Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2595: Vital information!

Under the guidance of the three stars of the sky, more and more fleets belonging to the four major families have jumped into the formation system, forming a blockade and suppression of the walls of the reformists, and a large number of super-large projects carrying infrastructure resources. The ship also jumped over. Seven days after the war, there was even a whole starry sky battle, which took six hours and appeared in the extreme heaven!

With sufficient resources to support, the various fleets have gathered together to form a solid battlefield. The aristocratic coalition forces step by step and advance unstoppable.

After all, the heavens and the celestial stars are the heart of the entire empire. Over the past millennium, numerous stars and sea defense lines have been built, and they have been strengthened and upgraded. In almost every solid planet and satellite, and the stable asteroid belt, there are a large number of bases and The intertwined three-dimensional defensive positions, even if the four major families occupy the absolute advantage of combat power, are not eager to instantly break the core of the emperor - the celestial star.

They step by step, unscrupulously clear every obstacle to the celestial star, conquer all the starry sky battles and satellite bases outside the Xinghai, and each time they defend a defensive base, they immediately transfer their own fleet to the station and transport them. Come over a lot of supplies and start the construction of the heat.

This is a war between hundreds of thousands of worlds and a big world. The four families have enough time and resources to play the game of rolling, without risking a single star.

On the twentieth day of the Battle of the Imperial Capital, the fifth solid-state planet closest to the celestial star was also occupied by the four families, making them the best springboard for attacking the celestial stars.

This means that the hand of death that locks the revolutionary throat is completely closed.

The final general attack is about to begin.

In the face of the aggressive performance of the four major families, the reformists are naturally not willing to sit still.

The Deep Sea Fleet and the Royal Forest Army organized several fierce counterattacks, but they all retreated in the face of the four families' dense formations, solid defense and the strength of the sea.

Even if the revolutionary fighters have the courage and fighting power of one hundred and one hundred, they can destroy three or five times their own enemies, and they will not help in the face of the enemy.

Enemy, too much, too powerful!

Nearly a month after the war, the biggest problem facing the reformists was not the contest on the battlefield. Instead, the communication was completely blocked. It was difficult to go far between the empire and the other two parts of the Seven Seas, the Wanmeng Business Alliance and The thundering fleet got in touch.

The Wanjie Business Alliance represents the tens of thousands of small and medium-sized capitals of the Empire and the power of countless warlords.

The thundering fleet is very likely to draw to the support of the still-maintained expeditionary force.

These two main forces are the only ones of the reformists, and they are hopeless.

But the two thousand worlds, which are separated by 18,000 light years, are extremely difficult to communicate with each other. Real-time communication relies on building a "hyperspace communication base station" at the edge of the star field, so that information and data are also "four-dimensional jump". In order to pass to each other's eyes.

If the message is disseminated in a conventional manner, even if the message is always kept at the speed of light, it will take tens of thousands of years to be received by the other party. It does not make sense at all.

But now, the dozens of "hyperspace communication base stations" set up by the reformists on the periphery of the extreme heavens are all discovered, occupied or destroyed by the royal fleet of the four major families.

Moreover, the four major families have also placed a large number of powerful interference sources in the entire Xinghai Sea, and the sources have continuously released various distorted radiation and psionic fluctuations, interfering with the secret communication base stations that are likely to exist.

As a result, the emperor is like being shrouded in lead clouds, and the outside world, mainly the Seven Seas Stars, has cut off the news. It is difficult to know the battle situation of the "Seven Seas Stars", and there is no way to order Lei Chenghu or Jin Yuyan to make The corresponding change.

With the weak military power of the Deep Sea Fleet and the Yulin Army, it is almost impossible to break the information blockade of the four major family fleets.

Yes, they still hide several mobile secret communication base stations at some point in the vast Xinghai Sea; there are also several powerful communication ships hidden in the asteroid belt with complex environment, which has not yet been discovered by the enemy.

However, whether it is a secret communication base station or a communication ship, once activated, it will inevitably release a large amount of information ripples, which will be searched by the four major family's royal fleets in an instant, bringing disaster to the top.

According to the evaluation of the top management of the Royal Forest, each mobile secret communication base station, activated for up to half an hour, will be discovered and destroyed by the enemy.

The communication ship is faster and has a slightly stronger survivability. From the release of the first information ripple, it can last for an hour before it is destroyed by the enemy.

However, the ultra-long-range communication unit mounted on the communication ship has a small power and the amount of information that can be transmitted is extremely limited.

In other words, the real-time communication between the Imperial Capital and the Seven Seas Star Field lasts for a maximum of half an hour to an hour, and each communication requires a mobile secret communication base or a valuable cost of a communications ship.

Therefore, there is no particularly significant and urgent military situation. The real-time communication channel is not opened every day between the Imperial Capital and the Seven Seas Stars. Instead, it is communicated in a more primitive way – that is, the transportation boat.

The transportation boat is a small fast starship that does not exceed 50 meters in length. It does not carry a lot of aggressive magic weapons, but is full of storage chips.

Every day, the highest commanders of the Imperial Capital and the Seven Seas Stars will inject the latest tactical chain data and commands and requirements for the upper and lower levels into the storage chip of the transport boat, and then send the most reliable officers to escort, using a similar "cosmic slingshot". Such a super-giant transmission array, plus its own four-dimensional jumping magic weapon, double force, put the other side of the world.

Up to now, there are still a few stars in the hands of the reformists on both sides, so that they can maintain a minimum of personnel and material exchange, these transport boats are relatively accurate, and often do not leave the Star Gate too far.

And each transport boat is equipped with the most advanced hidden magic weapon, its volume and quality are very small, placed in the vast sky is a drop in the ocean, it is extremely difficult to be scanned by the enemy.

Even if it is scanned and captured by the enemy, each transport boat is equipped with a triple self-destruction device. The **** officer needs to enter the security code every five minutes, otherwise all the data will be cleared in ten seconds. It can be described as foolproof.

Although the information exchange efficiency of the transportation boat is extremely low, the amount of information that each transportation boat can carry is extremely unstable wireless transmission mode. It can't be spread in three days and three nights, and there is no need to worry about being invaded by the enemy. The communication network has greatly improved in terms of reliability and security.

Therefore, the transportation boat has become the main means of communication between the Imperial Capital and the Seven Seas Star Field. Every day, dozens of transportation boats travel between the two places.

This intelligence has gradually been mastered by the four major families of the Royal Fleet.

They were not willing to launch a general attack on the celestial star. The squadron of the Thunder Fleet or the Wanshang Commercial Alliance suddenly smashed out from behind and slammed a deadly knife.

Therefore, after the imperial throat is seized, the scanning and elimination of the traffic boat has become a top priority.

The four families transferred countless magneto-optical warships and reconnaissance ships, and imposed strict blockades and scans on the stars near the celestial stars. Even the slightest space was left behind. Once the space 感知 appeared, it immediately sent the most elite. The rapid reaction force went to intercept and resolutely prevented the other party from entering the defensive circle of the celestial star.

The Yulin Army and the Deep Sea Fleet, which were retracted to the celestial star near-Earth orbital defense circle, also showed amazing courage at this time. They were desperate to kill and protect the transportation boat that had just jumped to the extreme heavens, preferring to pay heavy casualties. Also get the latest news from the Seven Seas star field.

The short-lived war that took place today is the result of this.

Three traffic boats from the Seven Seas star field, like unobtrusive mud, appeared silently in the star sea not far from the celestial star, but they immediately caught the attention of the hunters nearby.

The hunter's starship spewed out the brightest brilliance as if the sharks had exposed their bright teeth, and they rushed toward the three little muds.

Three small muddy stunned in the direction of the celestial star, but before they entered the celestial orbital defensive circle of the celestial star, they were hit by the second hunter in the other direction, and the three small shovel would be When the two sharks were torn into pieces, the death squads of the Deep Sea Fleet and the Royal Forest Army rushed out, like hundreds of speedy swordfish, stinging into the sharks.

Swordfish and sharks are entangled in death, killing dark and dark, blood flowing into the river.

Three muddy machines rushed to the celestial star, but they were still hit by the hunters' guns. A traffic boat disintegrated on the spot and turned into a smashing fireworks. The other two transport boats were also riddled with wrecks. It is no longer able to maintain the route, but it is captured by the gravity of the celestial star, and it is twisted and twisted to the surface of the celestial star.

The sharks finally got rid of the swordfish's block, biting the other two muddy tails, madly pouring firepower at them, hitting two traffic boats with fireballs slamming and swaying, as if the next second would disintegrate.

But at this time, thousands of glaring fire lines were interlaced into a dense air network, and the skulls shrouded the sharks. Their position was too far, and they had already entered the celestial star. Track defense circle.

No matter how strong the combat power of the four major family's empire fleets, it is still impossible to compete with a whole planet or the defensive position of the Imperial Heart.

The first sharks were torn into pieces in an instant, and the remaining sharks shattered and retreated to a safe distance at full speed. This turned back and looked at the two small muds and plunged into the atmosphere of the celestial star, in the atmosphere. In the middle of the two groups of burning fireballs, falling into the vast sea of ​​the celestial star.

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