Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2616: Treatment and purification

Wu Yingqi smiled.

The smile of the ancestor of the immortal is like a narrow gap in the dark clouds, but the gap is not the starlight, but the deeper darkness.

"I clearly have a sense of humour when I die, I really don't know if I should hate you, or appreciate you, vulture Li Yao!"

Wu Yingqi actually stopped – even in the real fantasy field, there is no difference in the illusion, but this is at least a kind release. He opened his arms to Li Yao and seemed to sigh with sincerity. Tao, "Standing from a personal point of view, you are like a beggar who can't stop stepping on the rotten, blocking the front of the embarrassing again and again, almost ruined the whole plan, and you really hate that you hate to die.

"But it is not only the supreme monarch of the real human empire, but also the leader of human civilization in the future. From the perspective of empire and human civilization, you are a rare talent, and you know some... The mystery of the universe can be of great help to the magnificent plan of human civilization to enter the endless universe.

"So, 朕 10,000 is not willing to kill you, Li Yao!

"After our meeting in the Seven Seas Market that day, I have been thinking about how the relationship between us will go to this step today. When we cooperate with you in the name of the spirit of the sea, are we not very harmonious? Why? Will it be so troublesome, not to wear the sky?

"Compared to the "fake immortals" of the four major electorate families, who are blind, self-serving, and decaying, you have more in common with us - we don't care about personal gains and losses and small profits. We are all eager to contribute all wisdom and courage to our motherland and even to human civilization. Even more, we all know more about the vastness of the world and the narrowness of the world we live in. We are all eager to go out, at all costs and unscrupulously. Going out, just like the original fish heading to the land, the first ape came out of the forest, went out, and fled the dark prison, the dead grave!

"Why, we obviously have so many things in common, we can't join hands to do a big business, together to defeat our common enemy - the self-interested 'fake immortals' of the four electorate families; Fallen, worshipping the shackles of the false gods; including this vast and innocent universe, as well as the infernal alien civilizations that crouch in the depths of the universe, grotesque, and endless!

"Our enemies should be them, not each other. The "Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi" that you know is highly distorted and ugly by the propaganda department controlled by the four electorate families. You don't know what the real embarrassment is. What is it, what is your ambition and hope, and you will rush to gamble on everything, destroy your blood, destroy the hope of the empire, and destroy the future of all mankind, including your self-cultivator?"

With Wu Yingqi's words, more and more black water droplets are floating around, and the water droplets also produce more and more spider-like nerve bundles, criss-crossing each other, forming a network of exquisite work, even tentatively Attacked Li Yao and tried to get into Li Yao’s pores.

"Come on this!"

Li Yao’s nose and smoldering spirits condensed into a solid fire wall, blocking the attack of the black nerve bundle. “I really don’t know what the real Wu Yingqi looks like, or even if you are not a 'pure' Wu Yingqi. Or in the millennium crouching, I was infected with something else, and it became more sinister and horrible than the original Wu Yingqi. I don’t care what you say and think, I only see what you want to do - you want Carrying out super-large brainwashing of the entire extreme heaven, turning everyone, including the four major family fleets, into yours! What is the difference between you and the sacred people?

"The so-called free will is not the most precious thing that human beings have become human beings. Isn't it the bottom line for all the self-cultivators and the cultivators to fight for it, or even the "figure cloth" that you cultivate the immortal's weak meat and arbitrarily crush ordinary people? The only cultivators I have respected are the warriors who dare to slash the swords to the resurrection of the Pangu people for free will, but as the leader of the cultivator, you will even kill the free will of mankind. You are not worthy of being a cultivator. You are more 'fake' than the four electors, and what qualifications are there to talk about the future of human civilization!"

"I didn't expect that you know so much, even the whole 'Tomorrow plan' is clear, and once again underestimated you, or that your appearance and words and deeds are too misleading, too easy to underestimate It is."

Wu Yingqi’s sullen face, silent for a moment, said, “However, you still misunderstood the true meaning of the 'Tomorrow plan', and the word 'brainwashing' originally had an extremely strong demonization color, so you don’t want to brainwash anyone. Just to 'awake' the people, to wake up those who have forgotten their glory and responsibility, decayed and numb, and let them re-recognize the truth of loyalty and selfless devotion, from the rusty fire stick to the human civilization again. Sharp sword!"

"But you deprived them of their free will and the power to choose!"

Li Yao whispered, "You are going to give birth to your heart, your will and your authority, and immortalize on their brains!"

"How about that, for 99.9% of people, ‘free will’ was originally something that didn’t exist.”

Wu Yingqi is cold and cold. "Look at the self-interested fake monks of the four electorate families. They are simply driven by their own genes and desires. They waste a lot of resources and chase some meaningless things. Money , power, status, woman, hatred, jealousy, vanity... eventually smashed in the wine pool, or died in fratricidalism.

"Even if it seems to have a high degree of weight, the elders who even cover the sky and even the elders are the slaves of the family, the slaves of the children and grandchildren, the slaves of their own genes and desires, not to mention the mediocrity, the hustle and the ants. Ordinary people.

"Ordinary people have never had the power to choose. They are exhausted every day to survive. They can find a suitable dam to lay the cubs and continue their genes. It is the greatest joy and purpose. They are simple in construction. The brain can't carry more complicated thinking and higher-level meanings. They are originally some kind of flesh-and-blood machinery that is genetically wound up. How can there be choices and freedom?

"Even if they think they have 'free will,' it is just the illusion of being instilled when they are young and ignorant. It is a kind of self-deception illusion - any civilization will forcefully inculcate some false truths of the next generation, and require individuals to follow Certain social laws, usually indoctrinated by decades of education, but now the situation is critical, there is not so much time, so the decades of education is reduced into a one-time so-called 'brainwashing', what is the problem? ?

"Tell me, vulture Li Yao, in the country of your comprehension, not from the ignorance of children, they began to instill in them how superior the road to comprehension, how evil is Xiu Xian Avenue?

"Don't you forcefully create a social atmosphere, so that children from a young age think that the road to comprehension is taken for granted?

"Don't you in your prison, for those stubborn criminals, do not take some kind of brainwashing hypnosis therapy to wash his sins?

"I know that since the Xinghai Empire, for many sexually sinister **** offenders, there have been some practices to remove certain areas of the cerebral cortex to eliminate their criminal tendencies. It turns out that the effect is very good, for these criminals themselves, and even for the whole The society has a great positive effect. Is it that it is depriving them of the 'free will' of crime, and what is wrong with it?"

"That is a sinful prisoner!"

Li Yao couldn't help but scream, "In the country of our comprehension, unless it is a heinous criminal with a high degree of violent tendencies, whether it is minimally invasive surgery or hypnotherapy, it is cautious and rarely used!"

"Yes, what we are facing now is a group of extremely wicked and extremely dangerous prisoners."

Wu Yingqi said faintly, "According to the law of the imperial law and the will of the shackles, all the officers and men of the four major family federations have dared to rebel. The following crimes were made, and they attempted to attack the celestial stars. They all committed the most serious "treason", Li Yao You won't deny this?

"For those arrogant people who have committed treason, even if they are ruthless, frustrated, or even annihilated the Nine, it is a matter of course. But from the overall situation of the empire and human civilization, they are willing to be generous and give these people once. Newborn opportunities, as long as they can surrender to the will of the beggar, can sin and work hard to continue fighting for human civilization.

"Doing this, it is the most humanitarian practice to be able to minimize meaningless bloodshed. Do you know what you are struggling with? Do you have to watch them and see them? These are the most elite human civilizations. The soldiers all kill the light, or they will kill all the people on the scorpio and the celestial star, you are happy, you are satisfied, you feel that 'free will' has been defended?

"Think about it, Li Yao, you and you both agree that the fake masters of these four families have gone astray, and they are devastated, and their hearts are completely tarnished and distorted. It is impossible to let them get lost by conventional methods. We must watch them go farther and farther on the wrong road, and ultimately harm others. Is it true that Ming Mingming has the means to treat them and treat the empire and all mankind, but can’t help?

"Understood, it is to heal them, wake them up, purify them, completely obliterate the wrong thoughts of selfishness in their minds, and implant the correct ideas of selfless dedication, purity and nobleness, for human civilization without regrets and for the rest of their lives. -It is not good?"

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