Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2604: Comprehensive cleaning

"I know."

Li Jialing said, "This is the area where human right hemisphere controls emotions. People have different divisions of labor between left and right brains. The left half of the brain is in charge of memory, logical thinking and mathematical analysis. The right hemisphere controls emotions, music, pictures and so on. There are a lot of bleeding spots and deformed swelling in the left and right hemispheres, indicating that this person's memory and emotions are controlled, at least by high-intensity stimulation."

"Absolutely correct, but a little bit more."

Long Yangjun nodded. "I know that many brain specialists and meditators have thrown the idea of ​​'left and right brain asymmetric division of labor' in various works, and also divided the 'memory area' and the brain for the brain. Emotional areas' and so on different functional modules, but in fact, human memory, emotions, including self-awareness, are extremely mysterious, unfathomable, and mysterious. They cannot simply use the word 'control' to describe their use. .

"You know, even if the brain is completely destroyed, people become ghosts. As long as more than 50% of the souls are preserved, and then carried with a radiation-proof shell and a high-precision crystal brain, they can still retain most of their memories. Emotions - then, the so-called brain tissue can completely control the spirit of the soul, it may not be established.

"In my opinion, the relationship between the brain and the soul is more like the relationship between the soil and the fruit trees, or even the fruit produced on the fruit trees.

"The quality of the soil can of course determine the pros and cons of the fruit tree or even whether the fruit is sweet or sour, but once the fruit tree grows and bears fruit, even if the soil is removed, it is transplanted into a kind of 'soilless cultivation' environment. It is also possible to take the fruit off and store it in a vacuum with a fresh-keeping array, and it will not be rotted for decades or even hundreds of years.

"That is to say, the brain is the soil that condenses the soul and the will, but after the soul and the will are completely formed, the need for brain tissue is not so strong.

"We can only say that the stimulation of the region of the left brain can interfere with human memory to a certain extent; and the stimulation of this region of the right brain can temporarily change the human emotion to a certain extent.

"Even, with the surgery to completely remove these two areas, people will lose their memories and emotions and become a machine with empty and insensitive brains."

Li Jialing thought for a moment: "Like the sacred people?"

"From the point of view of the density and organic changes of the bleeding point, it has not yet reached the level of the total annihilation of the sacred people. The two areas of the sacred people are relatively shrinking, but not so red and swollen. The officer should still retain a very strong emotion, but I don’t know where his emotions are pointing."

Long Yangjun thought for a moment and said, "This level of change is somewhat similar to the worry-free people who have cultivated the "forgetting the ruin". Everyone is about the same, but the direction is different."

Li Jialing said with a sigh of relief: "After practicing "Forgetting the Despair", will it actually make a qualitative change to the brain?"

"Even if you don't cultivate "Forgetting the Desire", in the environment where the resources are extremely scarce and you live in extreme fear every minute and second, the brain will also change the qualitative changes!"

Long Yangjun swept Li Jialing and said, "Fear the brain, but don't imagine the brain so mysterious. After all, the brain is just a normal organ of the human body."

"For example, if a person grows up from birth to time, he is in a state of famine from time to time. In eight days, there are eight days to lick the weeds and bark, and whether his body will be qualitative. The change has become yellow, thin, skinny, gastrointestinal atrophy, tooth collapse, and various diseases?"

Li Jialing blurted out: "Of course!"

"So, in the case of extremely scarce resources, it is normal for the stomach to shrink abruptly. Some areas of the brain are shrinking and mutating, what is abnormal?"

Long Yang Jundao, "The so-called "forgetting the ruling" is just a matter of guiding the situation and helping them calmly and safely adapt to this change."

"Well, God is also you, the ghost is also you, in short, everything is finished by you."

Li Yaodao, "You don't have to put gold on your face. Let's talk about your problems later. Now I mainly study Wu Yingqi's problem. The cause of this crazy officer has been found. It seems that he was indeed brainwashed but could not bear brainwashing. The side effects and sequelae are crazy, but I don’t know how others are. I want to see the brains of healthy soldiers."

Li Jialing was shocked: "Yao Ge, you will not have to live open the heads of these four soldiers?"

"What do you want!"

Li Yao gently bounced on the head of Li Jialing. "Is there not a few corpses here? Hey, this corpse was originally split with brains, and we don't need to do more!"

The two men carried the second corpse on the floating plate, or Long Yangjun personally fought the knife, and found the target area like Kenting.

"It's the same, the left and right sides are covered with dense bleeding spots, and the brain tissue is slightly deformed and swelled, like hundreds of times of damage, repeated scars of tissue hyperplasia."

Li Jialing carefully observed and concluded. "But it seems that this soldier is not as serious as the officer who is mad, and is still within the controllable range."

"That is to say, all the officers and soldiers of the Wu Yingqi underground secret weapon base have been brainwashed by him, only to a different extent."

Li Yao concluded, "The areas where the brains of these officers and men are damaged are consistent with Wu Yingqi’s attempt to attack my brain in the depths of the Seven Seas Market. It is his technique, or the technology of the sacred people.

"This kind of short-term high-intensity 'hard brainwashing' has great damage to the brain, but whether it is ignorant or not depends on personal physique, cultivation and luck. This officer estimates that in the past high-intensity cultivation, The brain has accumulated a lot of dark wounds, and has been forcibly suppressed. The result is repeated brainwashing. Eventually, the cerebral blood vessels burst and the brain cells surge, and they hang."

"So terrible brainwashing!"

Li Jialing was shocked. "It's too incredible?"

"There is nothing ‘unbelievable’. Brainwashing is not a grotesque slogan, nor is there anything that is blameless and arrogant. It is objective and can be studied, analyzed and copied.”

Li Yao pointed to the head of Li Jialing. "Since Wu Yingqi's ultimate secret weapon base has become more and more closely related to 'brainwashing technology', then we must first figure out what the so-called 'brainwashing' refers to. .

"In my opinion, brainwashing can be divided into two types, 'soft brainwashing' and 'hard brainwashing'.

"What is 'soft brainwashing'? The simplest example, we get along with each other day and night, I am squatting beside your ear every day, like a fly, '嗡嗡' screaming, to implant the heart of the comprehension into you In my mind, I often lead by example, to save the people and save the people in the water, and deeply imprint the image of the tall and shining of the comprehens in your heart. After a year or a half or three or five years, you really turned into A comprehension, then, can this process say that I have done some brainwashing on you?

"I think, I really want to say, it can be counted, but this is a very mild soft brainwashing, just like the advertising window that pops up from time to time on the Internet. How can you play a certain product? How to stimulate, it is the softest and softest way to brainwash."

"Yao Ge said so, I will understand!"

Li Jialing slammed, "soft brainwashing is the worst effect, the most gentle means, like the mosquito bites, the brainwashing method is not painful, it is like Yao brother has brainwashed me for so long, there is no way to erect you in my mind. The image of tall and glorious, whatever you say, I still think you are funny!"

Li Yao: "...just like, in short, don't worry about these details. Let's make another analogy. Children are educated at school, learning the mainstream values ​​and worldview of the society. In decades, they were instilled in the road of comprehension or Xiuxian Avenue. Is this not a kind of brainwashing?

"I think that if you want to say something, you can count it, but it depends on whether you are telling the truth in the process of instilling, whether you have concealed anything, whether it is forbidden for children to contact different perspectives through other channels.

"If you can tell the children of the advantages and disadvantages of various avenues and even the serious mistakes and brilliant achievements caused by the past with openness, tolerance, and a bright mind, then this brainwashing will be softer; if it is deceiving, concealing, or distorting the facts And also accompanied by corporal punishment, material stimulation and other means, then this brainwashing is harder, simpler and more rude.

"Imagine that Wu Yingqi used his thoughts of supremacy and invincibility in the hearts of several generations of imperial teenagers for decades or even hundreds of years. This can of course be brainwashing, but we don't care about this now, right. Right?

"The above various methods of brainwashing have two common characteristics. First, they take too long, and they are short-lived for a year and a half. For decades, hundreds of years, they can completely fool people.

"Secondly, these brainwashing methods will not cause organic changes in the brain. Or, the changes are imperceptible and moist, and in the long brainwashing process, even if the brain really has any damage, it has long been self-inflicted. Fixed it.

"So, I have classified these brainwashing methods into 'soft brainwashing'. Many times you simply can't tell the difference between 'soft brainwashing' and 'education.'

"And in front of us these dying Yulin army, they are obviously not the victims of 'soft brainwashing', but they have accepted the high-intensity 'hard brainwashing', that is, within a few days and weeks, up to one or two months, Some areas of the brain are affected by excessive radiation or strong magnetic fields, and even mustard-level brain surgery minimally invasive surgery, which causes serious organic changes in parts of the brain, affecting their memories and emotions, and thus distorting their Self-awareness - this is a narrow sense, or a brainwashing in the true sense!"

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