Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2599: Jinjing Tower!

Lei Chenghu was fascinated by the moment, until now he was relieved and sighed with suspicion: "Your Majesty has mastered the technology of the "Activating the Sun" after the Dai people?"

Wu Yingqi continued his own thoughts and continued: "After the establishment of the Pangu Civilization Alliance, the Houyi and Kuafu people continued their research on stars. In tens of thousands of years, they mapped 3,000 thousand in the world, and countless stars. Parameters and nature, and various experiments and constructions of the stars in strategic locations - not only the 'Kuanfu's ball' in peacetime, but also various 'stellar bombs' for war conditions, 'Stars Projects like Storm Generator'.

"When the Pangu and the women's Yi people completely broke down and launched the Great Wild War, most of the Yi people were standing in the Pangu camp. When the war situation was deadlocked, even the female Yi people turned defeat, and gradually gained the upper hand. Desperately throwing out a series of tactics of stirring the sun to burn jade, using countless stars to build a brilliant 'sun line', in an attempt to block the advancement of the women's army.

"Think about it, on the star road where the Nuwa's army is jumping, thousands of suns are violent at the same time, and the infinite fire wall is spewed out, dividing the whole universe into half glare, half of the dark sides, how magnificent it is, The scene of sorrow!

"Because of the special astronomical position of the extreme heavens, this is the place where thousands of wormholes meet. It is the center of the 3,000-strong world. It naturally becomes the top priority of the 'sun defense line'. The main star of the post-Yu people in the extreme heavens, that is The Imperial Capital - on the celestial star, set up a powerful solar activation device, known as the 'Golden Crystal Tower'."

"Golden Crystal Tower?"

Lei Chenghu frowned slightly. "Since it is called "Tower", it is natural that it is a magnificent and large-scale building. Why have you never heard of it before, and the Emperor has such a spectacle?"

Wu Yingqi smiled slightly and said: "The Jinjing Tower is a 'star-star magic weapon' that the Houyi people have condensed for tens of thousands of years of research on stars. They are set in every stable and powerful galaxies of stellar energy. Most of the 'Golden Crystal Towers' are tapered in the square base, just like a 'gold', so it is also called 'pyramid'. This structure can activate the psionic power to the greatest extent, gather the psionic energy into a bundle and directly shoot hundreds of millions of kilometers. A star outside, as a signal to activate the star.

"However, although the Houyi people in the Great Wild Wars were fully prepared, the battlefield situation was not corrupted to the extent of angering thousands of suns, or Pangu, Nuwa, Houyi and many carbon-based civilizations. Races have been drained by the war now and in the future. Even if thousands of suns are sacrificed, it is impossible to reverse the fate of destruction.

"So, the Houyi only activated a part of the 'Golden Crystal Tower', but there are a large number of gold crystal towers standing in the universe after the annihilation of the floods, including the one on the celestial star.

"After hundreds of thousands of years, the seas and sang fields, the geological changes, the golden crystal towers that once stood on the ground or the shallow surface of the earth have been falling. When the rise of human civilization, most of them have fallen to the depths of the earth, and they have even penetrated the rock layers and even completely twisted and destroyed. Nature is not known."

Lei Chenghu thought for a moment and said: "Then the Yi people have been extinct, and most of the Jinjing towers have also been annihilated in the underground. It is estimated that they will be destroyed in the erosion of hundreds of thousands of years. How do you know this? The star of the magic weapon 'the existence?'

"The 朕 is from the emperor's tomb, got the relevant inheritance, more accurately, is a volume of incomplete sacred gods, which records how to use the mystery of stellar energy, of course, including how to activate the 'Golden Tower ', use the sun as a powerful weapon!"

Wu Yingqi said, "Remember that 10,000 years ago, the myth of human civilization re-emerged, the emperor and his strongest blood-stained son, playing on the celestial star, could not be opened, and even almost smashed the celestial star The legend of two halves?

"Actually, in the capacity of the emperor and the blood god, each of them has dominated the hundreds of millions of the world's billions of troops. How can they be shirtless and play single-handedly? Even if the individual's force is strong, it is impossible to decide a star. The outcome of the war is even less likely to determine the fate of the universe!

"The truth of the facts, when the emperor and the blood **** did lead the two sides to the elite, met in the narrow ground of the celestial star, but it was not a stupid 'heads-up', but both sides were looking for the depth of the sinking into the celestial star 'Golden Crystal Tower'.

"On the way to the rise of the Emperor, there have been three volumes of the Seal of Heaven, one of which records the use of stellar energy and the method of turbulence. It also seems to imprint the coordinates and manipulation of a small number of gold crystal towers, equivalent to ' Something like a key.

"And the blood **** is the emperor's avatar, sharing part of the memory with the emperor, naturally also holds the secret of the 'Golden Crystal Tower'.

"The Emperor and the Blood God are convinced that the 'Golden Crystal Tower' located deep in the celestial star is the most important one of the 'sun defense lines' set up by the Yi people in the past, so the defense and maintenance facilities must be the most complete, even All the other gold crystal towers have been eroded by time, and this golden crystal tower must be intact.

"As long as you find this golden crystal tower, they can, to a certain extent, manipulate the sun of the extreme heavens.

"At that time, the loyalty to the Emperor's fleet and the rebels who were loyal to the blood gods gathered in the ultimate heaven to determine the ultimate war of human civilization. The situation is almost exactly the same as today's emperor. Who can trigger a small, controllable scale? Who is likely to achieve the ultimate victory in the solar storm!

"So, when they are entangled in the Xinghai, they will take great risks and lead the elite team to explore the Golden Crystal Tower.

"Unfortunately, the emperor and the blood **** are really the same person. I even thought of going together. The elite teams on both sides couldn't catch up with each other and start a fierce battle with both losses. At the end of the battle, not only the elite teams fell, but also the commanders of both sides. At the same time, he was seriously injured, which triggered the great change of the crust of the celestial star. It was impossible to use the energy described by the pen and ink to rush out from the depths of the earth. It almost caused the emperor and the blood **** to stay in the depths of the earth forever - this is called, ' The celestial star 'is almost blasted by the two strongest.

"When the two commanders escaped from the ground, they lost the ability to continue to command the battle, and there was no condition to re-explore the Golden Crystal Tower.

"Until the collapse of the Xinghai Empire, this solar crystal controller hidden in the depths of the celestial stars - Jinjing Tower, was not discovered after all.

"As for 朕 ...... Liao Haihou knows that 朕 待 帝 帝 帝 帝 帝 帝 帝 帝 知道 知道 知道 知道 知道 知道 辽 辽 辽 辽 辽 辽 辽 辽 辽 辽 辽 辽 辽 辽 辽 辽 辽 辽 辽 辽 辽 辽 辽 辽 辽 辽 辽 辽 辽 辽 辽 辽 辽He was very certain that he encountered various underground environments and geological parameters when he was exploring the Jinjing Tower. In fact, he and the blood gods’ exploration team were very close to the Jinjing Tower. It can be said that who can unearth again In a few days, it is very possible to touch the key to control the sun, but unfortunately they meet in such a narrow environment, it is really God.

"After the incident, Liao Haihou knows it. After returning to the empire, he is trying to save power and plan the great cause of 'disintegrating and decaying, renovating the empire'. At first, he has to act as the 'emperor queen'. All aspects are subject to many constraints. Naturally, it is impossible to build up the earth and excavate the depths of the celestial stars. However, since we are occupying the entire celestial star, we can let go, perhaps it is the human civilization of the past. The supreme leader of the emperor blessed, and it was really ridiculously discovered the 'Golden Crystal Tower'!"

Even if he already knew the result, Lei Chenghu heard it here, but he couldn’t help but scream, saying: "No, Li Yao told me that he was in the depths of the celestial star and saw the Guardian of the Guardian’s mystery. Digging a huge hollow, it turned out to be 'Golden Crystal Tower'."


This time, Wu Yingqi, who even collapsed in front of the stars without discoloration, was taken aback. The corners of his eyes and the corners of his mouth flicked a few times and blurted out. "Li Yao is so embarrassed, even this is known!"

Realizing his own grievances, Wu Yingqi took a deep breath and recovered his calmness and calmness. He said: "Yes, that is the Jinjing Tower. Now Liao Haihou always knows that he really didn't lie to you, will all Secrets have been shared with you? Hey, Li Yao, oh, the gentleman’s belly, the thought of the gentleman’s belly, can you think that this will provoke the friendship of our monarchs? It’s ridiculous!”

As he spoke, Wu Yingqi suddenly thought of something, and his face changed subtly again. There were several rushes of color in his eyebrows.

Lei Chenghu slightly coughed a few times and said: "There is no trust in the trust of the priests. The natural enthusiasm is zero. The liver and brain can't repay the squatting. Just, this 'Golden Crystal Tower' is a constant hundreds of thousands of years ago. Star magic, or the design and construction of the Houyi people, and the human use habits must be many different, in the hands of the arm, can you really exert infinite power?"

"The Jinjing Tower has been eroded by hundreds of thousands of years of age, and it has naturally been damaged. The volume of the gods used to manipulate the Golden Crystal Tower is also incomplete and streaked. Even the emperors of the past have not been able to penetrate the ten. The mystery of one or two, in a few short years, can not be fully understood."

Wu Yingqi smiled slightly. "Fortunately, what we have to deal with this time is not a difficult opponent like a female Yi or a Kuafu. It is just a glance with us and we are not used to the enemy who is strongly radiated."

"As long as we can inspire the power of one-tenth of the 'Golden Crystal Tower', it is enough to set off a solar storm that affects the entire heavenly world, and instantly sweeps all the starships scattered in the stars, destroying the enemy's spiritual network. The interference has completely smashed the various magic weapons of the enemy starships, and even temporarily destroyed the magnetic field of most of the enemy's life, causing the enemy to fall into a headache, and the life is not as good as death, losing the fighting power!"

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