Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2626: Dog bites the dog!

"Hello, you are poisonous!"

Li Yao’s face was white and chaotic, pointing at Long Yangjun’s nose and screaming. “When I first met, I knew that you were a sinister, mad, savage villain. You are using it from start to finish. I slowly approached the center of the Xinghai! Earlier, you just watched our thunderweed's thighs thick enough. We wanted to get enough resources from us to help you repair the Nvwa battleship. You just came up and fought side by side with me. Now I found this. The thick legs created by pure gold, you naturally kicked me and the federation, but they want to use them to achieve their goals.

"Your Majesty, don't believe her, she is lying to you, she is acting, really kneeling, I swear to God that she is really acting, you don't even believe in half a word, what is it that kills her? Nothing is left!"

"Who are the two of us who are acting, I know clearly!"

Long Yangjun is full of faint phosphorus fires, and makes a stern smile. "Li Yao, you have to play so absolutely, now regret it is too late! I have so many secrets of the ruins, so many coordinates of the remains, The manipulation method of the Nuwa warship, the upgrade model of the giant warrior, and the countless achievements of countless wilderness eras, as long as I give me enough time and resources, I can reinstate it and give it to my majesty. My value to you is definitely beyond you. This despicable villain and your poor union!

"As you said, I am alone in the Xinghai. I want to survive. I am just looking for a thick enough thigh to hold. I used to see that everyone has a relationship, and the thighs that hold the Federation will endure. Since you are so unrelenting, and your majesty is the only Xinghai supreme that can be compared with the 'emperor' in the past and the present, why don't you hold such a thick thigh?

"I think, the reason why you are so anxious to kill me, besides completely tearing my face and fearing my revenge, I am worried that I will leak the secret of the Xingyao Federation and know it, so you have to kill it? Even the coordinates of the Federation are reluctant to tell your Majesty, and what is your loyalty to your majesty? It’s ridiculous!"

"This this--"

Li Yao seems to have been poked into anger, and he is angry and angry. The white face is full of strong sorrows. The two eyes turn around and think about how to break through Wu Yingqi’s control field and kill Long Yangjun.

"Your Majesty, seeing his thief's eyes, this despicable villain can't believe it!"

Long Yangjun is cold and cold. "He is famous in his hometown for his superb acting, bottomless tactics and despicable character. If anyone believes that he is half a word, he will be pitted with bones and scum. No, I dare to swear to God, he is definitely acting, maybe he has not been brainwashed, at least not washed so badly - because he once told us that he has received a special soul The brain domain is not the same as normal practitioners and is immune to most mental attacks.

"So, squat, don't hesitate, no matter what the shameless person said, as long as he turns a deaf ear, he slashes his dog's head, hehe, the whole universe is quiet!"

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, we have had a deal!"

Li Yao rushed out with a white sweat. "You promised to partially retain the independence of our self-cultivators, and even let me participate in the '醍醐 顶 顶 committee', you won't, oh, you won't..."

"Is the independence of the self-cultivator? It’s ridiculous, what is your qualification for the small star constellation, and what is the qualification to bargain with the real human empire?"

Long Yangjun smiled lightly. "I am much simpler. In fact, I just want to uncover the mystery of my origin and find out what is going on in the wild war hundreds of thousands of years ago. I believe that there must be Numerous treasures of ancient treasures can't break the secrets, and I can crack the secrets without these treasures, so my complementarity with my Majesty is much stronger than you!"

"Your Majesty, kill her!"

Li Yao is speechless and sound.

"Your Majesty, kill him!"

Long Yangjun is full of grievances and murderous.

"Enough, what do you think is what you are, let alone the executioner you are at?"

Wu Yingqi has been cold-eyed watching the two dogs biting the dog, but the corner of his mouth is floating with a smile on the Diaoyutai. Until now, seeing the two people really make trouble, this will sink their face, scream, let the two Just calm down.

"Li Aiqing, the so-called 'jun no jokes', since you promised that as long as you get lost, you will be able to forgive you and most of the sins of the self-cultivators, and you will easily go to the expedition, and then engage in a war of destruction? The four major electorate families who have deep hatred and hatred, those who are 'pretending the immortals', can forgive most of them, and there is no reason to attack the self-cultivators who are not familiar with the stars at the seaside - as long as you don't look for a dead end, you accept 朕You can save your life by licking the top of the house. You can rest assured."

Wu Yingqi eased his tone, hit a slap in the face, comforted Li Yao, and turned his eyes to Long Yangjun. "Dragon...Love Qing, you don't have to care too much about your identity, although your origins are somewhat Special, but acting arbitrarily, it is always a merit, the hero does not ask the source.

"In the eyes of the cricket, the thirteen carbon-based life of the ancient civilizations of the ancient civilizations have jointly extracted their own genetic essences, and injected them into the ancient scorpion carefully selected on the azure planet to modulate the perfection in the universe. The carbon-based living body is our human being.

"So, from Pangu to humanity, there is no clear boundary at all. It is just a different stage of evolution of the same kind of life. Everyone is a ‘humanity’ in a broad sense, and it is the master of this universe.

"Not to mention that you were a human being hundreds of thousands of years ago, but you have accepted some special genetic transformations and spiritual cultivation. You don't feel that you are different from others. Even because you have some adventures, Instead, I feel quite kind to you!"


Long Yang Jun is overjoyed.

"Of course, we are the same kind of people, 朕, Long Aiqing and Li Aiqing, we are all standing at the peak of evolution."

Wu Yingqi waved his hand and smashed the railroad. "Our history, our past, these are not important. What is important is that in the future, as long as we unite as one, we will be able to create a new generation of real humans in the near future!"

"Since you two are old friends, and now fighting for the same purpose, why bother to make a fuss for a moment of anger? You guys believe, you don't know... what are you doing next? ""

"What's next?"

Li Yao and Long Yangjun looked at each other.

Both of them have knives and swords in their eyes.

"Your Majesty, I want to be frank!"

Long Yangjun suddenly said, "You can know that Li Yao is not good, and he has set a big trap on Li Jialing. In fact, this time we took Li Jialing to the bottom of the celestial star, and to a large extent Send this trap and hope to step into it!"


Wu Yingqi has a lot of interest, "What kind of trap?"

"Before departure, Li Yao gave a minimally invasive surgery to Li Jialing. Behind his neck, a small Qiankun ring was placed in the position of the cervical vertebrae. This is the place where Li Qiang is hidden. Self-refinement, known as the magic weapon of the prohibition that even the gods can suppress, he called it 'the bundle of Xiansuo'."

Long Yangjun smugly glanced at Li Yao and continued. "He knows that His Majesty's body is determined to be in the face of Li Jialing, but he deliberately treats Li Jialing's body as a trap, so that if he does not observe the next time, he will be his own soul. Infused with Li Jialing's body, it was just caught by his 'bundle of sacred ropes'!

"With the powerful strength of the subordinates of the subordinates, the district's 'bundle of immortals' is naturally difficult to survive, but as long as it can cause a certain degree of interference to the majesty, it can provide great convenience for his follow-up attacks.

"This Qiang Kun ring can be remotely controlled by Li Yao's gods, or it can be manually controlled by Li Jialing himself. As long as he gently presses it on the back of his head, he can't tell him if he is so poisonous. ?"

When the voice did not fall, Li Yao made a sneer: "Long Yangjun, this time you are very wrong, I really want to rely on you, of course, I will tell him the first time, otherwise you think, kneel down. What have you been doing behind the neck of Li Jialing?"


Long Yangjun can't believe it.

Wu Yingqi observed the subtle reaction of the two, and the five fingers sucked, and the hard life would **** out the ring in the neck of Li Jialing.

Li Jialing originally looked at the two people with a stunned look. At this moment, the neck and flesh and blood were torn apart, and they could not help but scream, and they would have to pass out. I don’t know whether it is mad or painful.

Wu Yingqi put the size of the fingernail in the palm of his hand and played it for a while, and threw it to Li Yao.

Li Yao's hands were printed and violently opened. In the middle of the ring, the smashing shackles popped up like a scorpion, and it was like a big mouth that would bite at any time.

It’s not hard to imagine that if hundreds of cold teeth are bitten together, it’s not hard to imagine them if they are squatting on people.

Not to mention the series of hollow steel needles that can penetrate deep into the suture, as well as the venom contained in the steel needle.

No matter how powerful the soul of Wu Yingqi is, the moment he just took the house is always in a state of extreme weakness. If it is suddenly trapped by this "bundle of celestial beings", the consequences are unimaginable.

"What a delicate imprisonment magic weapon, and only Li Aiqing's master hand, can refine such a clever toy."

Wu Yingqi smiled and said, "Well, you said, your two masters went deep into the Longtan Tiger Cave, but they still took a Li Jialing from the Luo Luo network. This fact is too unreasonable, and the original will not rashly move his body, but since you Being so frank, it saves a lot of time for a comprehensive inspection."

Li Yao licked his mouth and revealed his sharp teeth to Long Yangjun.

Long Yangjun was somewhat unsettled and continued: "Well, even if Li Yao has already explained to his majesty, then did he explain to his majesty that he has a **** ritual with a magic weapon called '枭龙号', With the unbreakable black light drill bit, there are countless Qiankun Rings filled with spar bombs, which are specially used to blow up the most secret of the target?"

Not waiting for Wu Yingqi to answer, Li Yao took the two hands out of the dragon, and smiled and said: "I have been confessing with my Majesty. I have such a magic weapon. I just used it to drill through the master crystal of the Jinjing Tower. The shell, ready to sneak in and put in the spar bomb, I ended up repenting at the most critical moment, naturally summoning it back with all the spar bombs - this kind of thing, still use you?"

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