Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2597: Shooting the day plan!

Lei Chenghu said that dozens of holographic windows have been towed, which are battle images taken by dozens of crystal and spar chariots from different angles.

However, seeing Li Yao in the picture is like a winged dragonfly flying freely in the maze composed by the fire line. He was suddenly found to be a gap by him, and the whole body stirred up thousands of bright lights, and the giant squadron "arsonist". The prestige is coming!

Next, all the holographic windows trembled violently, and the ripples ignited by the arsonist disturbed the shooting.

For a moment, the smoke and flame covered all the shots, and the whole hangar was chaotic—but the arsonist blew a big hole in the airtight door of the hangar, and all the internal materials were sucked into the vacuum, including most of them. Crystal and spar chariots.

And the three giant soldiers, because the battlefield is the flagship "iron flow number" of the thundering fleet, quite a bit not open.

Li Yao took the opportunity to escape and turned into a beam of shining light, and went to the depths of the Xinghai.

"This 'vulture Li Yao' not only has its own combat power to an appalling level, but also controls an extremely advanced giant soldier, which is more sophisticated than the giant warriors of our thundering fleet."

Lei Chenghu gnawed his teeth. "There are as many as seven giant soldiers and thousands of crystal scorpions and tens of thousands of space shuttles to encircle him. But the Xinghai is vast and the situation is urgent. We really can't intercept one. The powerful gods who are equipped with the top giant soldiers are also looking for forgiveness!"

"The crime of non-war, blame you."

Wu Yingqi said a lot of generosity. "This Li Yao is a cockroach that is not bad, can't fight, can't catch it. It's mean, shameless, sinister and sinister. It's a huge amount of force on the celestial star, and he can't catch him. It is not surprising that Liaohaihou is in the Qihaixing area, and it is still confrontation with Yunxuefeng and Song Yushi's fleet. When the battle is in full swing, it is not surprising that this despicable villain fled.

"Fortunately, this person is just like a donkey. It can only jump up and down, disturbing people, but it can't hinder the overall situation. Liao Haihou, if only for a small matter, you can use the transport boat to report the whole thing to the donkey, no need to use it. Such a precious 'Tianzihao' secret communication channel is coming to plead guilty."

"My Majesty misunderstood, although I ran away Li Yao, it is indeed very regrettable, but please sin is still second."

Lei Chenghu continued to be expressionless, a serious way. "In order to rebel against him, Li Yao said a lot of things in his universe, and his subordinates, including many derogatory words against his majesty..."

Wu Yingqi laughed dumbly and interrupted: "Liao Haihou, you should not believe his words? Think about the destruction of the city of the sky, Manzhu Shahua, and then think about the so-called 'the coming of the king of the black wind', Li Yao is famous for his lie, most proficient in psychological tactics, and even the dead can be said to live.

"To deal with such a sharp-eyed generation, it is simple and simple. If you don't know what to say, he doesn't believe every word he says.

"Liao Haihou, you have been empire for two hundred years. It is the most loyal and determined cultivator. You can't be swayed by a self-cultivator."

"My Majesty said that the subordinates naturally do not believe that this vulture Li Yao's mouth is full of spurts and nonsense."

Lei Chenghu said, "But he has two sentences. It has indeed poked the doubts he has always had. Even if he was decisive and decided to do it to him, after he fled, this suspicion always haunts his subordinates. It erodes the subordinates of the subordinates, and almost slams the subordinates into flames.

"Your Majesty knows that his subordinates are fighting for the battle of the Seven Seas. Every minute and every second will burn the soul to the limit. The brain and the body have already been seriously overdrawn. It is very easy to collapse. If you go into flames, the result of the Battle of the Seven Seas will be different. Hard to predict.

"Yes, the subordinates are bold enough to open the most precious secret line under your majesty. Please ask your subordinates to solve the problem, remove the demons and guarantee the victory of the Battle of the Seven Seas!"


Wu Yingqi’s eyes narrowed and his expression was cloudy and uncertain. He slowly said, “What doubts does Liao Haihou have?”

"It is the plan to defeat the enemy in the capital."

Lei Chenghu went straight into the door. "Li Yao said that His Majesty must have dug a huge trap in the Imperial Capital. There is a great conspiracy. This conspiracy will even interfere with the future of the Empire and even human civilization.

"The subordinates never believe in every word he said, but when the thundering fleet evacuated from the four family's hinterlands, we were all very clear that the four major family's emperor fleet would definitely unblock the seal and immediately attack the emperor.

"At that time, you were swearing, you have to let go and fight the battle of the Seven Seas. Your Majesty has absolutely the means to withstand the four major families of the Royal Fleet until the subordinates win the victory in the Seven Seas, condensing the World Trade Union and even the Empire. The strength of all the warlords on the periphery.

"But the subordinates have also calculated the combat power of the Yulin Army and the Deep Sea Fleet. Even if they increase their combat power by three or five times, they will not be able to defeat the four major families of the Royal Fleet, not to mention the four major families are not only a few The Royal Fleet, as well as the fleet of hundreds of thousands of worlds, can jump to the extreme heavens in an emergency situation. How can we cope with it?

"This question, I also asked my Majesty at the time, but my Majesty said that you still have a secret weapon. For the sake of confidentiality, you can't disclose it for the time being. Let the subordinates focus on the battlefield of the Seven Seas. When the time is ripe, you will naturally open everything to your subordinates. .

"The following is a rough man from a martial art. He doesn't understand so many red tapes and rituals. He also disdains the tricks of playing with a little bit of twists and turns. When he thinks about what to say, what dissatisfaction and doubts are raised, the past is for the Senate. So, now is the same for His Majesty.

"The subordinates think that the time is already very 'mature', and the subordinates have broken the main force of Yunxuefeng in the Seven Seas Star Field. Even if Song Yushi is recalcitrant, he can't resist the long-term military front; in the Imperial Capital, the Big Four The family's imperial fleet has been occupied by the solid planets and asteroid belts of the nearby celestial stars. It is about to launch a general attack when the orbits of the two planets are interlaced to the nearest point. It seems that no miracle can prevent the emperor from falling again.

"Your Majesty, no matter what card you have, you can always tell the subordinates now? I still remember that when I was down to my subordinates, I was ecstatic, and I was willing to go down at any time. Death, can you not even believe me?"

Lei Chenghu said that in the end, he was red-faced and screaming, and he was really aggrieved and dissatisfied with the extreme.

"this matter……"

Wu Yingqi shoulders his hands and sinks for a long time. "Liao Haihou misunderstood. Since the rebirth, all the people attached to the shackles are for certain interests. Li Linghai is so, the moon is unparalleled, and the East is also true. Everyone is For your own sake, only Liao Haihou you are for the empire, for the Xiuxian Avenue, for human civilization!

"If you can't believe it, who else can believe it? Just, the plan is too dangerous, and it must be kept absolutely confidential to be effective. If there is a slight leak, it is very likely that it will be lost!"

Lei Chenghu said: "This is the reason why the subordinates are required to open the secret communication line of the 'Tianzihao'. Only in this line that will never be invaded, can you rest assured that the whole plan can be said."

Wu Yingqi said: "Liao Haihou, do you really know?"

Lei Chenghu said: "Returning to the squat, not ‘not knowing can’, but if you are always in the dark, the subordinates will collapse at any time, leading to the total defeat of the Seven Seas battle.”

"it is good……"

Wu Yingqi took a deep breath and stared straight into Lei Chenghu’s eyes. He said sincerely, “I have said that there is no secret between the 朕 and Liao Haihou – Qilian himself is in the emperor. In the ancient tomb, there were thousands of years of shackles, and they belonged to Li Linghai. They told Liaohai Hou. What else can you tell Liao Haihou? Now, I will tell the 'shooting plan', the original book Haihou knows."

"Is the shooting plan?"

Lei Chenghu glimpsed, "...after shooting the day?"

"Yes, the legend of the post-shooting of the sun is a myth that has spread hundreds of thousands of years of human civilization. Excluding the ridiculous parts of the gods, we now know that among the thirteen carbon-based life races of the Pangu Civilization Alliance, There is indeed a 'post-skull', they are born 'stellar scientists', proficient in the study of most types of stars in the universe, and are extremely good at extracting energy from all types of stars, and even ... changing the state of stars!"

Wu Yingqi opened his hands, and the illusory world behind him immediately turned into a vast expanse of stars. Ten different types of stars suddenly appeared in the Xinghai, or fierce explosions such as supernovae, or huge red stars, or the release of colorful glare. , waving a chain of fire-like tentacles, forming a "ten-day volley" wonder.

Wu Yingqi slowly swayed under the light of ten suns. "The star, the source of life, the most important thing in the universe, the celestial body with endless energy. All civilizations from ancient times to hundreds of millions of years need the illumination of stars. Moisturizes to survive.

"The structure of the star seems to be extremely stable, with a lifespan of up to hundreds of billions of years. It is called 'the same life as the universe'. Most of the time, it is in a very stable and strong age, and it constantly releases light and heat to the entire galaxy. And all kinds of radiation, even if it is to decay, become a white dwarf star or a neutron star or even a black hole. The long time is not the short civilization that we are born on the planet.

"But from another perspective, to change the state of the star a little, so that the star spurs out the violent energy that sweeps the entire galaxy, is another... very easy, at least theoretically possible.

"Because the stars are too big and the power is too strong, even if only one hundred millionth of the power is stirred up, it is enough for us to be such a small creature, to perceive the frenzy of destroying the earth.

"It seems that the sun is sneezing enough to blow all the battleships scattered between the stars and the sea."

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