Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2602: Underground

"Wu Yingqi is crazy!"

Li Yao also muttered, "The present day, different days ago, the crust of the celestial star has changed drastically once. It is in an artificially unstable state. If he is worse, it is very likely to be a whole piece. The mainland sank into the sea, and the vast seabed rose up a few hundred meters and became a new land.

"The surface of a planet has undergone such earth-shaking changes. The residents living in the surface cities are not living. It is not known at least that the billions of people who originally lived on the ground, including those in the original big iron factory, must To die, Wu Yingqi can really do this kind of thing?"

"He certainly got it."

Li Jialing gnawed his teeth and fangs. "With Lei Chenghu as the cold and ferocious of the immortal, if it is the casualties of three or five hundred million people, it must be regarded as an 'acceptable price' or even a sacrifice that must be paid. No big deal, However, Wu Yingqi did not dare to tell Lei Chenghu the truth. It can be seen that in his plan, the people destined to die will far exceed the figure of three hundred and five hundred million, and even one billion people will not stop!"

Such shocking figures made the three silent at the same time.

The regular vibrations that occur from time to time in the gaps in the ground make them feel the feeling of extreme fear that the rock formations will be closed and will be buried in them at any time.

Fortunately, whenever a strong vibration occurs, there is no need to worry that Wu Yingqi’s alert magic weapon will detect their movements. Li Yao can safely and boldly pull out the black light drill bit to advance. The speed is much faster. It takes no more than a few hours. I got to the spacious and flat tunnel that I visited last time.

In front of the tunnel, listening to the sound, from time to time there is a very high-capacity crawler truck "rumbling", Li Yao three crouched in the corner of the rock gap, but released a few fly-sized crystal eye drill to explore.

A few crystal eyes flew out of the gap silently, just to see a mighty team, extending from the tunnel to the other end, can not see the head and tail on both sides.

Most of the teams that make up the fleet are super-heavy crawler trucks with a load of more than 100 tons, like a moving hill.

The hopper is covered with tarpaulin. From the traces of the track deeply embedded in the ground, all of them are loaded with full load, and lasted for a long time, leaving a clear indentation on the ground.

Li Yao held his breath and released a glimpse of his mind. He carefully manipulated several crystal eyes and drilled into the gap of the tarpaulin.

“Is it a spar, so many high-purity best spars?”

Li Yao’s slight glimpse, the picture sent back by the crystal eye, was dazzled.

Underneath the seemingly unremarkable tarpaulin, it turned out to be a high-purity spar with a colorful car, which was repeatedly refined and directly absorbed by the practitioners.

Li Yao even discovered several crystal marrows, which are rare treasures of value!

Regardless of the spar or the crystal marrow, it can be seen that the sources are all varied and packed up in a hurry. Many of the spar are not placed in the standard storage box, so they are scattered in the open air.

Doing so will not only affect the quality of the spar, but also cause combustion and even explosion. It may also release a lot of radiation and damage the carrier's body.

Moreover, Li Yao felt that the grinding of several spar was very strange - they were all polished into a shuttle-like octagonal diamond with hundreds of aggressive characters on the surface.

Li Yao thought for a long time, what kind of use, will the spar be polished like this, and inside and outside engraved so many aggressive character array?

Three minutes later, I finally thought that these high-purity spar should be used to drive large-scale air defense positions. It is the ammunition for venting the crystal gun or the Xuanguang gun!

Since the celestial star is the imperial capital, it naturally has an extremely perfect defensive network and air defense facilities. The whole planet is densely covered with anti-aircraft guns that are stabbed to the Xinghai. It is a super-large steel hedgehog.

The amount of spar and ammunition stored in the Imperial Capital is naturally astronomical, and countless.

But now, Wu Yingqi has unloaded the spar and even the crystal marrow that drives a large number of air defense positions and carried it to the depths of the earth.

Li Yao manipulating the crystal eye, and randomly selected several crawler trucks, and went into the car to see it. The result was the same. A large number of air defense positions and even spar used on the starship were all removed and transported to the ground.

"What does it mean?"

Li Yaofei blinked his eyes. "The four major families of the Imperial Fleet are coming down the city. They will launch a general attack on the celestial stars in a few days. This is a crucial moment. It is reasonable to say that it is the most need for air defense positions, but Wu Yingqi is destroying the Great Wall. Will the spar, which is used in large quantities for air defense, be transported to the bottom of the earth. Is he not going to want the atmosphere to be protected?"

Li Yao shared the pictures and questions he saw with Long Yangjun and Li Jialing. The three men discussed for a moment and came to two conclusions.

First, Wu Yingqi really trusts this secret weapon buried deep in the ground. He firmly believes that as long as this secret weapon exists, other defense measures are unnecessary. Even the entire celestial star does not have to retain half-door air defense. The crystal gun, as long as the secret weapon is launched, he won.

Second, the launch of this secret weapon consumes the energy of astronomical numbers, so Wu Yingqi spared no effort to collect spar and crystal marrow everywhere.

In the past few months, he estimated that all the celestial stars would be drained. The arsenal and the magic treasure warehouse and all the spar scattered in the folks were searched and cleaned by him. Therefore, the source of these spar would be varied and too late to be properly stored and Transportation, in the end, he did not let go of the air defense position, and all the spar was transported.

Of course, not all of the spar will supply secret weapons, and a small part of it should be used to blow up the most vulnerable parts of the geological formation, causing tears in the crust and lifting the secret weapons up.

"Which level of magic weapon is it necessary to consume the whole crystal spar?"

Li Yao can't imagine it. "Is it the legendary ‘star-star magic weapon?'”

After seeing the materials loaded in the car, Li Yao paid special attention to scanning the soldiers who carried out secret missions and transported these spar.

Because Li Yao always has a puzzling doubt, it is to help Wu Yingqi to do these devastating and horrible things, who is it.

Yes, Wu Yingqi’s basic set is the militarists who are eager to restore the glory of the former empire and to advocate the concept of orthodox cultivators.

As long as Wu Yingqi confirms his identity as the "Black Star Emperor", most of the Yulin Army will definitely follow the ancestors.

But how can we have a limit to humanity?

The vast majority of the Yulin Army’s hometown is the celestial star. Their ancestors have lived on the celestial stars for generations. Now, most of their wives and children live here. This planet is their home. This planet is theirs. all!

If Wu Yingqi let them and the four major families desperately, Li Yao believes that most of the Yulin army has the courage to fight in the end.

But if Wu Yingqi let them blow up the entire celestial star, blow up their homes that have lived for nearly a thousand years, and kill their own wives and children by the way - the brain is in the water, it is impossible to obey!

Li Yao does not believe that Wu Yingqi can deceive so many Yulin troops to kill his life, even at the expense of deception, even destroying his homeland and relatives.

It is extremely unreasonable that so many spar is transported to the depths of the earth, and even the air defense positions on the ground have been abandoned.

Most of the Yulin Army are cultivators, and they all have some brains. Who will not figure out what is going on, is it silly?

Therefore, Li Yao focused his attention on the corps of the corps.

Especially those with flowers on their shoulders, and they are full of powerful athletes.

Careful scanning of the temperament and look of these officers, Li Yao gave birth to a very embarrassing feeling.

How to say it, although as a soldier is to be serious and meticulous, but these wearing the first military uniform of the empire, a dark lining army, it seems too dead.

Their eyes are firm, their looks are firm, their movements are uniform, and they are just like mechanical, except for uniform breathing.

Li Yao can't say that they have no human emotions, but 90% of their emotions are filled with some kind of fanaticism and piety.

"Let's take a look, what kind of variety is this?"

Li Yao will scan the picture of the crystal eye and share it with Long Yangjun and Li Jialing.

"They seem to..."

Li Jialing looked at it for a long time and said, "It is very similar to the worry-free people at the big iron factory."

“Yes, the brain magnetic fields they released are very weird, with some degree of manual intervention, all adjusted to the same frequency, and in some sort of 'resonance'.”

Long Yangjun said, "You can say that they are collectively hypnotized. It can also be said that they are in a state of unconsciousness and widespread hysteria. Of course, it is no problem to say that they have been brainwashed."

"It turns out that Wu Yingqi used this method to let a large number of Yulin army sell his life for him!"

Li Yao recalled that in the prison of God, he had seen a large number of patriotic war riots. The magnetic fields of the sacred people are indeed similar to the lining army.

Wu Yingqi was trying to brainwash him in the big market of Qihai. Unfortunately, he did not succeed, but it also proved that this guy possesses some extremely terrible brainwashing technology. It is simply a replica of the sacred people!

Brainwashing Li Yao is not easy, but hypnosis and control of several Guardian Army forces that were extremely trusting to him are naturally not a problem.

"However, it is not easy to draw conclusions only when viewed from a distance."

Long Yangjun said, "It is best to secretly control a few Royal Forest troops and scan their brains in all directions to know what happened to them."

Li Yao is pondering how to catch a few captives, and there is a commotion in front of the tunnel.

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