Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2601: Planet tearing!

Not far from the celestial star, in a chaotic asteroid belt, a mobile secret communication base is like a clumsy turtle like a left-handed right-hander, hoping to avoid the hunters behind it with the help of fast-paced meteorites.

But the hunters from the four major family fleets are significantly faster and more agile than the secret communication base, and soon bite their tails, like piranhas continually licking it. The psionic shield will not ruin the psionic shield for a while.

The high-explosive bomb carrying a large number of crystal marrow fell to the secret communication base like a raindrop, and the whole base was splashed. The people turned upside down and were wrapped up in a hot fireball and gradually split.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty--"

In the secret command center of the celestial star, the depths of the Imperial City, Lei Chenghu’s light and shadow seems to have something to say to Wu Yingqi, but with the collapse of the space communication base, the two illusory worlds of the two worlds are also Turning into a beam of extremely unstable streamers, he reached out to Wu Yingqi, but turned into a solidified statue. In a moment, the statues became a fine sand composed of countless numbers, scattered on the ground, and disappeared.

Wu Yingqi gently held his forehead, facing the darkness of the sky, and pondered for a long time.

Subsequently, his hands danced like a demon, lightly drawing hundreds of black silk threads and extracting a large amount of data from the master crystal brain.

One thing, Lei Chenghu should not know.

Wu Yingqi is in the Seven Seas Star Field, not only Lei Zhihu, an intelligence channel.

Regardless of the Seven Seas Star Field, the Thunder Fleet, and even Lei Chenghu’s flagship “Iron Stream”, Wu Yingqi has placed a lot of eyes and ears.

Although the battles have become increasingly fierce in recent days, both the Emperor and the Seven Seas are interfering with the Lingu network, which has almost blocked all information.

But a few days ago, the Lingwang interference was not so strong. When he still controlled several remote communication bases, he bypassed Lei Chenghu and got a lot of intelligence and original tactical chain data from the Seven Seas.

Including his predecessor before Lei Chenghu, in the inner area of ​​the Seven Seas market, he had a short battle with Li Yao. His understanding of Li Yao was a hundred times deeper than Lei Chenghu.

Wu Yingqi looked at the waterfall-like data with no expression, relying on the original data a few days ago to proofread the battlefield information that Lei Chenghu sent him today.

After careful inspection for a long time, Wu Yingqi came to the conclusion that Lei Chenghu should not lie to him. The data are true.

Unless Lei Chenghu has a super crystal brain above the Imperial Capital, there is no such huge computational power to fake the vast data that covers the entire "Seven Seas Battle."

What's more, with the strength of the thundering fleet and the **** fleet of the Wanjie Commercial Alliance, it is the limit to be able to simply kill the fleet of clouds and snow. It is impossible to solve the old fox fleet of Song Yushi so quickly.

Compared with the arrogant arrogant arrogance of Yunxuefeng, Song Yushi, an experienced sand field squad, may not be extremely strong in combat effectiveness, but the ability to preserve strength has already penetrated into the bone marrow and turned into instinct.

Therefore, Lei Chenghu is still confronting Song Yushi, not ten days and a half or even longer, the entanglement of these two veterans, absolutely can not be divided.

And Lei Chenghu’s intelligence about Li Yao should not be too much problem. If he is really loyal to him, Lei Chenghu does not need to tell him about it. There is no reason to remind him, Li Yaoji It may have sneaked into the Imperial Capital and even sneaked into the ground.

Lei Chenghu did not betray him. There was only one problem, the comprehension Li Yao.

"Lee Yao, Li Yao, Li Yao!"

Wu Yingqi closed all the data, closed his eyes, and glared at his nose. "You, this cockroach, how can you die and die, you can't die, you have detonated the brain of a super meditator. Has it caused you a little bit of damage? What kind of humans are you!"

He landed on the ground and took two steps back and forth, suddenly tapping his hand.

In the darkness, two officers wearing the most primitive uniforms of the Imperial Army immediately emerged. The temples and eyebrows of the two men were raised high, like three horns, and their eyes were dark and black, and they could not see the white eyes. I can't see too many human emotions. The only emotion that is revealed is their reverence for Wu Yingqi's enthusiasm and even worship.

"The defense of the Golden Crystal Tower has doubled, and the blood swallow battle group and the abyss wolf battles have been transferred to the past, closely monitoring every inch of space around the Jinjing Tower, and the last day, the empire, no, the future of human civilization, Just open a new page, and don’t want to make a one-and-a-half-point mess at this time!"

Wu Yingqi cold and cold, "especially those hateful flies and cockroaches, they must not be drilled into the Golden Crystal Tower!"

"Follow, sire!"

The two officers responded very stiffly, turning like a machine.

"and many more--"

Just when they were going to step out of the secret command center, Wu Yingqi was quite uneasy and stopped them. "I still go in person, I really look forward to it. What is the face when I see you?" expression!"


"Hey, you said, Wu Yingqi, the old ghost, when she saw us suddenly, what would it look like on her face?"

At the same time, the bottom of the celestial star, close to the rugged gap in the underground, Li Yaozhen is like a mixture of scorpion and groundhog, while laboriously digging the way forward, while smiling and asking the two behind him, "believe his face Expressions must be better than eating, right?"

After Li Yao was behind, Li Jialing was silent, but his teeth were stretched to the limit, and he squeezed himself into a thin piece of paper and squeezed it through the cracks.

Long Yangjun said with a big eyes: "Yes, the expression on his face will be very exciting. After the wonderful, he will be angry and rushing to the crown. One punch will kill us all! What is wrong with your brain, you will want to rely on us three Personal strength will break into Wu Yingqi's most important secret weapon base. I have something wrong with my mind before I promise to take this risk with you!"

"Don't say that, although Wu Yingqi is powerful, he is constrained by the four major family fleets. When we sneak up and jump, don't you see the overwhelming military power of the four families? Wow, the luxury lineup of those fleets. I really want to drool, even I can't help but give birth to the impulse to surrender."

Li Yao swallowed the slobber. "Looking at the signs of the four major family fleets, they should launch a general attack on the celestial stars within a few days. We are smashing into the face when Wu Yingqi is most worried." If there is such a bad luck, he will hit him head-on. Maybe this task will be very easy. After three, five, and two, he will expose his big plot, and he will catch the cockroach. Is the oriole behind?"

"When are you with such a bad luck team, when is it ‘three down five and two?’

Long Yangjun muttered, the swollen chest was squeezed by sharp rocks, and she said with anger, "How do you bring the road, such a narrow tunnel, only the shackles and shackles can be drilled, which is the shortcut of which door? !"

"This can't blame me. The underground of the celestial star is your site, obviously the map you last surveyed!"

Li Yao said innocently, "This tunnel is the route we retreated after the last time we detected the underground cavity. It was very spacious at the time. It can accommodate at least two people and walk side by side. Who knows how many months? It’s already very close to the bottom of the ground. I’m afraid that Wu Yingqi will set up a magic weapon to perceive weak vibrations, and I’m afraid to use the black light drill to crush the rock, so I have to squeeze it slowly.”

"really weird."

Long Yang Jundao, "It is reasonable to say that such a dramatic geological change should not occur in a few months, what is going on?"

The voice did not fall, and there was a sudden turbulence in the surrounding area. The rock formations under the head and under the feet were further squeezed toward them, as if the rock walls on both sides were to be brought together to squash them.

Li Yao, Long Yangjun and Li Jialing were all shocked. They were eager to summon the crystal and the Xuanguang drill bit, and drilled a way out. The movement of the rock formation stopped abruptly.

The three faces looked at each other and saw the horror of each other's eyes.

“It seems that someone has cast a large number of spar bombs in the faults of the earth's crust and detonated them very regularly.”

As a bomb expert, Li Yao thought for a moment, patted his head and gray, and said, "They want to change the structure of the earth's crust, and even tear a piece of land to create a huge artificial rift."

"It must be Wu Yingqi, but what exactly does he want to do?"

Long Yangjun said, "Wait, use the spar bomb to change the crustal structure, release the huge energy of the ground, tear a piece of land, and create a huge artificial rift - it sounds, and the emperor 10,000 years ago and The blood **** is doing almost the same thing. Is there any ulterior motive?"

"This one……"

Li Yao tried to scratch his jaw and couldn't understand it for a while.

"I have an idea."

Li Jialing suddenly said, "Yao Ge and Long Sister have said that Wu Yingqi has some kind of powerful secret weapon in the depths of the Imperial Capital, but the enemy he has to deal with is the four major family fleets in the starry sky.

"I think that even if the secret weapon in the depths of the earth is strong, there is no way to directly destroy a large number of enemies in the sky.

"So, the first thing Wu Yingqi has to do is the first thing that the emperor or the blood **** 10,000 to do 10,000 years ago. It is to find a way to tear the earth and bring this secret weapon back to the ground. ”


Li Yaoyi slammed his head. "It should be like this. Jialing, I didn't expect you to grow so fast. In just one year, wisdom is close to half of me!"

"Change the crustal structure, tear the earth, and let the secret weapon rise to the ground?"

Long Yangjun had a cold and cold chill. "One thousand years ago, the emperor and the blood **** made this, which triggered a permanent change in the environment of the celestial star. I don’t know how many people died. Today, ten thousand years later, the celestial star The population has expanded by a dozen times. If the crustal structure is changed again, causing a global earthquake and even plate splitting and collision, it is even more difficult to know what kind of **** will the Tianji Star become!"

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