Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2625: Despicable!

"Boom, thunder!"

Li Yao and Long Yangjun, two strong men who also climbed to the peak of the realm of the gods, and even above the **** of rejuvenation, all smashed 120% of the skill, the roar of the meteorite collision, the shock wave that surged, Forming huge waves visible to the naked eye.

Even the shock caused by the sudden rise of the Jinjing Tower from the depths of the underground seems to have been covered up by the fighting of the two masters.

Now, even without the point-to-point communicator, you can hear Li Yao and Long Yangjun screaming in the gravel, fog, smoke and shock waves.

"Lee Yao, what are you doing, are you crazy, forget your identity, you are a comprehension!"

"I am not crazy, and I have not forgotten the mission of being a self-cultivator. I want to protect the interests of human civilization to the greatest extent, instead of guarding my personal reputation and morality. I cannot make the whole civilization because of some ridiculous rules in my heart. Destroyed once!"

"What did Wu Yingqi do to you, will you completely brainwash, wake up, and wake up!"

"I am sober, the so-called 'brainwashing' is totally different from what we imagined. His majesty did not forcefully instill any thoughts into my mind. It only inspired me, and made me a little, and made me 'supplement', I am thinking now. What you think and do is from absolute clarity, but you, give me some calm, Long Yangjun!"


"What? What do I say about your real name? That is because hiding has no meaning. You are surrounded by the army, and you are locked in the armpit. How can you hide? How do you hide? You are the only one now. The way out is also the only solution to the chaos. It is like me. I surrendered to the front and shouted from the heart and shouted 'Long live the majesty, Long live the black star.' Believe me, you must believe me, this is the only way to go. It's the only way to save everyone!"

"I believe you are a ghost, you are a traitor, I really blinked to be a friend!"

"Hey, you have to toast and don't eat and drink fine wine, don't blame me for being so hot! Friends? Hehehehe, you and I seem to be not friends from the beginning, but the enemy who is intriguing or even endless? Whether in ancient times In the depths of the saint's son-in-law battleship, it is still the Lord after the empire, and even the deepest place in the depths of the celestial star, there is no worry about teaching the story, you are not playing around with me, how many times have you been yin, You said it yourself! Now I don't care about the suspicion, I want to help you to 'catch the top', you still don't appreciate it? If you don't know how to be good, then just go to hell!"

"Lee Yao, you, you-"

The two men spoke intermittently, and were interrupted by deafening roars from time to time, but they gradually brought with them a strong anger.

The two masters are spelling out the real fire, and there is no such thing as a fake.

Wu Yingqi stopped the Yulin army from going forward, and even let the strongmen in the Yulin army withdraw to the safe area. They stood in the fog and embraced their arms. If they were thoughtful, they carefully perceive Li Yao and Long Yangjun. The psionics that are scattered out of the slaying are able to analyze whether the two are actually playing or playing.

It seems that they are playing really.

Li Jialing stood straight in front of Wu Yingqi, but her heart was cold and half-hearted, but it was overwhelmed by the other side. It was not daring to move half a step. It was only when Wu Yingqi concentrated on perceiving the battle of Li Yao and Long Yangjun. Arm, go back to the brain.

Unexpectedly, the arm just lifted a half point, and it was felt that Wu Yingqi’s direction shot dozens of psionic tentacles, entangled his entire arm, and the flesh and blood were pulled out of the deep blood marks!

"do not move."

Wu Yingqi didn't look at the little lion. He still stared at Li Yao and Long Yangjun in the depths of the smoke. He said, "This body is awkward, you are honest, you can leave you half-restrained." Soul, otherwise, you will take out your three souls and smash them out, turn them into gray fly, and grind them into powder, so that you will never be super-born!"

Li Jialing was broken by Wu Yingqi, and the whole arm was broken. Then he found that he did not know when he fell into the hands of Wu Yingqi, but he was stuck in the arms of Wu Yingqi’s cold and jade. Behind, the two men vacated like a strange bird and jumped into the battlefield of Li Yao and Long Yangjun.

Now, Li Yao and Long Yangjun are on the left and right sides of Wu Yingqi.

If the two were just acting, this is actually a very good pinch position.

However, Li Yao did not attack Wu Yingqi's signs. Instead, he spurred hundreds of orange-red hot streams from the Qiankun ring. He shook his head and shot at Longyangjun, and shouted: "Be careful!"

He is really like a loyal eagle dog, and he is in front of Wu Yingqi.

Long Yangjun was shot by Li Yao's flying fire meteor, and he was embarrassed. The whole face rose into pig liver color, and a series of sharp curses broke out in his mouth.

At the same time, a dark spiritual power, like the flood of the breakwater, poured out from Wu Yingqi's eyebrows and swept away from the brains of Long Yangjun.

The strength of Long Yangjun and Li Yao was originally in the middle of the game. Just a short half minute of the fight was the consumption of a lot of physical and mental strength, plus the spiritual attack of Wu Yingqi's distracted series. If you can't eat it, you will scream, and you will go back three steps, and you will see a red blood in your nose and mouth.

Her look became awkward, and the psionic shield of her body was also disordered, even if she had not been hypnotized, at least in a state of confusion.

Li Yao’s body was also infiltrated with a grain of blood in 36,000 pores. He set off his incomparable sputum. He “sickly” gasped and walked toward Long Yangjun, and his right arm condensed a glare. The flame sword, smirked: "Even if you are the dual inheritor of the Pangu and the Nuwa? What if you are a replica of the wild warrior? Even if you know countless secrets about the flood, there are still traces. What can you help me? You are not dying now under the knife of my 'vulture Li Yao'? Tell you the truth, 'Non-family, its heart will be different', from the first day of knowing your identity, we I have no possibility of becoming friends. For so many years, I just want to know one thing, that is, who are the two of us stronger, I will not kill you, this copy of the wild, now it seems, I can, haha, Hahahaha!"

Li Yao raised the flame sword high, and the knives jumped on the face of Long Yangjun and desperate.

"and many more--"

Wu Yingqi frowned deeply and showed a strange look. "Don't start, what did you say, what ‘the hunger inheritors?'”

Li Yao blinked and quickly said: "Nothing, Your Majesty, this is a treacherous, extremely dangerous guy, let her live a second more risk, or wait for the younger to kill her first, then fine It’s not too late to say to your majesty!"

After all, the knife was screaming, but the arm was entangled by a tyrannical force.

"I just told you to ‘do not do it first,’ didn’t you understand?”

Wu Yingqi sinks his face. "The ninety-five lord, killing and killing, who wants to die, whoever wants to die, whoever wants to live, whoever wants to live is alive! You carefully tell me what is the non-family class. , the heart will be different, what is the 'red copy of the body', what is the 'double inheritor of Pangu and the female Yi?'"

"This one……"

Li Yao looked at Long Yangjun a little embarrassedly, and coughed a sigh of relief. "The little minister did not dare to hide it - this woman of the pseudonym 'Oriental Moon", no, can't be a woman, in short, this guy, the real name is ' Long Yangjun', she is actually a 'primitive man'. It is a certain era of elite soldiers who have received multiple modulations and saved them in the form of frozen embryos for hundreds of thousands of years before they broke through the shell. The whole thing is very Complex, in short, she has more or less mastered some of the secrets of the ruins, there is a certain value, but that is nothing, her secret ministers mostly know, or kill her insurance first!"

"There is something like this..."

Even Wu Yingqi was surprised, and carefully looked at Long Yangjun for a long time, said, "The details, you say one by one, come and go, clues, don't miss a star and a half!"


Li Yao has gathered a large amount of information about the ancient sacred world, including the Nvwa Battleship and Pangudi Palace, etc., all of which have been merged into information flow, and told Wu Yingqi in the way of the gods.

Wu Yingqi listened more and more shocked, watching Long Yangjun's eyes more and more hot: "If this is true, it is really a rare origin, no wonder she can shake the 'worry-free education' in the ground, what is 'forgetting the goddess'. ”

The unparalleled "Tian De Trial Court" is not a wine bag, and the worry-free teaching has made such a big movement. Naturally, a lot of evidence has been collected and all reported to Wu Yingqi.

Li Yao smiled bitterly: "Your Majesty, don't you believe in the loyalty of the young minister? If it is not true, how can a small minister possibly think about such a tortuous and bizarre thing than a novel?"

"Li Aiqing should not be too heart-felt, and he has absolute confidence in the technology of 醍醐 醍醐 顶 顶 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Wu Yingqi said, "He is just thinking, if you say it is true, then this woman must have mastered the secrets of countless floods, and it will be of great use to the future empire and all mankind."

Li Yao hesitated for a moment, said: "Probably it is, but she is obsessed with obscurity, and there is no way for Chen, or a knife to kill, never suffer!"

The voice did not fall, Long Yangjun was like a raging poisonous lizard and rushed toward Li Yao. Even though Wu Yingqi’s invisible force was in the air, it was also a screaming scream: “Lee Yao, you This scum, beast, hybrid, I treat you as the only friend in the universe, trust you, tell me the biggest secrets, and you will betray me like this!

"You sneak back to the emperor to balance the situation between the empire and the sacred alliance, and finally save your own country, the constellation of the glory, but what about me? What is the matter of the Xingyao Federation, what is human civilization, what should I be stupid and You come to play together, are you all dead and shut me down? Just because I treat you as a friend, be the only friend, I am a knife for my friends!

"As a result, I have a knife for you. You just put a knife in my heart? Haha, hahahaha, okay, okay, it’s so good, you do the first day, I do fifteen, I Will ask you to pay the price, pay the most painful price!

"Your Majesty, I am willing to surrender to your feet, to dedicate all the secrets about the ruined civilization to you, only one - kill him, kill the pigs that are not as good as the pigs and dogs, and then smother his motherland, that is called The **** place of 'Xingyao Federation'!

"There is no star map, don't know the exact coordinates? It doesn't matter, I have it. I have the general coordinates of the Xingyao Federation and their military, political, economic and other detailed information. I can hand it over to my Majesty, as long as you can help." I have destroyed his country, and I have to look at it. Under the blaze of the destruction of the Starry Federation, Li Yao, what is your face?

"You don't have to glare at me like this. Now I know that I am afraid that it is already late. This is what you forced me. 'It’s not my family, my heart will be different.' This sentence is really good, then you will open your eyes and see clearly. How terrible it will be after a 'interracial' is completely dead, hahahahahahahahahahaha!"

Long Yangjun is like a raging revenge witch, with five senses twisted, his head shed, and he laughs loudly.

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