Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2615: The second confrontation, the final battle!

Sacrifice the lives of hundreds of billions of souls in exchange for a loyal and strongest fleet!

Moreover, in view of the madness of Wu Yingqi, if the plan in the extreme heaven is successful, it is not excluded that he will still do the same in other stars!

One world and one world cleans the past. In the end, the empire becomes the second sacred ally, a larger sacred ally that occupies more abundant resources, but all the shackles of this "large sacred ally" are not worship. Pangu, but worship him alone!

Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi, is this way to solve the four major families, and even solve the sacred alliance?

Yes, if everyone is brainwashed, and they are also loyal to the leader, they are not afraid of death, extreme fanaticism, and the social friction coefficient is almost reduced to zero, but the empire is bigger and more resourceful, and the sacred alliance is certainly not an empire. The opponent, this thousand-year-old Star Wars, will end in the victory of the Empire.

However, is such a "victory" really a victory for human civilization, or a noble human being with free will, the real end?

"You must stop him!"

Li Yao gritted his teeth and said, "How long will it take for you to find the core components of the Jinjing Tower? At least roughly lock the direction of the core components so that I can condense the strongest 'Super Galaxy Destruction Cannon' and shoot it!"

"Don't be anxious, accepting all of Mo Xuan's crystal brain inheritance and the wisdom of the spiritual network, I am not a name."

The **** demons are confident and full of words, "Even if Wu Yingqi adopts the most advanced super crystal brain of the empire and sets up seven seventy-four defensive defenses to protect his secrets, give me twenty-four hours, I must Can smash and remove all his secrets!"

Li Yao blinked: "Twenty-four hours, what a joke, we don't even have twenty-four minutes!"

"no way."

The **** demons are helpless. "The plan for tomorrow has already started. It is not a big secret, so I can easily find it, but it is related to how to stop the secret of the operation of the Golden Crystal Tower. Of course, it is locked in the deepest part of the crystal brain by Wu Yingqi. I have set up the most advanced encryption measures. Xiao Ming, Wen Wen and Chuan Wang are not close to the spirits and crystal brain monsters. I am optimistic about it, and I will definitely want it for several hours!"

Li Yao rushed to the cold sweat, but also wanted to speak, but there was a lot of footsteps behind him.

This footstep sounded as if it was from far behind, at the end of the fog, and from the place where it was close, just three or five meters behind him, and even trampled directly on his heart, almost Put his heart on his feet!

Rao is the soul of Li Yao and the degree of tyranny of the body. It is also not suffocating. The blood waves in the throat are surging, and a large group of gold stars appear in front of them. The world around them has become paralyzed.

A very strange scene happened!

At his feet, on the ground of the giant palace, in the mysterious and complicated rune gully, a black stream flows from all directions, and the viscous liquid that makes up the stream is not like water, but it is like some kind of oil with life or gel.

When all the rune gullies are filled with these black oils or gels, the runes that fill the ground become black.


There is a vast and deep voice echoing in the palace. It is like the lowness of the universe. People can't help but feel the vastness of the Xinghai and the smallness of human beings. It is even more faint to give birth to such a thought... and the vast sea of ​​stars, billions of years. Compared with the changes in the years, what is the difference between human beings and bacteria as individuals, and how insignificant their lives are!


In the low-pitched universe, there was a long drop of water, like a icy waterdrop, dripping directly into Li Yao’s brain.

However, there was no dripping of water droplets. Instead, a black bead of a size of a fingernail was differentiated from the black viscous liquid, ignoring the influence of gravity and slowly rising into the air.

In a short while, there are hundreds of black water droplets floating in the empty palace around Li Yao.

Between the water droplets, they attract each other and stick out a bundle of tentacles that are like spider silks. They are connected to each other.

From this point of view, these are not water droplets, but the cells and nerves of some strange life. They are growing nerve bundles and condensing into a cluster of nerves.

Li Yao was stunned by this nightmare scene, and for a moment he didn't know what to do, and he didn't dare to touch the black water droplets that grew out of the nerve bundle.

He was trapped by thousands of black water droplets and their nerves!

"Fake, fake, are hallucinations, you have been immersed in Wu Yingqi's spiritual attack!"

The voice of the blood-colored demons came from the deepest part of Li Yao’s brain, and he couldn’t tell the anxiety. “He came, Wu Yingqi came. We didn’t have twenty-four hours or twenty-four minutes. Black Star Emperor Wu Ying. The odd is behind us!

"However, he did not launch an attack, strange, what he wants to do, let me think about it, think of it!

"Listen, we still have a chance. Although Wu Yingqi arrived in time, he is also the first to vote for the mouse. It is very likely that the big shots here will destroy all the super crystal brains, although I estimate that these crystal brains are not the real core, but Losing them will also cause some interference with Wu Yingqi's plan. For example, delaying the launch of the Golden Crystal Tower and missing the best chance of gathering and assembling the four major family fleets.

"Secondly, after the treatment of Xiao Ming and Wen Wen, our strength has improved at least several times compared with the last time he played against him. It is evidence to beat the three gods including the monthless, including the last time in the Seven Seas. The remote contest of the market can also lead Wu Yingqi to clearly recognize our new strength. Even if we are not his opponent, if you fight for it, he wants to kill us, and he has to pay a terrible price!

"Since he wants to launch brainwaves in a plan tomorrow, he must consume a lot of psionic power and even the soul, so he does not want to be seriously injured at this time!

"Do you understand? Now we are afraid of both sides of the wolf and the wolves are afraid of each other. Therefore, they have deep scruples. Therefore, he does not want to violently destroy us. Instead, he must use mental assault to brainwash us, and the soldiers will not remove us. This threat can also add a powerful hawk to yourself.

"This is an opportunity. It is our only chance to overcome him. We only have... This way, we can kill this millennium old demon, but first you must delay the time.

"Don't tell you, I can feel that his spiritual strength has flooded like a flood. He still doesn't know my existence. I have to cut off the connection with you so as not to be discovered by him. In short, Try to delay the time and create opportunities for me to crack the core secrets of the Golden Crystal Tower!"

The **** demons sounded abruptly before the thousands of black water droplets and nerve threads completely surrounded Li Yao.

Li Yao looked around again, whether the crystal brain, the blood pool or the broken limbs of the ground all turned into a crystal clear translucent body, but those black water droplets and nerve bundles became more and more conspicuous and more and more real.

He didn't know whether he was at the junction of reality and illusion, or simply in the field created by the great star Wu Yiqi with great spiritual power, and even the soul had been sucked into the mind of the Black Star Emperor.

Looking back, the long hair is half black and half white, and the demon eyes are also the black and white emperor Empress Li Linghai. It is standing in the depths of the fog, with a mysterious expression on his face, staring at him intently.

Numerous black blood droplets extended from the nerve bundle, all connected to her long hair, no, simply became part of her long hair!

Li Linghai’s long hair danced like a grass, and he did not rush to him.

Every time you take a step, the black water droplets suspended in the air are stimulated, expanding for one round and growing more nerve bundles.

On the pale skin of Li Linghai, there is also a criss-crossing black crack, and the skin is chapped. It is like a broken vase, a piece of debris splashing in the black flame, and it is changing and reborn.

When she crossed for just twenty or thirty meters, the shell of "Linglinghai" was completely broken, revealing a tall and victorious image of the man who dominated the world.

The man with dark hair dancing wildly and manipulating all the black water droplets around him, with a deep depression, like a crescent-shaped face, as if the whole face is a **** mouth, can bring the whole piece of Xinghai and all the creatures Both swallowed.

The feeling of ordinary people standing in front of him is like standing on a cliff leaning toward himself. The cliffs will collapse at any time, and people will be smashed.

Li Yao has seen this uniqueness on countless occasions. The inspiring faces are like the majestic statues of the emperor's mausoleum.

Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi!

This also made Li Yao confirm that he was indeed unconsciously attacked by Wu Yingqi and entered a certain illusion field controlled by him.

Because in the real world, Wu Yingqi's soul is still imprisoned in the body of Li Linghai, it is impossible to reveal the original purpose.

However, in order to reach the level of Li Yao, when suffering from the threat of life, from the cell to the soul will produce an instinctive reaction, resulting in extremely strong stimulation, helping him out of the illusion.

This is one of the reasons why Wu Yingqi did not dare to kill him in the real world.

The second reason is that Wu Yingqi has a strong confidence in his brainwashing ability. Since he has the opportunity to communicate with Li Yao face-to-face, I believe that Li Yao will be completely transformed into His Majesty, so he is not willing to waste Li Yao. Talent, right?

"Don't come over!"

When Li Yao thinks of the **** demons, his eyebrows are upside down, his eyes are almost bursting, his muscles are bulging like a python, and his body is soaring to the limit, his voice is very strong. "You dare to go forward and I will call people." Alright!"

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