Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2611: Approach the truth!

"Dragon sister -"

Li Jialing, who has been quietly listening to it, suddenly interjected and asked, "The destructive power you just said is too abstract. It can be specifically said that once the Jinjing Tower is launched, it will cause what will happen to the celestial stars and even the extreme heavens. Influence?"

"This one……"

Long Yangjun thought for a moment, "The Jinjing Tower's disturbance to the stars also has different levels. According to the output power, the consequences are of course different."

"Then assume that it is the highest power output."

Li Jialing opened his arms and made a big enveloping posture. "Assume that Wu Yingqi searched all the spar on the entire celestial star, and pressed all the spar into the purest energy, which was used to drive the Jinjing Tower and launch it toward the sun. Go out!"

"If the level of the Golden Crystal Tower is high enough and it has not been destroyed in the passage of hundreds of thousands of years, and Wu Yingqi masters all its manipulation methods, it can accurately calculate the active period and approximate of the main star of the extreme heaven. The energy operation model... In short, everything is in order -"

Long Yangjun swallowed his cold spit and said a word, "He may increase the energy, radiation and high-energy particle flow of the sun by 1% to 5% in just a few days. A mighty solar storm sweeps across the entire star field.

"There is nothing, whether the starship's psionic shield, alloy shell or the celestial star's atmosphere can completely resist the ravages of the solar storm. For a moment, those exposed to the super-sun will suffer more than the limits of the human body. Thousands of doses of radiation, the blood directly boils, the internal organs completely withered, the death is clean, and even a soul can not survive the solar storm.

"And this is almost the most benevolent way to die.

"If the dose of radiation is a little lower, just tearing the gene chain deep in the cell, then people will not die immediately, but in the next few days, the cell will wither, lose the function of self-repair and renewal, flesh and blood rot, Burning bit by bit, it seems that the body is dead, but the soul is still trapped in the rotten flesh and blood cage, watching his body become a **** mud, but how can not save, believe me Looking at the entire universe, this is the worst way to die."

Li Jialing was silent for a while, saying: "How many people will suffer such a bad luck?"

"All, you didn't listen to what I just said, no matter the shell and atmosphere of the starship, or even hiding on the back of the planet, it can't completely block the solar storm. A small number of people will be killed by the solar storm on the spot, and another part will be Within a few weeks to a few months, suffering from radiation sickness, because of the loss of cell renewal function, and the death of the dead, the remaining 'lucky', will also suffer the pain of life, and cause us to imagine Distortion to."

Long Yangjun’s voice sounds extremely cruel. “In this case, the body is tyrannical, the cell activity is relatively high, and the self-repairing and rapid renewal of the immortal, the survival rate will be higher, but for the general population accounting for more than 95% of the total population. For people, there is nowhere to escape, it is completely nowhere to escape!

"What's more, human civilization has developed to this day. It has become a very reliant social system. It is extremely fragile. The solar storm will destroy everything that modern civilization depends on. You want more than 100 billion people on the celestial planet. How do you survive in the end, the order, the loss of energy, the lack of supplies, the earthquake and tsunami, the volcanic eruption, and even the end of the sun?

"Even in the heyday of the real human empire, it is impossible to safely transfer hundreds of billions of people in a vast world to other worlds in just a few weeks, let alone the empire’s civil war in disintegration. In addition to these two fools, who cares about the lives of hundreds of millions of people?

"Right, what I am saying now is only the impact within a year and a half, but no one knows what the stimulus of the Golden Crystal Tower will have on the follow-up effect on the star. Perhaps the star's active cycle will be extended to decades or even For hundreds of years, the whole extreme heaven, known as the 'empire heart, the emperor's emperor', will be completely annihilated!"

Li Yao and Li Jialing were silent again.

Without any words, they can describe their shock and anger at this moment.

"So, what about the minimum?"

Li Jialing asked with a hoarse throat. "Long sister just said that it is the ultimate destruction. I want to know what the minimum damage is like."

"I am very skeptical about whether Wu Yingqi’s maneuverability can precisely control the destructive power of the Golden Crystal Tower to a minimum. He is like a three-year-old child waving a chainsaw sword he can’t understand. The ghost knows what he will chop up."

Long Yang Jundao, "General military theory believes that an ordinary army will collapse after losing 10% of its troops. If it is a war of elites, this number can be increased to 30%, assuming Wu Yingqi's The purpose is to use the Golden Crystal Tower to set off a solar storm, so that the four major family empire fleets lose 30% of their combat power. Then, the "collateral damage" caused by this solar storm to the celestial stars will not fall below this figure, 100 billion people. 30% of the people, that is, 30 billion people will die.

"This has not yet calculated the various natural disasters and social disorder after the end of the campaign, including the sharp decline in population caused by famine and plague."

"That is to say, at least the least, 30 billion people will die?"

Li Jialing asked quietly. "And among the remaining 70 billion people, many people will suffer from radiation sickness for life?"

"Yes, this is the minimum power. Otherwise, Wu Yingqi will spend a lot of money to launch Jinjing Tower. It doesn't make sense!"

Long Yangjun indulged in a moment and his face suddenly changed. "Yes, there is a 'attachment loss', but I don't know if it will happen, that is, for those who manipulate the Golden Crystal Tower."

Li Jialing gave a slight glimpse: "What do you mean?"

"Golden Crystal Tower is a star-studded magic weapon. The power has almost touched the limit of the Pangu civilization alliance. To launch this magic weapon, it will naturally cost a lot."

Long Yang Jundao, "And, this super weapon was originally manipulated by the Houyi people. In the thirteen carbon-based life of the Pangu civilization alliance, the Houyi is one of the most different races from the human form.

"Although the human gene chain is also inlaid with a large number of post-sac gene fragments, the difference between the two is too great.

"If a human wants to launch the super magic weapon built by the Yi people, do you think that he does not need to pay some kind of ... very serious price?"

Li Jialing and Li Yao looked at each other and both nodded at the same time.

Li Jialing said, "There is no magical power that can be launched without paying the price. If you want to anger the sun, even if the life of the sacrificer is normal, so?"

"Do you think that such a magic weapon is so important that Wu Yingqi will use the hand of others to manipulate it? It must be in person!"

Long Yangjun is cold and cold. "But don't forget, he is now occupying your mother, the body of the imperial queen Li Linghai. If there is any serious consequences such as 'excessive radiation, body wither, cell severing', it is also Li Linghai. Accept it?

"Well, I seem to understand why Wu Yingqi wants to cultivate your 'perfect carrier'. He has long expected that in the process of activating the Jinjing Tower, the old body will certainly be fragmented and even withered and rotted, so from a few decades ago Carefully selected and nurtured a seed of life, ready to act as a new body.

"Of course, Li Linghai's heart for you, Li Lingfeng's ambitiousness including Li Yao's appearance, this series of changes may be beyond Wu Yingqi's expectations, so that he has not caught you yet, but this is not important. As long as his plan is successful, Li Linghai's body may not be rotted within three or five days. He still has a lot of time to catch you, or pinch his nose and barely change a carrier that is not perfect."


The lion's eyes are completely red, brighter than the raging sun, and the fists are squeaky, and the broken bones almost pierce the back of the hand. "I will definitely stop you, I will definitely take your three." The soul is seven, one by one, Wu Yingqi!"

"I still feel that it is not as simple as you said."

Li Yao silently thought for a long time, cautiously, "Your speculation only solves the four major family empire fleets that attacked the Imperial Capital. The price is that Wu Yingqi's nest is completely destroyed. How can he deal with the residual power of the four major families? ?

"So, Wu Yingqi certainly has a deeper plan. We must get closer to some of the secrets of the Jinjing Tower... Hey, wait, you see, there is a sealed armored vehicle that is close to the Jinjing Tower and seems to be unloading what goods, Not a high-purity spar, it is a person!

"Where are these people, like being semi-hypnotic, semi-forced here, the most heavy crystal sputum on their bodies, and the headband that restrains brain waves on their heads, are they prisoners?"

"Their faces are familiar. There must be information about these people in my memory. They should all be famous people in the empire. What is it..."

"It's a meditator!"

Long Yangjun first retrieved the information of these people from the memory. "The foremost one is called "Magic Eyes" Wu Tian. It is a famous master in the circle of meditators. It is almost the same as Wu Yingqin."

"Yes, you said this, I also remembered it. Many people here have a tattoo on their backs that are entangled in a snake. It is a symbol of the superb master organization "Super Brain Club". People are members of the Super Brain Club, a first-class spiritual war master!

"So many meditators, brain specialists, and spiritual war masters have been caught by Wu Yingqi and secretly transported to the Jinjing Tower. How do you need to sacrifice the master of the Jinjing Tower?"

"It shouldn't be needed."

Long Yang Junhu suspected, "Golden Crystal Tower is launching a super wave to interfere with the stars, and the meditator ... has nothing to do with it!"

"But now it seems that they must have some hidden connection."

Li Yao held his breath and squinted his eyes, letting the flashing fragments scattered in the brain line up in tandem.

The most advanced brainwashing technology, the increase and enlargement of brain waves, so many meditators are concentrated together, Wu Yingqi detonated the brain of Wu Yingqin to carry out brainwashing attacks on him, Jinjing Tower, releasing fluctuations to disturb the stars, Wu Yingqi The card, the super weapon that can do its best, then -

"I suddenly gave birth to a very unpredictable hunch."

Li Yao deeply and deeply played a cold war, and his voice was cold. "Long Yangjun, you just said that the principle of Jinjing Tower is to launch a super-energy wave to disturb the sun, which is equivalent to using the sun as an amplifier and energy source. , increase the volatility by a hundredfold, a thousand times, a million times, and then spread it out, right?"


Long Yang Jundao, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing."

Li Yao’s face was blue and green, and he said, “I just want to know, is the brainwave? Is it a wave?”

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