Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2622: Wu Yingqi's biggest secret!

"Interstellar civilization, don't need the capital?"

This statement once again shattered the inherent concept of Li Yao’s brain and opened a new door.

"Yes, in the era of ancient studies, communication and transportation methods were relatively backward, and the territory was not too big. The rulers gathered most of the top and strong people into one place, becoming the 'court' and becoming the 'capital'. The political, economic, and military center of gravity was a very reasonable approach at the time."

Wu Yingqi talked and said, "But today, the great unity of human civilization has hundreds of thousands of worlds, and its territory spans millions of light years. It depends on past political experience and tries to rule the whole piece with one planet. Xinghai, isn’t it ridiculous to ask for a sword?

"Look at today's celestial stars and know that - in order to control the entire Xinghai Sea, there are many government agencies placed in layers, causing population explosions, bloated institutions, environmental pollution, and the interaction between various departments and parties. Elbow, completely lost the function of 'brain' and 'heart'.

"When the distant empire edged, the aristocracy and the tycoon gave birth to the heart of the innocence, the emperor was too far behind, unable to draw power to restrain and suppress in time, so that the four major emperors and the warlords of all wars flocked to the empire. Going to the end of the disintegration.

"What kind of emperor is this?

"In fact, as early as the first step of human beings on the journey to the Xinghai Sea, we should completely abandon the old ways of governance. We should not engage in a fixed capital. It is a pity that the empire from the Yaozu to the millennium ago did not see this clearly. So that it caused a tragedy again and again.

"It is said that the biggest sad song of 10,000 years ago, the collapse of the Xinghai Empire was good. At that time, the emperor of the wise Mingwu was also the capital of the celestial star, but let the **** gods of the generals command the strongest expeditionary army and go to the depths of the Xinghai. The demon family's embers, in this way, the political power and military power of the Xinghai Empire are completely separated, and the Tianji Star can't effectively command the expeditionary forces beyond millions of light years. The expeditions lasted for decades, and there are too many variables. Even if the blood **** is the emperor's avatar, the rebellion is the inevitable result!

"If the emperor can see this in time, refuse to use the celestial star as the capital, but to relocate the full set of government agencies of the Xinghai empire to the expeditionary force, use the expeditionary fleet as the 'capital of the mobile'. How can the blood gods have a chance to rebel, how can the Xinghai Empire collapse?"

Li Yao listened to the gods and only felt that Wu Yingqi’s arguments were justified and could not be refuted.

"In fact, countless people of insight in the past and present have vaguely recognized this problem and have intentionally or unconsciously made a certain degree of effort."

Wu Yingqi continued, "From the Yaozu dynasty to our real human empire, many in powers will spend huge sums of money to build some super-star battlefields, or even hollow out a whole planet to transform into a military fortress, what's the star of death, Destruction Star, Doomsday Star, Dark Star', and so on.

"Actually, from the military point of view, this kind of putting all the eggs in one basket, the big and unpredictable super star battle, the combat effectiveness is very low, the machine power is almost zero, once it is invaded by the enemy, It's easy to reimburse at once, it's better to build their vast resources to build fleets or to reinforce the planet's surface!

"But even if the 'Star of Death' in the previous dynasty did not perform well on the battlefield, it would be destroyed in an instant. The new dynasty will build a new 'Star of Death' again and again. What are the people? Is it so many military experts and technology? Experts are idiots, can't see the fatal flaws of these super-star battles?

"No, the focus is not military, but politics. The purpose of spending huge sums of money to build these super star wars is not to make them strong on the battlefield, but to absorb a lot of places in the construction process. The resources have weakened the power of the local tyrannical power, and made the local tyranny unable to resist the imperial court’s command, so as to ensure the long-term stability of the Great Unification Empire.

"Of course, the local tycoon is also well aware of this abacus of the court, so through various channels to smear the role of the super-star battle, even in various literary works, depicting a 'superstar' 'Destroyed scenes, ridiculed this kind of 'nothing, no one's weapon', in fact, just do not want to be used by the court to use the 'build a dead star' excuse to **** blood.

"In the past, the local counter-attacks have worked. No empire can carry out the strategy of weakening the locality. Besides, the celestial star is a ready-made capital. Too busy is too convenient. No emperor is willing to leave this world of flowers and flowers. Start at zero.

"After the millennium, I couldn’t see it, but I can’t bear it. But today, I have clearly recognized the ridiculousness of the fixed capital. I have long decided to move the capital and move the emperor from the celestial star to a large and powerful fleet. To turn the empire into a 'big starship civilization' in a certain sense.

"It’s just that it’s a big deal. The interest groups that are entrenched in the celestial stars are too many and too stubborn. Not only do the four major electorate families have great interests here, but the reformists, including the Wuying people, are also deeply rooted here. The motion of moving out of the capital will surely be opposed by countless people. There is no way. The Tianji Star has been the capital of human civilization for four or five thousand years before and after. The people who are blind and shackled have long been used to it. They can’t think of it. problem.

"So, I simply went to the bottom of the pot and ruined the extreme heavens and the celestial stars. As a result, the flies of those Rory slammed all of them, and they would not do it if they didn't move!"

"Although there will be a small price in the short term, in the long run, this will greatly benefit the sustainable development of human civilization. The so-called "fast knife and chaos, long pain is better than short pain"!

"Sacrificing a very heavenly world, but you can get a super-combat force that is extremely powerful, and everyone is loyal, clean and honest, and then you will relocate the entire court to this new fleet, you can name it 'The Imperial Capital'.

"From now on, the Emperor's fleet regularly patrols the entire Xinghai. Every time there is a big world, especially those big worlds controlled by powerful princes, they use local resources to continuously strengthen the fleet and deal with local maladministration and corruption. Selecting local talents, bringing the best talents to the fleet, strengthening the court and weakening the place, so that the cycle can be repeated every two or three decades, twenty or thirty years, even if Local tyrannical powers are inconceivable, and it is too late to develop new rebel forces. Even if corruption occurs at the grassroots level, it will not spread too much and will be immediately removed and treated.

"So, let alone the millennium, even after 10,000 years, the empire is still stable, the river is clear and clean, and it will never decay!

"And the size and combat effectiveness of the Emperor's fleet, including generations and generations of strong people living in the Imperial Capital, will also become stronger and stronger, continue to climb the peak of evolution, wait until the time is ripe, reserve enough resources, technical strength and combat power, the emperor The fleet can be transformed into a 'big universe expeditionary army' and rushed out directly!

"Li Aiqing, what do you think is the picture of the future? Do you think it is the only viable solution?"

Li Yao licked his tongue and groaned, still feeling dry.

He increasingly feels that Wu Yingqi is justified -- at least there is some truth.

"It’s still the same sentence, you feel that there are any omissions or mistakes in the details, even though you are free to speak."

Wu Yingqi said with greatness, "As long as Ai Qing has something to say, he is guaranteed to be like a stream."

"Yes, there is another omission!"

Li Yao’s brains are in a mess, and the details of the death are said. “The 'Tomorrow Plan' will not kill tens of billions of people in an instant, but will completely disrupt the brains of these people and make them become full of killing desires. The beast, making the boundless horror on the celestial star, but doing so, isn't it easy to trigger the super-large 'Devil's coming?'

"When you fight, the fishermen are profitable, and you are thinking that the factors of the innovation, the Wanshang Business Alliance, the Lei Chenghu, the four major families, the sacred alliance, and even the comprehension are counted. Every link is counted to the extreme. But have you considered the problem of the extraterrestrial demon? If the demon outside the field suddenly smashes out and turns the countless civilians who have fallen into the horror of the celestial star into a 'magic man', what should be done!"

As soon as this statement came out, Wu Yingqi couldn't help but smile.

"Li Aiqing really thinks about it, she can think of the problem of the demon outside the domain, but..."

Wu Yingqi smiled. "Don't worry about the demon. I have already calculated this variable, and I have to solve all the devils and let them become empire."

"Can you control hundreds of millions of demons?"

Li Yao was shocked again, squinting at Wu Yingqi's well-thought-out expression, and there were countless nerve bundles in his mind, and he thought of something in his mind.

No, no, no problem, no problem, he has always neglected a very important thing.

What is it, think about it, that is the key, the key to it is Wu Yingqi’s biggest secret.

Yes, there is no reason, it doesn't make sense!

"Speaking, how did you know the secret of the 'Golden Crystal Tower', not only the precise coordinates, but also the manipulation method, and even the method of transforming the Golden Crystal Tower into a 'super giant brain wave increaser' is clear?"

Li Yao seems to be talking to himself and whispering in the weakest voice. "Although you have been in the emperor's tomb for hundreds of years, you can't know from the emperor - because the emperor's tomb is opened. At the core, half of the keys were never found under the shackles, and finally they fell into my hands.

"Since His Majesty has never really opened the core of the tomb, it is of course impossible to obtain all the inheritance of the Emperor, not to mention that I believe that the Emperor is not the kind of person who will transform the Golden Crystal Tower and prepare to brainwash all human beings. Besides, the Emperor It is the biggest enemy of the demon outside the domain. There is no reason to control the millions of demons.

"From the perspective of the celestial star wars thousands of years ago, only two people knew the secret of the Golden Crystal Tower. Except for the emperor, it was the 'doomsday mad blood god", and the blood **** was eroded by the celestial demon, and then became a cultivator. The rebel who betrayed the emperor and the commander of the blood **** is the coalition of the 'human, demon and demonic'!

"Don't -

"Your Majesty can be an incomplete, embarrassing and escaped exile from the former Wuying world. In just a few hundred years, he became the black star of the real human empire, and the legendary most powerful cultivator. 'Between, what is the relationship?'

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