Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2610: Political struggle in the ruins

Li Yao has never seen such an expression on Long Yangjun’s face.

It is even hard for him to imagine that Long Yangjun, a hunger-stricken person who bears the dual inheritance of Pangu and Nüwa, would be afraid of this level.

"Is there such an exaggeration as you said?"

Li Yao was infected by Long Yangjun and nervous. "This kind of super weapon is so powerful?"

"It’s not a golden crystal tower, but a star. The sun is so powerful. No matter whether human civilization or Pangu civilization has yet to resolve 1% of the mysteries of stars, in this case, angering a sun is tantamount to playing with fire and self-immolation!"

Long Yangjun took a deep breath and trembled. "The three-year-old child picked up a small stone and threw it into the pond. It was always easy to stir up a few ripples, but he could control how many ripples were produced. The diffusion speed and distance of these ripples? It is impossible, right?

"Not to mention, it is not a 'pond', but the most ferocious magma pool!

"The principle of the Golden Crystal Tower is equivalent to throwing a 'small stone' into the sun, stimulating the sun's shackles. Once the chain reaction is triggered, the devastating ripples continue to spread, and no one can stop it!

"Don't think that I said that the active period of the star may last for hundreds of years. It is necessary to know that the life of a star is at least several billion years. From the perspective of the star, the active period is extended from several months to several In the past 100 years, the energy output has increased slightly by 1% during this period, which is minimal and undetectable.

"But, for the civilization that was born and prospered by this star, such a 'minor change' is worthy of the disaster!

"The stellar radiation is increased by one percent. No, even if it is only one-thousandth of a mile, the seawater of the inhabitable planet will evaporate, the atmosphere will disappear, the oxygen and carbon dioxide content will change drastically, the magnetic field will be disturbed, and even the geomagnetic field of the north and south poles will be completely deflected. Destroy, hundreds of millions of souls will die, and die in horror!"

Li Yao's bones are stunned, not by the content of Long Yangjun's speech, but by the sound of Long Yangjun's cold and cold bones.

After he spent a long time, he said a nonsense: "You just said that the Jinjing Tower was built by the Houyi people. How can the Yi people build such a terrible thing to destroy themselves?"

“Does humans also have a lot of super magic weapons that can destroy themselves?”

Long Yangjun smiled. "This seems to be a common problem of all carbon-based intelligent life. All carbon-based intelligent life has a tendency to self-destruct. Even, you know how the Pangu civilization alliance defines 'civilization' and accept new members to join the alliance. ?

"In the Pangu people's view, a carbon-based intelligent life can only be called a 'civilization' if it creates a super weapon that is enough to destroy itself."

Li Yao silently.

Originally I wanted to say that the definition of this civilization is ridiculous, but when I think about it, I feel reasonable.

Weapons are the highest crystallization of all the essences of life, wisdom, physical ability, logical thinking ability and social division of labor.

If a smart life creates a weapon that is enough to destroy itself, but it has not been destroyed by such weapons for the next few hundred years, and has the ability to control the tendency to self-destruction - this is a mature and powerful Civilization?

“In the beginning, the Yi people didn’t realize that the Jinjing Tower had such terrible power, or that the Yi’s magic experts and stellar scientists were too conceited, and they believed that they were completely in control of the stellar’s ​​simple A clear energy running model's 100% control of each sun."

Long Yangjun sighed. "So, after the beginning of the war, the Yi people built a lot of gold crystal towers in the world of three thousand."

"Of course, did the Yi people want to use the super-weapons of the Golden Crystal Tower to take advantage of the opportunity to expand their influence in the alliance, and even one day they can replace the leadership of the Pangu people. This is the mystery of the ages, and it is not known.

"The Hou people in the Pangu civilization alliance have always been known for their madness, tyranny, fearless death, and recklessness. Their origins are similar to moths, but they have the life of solar shells. The 'moths and fires' are inscribed. Belief in their genes.

"It is said that a long time ago, when the Pangu civilization alliance was not established, the Houyi and Kuafu people competed for a few stars with stable output energy, and they staged a **** battle that almost died. The Yi people would rather choose to destroy themselves. It is also incomparable to the precious stars, and they are not willing to let the Kuafu people get them. The blood and madness of the Yi people are evident.

"The Pangu civilization came to the end. With the civilization that has been leading for thousands of years, the Han people surrendered after the hardships, and the heart refused to accept the mediation. It was actually clamped down and weakened by the Pangu people.

"So the Yi people have always had deep stereotypes about the Kuafu people, and they are even more dissatisfied with the Pangu people. After the establishment of the alliance, they will jump out from time to time to challenge the authority of the Pangu people. It is said that this is only said.

"In short, when countless golden crystal towers really fought on the battlefields of Xinghai, and the devastating fire of the stars ravaged countless thousands of worlds, both sides of the war were deeply shocked by the terrible power of this super weapon.

"The purpose of the war is to compete for resources and let the enemy surrender to their own will.

"But the Golden Crystal Tower can destroy all the resources of the entire world, let both the enemy and the enemy turn into powder, and even in the hundreds of years and thousands of years, completely reimbursed the full value of a big world, such weapons, and then 'super 'What's the point?

"At that time, it was still in the early days of the flood war. Compared with the female Yi people who were so isolated, the remaining twelve races of the Pangu Civilization Union occupied a great advantage, and there was no need to use such a terrible super weapon.

"Moreover, the lethality of this super weapon is inconsistent with the purpose of the Pangu Civilization Alliance, and we all know that the core of the Pangu Civilization Alliance is to rationalize the use of every drop of resources and try to make carbon-based intelligent life in this film. Survival in the small universe for a longer time.

"But the appearance of the Golden Crystal Tower is a time when it is possible to completely destroy a big world and annihilate the resources of astronomical figures. Is this not contrary to the original intention of the Pangu civilization?

"So, at the latest in the middle of the flood war, the vast majority of the Golden Crystal Tower was not destroyed by the female Yi people, or was removed by the Pangu civilization alliance. It seems that it has also carried out a major cleansing of the Houyi fanatics. Jinjing Tower and the map used Jinjing Tower to upgrade the status of the later Yi people, and the guys who took the leadership of the Alliance were all cleaned up.

"There is no way. For the Pangu people, the threat of such a super weapon is no less than the ‘emotion’ and ‘ghost energy’ brought by the female Yi people. How can it tolerate its long-term existence?

"In short, at the end of the flood war, that is, the era of my past battles, there should be no gold crystal towers in the three thousand worlds. I have received a mission to destroy the Golden Crystal Tower in my previous life. The intelligence said that it is Pangu Civilization Union 'one of the last golden crystal towers', but when we arrived at the battle site, we knew that the Jinjing tower had empty shells, and the interior had already been removed by the Pangu.

"Unexpectedly, in the depths of the celestial star, there was a gold crystal tower buried in it, buried deep, and it looked intact and was working at full strength.

"Is it because of hundreds of thousands of years of shoal, gradually sinking into the ground? No, from the analysis of the surrounding cave structure, this golden crystal tower does not seem to sink naturally, it is like someone deliberately buried it deep underground. Where is this going? The Jinjing Tower must be in direct contact with the radiance of the sun before it can be launched!"

Long Yangjun frowned and thought about the reason.

"Although there is no evidence, let me guess, according to what you just said."

Li Yaodao, "You just said that the Hou people are a tough, embarrassing and even crazy race in the Pangu civilization alliance. They do not want to replace the leadership of the Pangu people all the time. Therefore, some fanatics of the later Yi people created the Jinjing Tower, on the surface. It is to deal with the female Yi people. In fact, it is not known to point the finger at the Pangu.

"When the Pangu people realized this, whether they were afraid of the horror power of the Golden Crystal Tower, or the vigilance of the Yi people after the vigilance, in short, they destroyed most of the Golden Crystal Tower, and also smashed the post-Han fanatics. Ambition.

"The next thing is well understood - the fanatics of the Yi people have to carefully bury the last Jinjing towers in order to protect their secret weapons, so that the Pangu people will not be discovered, but they will rise again. The biggest capital of the game between Pangu and Nuwa!

"The extremely heavens and the celestial stars are the places where the wormholes are densely intersected by the rivers and seas. They have extremely important military and political values ​​as early as the floods. The fanatics of the Yi people will build and bury a gold crystal tower here. Not surprisingly, I am a fanatic and I will choose it here."

"If that's the case -"

In the heart of Long Yangjun, he said, "Under the golden crystal tower, there must be some kind of 'auto-lifting' system to ensure that it can tear the earth's crust when it is necessary, and it will turn out and irritate the sun!"

"Yes, if this Golden Crystal Tower is really the last capital of the post-Han fanatics, its power must be terrible to be immeasurable."

Li Yao secluded, "Then, the reason why the Emperor and the Blood God had fought in the bottom of the celestial star 10,000 years ago, and the reason for vying for this Golden Crystal Tower, is the truth, maybe the Emperor wants to destroy the Golden Crystal Tower, and The blood **** also attempts to completely destroy the Xinghai Empire by using the Golden Crystal Tower.

"But I don't know, Wu Zhenqi, the devil, learned from the information about the Jinjing Tower that he can dig into it so accurately. What does he want to do? He really knows how terrible the destruction of the Golden Crystal Tower is. Still, even if you know, don't care?"

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