Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2623: Four arrows and four carvings!

As soon as this statement came out, the atmosphere of the entire illusion space instantly became murderous.

Behind the image of Wu Yingqi’s smoky smog, he even raised a heavy **** wave.

If there are thousands of monsters composed of demons and ghosts, they will become the source of his new power.

"Really... It’s really keen observation. You have repeatedly broken through your assessment. It’s really awkward to you. Li Aiqing, I really want to kill you, and I am more and more reluctant to kill you!”

Wu Yingqi smiled. "Yes, even if you swear by the mouth, I am afraid you will not believe it. The singer and the savage blood of the last days of the sacred gods did have a mentoring relationship before the millennium. The person has learned a lot of things, and that experience has changed both the embarrassment and the pattern of the entire Xinghai.

"However, this is a long story. I will have a chance to talk to Li Aiqing later. Now you only need to know that the blood **** is no longer there. He will not cause any trouble to our plan."

"Your Majesty... killed him?"

Li Yao scrutinized his eyes and turned his eyes. "Blood gods are giving each other a slap in the face, hoping to train his majesty to become his tool and achieve some purpose for him. He did not expect that he would not become a 'devil' as he wished. 'But it is a celestial talent, a unique way to create a third road 'cultivating the immortal' different from the 'realist' and the 'repairer'. From then on, the demon is one, killing the blood **** and creating your own immortality. Hegemony?"

This series of flattering shots of Wu Yingqi is also a face, and nodded again and again: "The specific details, you do not need to know too clearly, you only need to know, it is not the kind of sorcerer who is irrational, controlled by the devil. You can do it."

"This nature, the court looks at the wise and sacred martial arts, the plan is well-deserved, it is nothing to do, nor is it in the absolute chaos, just the traditional cultivator of killing and destruction, but Chen still does not understand, the so-called 'cultivator' and 'secret What is it, and what is the 'out of the world's demon'? Is it really only the negative effects of destruction, killing, destruction, and chaos? Can't it be used to benefit mankind?"

"Of course not. The solitude and the extraterrestrial demon have great value. It can make people like civilizations jump for a thousand years and 10,000 years. But these energies and thoughts are too powerful and too advanced, not most of them. Human beings can bear it directly, which will lead to the insanity of ordinary people and the phenomenon of madness."

Wu Yingqi said, "When I was taught by the blood god, I also heard him tell a lot about the 'foreign demon' and the heavens. The 'Zentian Wanjie' here is not the three thousand we often say. The world is big, but the universe outside the universe, is..."

Li Yao blurted out: "Multiverse!"

"Well, the multiverse, the word is very precise, it seems that Li Aiqing really knows a lot!"

Wu Yingqi deeply gazed at Li Yao and continued. "Since you know the concept of 'multiverse,' you should naturally know that there are many different forms of civilization in the multiverse, and many forms of life are very different from ours. There are countless civilizations that lead our human civilization for tens of thousands of years. It is like a legendary demon.

"But no matter how powerful and advanced the civilization is, it is impossible to avoid the fate of annihilation. The vast majority of civilizations will destroy the essence of the entire civilization in some way, just like the people who are about to die, leaving the most The precious words are the same.

"This ‘civilized last words’ are often launched and existed in the form of a certain 'wave', which contains the inheritance of the entire civilization and the anger and unwillingness to face destruction. That is the embryonic form of the ‘out-of-the-world demon.’

Li Yao listened to God and could not help but ask: "But..."

"However, how can ‘the last words of civilization’ become a sinister ‘out-of-the-zone demon’, right?”

Wu Yingqi smiled slightly. "It's very simple, because most civilizations are not natural declines, 'end to sleep', but encounter a disaster, 'death to death'. In the ancient world, if people suffer from grievances and torture, they will die. A certain chance is turned into a devil, and if a civilization is 'dead to death', it is very likely to be resentful, and the words of the past are full of negative emotions and revenge.

"They hope that their inheritance will be obtained by the new civilization, and that the new civilization will follow their last words and revenge for them in the future. In such a last words, will there be something like 'truth, goodness and beauty'? It must be the most Extreme, the most embarrassing content.

"On the other hand, any inheritance will be constantly distorted and worn away during the drifting between the stars and seas. 'Fluctuation' is not a stable storage method. It will not be riddled with tens of millions of light years after drifting. There are only a few words in the remarks, even if the above records are the peerless supernatural powers of Zhongzheng Pinghe, but only practicing a scale and a half claws, it is very likely that people will be enchanted and become mad.

"More importantly, the shape and individual structure of most civilizations in the multiverse are very different from those of our human beings, and the differences are so large that they are completely incomprehensible.

"Imagine if there is an individual, only the group 'bug community civilization', or a 'single civilization' that occupies a planet in life, leaving a last word, even if this last word does not contain any maliciousness. It is only the seal of all their spiritual imprints, but this last words are heard by ordinary humans, so that ordinary people can instantly become a worm in the swarm, or think that it is a giant covering the planet, this ordinary person can not collapse, can not Insanity?"

Li Yao nodded: "Your words are reasonable."

Wu Yingqi’s remarks coincided with Long Yang’s previous speculation, and it is very likely that it is the truth.

The power of too much expansion is easy to be fascinating, not to mention the power of a heterogeneous civilization that is very different from human beings.

It is normal for ordinary people to be unable to bear such "legacy".

"Although 'the extraterrestrial demon' is extremely dangerous, we still have to study and analyze it because it contains too much value. The simplest example, the application of '幽能', is brought to us by different extraterrestrial demons. The universe is also very likely to help us and rush out of this universe."

Wu Yingqi said, "Of course, the study and analysis of the extraterrestrial demon work can only be carried out after the recapture of the empire. Now it is not necessary to pull it so far. Li Aiqing only knows that he has absolute control over the demon and the devil. Yes.

“In summary, the ‘Tomorrow Plan’ can achieve four goals!

"First of all, it is able to defeat the royal fleet of the four electorate families in one fell swoop and reunite the empire into an indestructible whole!

"Secondly, we can raise the salary at the bottom, solve all the doubts and criticisms about 'Mengdu', and work hard to move the capital, move the political center of the empire from the planet to the starship cluster, and promote human civilization from 'Xinghai civilization' to ' The new level of the big universe civilization!

"Third, with the deep sea fleet as the core, with the Yulin Army and the thundering fleet as the backbone, with the four family's royal fleet as flesh and blood, the new 'Temple of the Imperial Army' will also become the prototype of the future 'Great Universe Expeditionary Army', without any Power can stop us from moving forward.

"Fourth, we still have great possibilities. We will harvest tens of billions of demons. Although these devils are all awkward beasts, they are placed on the front line and defended against the sacred sect. The first line of defense of the main fleet attack, the demon and the sacred squad were originally the undead enemies. I believe that the devil and the sacred people can entangle for a long time, and win valuable time for the squadron and the cohesive forces in the rear. Let the sacred people rush out to take the profit of the 'singular attack' and become a joke!

"The whole plan, four arrows and four carvings, all the details have been taken into account, each problem has a corresponding solution, you can definitely command the real rise of human civilization, Li Aiqing, I believe you have nothing to say now. Let's go!"

Li Yao opened his mouth for a long time and said: "There is nothing to say, my majesty, you are so wise!"

Wu Yingqi smiled slightly: "So, you have no doubts?"

"There is still some doubt about the question."

Li Yaodao, "Please swear down the ignorance of the court, and there are still a lot of details in the court. I don't understand too much. Otherwise, can you squat from the beginning, let's do it again?"


Wu Yingqi’s smile is unchanged, but the eyes are full of demon light. “But there are better ways to let Li Aiqing thoroughly understand the painstaking efforts!”

The voice did not fall, and the black nerve bundle, which was originally as thick as a poisonous snake, re-expanded for another round. Like the blood, it continued to infuse the powerful spirit of Wu Yingqi into the depths of Li Yao’s spirit.

The black lines wrapped around Li Yao's body instantly merged into one piece, expanding into a huge black water droplet, which completely devours Li Yao.


In front of Li Yao, the illusion is over.

He seems to have once again become a Pangu commander who has become a dilemma. He has become a fish that led the people to go ashore and a monkey that fled the forest. It has become a member of the ancient civilization that has been born and died in this small universe for hundreds of millions of years.

Suddenly, he heard countless tragic sorrowful anger rushing to blame him, saying that he killed them because he stopped Wu Yingqi’s plan, which led to the fall of the emperor and the collapse of the empire, and even the destruction of human civilization, countless Everyone died because of his thoughts.

Suddenly, he saw the new empire, the future human civilization, after the implementation of the "Tomorrow Plan".

How powerful is the civilization, the pure and honest planet, the magnificent Emperor's fleet, the tall and beautiful immortal, because in the multiverse, they have found enough living space, even ordinary people can get the resources they have used for a lifetime. Enjoy the boundless bliss.

Numerous pictures, countless sounds, countless ideas, countless imprints, such as the flood of beasts, a brain to the depths of Li Yao's soul, almost destroy all the lines of defense, all the will to pollute, all the gaps have been expanded into The shocking wounds, along the wounds into the deeper consciousness, will soon turn Li Yao’s subconscious mind into an unrecognizable monster!

Li Yao stayed in the black water droplets for a long time, long and long.

Until the end, the black water droplets bloom like a flower bud, and the bright red Li Yao slowly flew out, with an unprecedented awareness on his face.

"Li Aiqing, you are awake."

Wu Yingqi smiled and looked at Li Yao.

"Yes, Your Majesty, Wake up."

The voice of Li Yao can't be said to be gloomy and strange.

"How do you feel now, seeing the road ahead?"

Wu Yingqi asked again.

"Clearly and clearly, it is strange to see through. It is so naive in the past, how many billions of dollars have changed for trillions of dollars and even hundreds of millions of dollars in the future. It is an idiot to do such simple arithmetic problems."

Li Yao deeply stared at Wu Yingqi, and his eyes burst into a thick and inexhaustible light. He slowly extended his arms and clenched his fists. He was very sincere. "Long live the majesty, Long live the black star, long live the real human empire!"

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