Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2598: Nothing on the magical powers, after the shooting!

Behind Wu Yingqi, nine of the ten suns are bleak and extinguished, leaving only the last one in the prime of life. The flat, extremely stable sun is constantly magnified, revealing the surface of the crazy dancing flames and enough to devour The whirlpool of the planet gives Lei Chenghu the feeling of burning everything.

In the vicinity of this gleaming sun, as a contrast, there are also some insignificant glass projectiles—the planets that orbit the sun.

Around these stars, there is a small amount of dust floating around. Even if Lei Chenghu will turn the psionic power of the **** series to the limit, he can only see the small black spots that make up the dust.

These black spots of dust size are human beings proud of, and they can use it to conquer the super battleships of Xinghai.

Suddenly, the sun made a small sneeze.

In other words, it is only a hot vortex that occupies less than one percent of the surface area of ​​the sun, and a small sneeze.

Suddenly there were countless millions of kilometers of fire tongues spurting out, like the arms of a **** in the sun, grabbing the stars.

Although this arm did not catch the specific substance, it was like a hand reaching into the lake and constantly stirring, and quickly disturbed the ripples of the mountains and the earth.

The arm splits, spreads, and explodes. The reddish ripples are like a star storm, sweeping all the stars.

Even the planets with atmospheric protection have perceived a strong shock, not to mention the dusty fleets, but they have been blown up, smashed and smashed.

"Hey is not a singular person. However, compared with the vastness and power of the universe, how small and weak is the current human civilization? We boast of the Star Wars, the so-called "Dooms of the Last Arms" giants, we The psionic powers of supernatural beings and the magical powers... All in the face of the wrath of the universe, nothing is done, nothing can stop it."

Wu Yingqi sighed deeply. "After the ancient times, countless classic battles with weak and strong strengths are indispensable to the help of the time and place. Even the great power of nature is the key to determining the outcome. There are countless mighty, incomparable million troops. Tens of thousands of troops are lost in the vast desert, or destroyed by the turbulent waves in the depths of the sea.

"This time, it is no exception.

"From the very beginning, I never thought about winning the war with the Yulin Army, the Deep Sea Fleet or the Liao Haihou's thundering fleet. In the face of ten times and hundreds of times our enemies, any courage, will or magical calculation It is useless.

"But even if the strength of the four major electoral families is ten times, hundreds of times or even a thousand times stronger, they will only have a dead end in the face of the sun's roar!"

Lei Chenghu’s eyes were deeply attracted by the raging sun. Just like his pupil, he came to a small volcanic eruption. He looked at the virtual picture for a long time and couldn’t help but ask: “There is a way ... let the sun sneeze?"


Wu Yingqi smiled. "I just said, I will never be arrogant. Even if human beings are small, and the universe is so vast and powerful, one day, human beings can completely conquer and use the universe!

"Although the star is one of the most important celestial bodies in the universe, its structure and operating state are relatively simple, even simpler than many planets. The stars in their prime are able to maintain a stable operating state, mainly relying on The internal force of fusion resists gravity, creating a delicate balance – you can imagine an extremely sensitive balance, in fact, as long as a small force is applied, it can temporarily break the balance, unstoppable towards chaos And violently slipped.

"Only, compared to the cognitive range and technical ability of human civilization, this scale is too great. It is necessary to calculate accurately and master all the characteristics of the balance in order to find the 'force point'.

"As long as you find this point, you can trigger a series of chain-chain reactions that can make the sun sneeze without any effort.

"Liao Haihou does not doubt our ability. In fact, this incident is like a young and ignorant urchin. Playing in the windy and dry mountains, inadvertently colliding with a Mars, triggering a forest fire and burning it. Dozens of mountains, killing countless creatures - with the heat created by the urchin itself, his wisdom and physical strength, can he burn dozens of mountains and kill countless people in one breath? Of course impossible! But as long as it is critical Timing, key locations, all the conditions are miraculously together, as long as a urchin, a Mars, is enough.

"Now, it's the same for us. Just throw a small Mars into the sun."

Lei Chenghu has been silent for a long time. It seems that he is judging the authenticity of this matter. He asked very cautiously: "Your Majesty said that it is necessary to know the characteristics of the sun in order to find the 'between force and gravity. The subtle balance point is broken with Mars, and the subordinates believe that the stars, masses, life cycles and characteristics of each of the world's stars are different.

"So, how do you know the specific characteristics of the star in the extreme heavens, and how to grasp the delicate balance point, and what means must you use to shoot ‘Mars’ into the sun?”

"This is why you want to name the plan as 'shooting the sun'. 'After shooting the sun', Liao Haihou said that everything is correct. He just woke up from the millennium crouching and did not master the basic research of the empire. Institutions and experts, naturally, have no time to understand the characteristics of the sun, but the last generation of the Pangu civilization alliance can be."

Wu Yingqi said, "I don't know how much Liao Haihou knows about the Hou people. This is a carbon-based life born on a solid planet that is very close to the stars. Like a human being, the planet is a stellar system. The third or fourth planet, and the majority of the Yi people inhabit the second planet of the stellar system. Even the planet closest to the star can survive for a period of time if it can maintain its solid state.

“The original Houyi was a trivial bug, wrapped in a black shell resembling a solar panel, and it was extremely resistant to high temperatures, but the environment in which they lived was too harsh, and the stars gave them too much light and Heat and even devastating radiation, they must always pay attention to the changes of the stars, according to the changes in radiation, to fine-tune the composition of their black carapace and even the internal structure, to maximize energy, to isolate radiation, in order to survive in such extreme environments. Go on.

"When the Yi people developed a high degree of wisdom and possessed the ability to travel the stars, they became experts in the study of stars, and they were experts in the Pangu Civilization Alliance, which are responsible for continuously outputting a large amount of energy.

"In the Pangu civilization alliance, there is also a Kuafu clan, and it is also a stellar expert who is similar to the way they were born. It specializes in chasing stars and gaining energy, but the expertise of the Kuafu is the stable use of stellar energy. They are on the orbit of the stars. A large number of energy-absorbing panels were built, trying to wrap the entire star with a magic weapon called 'Kwafu's Ball' to achieve 100% energy utilization.

"Even if you can't wrap the entire sun, as long as it covers 1% of the surface area of ​​the star, the energy collected is terrible.

"Unlike the relatively gentle, peace-loving Kuafu, the Hou people are more awkward fighting races, better at breaking the delicate balance of the stars, and instantly releasing unparalleled power for war and destruction purposes.

"It is said that millions of years ago, before the Pangu civilization alliance was established, the Kuafu and the Houyi were equally good at using the star's interstellar civilization. There was a protracted, magnificent war.

"At that time, the Kuafu people were the first civilizations. They had already surpassed their mother stars in the past 10,000 years, and colonized dozens of neighboring worlds. In these big worlds, a total of ten were found in the prime of life. Period, very stable, suitable for collecting energy stars.

"The Kuafu people revolve around these ten stars and build the 'Kuanfu's Ball'. Using the energy of the ten suns, they have built a brilliant and powerful interstellar civilization, suppressing all the post-development civilizations within their scope of exploration. Latecomers have the opportunity to surpass them.

"In particular, the Houyi people are similar to the way they were born. They are also good at using the civilization of stars, and they are the focus of their prevention and suppression.

"In the beginning, the Yi people were not the opponents of the fathers. The strength of the two sides was roughly tens to one. The energy collected by the other ten was used by the other party to defeat the whole civilization. The whole civilization was almost annihilated.

"All the descendants of the Yi people are saying that the enemy has a full ten suns and they will burn them alive."

"At the end of the day, the Hou people made a desperate attempt to gather all the elites, and formed dozens of death squads to go on, and attacked the stars, and finally detonated nine of the ten stable stars controlled by the Kua.

"The nine stars have undergone dramatic changes, spewing out the devastating flames and radiation, destroying almost all of Kuafu's ball and Kuafu's fleet.

"The Kua fathers are shrouded in endless darkness. After countless fleets watched the sun storm, the bleak, incomprehensible starry sea mourned. They jumped from one big world to another, and they still saw similar tragedies. Most of the fleets were in the face of the last still stable and calm sun, and everyone died in the middle of the road because of lack of resources.

"This war has caused earth-shaking changes in the contrast between the Kuafu and the Houyi. The Yi people have achieved a complete strategic advantage, and they have to pursue the victory and shoot the last sun of the father." - This is not very good for them. After all, they are also dependent on the stars, but the strong hatred and the fear of the resurrection of the fathers make them risk the loss of both sides. Cut off the future of the father.

"At this time, the Pangu people appeared.

"Or, the dramatic changes in the nine suns have led the Pangu people to discover the existence of the Kuafu and the Houyi. It is not only the existence of a carbon-based intelligent life in the vast expanse of the Xinghai.

"At this time, the Pangu people have the civilization and the ability to war far above the Kucha and the descendants, but they are also amazed at the use of these two carbon-based lives for the stars - whether peaceful or fierce. .

"The Pangu people realized that the carbon-based wisdom life has developed to such a terrible degree that the war between them is very likely to destroy the entire piece of the sea of ​​stars, and even to other civilizations unrelated to this war, must make all carbon-based intelligent life Stop the war between them and maintain peace in the whole universe. Therefore, the Pangu people mediate the war between the Kuafu and the Houyi, secretly support the Kuafu, and prevent the Hou people from destroying the last sun of the Kuafu. And the formation of the Tripartite Covenant, which may be the prototype of the later Pangu Civilization Alliance.

"That said, it is not a waste of time nonsense, just let Liao Haihou know that the Yi people had mastered the ability to 'slow the sun' long ago, and did not hesitate to put it into actual combat, almost leading The complete destruction of an interstellar civilization!"

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