen main fleets as their skeletons, the combat power is far more than that of the Yunxuefeng Fleet invading the Seven Seas Stars, even dozens of times.

The determination of the fleet officers and soldiers to be generous to die for the family is not comparable to those of the border warlords who are ill-intentioned.

Even if there is only one starship in the district, facing a large number of garrison troops, they dare to rush to play with their fears.

With the continuous support of the resources of the four family's hinterlands, there are a large number of heavy troops and engineering fleets, constantly jumping to the extreme heavens, the celestial stars, and when the defenders are exhausted, they will seize the planets and star wars outside the star field and build themselves. Temporary star gate.

When the three temporary star gates bloom at the same time in the outer sky of the extreme heavens, and they ignited the blaze of lights that could shine dozens of thousands of worlds, this battle seems to have no suspense. For the reign of the Emperor, the rebellious reform, the situation It is irretrievably ruined.

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