Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2619: Climb the universe!


As Wu Yingqi's topic became more and more in-depth, the surrounding Golden Crystal Tower gradually disappeared. Instead, it was a group of singular stars, all kinds of strange aliens who could not communicate, and what they created, brilliant and varied. Civilization.

Pangu, Nuwa, Kuafu, Houyi, Zhurong, Gonggong...

"You can hate and swear "evil brainwashing", but no matter what you think, the fact is that just because of the existence of '醍醐 醍醐 top technology', it is possible to have thirteen carbon-based life races that are both suspicion and hostile to each other. In the shortest time, at a minimum cost, they will join together to form a solid alliance with little blood."

Wu Yingqi’s voice came quietly and could not be resisted like a rolling thunder. “If there is no '醍醐 醍醐 top technology', there are 13 different carbon-based lives that cannot be 'sympathetic and common sense'. How do you form a country? In a unified country, the flood war will be erupted hundreds of thousands of years in advance, and the intensity will be increased by several dozen times. It is impossible to create a new generation of life like 'human' that condenses the most essential gene fragments of thirteen kinds of carbon-based life. Now!

"Awaken, Li Yao, the simplest example, imagine that you are now the captain of a Pangu exploration fleet. You have discovered two relatively backward but highly potential heterogeneous civilizations. The Hou and Kuafu are working. The endless **** battles will destroy the last sun of their common, and the two civilizations will die together!

"You love peace, longing for communication and solidarity, but you can't understand their language, way of thinking, and civilization. They can't understand that you even fear you very much, and in their culture and belief, there is a high probability that they exist. The tendency to self-destruction, at least not to fear and the enemy to die, in other words, you can not use violent methods to threaten them to stop the war.

"Ask, in such a cruel and extreme environment, what exactly do you have to do to save these two hatreds that have been blinded by the hatred and are entering the civilization that destroys the abyss?

"If at this time, there is a button on the podium in front of you, you can launch 10,000 channels with a single click... Brainwashing light, so that the Kuafu and the Houyi can understand you to some extent. Understanding each other will be 'forced' to accept your peaceful will. Will you press this button?

"If you want to continue these two civilizations, you will have to deprive them of the free will of self-destruction and jade."

"And if you keep the ridiculous 'free will to the biggest' argument, you must watch the Kuafu and the Houyi kill each other, fight to the last soldier, hundreds of thousands of years of hard-earned civilization Destroyed once.

"Tell me, the real answer in your deepest heart - how do you choose, the comprehension Li Yao?"

In front of Li Yao, it seems that there is a console with a small, scarlet button.

And he is also really inside a bridge, the bridge is controlled by a large-scale, technologically advanced, like the stars of the Starfleet.

It is a pity that even the power of the gods is impossible to separate the Kuafu and the Houyi who have fallen into a desperate fight.

The social forms, information exchange methods and modes of thinking that are completely different from each other make it difficult for the Kuafu and the Houyi to understand the existence of the Pangu people, and even more so, the so-called "goodwill" and "peace" of the Pangu people.

In addition to brainwashing, is there any way to stop the war and bring peace - a real, long-lasting peace?

Li Yao’s fingers are shaking.

Between every trembling, he seemed to see the innumerable Kua and the Hou Yi killed on the starry sky and the harsh planet surface.

The huge vine-like tentacles splattered the black beetles, the flesh and blood were blurred, and the continuous beetles smashed the vines and juices, and even one of the Kuafu’s **** was eroded. hole.

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

Kill those aliens.

It is impossible for human beings to coexist peacefully with aliens with different shapes. Even if the same people and demons have a tens of thousands of years of war, until one of them completely surrenders, they must be boasting the father and the latter. In other words, they also regard themselves as the only normal, standard "human" between heaven and earth, and the forms outside of them are incomparably ugly, evil, unreasonable and unable to coexist. Can only do everything they can, **** battles in the end?

Just as "human" and an evil, ugly alien fight in the end, paying a heavy sacrifice, and seeing the final victory, another ugly, stronger, and even more evil alien suddenly appears. Let "humanity" stop the war and restore "peace"?

Unacceptable, no kind of intelligent life can accept such peace, this must be a conspiracy, the war can only continue until it is destroyed or destroyed!

Then it is only brainwashing.

Only by forcibly obliterating the war concept of a small group of fanatics and instilling the will of peace to most people can this level of "national war" be prevented.

What's more, even if there are other ways, even if the Pangu people brought peace and unity with cold swords and hot guns, how much better than brainwashing?

Li Yao’s finger touched the “brain-washing button” gently, but he felt like a cramp, and he couldn’t press it.


He gasped hard. "But this presuppositional environment is too extreme. You have forcibly set a series of preconditions before you push the answer into a dead end with no choice, even if the original Pangu command The official really faces a similar choice, and that is completely different from today’s extremely heavenly situation!"

“Ah, that is to say, do you admit that at least in some extreme circumstances, large-scale brainwashing can indeed bring positive effects and even bring precious peace? You no longer think that brainwashing must be evil, but that it has 1%, can it be just and positive?"

Wu Yingqi’s laughter came, “It’s very good, the blind man can teach, and you and Yu have finally achieved a small consensus. This is a very good start, and it’s a lot of time spent on you.

"However, if you think about it, you will know that the assumptions thrown by 朕 are not extreme, but the axioms of the universe - the vast expanse of the sea, the colorfulness of life, the shape of the carbon-based intelligent life is completely different, and they cannot understand each other. This is not very Is it normal? If the two carbon-based life that were born millions of light years away can communicate without any slapstick, then it is incredible!

"According to the doctrine of the genius cosmologist Liu Xingxing of the Xinghai Empire 10,000 years ago, and the practice from the flood to the present, the two highly developed civilizations must have been extremely vigilant and hostile in their initial contact. War is the first and often the only way for them to communicate.

"It is not a pity that countless civilizations have not yet figured out the truth of the enemy. They cannot understand that the enemy is also a flesh-and-blood ‘people’. It destroys the enemy or is destroyed by the enemy. Is this not a pity?

"So, a 'large-scale ultra-high-speed information interaction method' that transcends language, writing, and even race and civilization is simply the inevitable result of interstellar civilization, that is, what I call '醍醐 醍醐 top', which is what you call 'brainwashing' '.

"Without the existence of '醍醐 醍醐 top technology', the intelligent life scattered around the vast sea of ​​stars can't communicate with each other in a calm and efficient manner, and the will of the civilized leader can't be instantaneously implemented in every front-end individual. Such a civilization It will always be a loose sand, not to mention the expedition of a broader multi-cosm, even if you can maintain your own huge volume, you can fall apart, or kill each other early or late, kill each other, self-destruction!

"Really, don't be afraid of new technology, open your arms and embrace it! The evolution of civilization is the evolution of information interaction means and the evolution of educational methods. When our ancestors were still savage, they began to shake themselves. The throat emits sound waves to communicate, and the claws and bone spurs are used to mark the trees. At that time, the advanced nature of this interactive means is self-evident. Perhaps because of this, our ancestors were selected by the Pangu Civilization Alliance to become a new generation of perfection. The 'original body' of carbon-based life - but this kind of communication and education has been used for hundreds of thousands of years. Until today, in the era of the development of Xinghai, the era in which the multiverse was discovered, we are still talking, still Writing, still using books and classics, spending decades to educate the next generation, this is too inefficient, too ridiculous, too shameful!

"It is time to make a change, Li Yao.

"Human civilization, which uses language and words to communicate, has reached the bottleneck of evolution and is destined to be able to step out of this universe.

"Only by means of squatting, the rich knowledge, the common memory, the perfect morality and the will of the leader are directly injected into the brains of millions of people, and the true perfect new human beings can be born - with wisdom, courage and strength to march. The golden race of the big universe!

"There is only such a perfect and true human being. Under the turbulence of unified thinking and super-efficient interaction, the explosion of technology can be born, and we can absorb and absorb the precious legacy left by the flooded civilization in just a few hundred years. Jump into a real big universe civilization!

"Li Yao, repairing to reach your level, can be said to be one person, above 100 million people, you have stood at the peak of the evolution of human civilization, continue to hold on to the deficiencies, self-styled, constrained and even attack new with old moral concepts The development of technology is a crime, the biggest crime against all mankind.

"We don't have time. Really, there is no time for human civilization. We must fight against time and break out. At least we must first rush out to see what environment is outside, and we can determine the future direction of our civilization for millions of years. This requires an empire that is strong, united, loyal, and selfless. Only the '醍醐 顶顶技术' can create such a new empire, so come on, like you used to stand on the edge of Li Linghai, stand here. Come, build a new empire with you, create new human beings, and let our civilization climb to the top of the universe!"

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