Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2620: Take off from the shoulders of the giant!

The long black hair that spread from the back of Wu Yingqi—or the nerve bundle that grew directly from the depths of his soul—expanded several times.

The power of darkness is constantly infused with the spirit of Li Yao, which makes him full of black lines and spots.

The dark areas are expanding, like some kind of sparkling gelatinous substance, wrapping Li Yao's whole people and dragging them into endless swamps.

Li Yao struggled hard and resisted. The fire of the soul jumped out of the gap of darkness, and the black nerve bundle between himself and Wu Yingqi was smashed.

"Although... your words are very pleasant and the slogan is very loud, including the dilemma that you throw, and I can't give an answer now."

Li Yao gritted his teeth and said one word at a time. "But no matter how you say it, you can't change the fact that you have the so-called 'the most advanced information interaction technology', which can make a civilization instantly "crowding the top" of the ancient civilization. Finally, it is still dead!

"Oh, I don't believe that the Pangu people really have what you said, "Love peace, good heart", and willing to help other civilizations continue for no reason - perhaps, the Pangu people are in the way of brainwashing, only in other carbon-based In the minds of life and ethnicity, the idea of ​​'the ancient people of Pangu is supreme and our leader' has been implanted, and finally the "pangu civilization alliance" with them as the core has been established, and this semi-forced and semi-frauded country has always been established. Hidden dangers, as time goes by, the hidden dangers are getting bigger and bigger. Both the Yi and the Yi people have realized some truths. Perhaps this is the final split of the Pangu civilization alliance, which is the cause of the wild war!

"Since the Pangu Civilization Alliance did not use brainwashing to go out, why do you think we can, can we not repeat their mistakes?"

"You are very smart, but there are too many doubts, even if the Pangu people's motives are not pure, but it has nothing to do with the quality of the '醍醐 顶 top technology' - the technology itself is not good or bad, just like the knife itself does not kill, exactly Whether it is good or bad, good or evil, it depends on how humans use them."

Wu Yingqi seems to have thought about this problem for a long time. He has not been shaken by Li Yao, but he is calm and self-sufficient. "At the beginning of the birth of new technology, more or less will go on the wrong path, because of the ruin, because some immaturity Is it completely denying the value of a new technology?

"As for the destruction of the Pangu civilization alliance, we must treat this issue dialectically. We must learn from the lessons of the Pangu people, take their essence, and go to their dross to create greater success in their failure.

"The past is not forgotten, the teacher of the future, although today's human civilization is far weaker than the old Pangu civilization, but we have one of the biggest advantages, that is, we stand on the shoulders of giants, do not have to go through those who have been verified by them The dead end that has gone wrong.

"What is the 'dead road'? The simplest example, the Pangu people have invented the technology of '醍醐灌顶', but among them there are probably a large number of people who are as stubborn as you are, so self-styled, fear of this new technology. Power did not develop this technology to the extreme. In the early stage, it used only simple communication and communication between the various carbon-based life races. Later, it used it to wash away the national emotions, desires and wills and It turned into empty white paper, but did not inject new things.

"And they did this because they were scared by the universe outside the universe, completely lost the spirit of evolution and the spirit of courage, and did not know what to inject into the mind.

"A person has no bones, it is destined to be a pool of mud, a civilization has lost its spirit, and is destined to be destroyed! The brain, this thing, your Pangu people do not want to occupy it, those demon ghosts, enchanting, for example, the extraterrestrial demon will take it to occupy it, How can you keep a blank state forever?

"Understood, '醍醐醍醐顶技术' itself is not wrong. The mistake is that the Pangu people only implemented half of it, only 'cleansing' the national mistakes, complex and chaotic thoughts and desires, but did not inject new and healthy Positive thinking and desires - the carbon-based life that used to create brilliant and splendid civilizations has become a walking dead. Where can it not perish?

"The same is true of the sacred people. They have unearthed the most precious treasures between the stars and the sea, and they have the technology to change the universe. But they are completely bound by the 'goodness', and only injecting the ancient civilization into the mind. The worship, and the fear outside the vast sea of ​​Xinghai, they are just some pirated, small Pangu people, destined to have only one way to perish!

"However, the embarrassing '醍醐 顶 顶 ' will never be so half-way, not only to cleanse the traitors of self-interest, self-interest, ignorance, timidity, etc., all the unhealthy and even evil ideas, more importantly, injecting The bright, bright, pure and innocent thoughts help them to temper a gleaming heart, let them become real people, great warriors, pure cultivators!"

Li Yao’s voice trembled: “Do you think I will believe?”

“Why not? Imagine such a beautiful picture of the future –”

Wu Yingqi squinted his eyes and waved his hands, and there were countless holographic images of life in every direction. In each picture, there were countless seemingly sunny, radiant, tall and beautiful cultivators, or looked and studied intently. Working, or screaming in the starry battlefield - but their enemies are not humans, but the ugly aliens that Li Yao has never seen before. It seems that the picture means they have left the small Pangu cosmic quagmire. In the broader universe, we are taking a broader living space for human civilization.

"Oh, neither, nor need to deprive everyone of their thoughts and what you call 'free will.' Really, you won't change 95% of your mind, just about the remaining 5% of evil. A small, painless 'thought surgery' that removes the dark, selfish, evil parts, replaced by just, unselfish, noble thoughts, and deeply engraved in the form of branding The cerebral cortex and even the soul of the soul, people will never forget."

Wu Yingqi talked and said, "After such a small mental operation, the cultivators can still maintain the original memory and self, but they are no longer selfish, short-sighted, embarrassed and dark, but they can raise 120,000 points. Courage and loyalty can play a part in the whole civilization, and can always abide by the rules of 'just, fair, and open' formulated by the empire. Any dark thoughts in their minds can be wiped out at once, even if they face When you can't use the fear of pen and ink outside the universe, you can also fight with the courage!

"And how much change, depends on the degree of the person's fall, the deeper the fall, the more naturally it is changed, like you and General Lei Chenghu, you are originally a strong, ambitious person, you even Will not feel any change!

"I don't believe what you mean? It doesn't matter, and listen to it. It's not a feudal king. You don't want to make a statement. In the later period, you can even set up a '醍醐 顶 顶 committee' to convene people of insight from all walks of life to agree on the current year to instill in the people. The 'dominant thinking' is equivalent to the current education committee and textbook preparation team. At that time, you can be one of the leaders of this committee and personally supervise the ideas we want to instill in the minds of the people.

"Of course, now that the soldiers are under the city, there are hundreds of thousands of fires. In an extraordinary period, they have to take extraordinary measures. It is impossible for the mother-in-law to engage in democratic supervision. This must be understood by you, the comprehension Li Yao?"

“醍醐 醍醐 顶 ??”

Li Yao almost didn't bite off his tongue. "What a joke!"

"Jun has no jokes. Do you think that you have a lot of time to make fun of you? You are too small to look at your heart. Li Yao, after learning about the vastness and sinisterness of the big universe, the struggle between the self-cultivator and the cultivator, In the blink of an eye, it has already become something worth mentioning, but it is a contradiction that occurs when a child takes a family."

Wu Yingqi sighed. "The villain is often there, and the courtiers are rare. The thousands of people around the millennium are all gangsters and villains. They are so overwhelmed by them that they have been tossed and forgotten. They did not carry the changes to the end, and eventually they made a big mistake. The villain also inflated into the behemoths of the four major electorate families. After the millennium, they made a comeback and made up their minds that they could not make such mistakes again. These sinister villains, don’t want half of them, as long as you are like a minister. Li Yao, you can completely keep the heart of your self-cultivator, stay with you, and act as a mirror to help you better understand yourself.

"Even your country of comprehension, what are the reasons for you to destroy you? The most profound contradiction between us, the cultivation of truth or the avenue of cultivation, how to deal with ordinary people's problems, after all, is not yet Is it caused by scarcity of resources and population explosion?

"As long as the resources are scarce and the population explosion cannot be solved, the contradictions will always exist. There will always be self-cultivators and cultivators. You and everyone can't change."

"But if the plan is successful, we really jumped out and found ten times and hundreds of times the resources in the big universe. At that time, the material and spirit are extremely rich, and the contradiction between Superman and ordinary people is not. Wings fly, the ordinary people you are thinking of can live a god-like life, and even give each of them a planet, so that they can claim to be king, and what is necessary for the immortal to squeeze ordinary people, So what are the contradictions we have? No, no, no!

"So, if you are a true self-cultivator, you really think about the happiness and future of all mankind, you should not add trouble and trouble to such a critical moment. As a result, we lose both, but let those The sinister villain and the unsuccessful fisherman are profitable! You should stand firm and stand side by side, we join hands - the starry sea, stir the universe!"

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