Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2605: The impossible truth!

Li Yao let Long Yangjun and Li Jialing retreat to the side, taking a deep breath, and their eyes suddenly rippled like a red blood pool.

He condensed the psionic energy at his fingertips and turned it into a sharp gas needle. He gently spurred a comatose epidemic soldier and awakened the other.

"look into my eyes."

Li Yaoxian whispered with a soft, feathery voice, then repeated with a sharp scream, "Look at my eyes!"

The epidemic prevention team has a spirit, just clear eyes, once again into chaos, as if the soul is inhaled into the blood of Li Yao's eyes.

"Now you are lying on a very fluffy and fragrant land, blue sky and white clouds, the sun is shining, you feel very comfortable..."

Li Yao’s eyes burst into a fascinating brilliance, and his hands are like unpredictable flowers, drawing a magnificent pattern.

The consciousness of this epidemic prevention army was completely hypnotized by Li Yao. With Li Yao’s words, different expressions appeared on his face.

When Li Yao said that the blue sky and white clouds, his face appeared a relaxed expression; when Li Yao said that the car beauty, his face showed a greedy expression; when Li Yao said the carrion and the cockroach There was a look of disgust and fear on his face.

"What is Yao brother doing?"

Li Jialing whispered to Long Yangjun.

"He deeply hypnotizes the other side and tests whether the other person has normal emotions, desires and logical thinking skills."

Long Yangjun explained, "If the emotions are completely washed away like the sacred people, then the illusion created by Li Yao is unlikely to show such a clear expression, at least the expression will be slow.

"Also, Li Yao now asks him some questions that require strong logic to answer. He also responds to the flow, showing that no matter whether emotion, thinking or memory, it is not completely destroyed. Wu Yingqi is only a little deep in their brains. In the block area, interference and modulation are performed.

"Also, these Yulin armys were originally loyal to Wu Yingqi and were willing to die for him, so they did not need to be fully brainwashed."

Li Jialing indulged for a moment: "I don't know, Wu Yingqi has moved his hands to their brains."

Long Yangjun smiled slightly and whispered: "I will know right away."

At this time, Li Yao had completed the basic test on the epidemic prevention team, thinking for a moment, and made a snap in the other side of the ear, so that the other party recovered the awareness of soberness.

When the eye of the epidemic prevention team was clear and bright again.

From the robes and corpses lying on the side, he immediately analyzed the situation and struggled to rush to Li Yao. Even if he was stopped by Li Yao, he was stunned, dying, and screaming. Cursing Li Yao and others must be The fake immortals from the four major families are traitors of the real human empire and even human civilization. They are selfish and self-serving garbage, cockroaches, locusts!

From his rather clear thinking and quite smooth cursing content, he does have complete thinking ability and rich emotions.

"You traitors, running dogs, locusts!"

The epidemic prevention army said, "I will not say anything, kill me! Even if you kill me, it is impossible to stop the advent of the new empire, and it is impossible to stop the most brilliant future of human civilization! Hehehe, the future has already Coming, human civilization will be under the command of the majesty, and there will be no ancient people in the world to create an immortal hegemony! No one can stop it, no one can stop it!"

Li Yao wiped the slobber from the other side and said: "A good future of the most brilliant human civilization." You know, this future is very likely to sacrifice the whole celestial star in exchange for the celestial star and The nearby star towns are full of hundreds of billions of people. Do you know what you are doing and will push them all into the abyss of death?"

The epidemic guard stunned, but there was a frenzied flame in his eyes. The mad dog yelled: "Even if you have to sacrifice hundreds of billions of people, they have to pay the price. They are the fuel of human civilization. It is a sacrifice for the future before humans embark on a new journey!"

"Listen to your accent, is it the locals of the celestial stars?"

Li Yao continued. "Your family, your parents, your wife and children should all live in the celestial star, right? The four major family's empire fleet blocked the entire heaven, so your loved ones have no chance to escape.

"Then, the destruction of the celestial star means that your loved ones will also die together. You killed your own loved ones, your parents, your wife and dear children. Do you realize this? You Don't care about your family at all?"

The curse of the anti-epidemic soldier came to an abrupt end, and the eyes were like a solidified glass ball. After a while, it fluttered again.

"Think about the loved ones you love, do you remember how they look?"

Li Yao follows the temptation. "Do you realize that there is a direct and strong connection between what you are doing and the death of your family? You really want to kill your loved ones yourself, or have never considered this problem. Or have you ever thought about it, but there is a voice that constantly reverberates deep in your mind, so that you subconsciously ignore this problem?"


The epidemic prevention team stuttered and said, "I don't... no... the plan is not like this... there will be nothing... ah... ah ah ah ah ah... head, my head hurts, my head!"

In the eyes of the epidemic prevention soldiers, hundreds of small bleeding spots were instantly provoked. He held his head and rolled it all over the floor. He mourned, and at the same time he vomited his mouth and twitched, and his face appeared dozens of large and thick. The sturdy blue veins, even the helmet that stuck in the head, were squeaked by the distorted skull.

"not good!"

Long Yangjun’s face changed. “His brain is heating up, and all the blood vessels are close to the limit of bursting. It seems that your problem has stabbed Wu Yingqi’s hands and feet in his mind, making him in a dilemma. Among them, think about it, or else he will go into flames and the brain will burst!"

Li Yao lightning shot, accurately hit the other's carotid artery and vagus nerve, temporarily cut off the supply of blood to the brain and the control of the brain to the body, so that the other side fell into fainting, control the situation will not deteriorate.

Although the long-term ischemia and hypoxia of the brain can cause the consequences of brain necrosis, it is not too much problem in just half a minute.

Using this half minute, Li Yao took out a frozen ring that he used to cool the brain and put it on the other side. He applied some ointment to repair the damaged brain cells to the other's temple. This massaged the other's neck and helped the name. The epidemic prevention team restored blood transfusion and oxygen supply to the brain, causing him to fall into a peaceful sleep.

"It seems that Wu Yingqi did not significantly interfere with the thinking, emotions and memories of these Guards."

Li Yaodao, "Only put a firm belief in their minds - that is, what they are doing, for the future of the empire and all mankind, is absolutely just, and any for this 'just cause' 'The dead are the 'sacrifice' that has to be sacrificed."

Li Jialing frowned deeply: "Is it possible to implant the belief?"

"Of course, let's not say simple and rude 'hard brainwashing'. Even if it is a day of education, you can put some kind of faith into the mind of the recipient. Almost everyone believes that their career is justice. I firmly believe that you also believe that the scums of the four major families are convinced that this is what?"

Li Yaodao, "Wu Yingqi has done nothing more than condensing the essence of decades of education into a special ripple, branded on a certain organization deep in the brain of the Yulin Army, so that this organization is qualitative, The pathological change is the principle.

“Materials can affect the spirit, and the spirit can also distort the substance. The meditators and brain surgeons originally studied the mysteries of the brain and the soul, starting with people with depression – most people with depression, initially due to a certain area deep in the brain. The variability of the disease, but after the onset, the mental condition is getting worse, and in turn, the lesion area is expanding. This is a typical 'negative feedback', which is a vicious circle. In the end, even if minimally invasive surgery is used to completely remove the lesion area, Can not be completely cured, and once the cause is encountered, it is possible to produce new diseased tissue.

"The same is true of the brains of these Royal Foresters. In just a few days or weeks, they have accepted the brainwashing education that should have been instilled for decades. It is really like a burnt red brand, deeply imprinted like theirs. The brain domain and even the soul of the soul become this pair...the six parents do not recognize it."

Li Jialing was silent for a long time.

Looking at the Yulin army, who was deeply sleepy, but still twitching gently, all three gave birth to a faint heart.

"I suddenly gave birth to a very bold idea."

Li Jialing said, "Since Wu Yingqi holds such advanced brainwashing technology, he can give his Yulin army a comprehensive brainwashing. Does his so-called secret weapon mean this? That is, he has done the same to give the emperors of the four families. The fleet also came to a comprehensive brainwashing, so that the most elite warriors of these real human empire were all surrendered to him. As a result, the most sharp swords that were originally loyal to the four major families, all of them were 'the battlefield,' and they held the hand of Wu Yingqi. In the case, Lei Chenghu can suppress the seven seas and the border warlords, then it will be a great victory!

"Yes, yes, yes, it is true. That Wu Yingqi has always been eccentric and unimaginable plans, including his conviction that he has no reason to win. All of them make sense. He is going to do his best. , transforming the four major family's royal fleet into his minions!"

Li Yao and Long Yangjun looked at each other and saw the stun of the other side's eyes.

The more they think about it, the more they feel that Li Jialing’s speculation is not without reason.

However, the difficulty and requirements of large-scale brainwashing technology are extremely high. There is only a theoretical possibility. It is easy to play in reality.


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