Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2617: The only way to stop the fall

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Accompanied by Wu Yingqi's "following the temptation", the black spider silk-like neural network also invaded into Li Yao's spiritual flame and ran into his body along his pores.

No matter how he stirred the flames and waved his arms, he couldn't get rid of these scorpion-like things. Instead, he felt that Wu Yingqi's words, like coming from the depths of his eardrum, could inspire himself from a completely different angle. , to think about new things.

"You... completely crazy!"

Li Yao tried his best to fight against the black nerve bundles invading his own brain. He said, "There will be so many deaths, even the catastrophe that destroyed the whole world, is called a 'treatment'?"

"Treatment is such a surgery. There is no need to bleed at all. Is there a drug that has no side effects at all? Even when it is difficult to return, when it is ill, it has to remove most of the body organs, with spiritual prostheses and artificial hearts. Instead, it is nothing to do."

Wu Yingqi smiled slightly, and the voice became more and more sincere. The whole body even burst into a soft brilliance. If the black water droplets and the neural network are not too strange, he is like a doctor who cares about the country and the people. "You The reason why I feel that this is unacceptable is that the cognitive gap is like an ancient man who lived tens of thousands of years ago. If he saw a modern doctor wielding a scalpel to cut the patient's chest and abdomen, Removing the diseased tissue, even using the bone saw to open the skull, and performing craniotomy, will be shocked, thinking that the doctor is the demon that devours the heart and brain, but modern people have basic medical knowledge, and naturally know that the doctor is Treating people and saving people, even if they will bleed, injure, or even have a certain mortality rate during the treatment, there will be many sequelae after the recovery, but... this is acceptable.

"Don't rush to refute, please think calmly, think about everything you saw after coming to the empire, think about how you once agreed with Li Linghai's judgment on the four big families, admit it, vulture Li Yao, today's The real human empire was at the end of the dynasty, and it has already decayed to the extreme. The internal and external troubles are devastating, and relying on small-scale improvement is not saved. Without the means of thunder, the empire will fall apart in an instant, and hundreds of millions of people will turn into powder!

"The imperial court was swollen and powerless. The warlords were killed four times, and the courtiers were only responsible for their own affairs. Even the four major electoral families were filled with selfish and ridiculous struggles, and the empire was an empire thousands of years ago. Designed, fair, open and fair elite screening methods and the underlying elite rising channels, but all blocked, rotten, eroded to riddled with holes, even the surface of the article is not appropriate!

"A big empire, obviously possessing the most abundant planet among the stars, the most abundant resources and the most talented people, was smothered by the snake worms, and fell into disintegration, turning into a loose sand, a rabble, but not a sacred alliance. It’s not so much about the reformists, even the squadrons who have dealt with the scent of the Wanshang Business League are not able to catch up. Even a few self-cultivators in the district can’t stop killing this.

"Shame, this is a great shame for the immortal, it is a great shame of the empire, it is a great shame! When you return to the empire, you can see the glory of the glory that was established before the millennium, and it was created by these unscrupulous children. This look, I really hate to add up, even if I dump the whole piece of Xinghai, I can't smash the anger!

"From that moment on, you will swear to the stars, you will certainly use whatever means, at all costs to treat the empire, let it return to its former vitality, so that it is truly qualified to represent the great human civilization.

"As long as we can re-awake the responsibility and glory of every cultivator, as long as the empire and human civilization can regain their brilliance, what treatments are willing to try!"

More and more black nerve bundles, drilled into Li Yao's pores, and walked under his skin like a nematode, causing a black sigh of his body and face.

The black air even attacked Li Yao’s eyes and danced around his pupils.

Li Yao gradually lost his ability to refute, and his expression gradually became embarrassed and hesitant, listening to Wu Yingqi's indoctrination.

"It took me decades to think about why the empire really fell into what it is today. Who is the chief culprit, and where is the root of the problem?

"Should blame the four electors of the emperor family? Of course, they are all greedy, and the guys who are blind and eager to fill out are not worthy of the real title of the immortal. But this is only the appearance. Everyone has a selfish heart. Selfishness is the source of the disaster. It is also the strongest driving force for the advancement of civilization. It is a sharp double-edged sword.

"The root of the problem is the vast expanse of the sea, the distance between the thousands of light worlds, and the vastly different topography between different planets. It is like an amplifier that magnifies the selfish flaws of human nature to the extreme!

"In the era of ancient times, the rulers only occupied one planet, and most of them were close to several planets in the world. Even if the people under the control were selfish and blind, and the powers were no longer flying, they could easily mobilize their forces to suppress them. People and resources are firmly in their hands.

"However, in the era of Xinghai civilization 40,000 years later, because of the constant communication and transportation, the world of each side of the sky is very easy to form trade, military and even political barriers, and the barriers will become a self-interested interest group. It becomes a cancer that cannot be completely removed, and slowly erodes the whole.

“What's worse is that in different worlds, the landscape of many inhabitable planets is very different. This has created different ethnic groups with different customs and even different shapes. These groups are difficult to create mutual recognition and common history. Memory and sense of honor often only know that they have their own small world, but they do not know the existence of the empire and their majesty.

"To put it bluntly, in terms of human brain capacity, communication methods, technological development levels and historical sources, we should not build a huge empire that encompasses three thousand worlds. Instead, we should split into hundreds of small countries, each of which rules one. Or up to three or five big worlds that are the most natural state.

"We were originally a kind of 'sub-civilization' or 'sub-civilization' that was created, but our creators died prematurely. We are like orphans whose parents have died. They have been forced to grow up. Breaking into the cold world, we clumsily imitate the look of the ancestors of the ruins, try to image the whole piece of Xinghai like the "Pu Gu Civilization Alliance", but completely disregard or not realize at all, they are not ready at all, bear such a heavy weight!

"The empire was not destroyed by the hands of the four electorate families, but was crushed by its own weight and defeated by this vast universe!"

Li Yao listened to God and muttered: "The former Prime Minister of the Empire, Oriental Hope, once said that he said ... our common enemy is the universe!"

"Yeah, Dongfang Wang is a true wise man. He used to communicate with him in a very secret way."

Wu Yingqi said, "It’s a pity that the East can see it, but it still can’t be seen. As the helm of the Oriental family, he has been carrying hundreds of years and is deeply embedded in flesh and blood. There are too many things that can’t be given up. He didn’t. The method is like a cockroach, you can squat your heart to cure the bones.

"Even if you really see through it, with the cold and cruel nature of human beings, split into hundreds of small countries, they will still kill each other and fight endlessly. Like the ancient times of 40,000 years ago, blood will never stop flowing.

"Not to mention, you and I are very clear. If you stay in this small closed universe, even if you develop to the extreme, it is just a repeat of the ancient civilization and countless ancient civilizations. We must find a new path and must become a few For the first time in tens of billions of years, the first civilization that has completely rushed out!

"To be the first civilization to break through, a big unified empire that encompasses all resources, talents and planets is a must. This is a contradiction. It is almost impossible to solve between 'big' and 'small'. contradiction.

"If you only want to eradicate the four electorate families, it is very easy. There are a hundred ways to completely destroy them. But this is a temporary solution. Today, the four electors and even all the warlords are destroyed. However, as long as human communication and transportation methods cannot advance by leaps and bounds, as long as the Empire still has astronomical populations, as long as these people are still selfish and greedy, then it will take a long time to have a second 'four big family' or even ' The birth of the eight major families is like a virus that kills all the kills!

"Li Yao, in the country of your comprehension, is there also a solidification of the class and the ills of interest groups? Oh, I guess your country will not be too big. You just beat the Black Wind Fleet and get a development bonus. It should be in a thriving day. The rise of the stage, so you may not have a deep understanding of this issue.

"But please think about it. One day, when your country of comprehension expands to hundreds of thousands of worlds, with a population of several trillions or even trillions of trillions, the number of people who have repaired the real people will reach tens of billions. How do you want to do it? To maintain the purity of these comprehensions, how do you ensure that the authority of the central government can be recognized by the borders, how do you insist that your so-called education system and rising channels will not be distorted and eroded by interest groups?

"I can't do it, Li Yao, I tell you, I have thought of and practiced everything before, and I can't stop the transformation and degeneration of a great country, even if you can't destroy your country of comprehension, let you freely develop." , thrive, and one day you will be crushed by your own weight.

"The sacred dynasty that once ruled the 30,000-year-old Xinghai was crushed by itself. The Xinghai empire was also crushed by itself. The Xinghai Republic was crushed by itself. Now the real human empire is repeating the same mistakes, and it will be crushed by itself. Can your comprehension country jump out of the cycle of the dynasty, not defeated by the universe, not crushed by itself?"

Wu Yingqi’s face showed a grotesque smile.

But it is not this smile that makes Li Yao feel extremely frightened, but he actually believes Wu Yingqi’s words without knowing it!

Yes, many of the strongest in the Federation agree that for the federation, the most appropriate size is eight to ten big worlds. More worlds joining will cause unexpected problems and eventually make the Star Alliance Being crushed by life!

However, the federation can maintain the current volume, can the empire be?

If not, what should be done to keep the empire in the status quo and not split so that most people can live alive?

"There is only one way to completely reverse such a **** fate, so that the empire can guarantee the loyalty, selflessness and unity of all citizens under the premise of maintaining a unified unity."

Wu Yingqi gently pointed to his own temple, "a revolutionary new way of education, which is what you call 'brainwashing'."

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