Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2618: 醍醐 顶 top!

Li Yao has never seen anyone, and is able to take such a ridiculous and evil thing as "brainwashing" so naturally and brightly.

Perhaps this is the skill that every emperor or leader must master.

Despite this, Li Yao’s eyes are still spreading out of confusion, muttering: “It seems...somewhat reasonable, but after all, it’s brainwashing...”

"No, 'brainwashing' is just a low-key, ordinary man, limited to the experience of the past and the fear of imagination. The name after the demonization of this advanced technology, as I said just now, the ancients will see modern surgery. Li Yao, I believe that you are not a simple, self-styled, ordinary person, you should be able to look at the advantages and disadvantages of new technology in the most rational way, the most forward-looking vision, and it can The revolutionary positive meaning brought to human civilization!"

Wu Yingqi sees Li Yao's vaguely shaken, and the face of the crescent shovel reveals a few hi colors, stepping up and insulting, "In a word, regardless of the Yaozu dynasty, the Xinghai Empire, the Xinghai Republic, the real human empire or your comprehension country. In the end of the future dynasty, the root cause of all the problems encountered is nothing more than two stars and too many people.

"If you want to solve these two problems, either rely on the big explosion of technology and use more advanced communication and transportation methods to shorten the distance between the worlds, so that the central forces can quickly put them to the place, but it is easy to talk about the big technology explosion. No matter how the civilization develops, as a three-dimensional living body, navigation and communication in the four-dimensional space is always a very high cost and risk.

"Since the short-term, the distance between the stars cannot be shortened, it is only from the heart of the people, using brainwashing methods to reach a consensus and gather people's hearts. In fact, this is also the basis and premise of the big explosion of technology. Why gather in the world?

"However, I still don't like the word 'brainwashing'. The more accurate statement should be ‘topping’.”


Li Yao subconsciously said, "Hey?"

“Yes, this technology based on direct stimulation of the cerebral cortex to produce common emotions, memories and wills can increase the efficiency of human information exchange and knowledge transmission to hundreds of times, just like the legendary '醍醐 顶顶', It can make the self-serving traitor repent and resent, and it can also be called the singularity of the singularity. It is indispensable for human beings to evolve from the planetary civilization to the Xinghai civilization and to further evolve into the real 'big universe civilization'. Key technology."

Wu Yingqi said, "Maybe you will think that you got this technology from the sacred alliance, and even if you have any collusion with the sacred alliance, then you are wrong, its origin and what is evil." Brainwashing has nothing to do with, but it goes back to the early days of the flood era. When the Pangu Civilization Union was founded, its purpose was not to enslave anyone, but to form a coalition of different civilizations, to be able to empathize, understand each other, and coexist harmoniously. And already."

"In the early days of the wilderness?"

Li Yao didn't think that Wu Yingqi could get such an ancient technology and couldn't help but hear it.

He held his breath and raised his ears. He didn't seem to realize that when Wu Yingqi spoke, there were more and more long black hairs, turning into a gossamer nerve bundle and drilling into his body along the pores.

The consciousness of Li Yao and Wu Yingqi was wonderfully connected through this intricate way.

Every word that Wu Yingqi said next seems to contain infinite information, not just sound, but also a subtle picture, even accompanied by a paragraph of intuitive stories, like a spar bomb, indiscriminate bombing The spirit of Li Yao did not arouse Li Yao’s resentment and vigilance because it sounded unrelated to the current war.

"With your wisdom and deductive ability, it is not difficult to imagine that to maintain a long-lasting empire across the world, the most crucial point is how to unite the consensus of the people so that everyone can feel empathy. ', with consistent memory, consistent emotions, consistent glory, and based on memory, emotion and glory, condense mainstream values ​​and social consensus."

Wu Yingqi eroded the spirit of Li Yao quietly. "If the territory of the country involves only one planet or even a continent, then the consensus is very simple. However, if the territory of the country covers tens of thousands of light years. Two planets, a frozen planet, a desert planet, and the two planets are often disconnected because of the Star Storm. Sometimes they can't be contacted for a year or a half, even if they are connected, they can only transmit some small ones. Small transport ships, so that they have been developed alone for hundreds of years and thousands of years, there is still a 'common memory, common interests' between the residents of the two places. Contradictions and divisions are inevitable!

"Two planets are already so troublesome. If it is 20,000 planets or even two million planets?

"Before the establishment of the Pangu Civilization Alliance, the situation in the universe is even worse than today. Today's empire is no longer confused. The human heart is no longer inconsistent. At least all the people are human beings. The physiological structure and language culture are roughly the same. Years were born in the same way.

"And the Pangu Civilization Alliance has included thirteen different carbon-based lives, and not long ago, these thirteen carbon-based lives have just hit the big fight, not endless!

"The difference between carbon-based life can be as big as unimaginable. For the simplest example, the post-Yu and Kuafu who used to carry out the '10-day battle' around ten suns.

"The origin of the Yi people is a kind of insects with black crusts. They are like evolutionary versions of bee colonies. Single individuals have no consciousness and wisdom, but in the long evolution, their solar shells are A pattern resembling a 'psychic loop' has emerged. When countless zergs gather together to form a 'bee colony' and shake the shell, the criss-crossing psionic circuit ignites the spark of wisdom and produces a common 'bee. Group consciousness'.

"From this perspective, the concept of 'individual' and 'integral' is very vague. The post-Yu people are actually a group of dense bees, or a living, will The free-moving hive, when a post-Zi national is seriously injured, loses 90% of the insects, and the remaining 10% of the insects can still fly to other bee colonies, become part of another post-Bao body, and will be part of Past information is transmitted to the new hive.

"So, many of the Yi people think that ‘they’ are immortal. This is why the Hou people are brave and do not count life and death.

"But the fathers are different. It is better to say that they are some kind of 'plants' than they are some kind of 'animals'.

"The Kuafu is a giant race. The adult Kuafu can grow up to a hundred meters. It is like a mountain or a tall building. It is the largest one in the Pangu 13 race.

"But who can think that the newly born Kuafu descendants are just a small seed, and the fathers have no concept of gender, but use the method of 'symbiosis and co-culture' to breed. When the spring of the parent star comes, Adult Kuafu will be affected by the magnetic field of the star, and the life-threatening seeds of the size of the fingernail will be condensed in the body. They use special gas to deeply penetrate the seeds of life into the ground, allowing the fragile seeds to escape the toxic star radiation. Accept the warming of the soil.

"And after that, every Kuafu who has been buried in the seed can sense the existence of the seed, and will also pierce its tentacles into the ground, watering nutrients and genetic information to the seed, boasting For the father, this is the most sacred blessing, and can also be understood as their mating and gestation.

“Usually, a seed has accumulated enough nutrients and genetic information after the blessing of twenty or thirty adult kwafu fathers, and it can break ground.

"But if you can pass the blessings of forty or fifty adult Kuafu, it is the strong in the group.

"And if there are more than one hundred Kuafu people giving it nutrients and genetic information, then it will become the leader of the ethnic group, and the strongest of the fathers, even in the future, will be more than 100 meters high. The giant here is literally 'covering the sky', because many research materials assume that the so-called 'Kwafu's ball' is composed of countless Kuafu's body.

"But no matter what the future is, the Kuafu who just broke out is a small sapling. Even if they have no ability to move themselves, they can only use a special breath and magnetic field to attract a kind of 'Yellow Snake'. The ancient beasts came to work for them, protecting them from the enemy and getting enough food for them. Of course, the magnetic field of the Kuafu’s life is also good for the evolution of the yellow snake. This is a wonderful symbiosis. relationship.

"In the early years, the Kuafu people must spend a long period of decades or even hundreds of years in the service of the Yellow Snake, and they can completely rise to the ground and become an adult giant who can move freely. Joining the ranks of civilization, of course, in the extreme of civilization. Developed, with a variety of soilless cultivation and fast-growing techniques, Kuafu has created a variety of new ways of reproduction, but the early ancestors are deeply rooted in the memory of the earth, still inscribed in the depths of their genes, always can not forget.

"You said that after the Dai and Kuafu, these two completely different carbon-based civilizations have just experienced an endless **** battle. How can they shake hands and talk, how can they reach a consensus, how can they understand each other? A highly developed intelligent life, not an 'evil alien'?"

Li Yao silently.

His thinking is completely immersed in the illusion created by Wu Yingqi, as if he really became a Kuafu and a Houyi.

Indeed, it is difficult to understand each other's life forms, whether it is the post-Yi people of the insect group consciousness, the early childhood plants, the adult animals, and the Kuafu who merged the corpses into the "Kwafu's ball" after exhaustion. It will recognize the form of the other party and is also a civilization.

"At the time, if the war between the two civilizations could not be prevented, the Hou and Kuafu might have to perish."

Wu Yingqi said, "The Pangu people's 'mediators' use the so-called 'evil brainwashing', which is the advanced technology of '醍醐灌顶', which allows the two civilizations to 'sympathize with each other' and share each other's The memory and growth environment of the ancestors perceive each other's emotions and desires, understand the various aspects of civilization, and finally reach an agreement, ushered in peace, preserved two civilizations, and of course, let them understand the Pangu people. Exist, there is no need to fear the Pangu over-advanced technology."

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