Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2600: Your Majesty, be careful Li Yao!

Lei Chenghu thought: "Is power so big?"

"No matter what you suspect, don't doubt the power of a star."

Wu Yingqi said, "If you imagine a star in its prime as a huge living body, it has a periodic activity pattern similar to 'one breath and one sucking'. In the extreme heaven, the sun once 'breathing' cycle It is fourteen years, every fourteen years, the sun will reach the most intense stage of stellar activity.

"At this stage, the sunspots burst, and all kinds of radiation, magnetic fields, particle flows, and even the photons surrounded by the psionic energy in the sun are accompanied by the eruption of the sundial, which is ejected rapidly, like numerous flaming tentacles, sweeping. The entire galaxy.

"Even on the celestial stars, you can feel the power of the sun's activities - all kinds of volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, earthquakes, psionic disturbances, and even the enchantment of the immortals are all out of touch with the sun.

"The universe is a large magnetic field. The human body is a small magnetic field. The so-called "Heaven and Man" is what the practitioners combine to integrate the two magnetic fields into a very powerful magnetic field.

“It is as if an animal such as a pigeon depends on the magnetic field sensing area in the brain to resolve the direction. The practitioner is unusually sensitive to various magnetic fields.

“When the sun is in a period of intense explosion, the pigeons will lose their way because of the magnetic field disturbance. How can the cultivator be unaffected? Even if it is as strong as Yuan Ying, Hua Shen and even distracted, facing the power of the stars, it is How small is it!

"This is still a natural environment, without the application of a little manual intervention, as well as the protection of the atmosphere, will have such serious consequences.

"This year is exactly the reincarnation of fourteen years. The celestial activity of the extreme heavens will break out. If we can add fuel to the fire and make the solar activity explode more severely, it will definitely cause a devastating blow to the four major family fleets. !

"The ultra-megascopic integrated magic weapon such as the modern starship is developing more and more in the direction of precision and automation. The more precise it is, the more fragile it is. The more automatically it depends on the system, when the particle flow flows through all the royal fleets like a meteor shower. The main battleships, smashing their masters of the brain and power units, and let most of the crew have a headache, and fall into a coma. These giant ships, such as the mountains, the four major families rely on the royal brand of the Xinghai. Let us be the steel coffin that goes with the flow, let us slaughter!"

Lei Chenghu’s eyes sparkled with deep sparks. “So, can the solar storm kill all the officers and men of the four major family fleets?”

"How can it be?"

Wu Yingqi haha ​​laughed. "I understand the meaning of Liao Haihou. You are very reluctant to see the Imperial Army killing each other. To be honest, you are not willing to see this **** scene - regardless of Liao Haihou. Most of the officers and men of the four major families are the people of the shackles. They are also the knives to conquer the universe. Now that the enemy of the sacred alliance has not yet appeared, how can it be self-defeating?

"Reassure, the effect of the solar storm is only temporary. It will only cause a few days of embarrassment to the starships and officers. In a few days, it is enough for our army to capture all the officers and men of the Royal Fleet. I believe that when they are all sent to the celestial poles When the star comes up and accepts the influence of Li and Liao Haihou, it will surely repent, abandon the darkness, and embark on the correct path of loyalty to the country. As a result, can Liao Haihou accept it?"

Lei Chenghu thought about it and asked: "The sweep of the solar storm should be treated equally. Since the enemy is in a state of full shackles, isn’t our army also a headache, a move, and what is the enemy? ”

"Liao Haihou, please look at this situation map."

Wu Yingqi made a gesture, and the huge star behind him immediately became a picture of the Xinghai situation with staggered light, dense spots and intricacies. "According to the observation of the Sun by the Golden Crystal Tower and the data left by the Houyi people. Look, one day later, in this area of ​​the sun, a small-scale sunspot outbreak will occur.

"At this time, the celestial star and the adjacent fifth planet are just right at the relatively close point of the orbital interlacing. At the same time, the fifth planet is still at its perihelion.

"You know, the four big families have already conquered the fifth planet, and regard it as the base for the total attacking of the emperor. You have already got the solid information, and tomorrow is when they launch the general attack.

"At that time, 80% of the main battleships of the four major family empire fleets will gather near the near-point, no defense against the sun, and the main control crystal brain and power unit on the starship will run to the limit, all magic weapons. And the wafers are under the greatest pressure, even a large number of crystal scorpions and giant soldiers will be placed outside the starship, ignorantly floating in the stars.

"When the sun storm sweeps, it will naturally cause them to hit the maximum.

"And our army is on the defensive, and you have ordered most of the fleet to shrink into the atmosphere. The dense atmosphere of the celestial star is the hardest 'shield' against strong magnetic fields, radiation and high-energy particle flow, enough to offset the solar storm 90. More than % of power.

"On the other hand, you will command all starships to shut down the master crystal brain and power unit when the sun storm occurs, and let all officers and men get into the protective gel while allowing the starship to raise the psionic power of a certain frequency. Shield.

"The so-called 'solar storm' is, in the final analysis, a wide range of high-intensity fluctuations. As long as we master the frequency of fluctuations in advance and adjust the psionic shield to the relative frequency, we can offset 90% of the destructive power.

"As a result, the solar storm power that our military bears is at most 5% of the enemy's army. After the solar storm has passed, it is naturally easy to move forward and capture the enemy in large quantities."

"It's that simple?"

Lei Chenghu said, "There is no other side effect, it will not affect the surface of the celestial star, as well as towering into the clouds, piercing the starry orbit of the atmosphere, and connecting the Xinghai towns on the starry orbit, causing a little damage?"

"Liao Haihou, I don't want to lie to you."

Wu Yingqi sighed and said, "What is the horror of the star-rated magic weapon? How can there be no side effects and sequelae?

"Although I can order all the officers and men of the Royal Forest and the Deep Sea Fleet to respond in advance and drill into the protective gel, it is naturally impossible to evacuate and warn all the residents of the celestial star on a large scale, let alone those without atmospheric protection. The starry sky inhabitants, the outbreak of the solar storm, will indeed have a certain impact on them, and even a part of the weak, unstable, weak, perhaps ... will die.

"Oh, there is no guarantee that all the officers and men of the four major family fleets will be comatose and not dead. Who knows if their brains are inherently insidious, or whether their starships are seriously affected by the previous stage of the fierce battle. Loss, or if they are panicked, will they make something unreasonable?

"This is a war. How can the war not be dead? Can we not use the secret weapon like the Golden Crystal Tower, but use the conventional method to fight, will it not die? Is it true that in the style of the four major families, they really occupied the Imperial Capital? After that, will it not be a massacre? Is your thundering fleet fighting in the Seven Seas, is it only killing, not killing?

"You can only assure you that according to the precise calculation of cockroaches, the death rate caused by solar storms is at most 5%, and those who die will be the weakest, the most scattered, the most willing of the will - according to The rule of the immortal, these people are not qualified to live, aren’t they?”


Lei Chenghu said, "If it is only 5% of the death rate, it is indeed an acceptable figure. In the conventional way, the army will be defeated, and the four families will occupy the massacre after the emperor and accompany the massacre. The plague and famine that came, the people who died must be far more than 5%.

"In order to calm down the civil war as soon as possible, establish a new empire, and deal with the strike of the sacred alliance, the cost of the billions of people is not to be sacrificed. Is it that the suspicion that I will be a woman, is it confidential to me?"

"Absolutely not, you always believe in the loyalty and determination of Liao Haihou, but our plan must rely on the outbreak of solar activity to achieve 100% effect."

Wu Yingqi said, "The celestial activity cycle of the extreme heavens is fourteen years. If you miss this year, it will take 14 years to have the next best opportunity.

"Once the plan of the shackles leaked out, the four major electors of the princes would not wait for the soldiers, wait patiently for a year and a half, and attack the emperor from the distant point. Even if there is a gold crystal tower in hand, there is no use."

"Awkward hardships, Liao Haihou may understand?"


Lei Chenghu took a deep breath and his eyes were slightly reddened. "Fully understand!"

At this time, too illusory and distorted, the original holographic image gradually decomposed, turned into a green and shining data, danced and drifted with the wind.

"Our mobile secret communication base was discovered by the enemy and is being attacked by the four major family fleets."

Wu Yingqi slightly frowned. "It seems that this real-time communication can't last for a long time. Fortunately, I have already opened up to the Liaohai Hou, and said everything, what doubts can there be in Liaohai Hou?"

"No, I wish you a good fortune, and you will win the flagship and defeat the four major family fleets!"

Lei Chenghu’s neck and face were flushed, and suddenly he remembered one thing. His face changed and he was worried. “Yes, you must be careful of Li Yao’s treacherous thief, since he knows that the ground is empty. Exist, perhaps also know something about the Golden Crystal Tower.

"With this past style, it is very possible to sneak into the depths of the Imperial Capital and drill into the vicinity of the Golden Crystal Tower to destroy it.

"Chen these days, the emperor has launched a lot of transport boats, with Li Yaohua's combat power of the gods, the court can not guarantee, he did not secretly hide in a certain transport boat, has long sneaked into the emperor.

"The embankment of a thousand miles, destroyed in the ant nest, you must be careful about this, you can't be broken by him!"

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