Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2603: Brain breakdown

"Ah, ah, ah!"

There was a scream of creeps at the end of the tunnel.

It’s like a lively, peeling beast that is rampaging.

In a moment, there was a fierce shadow, and several rabbits fell into the sight of Li Yao and others.

This is also an officer of the Royal Forest Army. Looking at the color of the shoulders, the military ranks are not low.

His appearance has reached the extreme - his head has expanded to more than twice the normal state, and there are several tumor-like bulges on his forehead and temples. The bulge is like a heart. Bu "beating.

His double blushes are purple, purple to black, and a lot of colorful suspicious pus flows from the gorgeous corners of his eyes. It seems that the whole brain is turned into pus and spewed out.

This is the case, he still has the strength of tyrannical power, with a wave of hand, the two lining army that blocked him from the front and the other half, the organs flowed to the ground.

If the life magnetic field of other Yulin army is like a river that is dead and flowing at a constant speed, then the life magnetic field of this madman is like a colorful and choppy whirlpool.

He killed four or five soldiers in one breath and slammed his head into a crawler truck. He even wanted to load a heavy-duty crawler with hundreds of tons of weight and his arms. The creaking sounded, the legs were deeply sunken to the ground, and even the bones of the arm broke, and the broken bones were all over the elbows.

This officer is completely crazy.

The “normal” Yulin army was fearless and fearless, and took the opportunity to catch up. After paying the price of more than a dozen deaths, it finally caused a heavy blow to the crazy officers.

The vitality of the mad sergeant was tenacious to an incredible degree. The internal organs were almost completely melted by the hot melt gun and the crystal cannon. There was a shocking hole in the trunk, and it was still screaming for more than half a minute, and it gradually disappeared.

At this time, his head has expanded to three times the normal state, the heart-like tumors on the eyebrows and temples, swollen like crystal clear grapes, bursting at any time.

Immediately, a team wore a special helmet. The soldiers like the epidemic prevention officers stepped forward and dragged the bodies of the officers and the death soldiers into an unremarkable road next to the tunnel.

The remaining Yulin army images turned a blind eye to such a terrible scene. It took only half a minute to resume normal order and continue to transport the spar energy mechanically.

Li Yao and Long Yangjun looked at each other and the two said in unison: "Follow them!"

Li Yao split a few crystal eyes, not far from the team behind the "epidemic personnel", drilling into the road.

At the same time, the environment of the tunnel and the road is scanned, and the structure of the road is piled up in the crystal brain. When the vibration occurs again, the light drill bit is driven and drilled in the direction of the road.

Finally, together with Long Yangjun and Li Jialing, put on the crystal enamel and start the stealth mode. The three are like chameleons, and integrate with the surrounding environment.

The winding road bends and flies high and low, up to a kilometer. The team of the epidemic prevention team carried a large pile of dead bodies on a floating plate and walked for more than 20 minutes before arriving at the destination.

At the end of the road is a gap that goes straight to the ground. It is constantly spraying flames and smoke. It looks like a magma pool in the deepest place below.


The epidemic prevention team first poured in the bodies of several soldiers. The body was immediately swept away by the fire tongue, disappearing into the depths of the smoke, and was melted by the magma, and even half of the cells would not remain.


The epidemic prevention army is about to throw the body of the mad officer into the magma. Li Yao and Long Yangjun have already smashed down. The two have turned out seven or eight avatars and instantly controlled four anti-epidemic soldiers. They did not let them issue a half point. The sound was soft and fell to the ground.

To be on the safe side, Li Yao still set up a warning array and a sound insulation array in the Kushiro, so that the sound here would be transmitted.

"Are you coming or me?"

Li Yao asked Long Yangjun.

"I am coming, I have a deeper understanding of the so-called 'brainwashing'."

Long Yangjun took a few thin, flap-like blades from the Qiang Kun ring and leaped lightly at his fingertips.

Li Yao and Li Jialing helped her to move all the other bodies down. They just placed the body of the madman on the floating plate and adjusted the anti-gravity array to adjust the height of the floating plate to Long Yangjun. The chest becomes a simple operating bed.

Long Yangjun’s ten fingers turned into a stream of light, and he was precisely operated on the uneven head of the officer. He quickly removed the broken skull and all the bones were picked out without hurting the brain. One thousand.

However, although Long Yangjun did not injure the brain tissue, the brain tissue of this madman was originally like a broken tofu brain. If it was not wrapped up and supported by the spirit, it would have been sprayed. Ground.

Fortunately, Li Yao and Li Jialing are both murderers who do not blink, otherwise they will have to vomit.

Long Yangjun concentrated on the gods and peeled off the splendid brain tissue. It took three minutes to find what she wanted.

"Is it visible, this brain tissue is out of control, brain cells are madly growing and expanding, thousands of times faster than normal metabolism, which releases a lot of heat and causes serious internal bleeding."

Long Yangjun pointed at the deformed and swollen brain tissue with tweezers. "This is why his brain has expanded two or three times, and it is also the reason for his madness."

Li Yao nodded and expressed understanding.

The symptoms of this officer are not uncommon among the practitioners, and many very typical fires will cause similar problems.

The cells in the human body, regardless of body cells or brain cells, are constantly dying and breeding every day. On average, every seven to ten days, all the cells in the body are renewed. This process is called "metabolism."

Metabolism is an indispensable function for human beings to ensure their vitality.

Regardless of whether you are a self-cultivator or a cultivator, one of the most important means of cultivation is to use a special method to devour a large amount of psionic energy and accelerate the metabolism of local areas or the whole body and the rate of cell renewal.

All the cells in the whole body are renewed once, and it is called “a Sunday”. Under the premise of having sufficient resources, the master of cultivation can “run for dozens of days” and renew the cells dozens of times. Have a supernatural power that is far above ordinary people.

But the speed of metabolism is too fast, and it is not necessarily a good thing.

Because the process of cell renewal consumes a lot of resources and psionics, it also produces and discharges a lot of waste—including those that die, as well as blood, pus, and even excess heat that wraps dead cells.

These wastes are absorbed by capillaries and transported to the skin and discharged through the pores.

Therefore, when practicing to the extreme, there will be a phenomenon such as "the white smoke that spurts out of the steaming body and secretes the black mucus that is incomparably stinking."

If the speed of the body excreting waste cannot keep up with the speed of waste generation, the highly toxic waste will accumulate in the body, block blood vessels and meridians, interfere with the normal circulation of psionic and body fluids, and cause great harm. Even the serious consequences of ignoring the fire.

This is the case with this officer.

His brain, running too many "weekdays" in a short period of time, has replaced brain cells in some areas for countless times, and dead brain cells and pus and blood are too late to be eliminated, coupled with the continuous release of metabolic processes. The heat, oppression and tearing of the normal brain tissue and cerebral blood vessels, and even the skull bones are hard and smashed, and finally ruined, madness.

"How could this be?"

Li Jialing involuntarily touched his head. "This phenomenon of brain malformation is generally only happening when practicing tyranny or breaking through a new realm. This officer is performing a task. How can a good end suddenly go into flames? ?"

"It's not a good end. You see, it's this brain tissue that is distorted. Many brain experts and meditators believe that this is the area that controls memory, the so-called 'memory cells'."

Long Yangjun gently distorted the distorted brain cells with a scorpion, saying, "Pour the psionic power, adjust the resolution of your eyes to the highest, see what's there?"

Li Yao took a pair of pale yellow lenses from Li Kun to the Li Jialing. Li Jialing looked across the lens and narrowed his eyes. He observed for a long time, and said, "Bleeding point, so many dense bleeding points!" ”

"Yes, these bleeding points are not formed in a short period of time, but in the past few days or even months, when someone repeatedly stimulated this memory cell, it was formed."

Long Yang Jundao, "The memory cell of this officer has long been riddled with riddled holes, a mess, even more fragile than the memory cells of ordinary people. It is very easy to trigger the memory cells themselves. Repairing the gene, causing malformation and internal bleeding, and finally getting mad."

“The body itself has a very strong self-healing mechanism, and the repair function of the practitioners is even stronger.”

Li Yao explained, "The officer's memory cells are repeatedly stimulated and traumatized, and his brain transmits a special command to the depths of the cells to "continue to repair damaged cells and breed more new cells." However, after this instruction has been executed too many times, it is out of control, and becomes an unrestricted crazy repair and breeding.

"In fact, this phenomenon of tissue hyperplasia, which often occurs in ordinary people, is the scar left after the injury, but in the case of practitioners, the rate of metabolism and cell repair is several times that of ordinary people. Even hundreds of times, once the cells get out of control, the consequences are even more serious."

"Not just memorizing cells, there is still here."

Long Yangjun began to break down the brain tissue on the other side. "There are similar swellings and hyperplasias here. Some brain cells have expanded to the original size of a dozen times. How can they not go crazy?"

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